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ID: 9916
Издательство: Tang Art

This book includes 79 excellent landscape installation artworks.Through showcasing high resolution images with detailed text descriptions,this book presents the world’s latest and most creative landscape installation artworks.There are plenty of sketches and other detailed drawings to help the readers better understand the ideas of the artists and the construction process.At the end of the book,there are 25 more projects that are showcased through QR code.

Project Introduction:

010 - Flower from the Universe

014 - In/odore

018 - Tsunami 1.26

022 - reALIze

026 - Circular Chamber

030 - Womb

034 - Palace on Pillars

038 - Boomerangs

040 - Arch

042 - Pampol

046 - Aeolus-Acoustic Wind Pavilion

050 - Blaze

056 - Whatami

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Norbert Wolf
ID: 3128
Издательство: Taschen

The landscape from Renaissance to Pop

The landscape has been, for many centuries, one of the most important genres in painting. This book examines the landscape from the late Middle Ages to modern times, comprising a synopsis of the genre and covering a selection of the most important landscapes in the history of art. From Titian to Warhol, readers will discover the evolution of this popular genre.

Artists featured (in chronological order):
Jean, Paul und Herman von Limburg, Titian, Joachim Patinir, Albrecht Altdorfer, Veronese, Pieter Brueghel, El Greco, Adam Elsheimer, Rembrandt van Rijn, Claude Gellée, gen. Lorrain, Jacob van Ruisdael, Caspar David Friedrich, John Constable, William Turner, Eugène Delacroix, Albert Bierstadt, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, James Abbot McNeill Whistler, Arnold Böcklin, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Paul Cézanne, Georges Braque, Paul Klee, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Yves Tanguy, Andy Warhol

About the Series:
Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Genre Series features:

* a detailed introduction with approximately 35 photographs, plus a timeline of the most important events (political, cultural, scientific, etc.) that took place during the time period
* a selection of the most important works of the epoch; each is presented on a 2-page spread with a full-page image and, on the facing page, a description/interpretation of the work and brief biography of the artist as well as additional information such as a reference work, portrait of the artist, and/or citations

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги Landscape PaintingПейзажная живопись

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Max Hollein, Ingrid Pfeiffer
ID: 9304
Издательство: Prestel

Throughout his career Moholy-Nagy produced brilliant works in painting, film, photography, sculpture, set design and typography. A leading proponent of the Bauhaus School, he strove to apply artistic principles to every aspect of daily life.

This companion volume to a retrospective features 170 works from all phases of Moholy-Nagy s career. Essays on his involvement with the Bauhaus School; his late paintings; his photographs, photograms, and photosculptures; and his accomplishments in the field of graphic art are complemented by numerous colour illustrations.

The book also documents the reconstruction of a never completed work,

The Room of Today, which incorporates the most important themes Moholy-Nagy brought to his art. Readers viewing his work for the first time, along with those already possessing a deep appreciation for his art, will celebrate this long-overdue volume.

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Renate Heyne, Floris M. Neususs, Hattula Moholy-Nagy
ID: 8634
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946) was one of the most internationally influential teachers at the Bauhaus. It is essentially owing to his effective artistic and journalistic skills that photography became an integral part of modern art in the twenties. He “discovered” the aesthetic possibilities of photograms in 1922 and continued his inventive work with them until 1943, turning them into icons of the medium that are still waiting to be fully brought to light.

This catalogue raisonné, meticulously edited by photography expert Renate Heyne, is the first to feature all of the known works - close to 450 of them - in chronological order. Until now, most of them had only been published in history books and auction catalogues. This volume contains far more information than is usually found in a classic descriptive catalogue of works: it explains the artistic, technical, and biographical circumstances under which the photograms were created, examines them in relation to other areas of Moholy-Nagy’s work, and analyzes them at length on the basis of selected pieces. A biography and a bibliography of the photograms round off this catalogue raisonné.

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Editors: TwoPoints.Net
ID: 7690
Издательство: Gestalten
A comprehensive exploration of one of the world’s most dynamic and unique design cultures.

Latin America is bursting with creativity. As economies in this region have prospered, the demand for work by local creative talent has grown. In this context, an aspiring generation of designers and artists has been evolving and refining its own visual language. latino-gráfico presents a colorful selection of graphic design, illustration, and typography that explores of one of the world's most dynamic and unique design cultures. The striking visuals, an included DVD with an inspiring selection of moving images, and insightful texts in English and Spanish make this book a comprehensive documentation of today’s Latin American design.

From Mexico to Patagonia, Latin America is bursting with creativity. As economies in this region have prospered over the last few years, the demand for work by local creative talent has grown with them. In this context, an aspiring generation of Latin American designers and artists has been evolving and refining its own visual language. latino-gráfico presents a colorful selection of graphic design, illustration, and typography that examines the fresh look of today’s Latin American design.

Whether critical or glorifying, all of the work collected in this book reflects truly mixed societies. From African folk art to Christian symbolism and imported North American lifestyle, latino-gráfico examines the diverse influences that shape this often chaotic design culture and make it one of the most dynamic in the world today. The included DVD with moving images and a foreword by longtime MTV creative director and native Chilean Christian Jofre make it a comprehensive compendium of this region’s design.

latino-gráfico was compiled by TwoPoints.Net founder Martin Lorenz, formerly of Hort, and Lupi Asensio. Since 2007 the husband and wife designers have lived in Barcelona, where they document design developments in the Latin American cultural sphere.

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Jean Pierre Rama
ID: 7096
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre de référence traite des techniques du bronze et du moulage.
Il s’adresse avant tout à ceux qui travaillent dans la statuaire. De nombreuses photos et schémas explicatifs permettent aux amateurs de découvrir la complexité du métier de fondeur.

Sommaire :
Historique de la fonderie d’art. Introduction au moulage. Le moulage au sable. La fonte à pièces. Le tirage d’épaisseur.
La médaille. La fonte tirée ou fonte à figure. Le remmoulage. La cire perdue. Les alliages cuivreux. La fusion métallurgie. La présentation et conduite des fours. La finition des pièces. La patine. Matériel et matériaux. Lexique.

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Claude d' Anthenaise
ID: 3754
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image
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Thierry Delcourt
ID: 5280
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image

Page après page, l’un des plus beaux manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France illustre les exploits du meilleur des chevaliers, Lancelot du Lac, depuis le combat victorieux de Lancelot contre les automates de la Douloureuse Garde ou la délivrance des chevaliers du Val sans retour, jusqu’à la bataille de Salisbury, où Arthur, mortellement blessé, fait jeter son épée Excalibur avant d’être emporté par Morgane vers l’île des fées. UNE CO-ÉDITION BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE - BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE L’IMAGE À L’OCCASION DE L’EXPOSITION À LA BNF DU 20 OCTOBRE 2009 AU 24 JANVIER 2010 SUR LA LÉGENDE DU ROI ARTHUR. La légende du roi Arthur et des chevaliers de la Table Ronde s’est constituée et développée durant des siècles et le mystère suprême du Saint Graal n’a jamais cessé d’inspirer les plus grands créateurs. Si le nom d’Arthur apparaît dès le VIIème siècle, il faut attendre le XIIème pour que fleurisse le mythe littéraire de ce roi des Bretons – dont rien n’atteste aujourd’hui l’existence réelle – capable de vaincre l’empereur de Rome et d’imposer la foi chrétienne à l’Angleterre. Thierry Delcourt, archiviste-paléographe et docteur ès lettres, conservateur général des bibliothèques, dirige depuis 2006 le département des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, après avoir notamment été à la tête de la médiathèque de Troyes – il en a conduit la construction de 1996 à 2006 et y a organisé plusieurs expositions : Splendeurs de la cour de Champagne au temps de Chrétien de Troyes (1998), Bestiaire du Moyen Âge (2004), Trésors enluminés de Troyes (2006)… Membre de la Société internationale arthurienne, Thierry Delcourt a publié de nombreux ouvrages et a participé à plusieurs volumes de l’édition du Roman de Tristan en prose dirigée par Philippe Ménard (Droz, t. II, 1990 et t. V, 1992 ; Champion, version du ms. français 757, t. II, 1999), ainsi qu’au volume VI de l’édition de la version française du Devisement du monde, de Marco Polo (Droz, 2009). Il est aussi l’auteur d’un Que sais-je ? consacré à la Littérature arthurienne (PUF, 2000) et il dirige la publication du catalogue de l’exposition La légende du roi Arthur (BNF / Seuil, 2009). On compte en outre parmi ses publications récentes Trésors enluminés de Troyes (CD Rom, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2005), Les Croisades, la plus grande aventure du Moyen Âge (Nouveau Monde éditions, 2007) et Sébastien Mamerot, Les Passages d’outremer, une chronique des croisades jusqu’en 1462 enluminée par Jean Colombe (Cologne, Taschen,2009).

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Gérald Bauer
ID: 4590
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image

"Il est peu d'exemples dans l'histoire des arts d'une technique aussi étroitement liée à une nation. Pour beaucoup d'entre nous, l'aquarelle est avant tout anglaise et cela nous semble tout naturel.
(...) Pendant )plus d'un siècle, l'aquarelle devint le moyen d'expression le plus original d'un pays et d'un temps qui ne manquaient ni d'esprit d'invention ni de talent."
Olivier Meslay

sélection de 212 aquarelles, reproduites en couleurs, présentant 43 artistes. Parmi ceux-ci, citons: WILSON, COZENS, GAINSBOROUGH, SANDBY, FUSELI, BLAKE, CHINNERY, TURNER, CONSTABLE, PROUT, ROBERTS, BONINGTON, SHOTER BOYS, LEWIS, PALMER, LEAR...

.Tableau synoptique des aquarellistes anglais
.Liste des 43 peintres
.Cartes du Royaume-Uni
.Musées et Conseils
.Mécènes, critiques, éditeurs

Introduction de Olivier MESLAY (8 reproductions)

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Hiroshige Andô, Jocelyn Bouquillard
ID: 4591
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image

"Derrière moi, à Edo Je laisse mon pinceau
En route pour un nouveau voyage
Laissez-moi admirer
Toutes les vues célèbres du Paradis"
Utagawa Hiroshige, Poème d'adieu, 1858

(...) Son oeuvre d'une originalité surprenante, fascinera les japonais et influencera les occidentaux (Whistler, Pissarro, van Gogh, Monet, Bonnard). L'une des suites d'estampes les plus évocatrices offertes aux amateurs de paysages et de voyages, Les Cinquante-trois relais du Tôkaido, publiée en 1833-34, lui valut une célébrité immédiate et universelle."
Giséle Lambert
Ces 53 estampes (55 avec le départ et l'arrivée) reproduites en couleurs, à pleine page, exécutées par Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) en 1832 le long de la route du Tôkaidô (Edo-Kyoto).


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Philippa Beveridge, Ignasi Domenech, Eva Pascual Miro
ID: 7090
Издательство: Vial

Ces trois ouvrages d’initiation sont à nouveau disponibles. Chacun détaille les techniques de base de leur domaine, les procédés et les matériaux. Cette collection reprend également les connaissances historiques, esthétiques et pratiques qui permettent aux amateurs ou aux professionnels de nourrir un socle de savoirs indispensables à la pratique de leur art.

Sommaire :
Aperçu historique, les caractéristiques du verre, les matériaux et les outils, les techniques d’élaboration, réalisations pas à pas, glossaire.

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Pere Valdeperez
ID: 8012
Издательство: Vial

Cet ouvrage d’initiation est à nouveau disponible. Il détaille les techniques de base du vitrail, les procédés et les matériaux. Il reprend également les connaissances historiques, esthétiques et pratiques qui permettent aux amateurs ou aux professionnels de nourrir un socle de savoirs indispensables à la pratique de leur art.

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Hazel Soan
ID: 13743
Издательство: Batsford

Bestselling artist and writer Hazel Soan presents a concise and approachable guide to colour in painting.

Whether you are using watercolour, oils or acrylic, Learn Colour In Painting Quickly demonstrates how to make the most of colour in your painting. The book is filled with easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step exercises, and written in an accessible way for all artists to learn about colour.

The book begins with the Basics of Colour: what it is, how pigments are made and our emotional responses to colour, it then moves on to The Colours in the Palette: properties of different colours, transparent and opaque colours and granulating and sedimentary colours. Next comes Warm and Cool Colours: how colours are classified and how to use temperature bias. The Interaction of Colours looks at which colours work best together and how to use a colour wheel. In The Mixing of Colours, Hazel explains the differences between mixing on palette and paper and how to blend by eye, as well as primary and secondary colours and layering. The Effect of Light and Shade on Colour looks at how depth and form are created by tone. Finally, Hazel looks at suggested colour palettes and winning colour combinations.

Illustrated with Hazel’s magnificent, colourful paintings, and with exercises and expert guidance throughout, this book is the perfect way to master colour in your painting.

About the Author:

Hazel Soan is a popular and successful artist who divides her time between London and Cape Town, exhibiting her work widely. She has her own gallery in Fulham, London. She is author of several bestselling books and a range of successful DVDs. She was one of the art experts in the popular Channel 4 TV series Watercolour Challenge. The very successful Learn Watercolour Quickly, Essence of Watercolour and Watercolour Rainbow are also by Hazel Soan.

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Trevor Waugh
ID: 13742
Издательство: Batsford

A fun and accessible guide to painting flowers in watercolour with step-by-step exercises.

World-renowned artist Trevor Waugh reveals the secrets of painting flowers in watercolour in this fun, easy-to-follow book. Focusing on the techniques that matter the most, you’ll be able to start producing better flower paintings in the space of an afternoon. 

The book includes expert guidance on all aspects of flower painting in watercolour, including the basic shapes and how to combine them, how to design the perfect composition and how to create subtle and evocative effects. The author shares tips on how to use colour to create realistic-looking flowers and foliage, his go-to basic palette and details on how to create beautiful, nuanced colour mixes. There is also a section on how to achieve real artistry in your work, using hard and soft edges, clever observation and different angles to perfect your work. 

Armed with this beautiful book, packed with breathtaking inspirational paintings and a selection of helpful step-by-step demonstration sequences, you’ll become an expert flower painting in no time at all.

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Hazel Soan
ID: 13740
Издательство: Batsford

A practical guide to learn painting individual people and crowds, with simple exercises and step-by-step demonstrations.

Bestselling artist and writer Hazel Soan has distilled her art teaching into the things that matter most and can be digested in a short period of time. Learning to paint is one of the life-long aspirations of many of us and the techniques of painting lively crowd scenes or portraits of loved ones can be picked up faster than you think.

In this concise book, Hazel Soan explains everything you need to know about figurative painting in an accessible way. She advises on how to paint people in a variety of poses and settings, dealing with the theories of colour and light in a way that beginners will understand and more experienced painters will find invaluable. She also guides you through ways to insert people into your pre-existing painting to bring them to life; scenes like urban streets and on the beach are explored. Subjects like how to paint portraits and getting to grips with body proportion and perspective are also covered. Both media of watercolours and oils are covered, making this the perfect book for any type of artist.

Filled with easy-to-follow exercises and demonstrations, this is a practical and helpful guide to learning to paint people very quickly.

About the Author:

Hazel Soan is a popular and successful artist who divides her time between London and Cape Town, exhibiting her work widely. She has her own gallery in Fulham, London. She is author of several bestselling books and a range of successful DVDs. She was one of the art experts in the popular Channel 4 TV series Watercolour Challenge. The very successful Learn Watercolour Quickly, Essence of Watercolour and Watercolour Rainbow are also by Hazel Soan.


Пролистать книгу Learn to Paint People Quickly: A Practical, Step-by-step Guide to Learning to Paint People in Watercolour and Oils на Google Books

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