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Филип Жодидио
ID: 6745
Издательство: Taschen

Richard Meier & Partners

Знание собственных интересов Ричарда Мейера, выразившихся в его скульптурах, коллажах и, что более важно, в архитектуре, дает возможность понять мотивы его творческого подхода и созданные им работы. Джон Рескин говорил: "Ни один человек, не являющийся великим скульптором или живописцем, не может стать архитектором. Если он не скульптор и не живописец, он может быть только строителем". Когда Мейера спросили, видит ли он принципиальные различия между архитектурой и искусством, он ответил: "Нет. Архитектура гораздо больше явление искусства, чем все остальное. Разумеется, я вижу различия между архитектурой и коллажем. Я полагаю, что сегодня проблема - в самом мире. Архитектура как род искусства - это забытое искусство. Люди смотрят на скульптуру и живопись, но не на архитектуру. Возможно, вопрос кроется в образовании историков искусства".

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings
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Sergio Los
ID: 5227
Издательство: Taschen

Carlo Scarpa (1906–1978) was never fully appreciated during his lifetime. Instead, his work was dismissed as being "just" art, and only after his death did people begin to understand the exceptional quality of his oeuvre. This book shows the development of his individual architectural language by linking aspects of the arts with architecture. From his sensitive consideration of the urban context to the composition of stunning details; the author manages to give the reader an insight into this outstanding architect's work. In particular, Scarpa's exhibition designs illustrate his extensive knowledge of materials and ability to solve complex structural problems. Meanwhile, Scarpa designs like the Castelvecchio Museum in Verona have become a Mecca for those seeking the ultimate refinement in exhibition design and elegant restoration.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings
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Philip Jodidio
ID: 5226
Издательство: Taschen

As one of the most important contemporary architects, Richard Meier (b. 1934) is a key figure in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series. His brilliant career ranges from elegant family homes to dazzling institutional buildings like the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art. This work gives an insight into the development of his œuvre starting with the early designs and culminating with his latest buildings, exploring his combination of precisely calculated proportions and high quality materials, resulting in exquisite structures and light flooded spaces.

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги Meier - Мейер

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings
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Манфред Вундрам
ID: 5083
Издательство: Taschen

Ни один архитектор в истории западноевропейского искусства не произвел своим творчеством такого неожиданного и в то же время долговременного эффекта, не ослабевающего на протяжении нескольких столетий, как Андреа Палладио. Так называемое палладианство распространилось не только в романских странах, но в равной мере охватило Германию, Голландию, Скандинавию, а также восточноевропейские государства, к тому же имело большое влияние на сложение английской архитектуры XVII и XVIII веков. И хотя творчество Палладио было ориентировано исключительно на "чистую архитектуру", разработанные им формы использовались и в других областях искусства, например в английской мебели XIX века…

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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Philip Jodidio
ID: 4864
Издательство: Taschen

Калатрава, родившийся в 1951 году в пригороде Валенсии, окончил начальную и среднюю школу у себя на родине. Начиная с 1959 года он учился в валенсийской Школе искусств и ремесел, где получил начальную академическую подготовку в области рисунка и живописи. Когда мальчику было 13 лет, его родители воспользовались случаем - франкистская Испания тогда открыла границы - и отправили сына во Францию в рамках студенческого обмена. Получив среднее образование в Валенсии, Калатрава поехал в Париж, чтобы поступить в Школу изящных искусств, но шел как раз 1968 год - самый разгар студенческих волнений. Калатрава возвращается в Валенсию и под впечатлением от маленькой яркой книжки поступает в Высшее техническое училище архитектуры. Здесь он получает диплом архитектора, а затем пишет магистерскую работу по урбанизму.  В то время когда другие обычно заканчивают свое образование, Калатрава решает его продолжить. Его привлекает математическая строгость, которую он видит в определенных исторических постройках, и, понимая, что учеба в Валенсии не дала ему четкого направления для деятельности, он решает получить дополнительное инженерно-строительное образование. В 1975 году Калатрава поступает в Федеральный технологический институт в Цюрихе. В 1979 году он получает докторскую степень. Это решение, несомненно, изменило всю его жизнь.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings
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Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
ID: 4147
Издательство: Taschen

Widely thought to be the greatest American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was a true pioneer, both artistically and technically. At a time when reinforced concrete and steel were considered industrial building materials, Wright boldly made use of them to build private homes. His prairie house concept - that of a low, sprawling home based upon a simple L or T figure - was the driving force behind some of his most famous houses and became a model for rural architecture across America. Wright`s designs for office and public buildings were equally groundbreaking and unique. From Fallingwater to New York`s Guggenheim Museum, his works are among the most famous in the history of architecture.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание этой книги - Райт

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Eberhard Syring, Jorg C. Kirschenmann
ID: 4146
Издательство: Taschen

German architect Hans Scharoun (1893-1972) studied and practiced architecture his entire adult life but did not build a major building until 1963 when his impressive Berlin Philharmonie finally came to life. The fact that he stayed in Germany during the Second World War prevented him from realizing grandiose projects and caused him to concentrate more on interiors than exteriors for many years. Nevertheless, Scharoun`s sculptural designs, influenced by the expressionist-utopian circle "Gläserne Kette" of which he was a member, did not go unnoticed and were among the best of his generation.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings
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Graziella Roccella
ID: 4145
Издательство: Taschen

Italian architect and designer Gio Ponti (Джио Понти) (1891–1979) was the creator of a multifaceted oeuvre. Starting off with ceramics and majolika works at the First International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Monza, he moved on to furniture and interior design and built structures of all kinds, from small residential dwellings to high rise buildings, schools, and office blocks. One of his great interests was the theme of the home, for which he continually sought to find new solutions. Ponti’s colorful, carefree, elegant spaces were designed to inspire optimism in their occupants. The founder and nearly lifelong editor of domus magazine never stopped developing and reinventing his style. This book provides an introduction to Ponti’s creative process and gives an overview of the various phases of his career.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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Manfred Wundram
ID: 4144
Издательство: Taschen

With this introduction to the work of Andrea Palladio (1508–1580), TASCHEN’s Basic Architecture series shines its spotlight on one of the most influential figures in the history of Western architecture. Palladio’s “Villa Rotonda” in Vicenza became the most famous building of its kind; it influenced many later designs and remains an important source of inspiration for today’s architects. The Palladian style, distinguished by the typical Serlian windows, pillared façades resembling Roman temples, symmetrical floor plans, and elevations, was imported to other European countries and became widely known; in Great Britain it was one the important roots of 17th and 18th century architecture. In the 19th century, American architecture heavily referred to the style, as seen in, for example, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги  Andrea Palladio - Палладио

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Жан Луи Коэн
ID: 4143
Издательство: Taschen

Эта книга приглашает нас на экскурсию по жизни и творчеству одного из самых необыкновенных архитекторов – Ле Корбюзье – всемирная слава которого сделала его имя почти нарицательным. Немногие архитекторы выразили надежды и разочарования века индустриализации с такой точностью, как Ле Корбюзье, и лишь некоторые подобно ему шокировали и возмущали своих современников. Здесь вы найдете великолепные фотографии из жизни знаменитого архитектора и изображения его наиболее знаменитых работ.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange
ID: 4142
Издательство: Taschen

American architect John Lautner (1911-1994) is responsible for some of the most original buildings of the space age and, indeed, the 20th century. The residences he designed in the Los Angeles area, including the Chemosphere House and the Silvertop, are synonymous with the hopes and dreams of an entire era. Characterized by sweeping rooflines, glass-paneled walls, and steel beams, his buildings displayed a combination of fantasy and minimalism, often integrating water and incorporating surrounding landscapes. Lautner always placed great importance on the relationship between humans, space, and nature.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

  • approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
  • introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
  • the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
  • an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings
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Магдалена Дросте
ID: 4141
Издательство: Taschen

История небольшой немецкой школы, Баухауза (1919 - 1933), превратилась в историю стиля, который не перестают изучать, анализировать, оценивать. Баухауз стал феноменом, который пытаются адаптировать к своему времени художники каждого поколения.

В этой книге представлена история и современность школы Баухауз, фотографии и иллюстрации демонстрирующие жизнь этой знаменитой школы, знаменитых людей и их идеи, связанные с этим необычным местом.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans

- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects

- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions

- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings


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August Sarnitz
ID: 3795
Издательство: Taschen

The influence of the Austrian architect and designer Josef Hoffmann (1870-1956) is extraordinary: for a period of over 60 years he kept up an aesthetic dialog with Modernism, the International Style, and Art Deco. Before being rediscovered in the 1980s by the Post-Modernists, his work was nearly forgotten; now his importance is unquestioned. As a designer he was one of the leading proponents of the Wiener Werkstätte, with its close connection to the Arts and Crafts movement. As an architect, he built the first modern buildings in Europe, such as the Purkersdorf Sanatorium (1904) and the Palais Stoclet (1905-1911). Traversing several styles and schools during his lifetime, his work shows a consistent Formalism. He abandoned Functionalism long before it became obsolete. In a historic sense, Hoffmann was doubly avant-garde: in both the rise and fall of Modernism.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

* approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
* introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
* the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
* an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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Масао Фуруяма
ID: 3538
Издательство: Taschen

Эта удивительная книга приглашает нас соприкоснуться с жизнью и творчеством выдающегося архитектора современности Тадао Андо. Высококачественные фотоиллюстрации позволяют вдоволь насладиться видами архитектурных шедевров мастера.

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Gilbert Lupfer
ID: 3126
Издательство: Taschen

Born and educated in Germany, Walter Gropius (1883-1969) belongs to the select group of architects that massively influenced the international development of modern architecture. As the founding director of the Bauhaus, Gropius made inestimable contributions to his field, to the point that knowing his work is crucial to understanding Modernism. His early buildings, such Fagus Boot-Last Factory and the Bauhaus Building in Dessau, with their use of glass and industrial features, are still indispensable points of reference. After his emigration to the United States, he influenced the education of architects there and became, along with Mies van der Rohe, a leading proponent of the International Style.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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