Helmut Newton
Newton’s collection of portraits from the worlds of film, fashion, politics and culture can be considered a pantheon of VIP’s. But his work is a lot more besides. From his portraits, one can see that he would have most liked to be a Roman paparazzo – as he once admitted. Anyone who had a portrait made by him knew what the result would be, and by the 1980s there were absolutely no ‘beautiful people’ in this world who did not want to be photographed by him! In front of his camera, both men and women peeled off their covers – literally as well as figuratively. His brilliant staged creations celebrate the attractiveness and prominence of his models as well as their vanity and imperfections. Newton’s top-quality work for major fashion journals and elitist art magazines is likewise first-class erotic art. This collection was first published in 1985.
Хельмут Ньютон, один из крупнейших мастеров современной фотографии моды, «жрец эротической светописи», известнейший портретист бомонда, отразивший в своем творчестве многие мифы коллективного бессознательного, он создавал фотографические образы потрясающей силы.
К 80-м годах прошлого века не было ни одного представителя бомонда, который не мечтал бы оказаться перед его объективом.
Данное издание - знаменитая книга Хельмута Ньютона, в которой собраны портреты звезд кино, моды и политики.
About the Photographer:
Helmut Newton (1920-2004) was one of the most influential fashion photographers of all time. Born in Berlin, he arrived in Australia in 1940 and married June Brunell (a.k.a. Alice Springs) eight years later. He achieved international fame in the 1970`s while working principally for French Vogue, and over the next three decades, his celebrity and influence continued to grow. Eschewing studios, for the most part, Newton preferred to shoot in the streets or in interiors. His mixture of controversial scenarios, bold lighting, and striking compositions came to form his signature look. In 1990 he was awarded the "Grand Prix National" for photography; in 1992 was awarded by the German government "Das Grosse Verdienstkreuz" for his services to German culture and was appointed "Officer des Arts, Lettres et Sciences" by S.A.S. Princess Caroline of Monaco. In 1996, he was appointed "Commandeur de l`Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" by Philippe Douste-Blazy, the French Minister of Culture. Working and living in close companionship with his wife until his death at 83, through his last click of the shutter he continued to be as distinctive and influential as ever.