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Laia Farran Graves
ID: 17442
Видавництво: Welbeck Publishing

Little Book of Prada explores the evolutions and innovations of the brand, as well as a design ethos informed by an interest in minimalism and contemporary art.

Little Book of Prada is the pocket-sized and beautifully illustrated story of the legendary fashion house.

Understated elegance and luxury, technologically advanced fabrics and sublime originality of design are all hallmarks of the House of Prada. In this miniature monograph, Laia Farran Graves documents the history and heritage of the brand, from the company's origins as a leather-goods manufacturer to the global fashion empire created by Miuccia Prada.

Little Book of Prada explores the evolutions and innovations of the brand, as well as a design ethos informed by an interest in minimalism and contemporary art. Images of individual garments, catwalk shots and fashion photography pay tribute to one of the world's most influential fashion houses and the woman behind it, in a perfectly designed and stylish format that makes a perfect gift for any lover of fashion.

About the Author:

A stylist and journalist specializing in fashion and beauty, Laia Farran Graves has also worked for such publications as Vogue, InStyle, Glamour, Marie Claire and the Sunday Times Style magazine. Laia lives in London, England.


Ціна: 900 грн
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Susannah Frankel
ID: 12490
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Заснована як дім розкішних шкіряних виробів у 1913 році в Мілані, Prada вийшла на сферу моди, коли Міучча Прада очолила сімейну компанію в 1979 році. Після того, як спочатку зосередилася виключно на аксесуарах, вона представила першу модну колекцію будинку в 1988 році. Невдовзі вона перетворила Prada на один із найвпливовіших у світі брендів розкоші з глибоко особистим, витонченим і тонким. підривний підхід.

Ця остаточна публікація починається короткою історією дому, за якою йде короткий біографічний профіль Міуччі Прада, перш ніж досліджувати самі колекції, упорядковані в хронологічному порядку. Кожна колекція представлена ​​коротким текстом, який розкриває її вплив і основні моменти, і проілюстрована ретельно підібраними зображеннями з подіуму, які демонструють сотні вражаючих одягів, деталей, аксесуарів, образів краси та декорацій – і, звичайно, найкращі моделі моди, які носили їх на подіумі, від Наомі Кемпбелл і Жизель до Кейт Мосс і Кайї Гербер. Завершує книгу багатий довідковий розділ, включаючи великий покажчик.

Про автора:

Сюзанна Франкель — головний редактор журналу Another. Раніше вона була модним директором журналу Grazia, вона була модним редактором Independent з 1999 по 2012 рік. Вона є автором книги Visionaries – Interviews With Fashion Designers та брала участь у багатьох книгах і каталогах виставок, у тому числі Dries Van Noten 1–100, Stephen Jones: Souvenirs, Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty та The House of Viktor & Rolf.


Ціна: 3500 грн
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Laia Farran Graves
ID: 17436
Видавництво: Welbeck Publishing

A beautiful and elegant hardback gift purchase that's a must-have for every fashionista. Images include photographs of museum pieces, catwalk shots, sketches of her work and fashion photography by Steven Meisel and Hedi Slimane, among others.

Celebrating this family brand and representing a summary of Miuccia Prada's key collections and pieces, including the launch of the Miu Miu line, the brand's emphasis on understated elegance and luxury, technologically advanced fabrics and originality of design.

We follow a biographical chronology leaping from the pages of the origins of the brand as a leather-goods manufacturer, the life and career of Miuccia Prada, and the collections, collaborations and themes, such as art influences and the perfume and beauty lines. Beautiful photography of her finished designs, along with close-up details, portray the innovation of this influential fashion house and the woman behind it.

About the Author:

A stylist and journalist specializing in fashion and beauty, Laia Farran Graves has also worked for such publications as Vogue, InStyle, Glamour, Marie Claire and the Sunday Times Style magazine. Laia lives in London, England.

ID: 12002
Видавництво: Abrams

Founded in 1913, Prada has evolved into a brand with a unique ability to embed thought-provoking, clever ideas in totally pleasurable objects — from shoes and bags to coats, dresses, and skirts, the clothing makes a statement. And Pradasphere — both in its package and content — does the same.

Pradasphere is a collection of archival objects arranged to reveal the complex, often- intertwined obsessions of one of the world’s most influential designers. The book takes you on an aesthetic journey that spans the past 30 years. Exclusive photographs of clothing and accessories illustrate Prada’s design narrative and show the exquisite craftsmanship and materials behind the creations. Pradasphere also explores Prada’s culture, including advertising photography, architecture, and commissioned films by directors such as Wes Anderson and Ridley Scott.

About the authors:

Michael Rock is a founding partner and creative director at 2x4 and director of the Graphic Architecture Project at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.

Stephanie Murg is the editor of UnBeige, a design blog that has been featured in the New York Times and Newsweek. She writes about art and all forms of design.

Harold Koda, Andrew Bolton
ID: 11887
Видавництво: Yale University Press

Although separated by time, Miuccia Prada and Elsa Schiaparelli-both Italian, both feminists-share striking affinities in terms of their design strategies and fashion manifestoes.

Presented as an intimate "conversation," Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations aims to tease out formal and conceptual similarities between the two designers. Striking photographs and insightful texts illustrate the parallels between the two, including their preferences for interesting textiles and prints, eccentric color palettes, and a bold and playful approach to styling and accessories.

Schiaparelli, in the 1920s through 50s, and Prada, from the late 1980s to today, exploited the narrative possibilities of prints, sought out unconventional textiles, played with ideas of good and bad taste, and manipulated scale for surrealistic outcomes. Contemporary art plays a major role in the work of these inventive women-Schiaparelli in her famous collaborations with Dali and Cocteau, and Prada via her Fondazione Prada.

Blending the historic with the contemporary, the catalogue brings the masterworks of both designers together into a grand conversation between the most important women fashion designers to ever emerge from Italy.

Miuccia Prada, Patrizio Bertelli
ID: 9235
Видавництво: Abrams

Prada is the first book that documents three decades of ground-breaking fashion, architecture, film and art by the Prada company, including the work of the design studio and the workshop; extensive creative partnerships with photographers, designers, architects and film directors; and large scale architectural commissions, the Fondazione Prada, and the development of a new museum.

Among the many features of this rich innovative book with its thousands of images are a photo-essay by renowned photographer Brigitte Lacombe, stills taken from short films documenting the craftsmanship of the factory, images of the unique fashion show environments, an overview of all Miuccia Prada's collections with thumbnail pictures of 3,885 different “looks,” collages of the most influential shoe and bags, photographs of the final product on the runway, celebrated store designs in New York and Los Angeles by Rem Koolhaas/OMA and in Tokyo by Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron, a film collaboration with director Ridley Scott, Koolhaas’s radical “Prada Transformer” pavilion in Seoul, costume designs for a Japanese manga heroine, Prada found on the street and celebrities photographed on the red carpet, and blogs expressing the almost fanatical devotion of lovers of the brand.

Prada both chronicles and epitomizes the achievements of one of the world's most influential and enlightened fashion and design companies.

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