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Pierre Assouline
ID: 18529
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The definitive biography of the greatest photographer of modern times - a vital addition to the library of everyone with an interest in photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson was the eye of the 20th century. His lens chronicled the decisive moments of his time – from Chinese communist victories to the Spanish Civil War and the Liberation of Paris. A co-founder of Magnum Photos, Cartier-Bresson produced unparalleled portraits of his contemporaries, capturing the spirit of Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre and William Faulkner.

Cartier-Bresson took Pierre Assouline into his confidence over a number of years, detailing his youthful devotion to surrealism, lifelong passion for drawing, and experiences of war and prison camps. This sensitive biography emerges from a meeting of two minds, revealed with the same truth as one of Cartier Bresson’s photographs.

Contents List:

Introduction • 1. Family Threads: 1908–27 • 2. The Decisive Moments 1927–31 • 3. The Artist in Search of His Medium 1932–35 • 4. The End of the Old World 1936–39 • 5. Nationality: Escapee 1939–46 • 6. From New York to New Delhi 1946–50 • 7. The World is His Studio 1950–70 • 8. Towards Another Life 1970–2004

About the Author:

Pierre Assouline has published several biographies of cultural figures, among them books on Georges Simenon and Hergé.

Цена: 900 грн
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Anne de Mondenard, Agnès Sire
ID: 13959
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Explores the key role Paris played in Cartier-Bresson's artistic career, and the way he looked at the city he lived in – and loved

An inveterate traveller, Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) captured the world with his camera, justly earning himself the title of ‘the eye of the century’. Between trips overseas, he regularly photographed Paris, although he rarely spoke about the city that he had made his home, where he had spent his formative years, made friends, and built a hard-won reputation.

Produced in collaboration with the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson and designed to accompany a major exhibition at the Musée Carnavalet, this book showcases more than sixty years of images of Paris. It invites you to follow in the footsteps of a master photographer as he wanders the banks of the Seine and explores the more rarely seen edges of a city in a state of perpetual change

Contents List:

1. 1929-1934: The Beginnings • 2. 1935-1939: The Time of Work Engagement • 1944: The Liberation of Paris • 1944-1994: 20th-Century People • 1951-1966: A Surveyor of life • May 1968 • 1968-1985: After Magnum • 1974-1994: A Return to Drawing

About the Authors:

Anne de Mondenard is a photography historian and curator at the Musée Carnavalet. Agnès Sire has been the director of the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris since its creation in 2003. Peter Galassi is a scholar and curator whose principal fields are photography and 19th-century French art. He was Chief Curator of Photography at The Museum of Modern Art from 1991 to 2011.

Цена: 2800 грн
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Jean Clair
ID: 4087
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

In this moving collection of images, exhibited to great acclaim at the Hayward Gallery in 1998, the celebrated photographer has recorded what it means to be European. Spanning the years from the late 1920s to the early 1990s, his photographs speak of the ongoing business of living for people across Europe, whether Polish priests or Abruzzi peasants.

With his remarkable ability to capture the fragile reality of European life, Henri Cartier-Bresson once again underscores his reputation as one of the 20th century’s most influential and original photographers.

Цена: 1700 грн
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Henri Cartier-Bresson, Clément Chéroux
ID: 15701
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The coronation of George VI on 12 May 1937 was one of the biggest media events of the interwar period. While other photographers focused on the new King, his family and the ceremonial splendour of the day, Henri Cartier-Bresson turned his lens on the crowds that gathered in the streets of London to watch the pageantry.

In a witty reversal of the expected order of proceedings, he shows us ordinary people of all ages and walks of life, some climbing on monuments or each other's shoulders, others straining to get a better view with cardboard periscopes and mirrors on sticks. A few even slump on the ground, the festivities having proved too much. Presented alongside contemporary news clippings from around the world, these remarkable images reflect Cartier-Bresson's unmistakeable photographic eye and capture the British public at a unique historical moment.

About the Authors:

Henri Cartier-Bresson, born in 1908, began his career by studying painting before discovering photography in the early 1930s. In 1947 he founded the legendary cooperative agency Magnum Photos together with Robert Capa, David Seymour, William Vandivert and George Rodger. Cartier-Bresson left Magnum Photos in 1974 to devote himself to drawing and painting until his death in 2004. He is still considered one of the most important photographers of the twentieth century.

Clément Chéroux is director of the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation in Paris. He has also held senior curatorial positions at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Цена: 2800 грн
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Henri Cartier-Bresson
ID: 15082
Издательство: Prestel

This book offers an outstanding retrospective collection of the master of 20th-century photography, Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Reproduced in exquisite black and white, the images in this book range from Henri Cartier-Bresson’s earliest work in France, Spain, and Mexico through his postwar travels in Asia, the US, and Russia, and even include landscapes from the 1970s, when he retired his camera to pursue drawing. While his instinct for capturing what he called the decisive moments was unparalleled, as a photojournalist Cartier-Bresson was uniquely concerned with the human impact of historic events. In his photographs of the liberation of France from the Nazis, the death of Gandhi, and the creation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Cartier-Bresson focused on the reactions of the crowds rather than the subjects of the events. And while his portraits of Sartre, Giacometti, Faulkner, Capote, and other artists are iconic, he gave equal attention to those forgotten by history: a dead resistance fighter lying on the bank of the Rhine, children playing alongside the Berlin Wall, and a eunuch in Peking’s Imperial Court. Divided into six thematic sections, the book presents the photographs in spare double-page spreads. In a handwritten note included at the end of the book, Cartier-Bresson writes, »In order to give meaning to the world, one must feel involved in what one singles out through the viewfinder.« His work shows how he has been able to capture the decisive moment with such extreme humility and profound humanity.

About the Author:

Henri Cartier-Bresson, born in 1908, began his career by studying painting before discovering photography in the early 1930s. In 1947 he founded the legendary cooperative agency Magnum Photos together with Robert Capa, David Seymour, William Vandivert and George Rodger. Cartier-Bresson left Magnum Photos in 1974 to devote himself to drawing and painting until his death in 2004. He is still considered one of the most important photographers of the twentieth century.

Цена: 3800 грн
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Clement Cheroux
ID: 4085
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Henri Cartier-Bresson's photography came to define the 20th century.

This book tells Henri Cartier-Bresson's life story through his images: all the major events from his youth to his death in 2004 are described, contextualized and analysed in the light of his photographic work.

From his early encounters with the Surrealists, his film work and his experiences in the Second World War, to the development of his own personal aesthetic, the concept of the decisive moment, and the foundation of Magnum Photos, his influence on the world has been profound and unforgettable.

Цена: 650 грн
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Michael Brenson
ID: 3234
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) studied painting before taking up photography in his early twenties. One of the founders of the photography agency Magnum (together with Robert Capa and others), he is best known for the consummate skill with which he captured the most fleeting of scenes.

This volume includes selections from his photographs of France, Spain, America, India, Russia, Mexico and pre-revolutionary China. Introduced by Michael Bresson, it show clearly how, for Cartier-Bresson, art is an expression of common humanity.

Цена: 900 грн
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Clément Chéroux
ID: 12284
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A lavishly illustrated monograph that traces Cartier-Bresson’s development as a photographer, activist, journalist and artist

This is an indispensable work for lovers of photography and admirers of Henri Cartier-Bresson, whose influence continues to endure so powerfully today. In addition to some of his best-known photographs, here are many seldom seen or unpublished images, and some rarities in colour as well as black and white.

This is an indispensable work for lovers of photography and admirers of Henri Cartier-Bresson, whose influence continues to endure so powerfully today.

His work embraced art, politics, revolution and war. But more powerful than any of these overarching themes was his evident concern for the human individual at every social level. Cartier-Bresson’s observations of the effects of poverty and revolution around the world led directly to his pioneering photojournalism, and his co-founding of Magnum Photos. He also became renowned for his penetrating portraits of the most prominent figures of his time: Cartier-Bresson’s biographer Pierre Assouline called him ‘the eye of the century’.

About the Author:

Clément Chéroux is senior curator of photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. He was formerly head curator of photography at the Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Contents List:

Introduction • 1. Early Years • 2. An Attraction to the Surreal • 3. Activism • 4. Cinema and War • 5. Photojournalism • 6. Visual Sociology • 7. After Photography

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Анри Картье-Брессон
ID: 11432
Издательство: Клаудберри

“Диалоги” Анри Картье-Брессона – большой сборник интервью, пожалуй, самого известного фотографа ХХ века.

Это издание объединяет двенадцать интервью и бесед, относящихся к периоду с 1951 по 1998 год. В них раскрывается Картье-Брессон увлекательный и увлеченный. Он говорит о фотографии, размышляет о состоянии мира и оглядывается на пройденный путь. Эти высказывания, относящиеся к отрезку времени длиною почти в полвека, позволяют также видеть эволюцию мысли фотографа: он возвращается к некоторым темам, меняет свою точку зрения, иногда противоречит себе. Так возникает не застывшая легенда, а напротив, очень живой образ Картье-Брессона.

«Диалоги» являются идейным продолжением «Воображаемой реальности», знаменитого сборника эссе Анри Картье-Брессона, переведенного на русский язык в 2008 году издательством «Лимбус Пресс» и с тех пор пользующегося огромной популярностью среди любителей фотографии, ее теории, истории и практики.

Несмотря на эту очевидную преемственность, «Диалоги» – в противовес взвешенным, продуманным, отточенным, идеальным эссе – можно сравнить с репортажной съемкой, в которой, по выражению самого Картье-Брессона, «вдруг вне всякой эстетики возникает сама Жизнь».

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Анри Картье-Брессон
ID: 10770
Издательство: Лимбус Пресс

Анри Картье-Брессон - один из основателей современной фотографии, блестящий мастер фотожурналистики.

Дневниковые записи, мемуары и эссе Анри Картье-Брессона, емкие и ясные, как его черно-белые снимки, содержат строгие правила фотосъемки и глубокие суждения о природе фотографии, выразительные описания стран и воспоминания о выдающихся современниках фотографа.

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Roberto Koch, Laura Leonelli
ID: 8738
Издательство: Flammarion

This elegant, large-format volume presents twenty masters of photography via 300 extraordinary authorial photographs, providing a broad yet accessible overview of twentieth-century photography.

From Man Rays pioneering experimentations to the elegant and provocative fashion shots of Helmut Newton and Herb Ritts, this volume showcases masters of their craft across different photographic genres, from reportage and documentary to art and portraiture to fashion and glamour photography.

For each artist featured, a 22-page portfolio of their iconic images provides a comprehensive overview of their oeuvre.

Each section opens with an insightful introduction to the masters work and includes a concise biography of the photographer. Images are accompanied by insightful, engaging commentary from the specialist authors and contextualized by original essays that shed light on the stories, motivations, and techniques behind each shot.

Featuring a striking, elegant design and large format, Master Photographers brings a host of stunning works into sharp focus and incorporates a truly international cast of photographers.

From French masters such as Robert Doisneau and Henri Cartier-Bresson, to the wit and charm of Englishman Martin Parr, via the provocative oeuvre of Japanese photographer Araki Nobuyoshi, and the powerful portraits of Americans Walker Evans and Elliot Erwitt, this volume provides a fascinating insight into the work of the most innovative and important photographers of recent times.

A discerning introduction to and a celebration of the legendary masters of twentieth-century photography, this volume is perfect for amateurs and aficionados alike.

Master Photographers features the work of Araki Nobuyoshi, Gabriele Basilico, Margaret Bourke-White, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Elliott Erwitt, Walker Evans, Mario Giacomelli, Mimmo Jodice, William Klein, Peter Lindbergh, Man Ray, Robert Mapplethorpe, James Nachtwey, Helmut Newton, Martin Parr, Herb Ritts, Sebastiao Salgado, and August Sander.


Люди определившие фотоискусство 20-го века. Культовые снимки лучших фотографов своего времени. Знаменательные кадры и их создатели, разнообразие жанров и тематик. Все это собрано под одной обложкой в великолепно оформленном издании.

300 великолепных авторских фотографий от двадцатки лучших мастеров своего времени собрано в первоклассную крупноформатную книгу. Эта коллекция – прекрасный толковый обзор фотографии 20-го века. От новаторских экспериментов Ман Рея до элегантных и провокационных фешн-снимков Хельмута Ньютона и Херба Ритца, в этом солидном издании представлены работы двадцати легендарных фотографов, поистине мастеров своего дела в совершенно разных жанрах – от фоторепортажей и документальной фотографии до художественной и портретной съемки.

Портфолио каждого фотографа, представленного здесь, включает подборку его самых выдающихся снимков, информацию о его творческом наследии в целом, краткую биографию и комментарий к каждой из выбранных фотографий. Элегантный дизайн книги и ее большой формат позволяют в полной мере насладиться этими культовыми снимками. Вас ждут фотографии, сыгравшие ключевую роль в фотоискусстве, сформировавшие и превратившие этот жанр в то, чем он является теперь.

Вас ждет звездная двадцатка легенд фотографии -  Нобуёси Араки, Габриеле Базилико, Маргарет Бурк-Уайт, Роберт Капа, Анри Картье-Брессон, Робер Дуано, Эллиотт Эрвитт, Уокер Эванс, Марио Джакомелли, Миммо Йодиче, Уильям Кляйн, Питер Линдберг, Ман Рэй, Роберт Мэпплторп, Джеймс Нахтвей, Хельмут Ньютон, Мартин Парр, Херб Ритц, Себастио Сальгадо и Август Зандер.

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Text von Peter Galassi
ID: 6510
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) ist die herausragende Persönlichkeit unter den Photographen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein zwischen Journalismus und Kunst oszillierendes Werk umfasst nicht nur sechs Jahrzehnte, in seiner ästhetischen Qualität und geistigen Haltung wirkte es auch stilbildend für alle nachfolgenden Photographengenerationen. Das New Yorker Museum of Modern Art bereitet zur Zeit eine Retrospektive vor, die zum ersten Mal auf die reichen Bestände der Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris zurückgreifen kann. Aus Tausenden von Abzügen und einer Fülle von Dokumenten zum Leben und Werk des Jahrhundertphotographen stellte Kurator Peter Galassi eine Hommage an Henri Cartier-Bresson zusammen, die ihresgleichen kaum mehr haben wird. 300 Photographien werden gezeigt, eingeteilt in zwölf Werkkapitel, die alle Facetten seines Schaffens erfassen und mit berühmten, aber auch bisher unbekannten Bildern illustrieren. Den begleitenden Katalog, der einen weit ausgreifenden Essay von Peter Galassi und reichhaltiges Informations- und Quellenmaterial enthält, legen wir in deutscher Übersetzung vor.

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Henri Cartier-Bresson
ID: 5783
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Neugierde und Abenteuerlust lockten den 20jährigen Henri Cartier-Bresson nach Afrika; für Magnum war er in Mexiko, China und Nordamerika unterwegs; Neigung und eine tiefe Seelenverwandtschaft führten ihn nach Indien und Indonesien, wo er mehrere Jahre blieb. Doch der erklärte Weltbürger Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) kehrte immer wieder nach Europa zurück. Hier machte er seine erste Reise mit der Leica, 1932 durch Spanien und Italien, von der er berühmt gewordene Bilder und seine Berufung zum Photographen mit nach Hause brachte. Hier erlebte - und photographierte - er den Krieg und die Befreiung. Unser Band, den wir aus Anlass einer Ausstellung in der Kunsthalle Erfurt in diesem Herbst in einer Neuauflage anbieten, versammelt die poetischen und zeitgeschichtlich relevanten Bilder, die Cartier-Bresson auf seinen Reisen durch Europa über fast sechzig Jahre hinweg aufgezeichnet hat: Es ergibt sich das sensible Bild eines zerrissenen Kontinents, gesehen durch das Auge eines der bedeutendsten europäischen Photographen.

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Peter Galassi
ID: 5582
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

• A major new monograph on Henri Cartier-Bresson, published to accompany the exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art in New York in June 2010
• Many world-famous images, many little-known and rarely seen even by specialists

Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of the most influential and beloved figures in the history of photography. His early work helped define the creative potential of modern photography, and his unerring ability to capture life on the run made his work synonymous with ‘the decisive moment’ – the title of his first major book.

Released to accompany an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century is the first major publication to make full use of the extensive holdings of the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris – including thousands of prints and a vast resource of documents relating to the photographer’s life and work.

The heart of the book surveys Cartier-Bresson’s career through 300 photographs while a wide-ranging essay by Peter Galassi, Chief Curator of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art, offers an entirely new understanding of Cartier-Bresson’s extraordinary career and its overlapping contexts of journalism and art.

The extensive supporting material – featuring detailed chronologies of the photographer’s professional travels and his picture stories as they appeared in magazines – will revolutionize the study of Cartier-Bresson’s work.

The final section of the book – which runs to more than eighty pages of often newly discovered and systematically ordered reference material based on the hitherto unexplored archive of the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris – is almost a publication in itself.

Peter Galassi is Chief Curator of Photography at The Museum of Modern Art.

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Yves Bonnefoy
ID: 5156
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Henri Cartier-Bresson is probably the greatest photographer of the 20th century. Since the 1920s he has roamed the streets of the world seeking that decisive moment when meaning and composition unite to make an image at once significant and beautiful.

Henri Cartier-Bresson: Photographer is the crowning publication of an illustrious career. The foreword by Yves Bonnefoy discusses Cartier-Bresson's creative process, and Cartier-Bresson himself selected all the images for this summation of his finest work.

Using the finest quality duotone printing and large-scale one-to-a-page presentation, all the famous photographs are here in these pages, alongside recent, less familiar work. In each classic image, the moment is eternal and compassion spills from the frame.


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