
Книги по антологии в архитектуре

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Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell
ID: 1018
Издательство: Taschen

The Bible of breakthroughs and inspiration! Poised at the start of the 21st century, we can see clearly that the previous century was marked by momentous changes in the field of design. Aesthetics entered into everyday life with often staggering results. Our homes and workplaces turned into veritable galleries of style and innovation. From furniture to graphics, it’s all here - the work of artists who have shaped and recreated the modern world with a dizzying variety of materials. From the organic to the geometric, from Art Deco, through to Pop and High-Tech, this book contains all the great names - Bernhard, Bertoia, De Stijl, Dieter Rams, Starck, Charles and Ray Eames, to name only a very few. This essential book is a comprehensive journey through the shapes and colors, forms and functions of design history in the 20th century. An A-Z of designers and design schools, which builds into a complete picture of contemporary living. Lavishly illustrated, this is design in the fullest sense.

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The American Institute of Architects
ID: 8733
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

In the book, the AIA recognizes three years worth of award recipients across four categories: architecture, interior architecture, regional and urban design, and its esteemed Twenty-five Year Award. On one hand, these projects from 2010, 2011, and 2012 constitute a snapshot of architectural production – a moment in time and a record of “excellence” in that moment. On the other hand, it is a snapshot that speaks more broadly about evolving design trends – what has come before, in the first decade of the 21st century, and what we might expect more of in the following decade.

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ID: 7038
Издательство: Archiworld
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ID: 7039
Издательство: Archiworld
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ID: 600
Издательство: Archiworld

"Detail Annual" series aims to provide architect, other related persons and students with increased understanding as well as the construction, structure, plan, elevation and section of a particular area. "Detail Annual" is about 50 projects with strikingly well treated details are presented. Furthermore, I hope that through these books, architects could deepen their understanding about space and form brand new creative ideas.

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ID: 601
Издательство: Archiworld

"Detail Annual" series aims to provide architect, other related persons and students with increased understanding as well as the construction, structure, plan, elevation and section of a particular area. "Detail Annual" is about 50 projects with strikingly well treated details are presented. Furthermore, I hope that through these books, architects could deepen their understanding about space and form brand new creative ideas.

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ID: 602
Издательство: Archiworld

"Detail Annual" series aims to provide architect, other related persons and students with increased understanding as well as the construction, structure, plan, elevation and section of a particular area. "Detail Annual" is about 50 projects with strikingly well treated details are presented. Furthermore, I hope that through these books, architects could deepen their understanding about space and form brand new creative ideas.

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ID: 1296
Издательство: Archiworld

"Detail Annual" series aims to provide architect, other related persons and students with increased understanding as well as the construction, structure, plan, elevation and section of a particular area. is about 50 projects with strikingly well treated details are presented. Furthermore, I hope that through these books, architects could deepen their understanding about space and form brand new creative ideas.

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ID: 2716
Издательство: Archiworld
Detail Annual series aims to provide architect, other related persons and students with increased understanding as well as the construction, structure, plan, elevation and section of a particular area. Detail Annual is about 50 projects with strikingly well treated details are presented. Furthermore, I hope that through these books, architects could deepen their understanding about space and form brand new creative ideas.
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ID: 3453
Издательство: Ca Press

Long March
229 Building
House with Beautiful Twilight
Shinsa 631 House
Maison 101
Maison 5911
St. Anne Nursery
Hoshinosato Annex
Kanada Children Training House
Venissieux Media Library
MIR Dental Hospital
Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University
Arab World Institute
Library of Technical University, Delft
The Richard E. Lindner Athletics Center
Simmons Hall, MIT Undergraduate Residence
Xi Floating Stainless Steel Cloud
OPUS Concert Hall
Bundang P
Open Books
Arario Gallery
Wison Biological & Chemical H.Q.
Han Green Gardening Department Store
Kiasma. Museum of Contemporary Art
Daejeon Metropolitan Art Museum
Busan Metropolitan Art Museum
Stone Museum
The Memorial Hall for Sir Pangmok
The Memorial Hall for Sir An Chang Ho
Gana Art Center
Maison Hermes Dosan Park
Salvatore Ferragamo Flagship Shop
KT & G KangNam Building
Air Force Club
Catholic Church, Koyang-dong
The Convernant Church
Shell Jamsa
Lilas Installation for the Serpentine Gallery

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ID: 4941
Издательство: Images

In this series, the new techniques of architects and designers are put on show to answer questions relating to the secrets of the best architects from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The book feature an abundance of sketches, drawings and relevant photographs of specific details which have been selected and submitted by the architect to place the architectural details into perspective. Each project also includes a 250-word descriptive text. The emerging trends are presented in clear and concise layouts. Many details are functional, but many are also decorative. Details can be used to make a building design environment friendly, or called upon to link a building with place, tradition and history. Included are details from corporate and industrial designs, residential architecture and landscape architecture.

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ID: 263
Издательство: Images

This series has an enormous following, and five volumes in as many years is proof of its popularity and usefulness. Architectural detailing makes a design stand apart from all other buildings, and also makes an architect truly outstanding. Each volume has become a study of the emerging trends in architectural detailing, with a strong focus on enviro- sustainability, green architecture and many aspects of cross-cultural design. Featuring the world's most highly acclaimed architects and interior architects, this book presents many the world's most recently completed and influential building designs for corporate, government, transport and infrastructure, public spaces, landscape architecture, hospitality, residential, sports and leisure, convention and conference, art and exhibition. Architects featured are from Europe, the United States, Australia, Asia and South America.

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Andrew Hall (Editor)
ID: 5296
Издательство: Images

Details in Architecture is the latest edition in IMAGES’ ever-popular Details series. Each volume is a study of the emerging trends in architectural detailing, with a strong focus on innovative design, enviro- sustainability and many aspects of cross-cultural design. Featuring the work of the world’s most highly acclaimed architects and interior architects, this book presents the most recently completed and influential building designs.

Projects are presented with superb full-colour photography and technical drawings that place featured details within the context of the overall design. Architects featured are from Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.

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ID: 4417
Издательство: Archiworld

This book singles out the approaches of architects or interior designers around the world and makes use of graphic images to settle the principles of their works. With the book, you can have a chance to recognize their architectural thinking and creative idea and meet new spatial concepts.

6 Son-O-House
12 Stockholm City Library
20 Nuragic and Contemporary Art Museum
28 National Library of the Czech Republic
34 Skyscraper Competition 2007
40 National Library of the Czech Republic
50 Theatre Agora
62 ephemeralMATTER
72 Para-city
76 Dragonfly
86 Rossignol"s Global Headquarters
94 Les Tribunes - Philharmonie de Paris
106 Paris Courthouse(TGI)
112 Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art
122 Casitas Gradient Housing
132 Euroscraper
138 Watercube, National Swimming Center
148 People"s Building(REN)
152 Hydropolis
158 technoCLOUD
164 Light House
172 DMC B6/2 Office Building
180 Zero Restrain Mobility
186 Rooted Flow, Seoul Performing Arts Center
192 Fake Plastic Trees
198 Sustainable Dance Club
206 C_Wall
210 Tulum Site Museum
214 National Kaohsiung Performing Arts Center
220 Bahai Temple for South America
226 Ozeaneum
232 MUMUT Theatre
240 New Health Science Campus for the University of Granada
250 Renewal of "Giustintano Imperatore?Area
258 Mixed-use Towers in Fujian
264 Los Angeles, 2107
270 Rotating Tower
276 Euro Plaza
280 Terra Incognita
286 Linked Hybrid
298 Apartments in Schwerzenbach
304 An Inverted Skyscraper Typology
310 adaptiveARCHIVE
314 Renovation and New Building for the Madrid Architectural Society
322 Floating Island, National Museum of Fine Arts, Beijing(MONAC)
328 New Headquarters for the Province of Arezzo
352 Kindergarten Tree of Dreams
358 Flat City Link City Zero City

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ID: 4418
Издательство: Archiworld

This book singles out the approaches of architects or interior designers around the world and makes use of graphic images to settle the principles of their works. With the book, you can have a chance to recognize their architectural thinking and creative idea and meet new spatial concepts.


6 Stockholm Public Library
14 Health Sciences Campus, University of Granada
20 Jeongok Museum of Pre-History
28 Estonian Academy of the Arts + Prototype
34 Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition, Shenzhen
40 Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition(MoCAPE)
48 Nestl?Chocolate Museum
56 Automotion Museum
64 Organization of Islamic Conference(OIC), Jeddah
72 Daalma
80 National Library of the Czech Republic
88 Sundsvall Performing Arts Theater
96 Cipea
102 CentrePointe
110 Metonymic Landscape
118 Dongdaemun World Design Park & Complex
124 European Solidarity Center
130 Abbey Mills Riverine Islamic Center
136 Mermaid Wellness Center
142 Lilypad
152 Anti-Smog Paris
160 Mountain Dwellings
166 VM House
176 Maritime Youth House
182 Jellyfish House
190 Conway House
202 20?Isometric House
210 Mersey Observation Deck
216 Novosibirsk Summer Pavilion
222 Auditorium & Movie theater, Saint cyprien
230 Aurum(PS1 MoMA 2007-Finalist)
238 PS1 MoMA 2008
246 Convex Hull
256 Tower Infinity
264 Inverse Obelisk
274 City Tower
282 Cheongna City Tower
290 Ecomic Mexico City
298 Eiffel DNA
306 Freaks Towers
314 Hydro-Net History Channel, City of the Future : San Francisco, 2108
322 Multipurpose Urban Mix
328 Perfumed Jungle - Hong Kong
336 Playa Lava
342 Central Open Space
348 Masterplan in Vilnius
356 Nabilrera
364 Hill Fantasia

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