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From the creators of Great British Pack and Great British Editorial. Great British Identity showcases a selection of the most outstanding corporate identity design projects carried out in the UK, together with their secrets and the personality behind each studio. Undoubtedly, this book offers a representative insight into the current British design panorama in the field of corporate identity design, including references from studios such as Inventory Studio, Pentagram, Damien Poulin, Yacht Associates or Golden, among others.
Journey back in time and take a walk through the historic streets of the world's greatest cities.
Great City Maps is the companion title to DK's Great Maps and takes a focused look at over 70 gorgeously illustrated historical maps and plans of cities around the globe. Dive into the details of each beautiful map and learn about interesting features with visual tours of the maps' highlights - such as the Old London Bridge of London in 1572 and the orchards of Brooklyn in 1767 New York.
Cities are centers of civilization and the way their maps portray them reflects their politics, religion, and culture. See how certain cities, and cartographic techniques, changed over time. More than just a bird's-eye view, this irresistible book tells the tales behind the cities from the hubs of ancient peoples to modern mega-cities, and profiles the iconic cartographers and artists who created each map.
Perfect for history, geography, and cartography enthusiasts and a stunning gift for armchair explorers of all ages, Great City Maps is your window into the world's most fascinating cities.
Пролистать книгу Great City Maps: A Historical Journey Through Maps, Plans, and Paintings на Google Books.
ILLUSTRATIONS: 94 col., 718 b&w
The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London in 1851 was the first of a series of international exhibitions that have continued, in one form or another, to the present day. The content of these exhibitions gave nations and individual companies of the world the opportunity to display their specialised skills and present new ideas and products to a much wider public.
In this book, Jonathan Meyer looks at major international exhibitions held during the nineteenth century and focuses on the important changes taking place at this time, in both society and design. He examines the enormous impact of the Industrial Revolution and how it came to influence the decorative arts, through changes in machinery and scientific methods.
This book contains a wide-ranging and striking collection of illustrations, mostly from contemporary sources, providing the reader with a very good idea of the exceptionally high quality of inventiveness and workmanship displayed by the manufacturers and their exhibits. Examples discussed and illustrated cover most areas of manufacture and include ceramics; silver and metalwork; furniture; cast iron and garden furniture; chandeliers and candelabra; clocks; bronze ornament; textiles; chimney-pieces and interior design.
A superbly illustrated guide to 64 maps from all around the world!
From examples of medieval Mappa Mundi and the first atlas to Google Earth and maps of the moon, this captivating maps book is a must-have for all history and geography enthusiasts and explorers!
Embark on a visual tour of the world's finest maps! This fascinating world atlas book:
- Analyses each map visually, with the help of pull-outs and graphic close-up details
- Traces the history of maps chronologically, providing a fascinating overview of cartography through the ages
- Tells the story behind each map - why it was created, who it was for, and how it was achieved
- Profiles key cartographers, explorers, and artists
- Draws together navigation, propaganda, power, art, and politics through the world's greatest maps
Maps are much more than just geographical data. They are an accurate reflection of the culture and context of different time frames in history. This remarkable geography book puts cartography on the map! It tells the stories behind great maps through stunning pull-out details and reveals how they have helped people make sense of the world.
Embark on a global adventure of a lifetime with this world map book and see our planet like never before! On this mind-blowing journey, you'll encounter maps that show the way to heaven, depict lands with no sunshine and even the world ocean floor.
With incredible secret stories from British historian, Jerry Brotton, and insight into how mapmakers have expressed their world views, Great Maps is a welcome addition to any armchair cartographer's bookshelf.
Пролистать книгу Great Maps: The World's Masterpieces Explored and Explained на Google Books.
Creating an individual character – that is precisely what the designers represented in this book have achieved.
The works included comprise a wide range of categories: « 2D « analog « digital « 3D « Animated « Vinyl « Paper « Plush & Textile « Street & Urban « Readymades « and more. Men, women, children and animals are shown here, but also fantasy creatures, represented for example as cartoon characters or caricatures. Some are in colour, others are black-and-white; they might be friendly, evil, funny, beautiful or ugly.
As usual, we’ve chosen the most original, inventive and best contributions for inclusion in the book.
700 Illustrations
Fashion is everywhere, it's short-lived, it's superficial, it's addictive. What could be a better field for a designer to let their creativity run riot? Especially since fashion design means so much more that „just“ clothing in the narrowest sense. Therefore, „Great New Fashion Design“ includes clothes, accessories, hats, ties, bags, jewelry, watches, hairstyles, shoes etc etc.
We've assembled a multitude of brand new works from all around the globe in the form of photos, drawings, sketches, computer graphics, collages, even manga-style illustrations. Thus, „Great New Fashion Design“ not only documents current aesthetic trends and styles, it is also an impressive compilation of techniques. It's both about WHAT you do and HOW you do it. The styles are just as diverse – ranging from nostalgic, retro sixties, retro seventies, retro eighties styles to contemporary urban and even futuristic.
So there's a lot to discover on these pages. browse and enjoy.
Green Design colorfully documents the rising trend to create and market new and innovative products that help consumers downsize and upgrade their lives. Through a carefully chosen selection of green toys, objects, fabrics, paper and alternative energy sources, the photographs and articles in Green Design illustrate what happens when green-minded lifestyles meet well-designed, high quality products. Many of the examples in this book show how successful business plans can flourish when ecological and social responsibility are core considerations.
Though the book features color photographs of all the products mentioned – from American Apparel to Lego to Sonic Fabric to Jimi Wallets to Stupid Sock Creatures – Green Design is not a glorified catalog. It is a well-focused collection of products created by over 50 designers that exemplifies their work and the inspiration behind it.
With articles by writers who have collectively contributed to Wired, Mother Jones, NPR’s All Things Considered, Entertainment Weekly, The Asian Wall Street Journal, Print, The San Francisco Chronicle, I.D., dwell and Photo District News, Green Design is suited for designers implementing aspects of green design and consumers who want to be informed about the products they buy.
Sustainability has become one of the most important words and objectives in the last years. Eco-friendly and eco-friendly produced products are being hyped, especially if they are well designed. Green Design encompasses products from vastly different areas of life representing different aspects of environmentally friendly and sustainable design.
This book presents around 100 products that are not only "Green", but also "Design": beautiful and functional everyday objects that qualify through certain principles of environmental sustainability. These include environmentally friendly resources, production and disposal, energy efficient or energy self-sufficient use as well as fair production.
From the contents:
Energy (USBcell by Moixa Design Products, Great Britain)
Fashion (Woven Food Wrappers by Mitz, Mexico)
Home (Wooden Radio by Singgih Susilo Kartono, Indonesia)
Light (SunCubes by Geotectura, Israel)
Public (Photosynthesis Car by Michal Vlcek & Piano, Czech Republic)
Work (soft wall + soft block Modular System by molo, Canada)
Children should have their own space in the house because it is where they spend most of their leisure, rest, study time, and where they develop their creativity...
This book showcases some of the most exciting and innovative environmentally-friendly products for creating wonderful living spaces for children. Children spend such a large amount of their time at home - study, rest, and play - that having a space of their own, where they can develop their creativity and sense of self, is extremely important. It is in this space we can begin to inform children of the value of the environment and sustainability.
Green Design for Kids is a magnificently illustrated volume that showcases how recycled, eco-friendly, and bio-degradable materials can be used to create innovative, practical, and stimulating products for children and their spaces the live in.
This book brings together the strongest contemporary graphic design promoting sustainability and the fight against climate change.
The texts look back in time to posters and ideas that set the stage for the current movement (World War II posters, images of international co-operation, posters from the environmental movement in the 1960s and 1970s) and ask: what is the efficacy of the purposeful, message-orientated graphic image today?
The book includes a compilation of the best posters on the theme of sustainability by contemporary artists, among them Paul Elliman, Shepard Fairey, DJ Spooky, Geoff McFetridge, James Victore and Vier5. These posters, which have a strong graphic presence and never rest on the tired slogans of the past.
Also included is a section on action, with documentation of designs at work in the world: on buses, billboards, protesters’ placards and graffiti.
This book brings together all the concepts of eco-behaviour which will guide our lives in the 21st century, offering the reader alternative ways of living which reconcile design and aesthetics with sustainable development. It contains ecological values attached to state-of-the-art design principles to achieve a better quality of life, better product design, better living environments, better clothing, a better bicycle and even a better London double-decker bus! Illustrated with full colour photographs of state of the art designs for everyday products which conform to 21st ecological requirements.
Regardless if it's the standard paper card or its digital equivalent, greeting cards are indispensable both in private life and business life. Of course modern greeting cards have little in common with those old flowery-types... or do they? This volume collects an abundance of contemporary designs for greeting cards.Regardless if it's the standard paper card or its digital equivalent, greeting cards are indispensable both in private life and business life. Of course modern greeting cards have little in common with those old flowery-types... or do they? This volume collects an abundance of contemporary designs for greeting cards.
This book is suitable for those who work with automated text and image design. It shows examples of working correctly on a conceptual level. Exact directions for using all of the grid systems presented (8 to 32 grid fields) are given to the user. These can be used for the most varied of projects. The three-dimensional grid is treated as well. Put simply: a guidebook from the profession for the profession.
The development of organisational systems in visual communication was the service and the accomplishment of the representatives of simple and functional typography and graphic design. In the 1920s in Europe, works already arose in the areas of typography, graphic design and photography with objectified conception and rigid composition. In 1961 a brief presentation of the grid with text and illustrations appeared for the first time in an earlier book by the author. Articles published mainly in trade journals then followed.
This book now attempts to close a gap by giving examples and exact directions to the professional concerning all grid problems that can occur.
The author, a world-renowned professional, thus offers his colleagues the tools to solve problems more easily.
Ideas-packed reference resource for publication designers
Now revised and updated with brand new content, this second edition of Grids will give designers of all levels further inspiration and know-how to create outstanding layouts that will succeed in todays fast-moving and competitive marketplace. Innovative grids provide structure, movement, space, flexibility, and impact. Grids showcases a selection of the best designs for a variety of work, including books, magazines, newspapers, catalogues, brochures, posters, flyers, stationery, and websites. Each design is presented in its original form, and with all the guides and margins overprinted, to afford the reader an insight into how the layout was built around the underlying grid. Detailed captions provide all the essential information, such as the format, measurements, binding, finish, and also the creative inspiration behind the design. An accompanying CD includes grid templates in InDesign and QuarkXPress, plus three illustrated projects and six unique tutorials. This is a truly indispensable reference book for all practitioners and students of graphic design.
Grids gives designers of all levels the inspiration and know-how to create outstanding layouts that will succeed in today’s fast-moving and competitive marketplace.
Innovative grids provide structure, movement, space, flexibility, and impact. Grids showcases a selection of the best designs for a variety of work, including books, magazines, newspapers, catalogues, brochures, posters, flyers, stationary, and websites. Each design is presented in its original form, and with all the guides and margins overprinted, to provide an insight into how the layout was built around the underlying grid.
Detailed captions give all the essential information, such as the format, measurements, binding, finish, and the creative inspiration behind the design.