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Книги з орнаментів

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Happy Menocal
ID: 13892
Видавництво: Princeton Architectural Press

Cats, dogs, hens, foxes, lions, tigers, even lemurs--this character-filled collection, curated by Brooklyn-based artist and illustrator Happy Menocal, features one hundred animal postcards from ten celebrated artists: Katharine Barnwell, Ben Giles, David Howell, Charlotte Linton, Geoffrey Martin, Menocal, Alice Pattullo, Sirichai, Adrien Vermont, and Kazumi Yoshida.

The colourful cards, in our popular postcard box format, are ideal for correspondence, display, or a little company.

A booklet about the artists highlights their creative processes, influences, and favourite creatures.

Ціна: 900 грн
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Ben Wittner, Sascha Thoma
ID: 8447
Видавництво: Gestalten

Cutting-edge graphic work from the Arab world and Iran that is emblematic of the cultural emancipation of this entire area.

The wave of protests that started this year in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and other countries have made it clear just how much the Middle East is searching for a new identity. Young designers in the region are playing a part in this movement by increasingly emancipating themselves creatively. In their work, they are charting their own compelling course between local visual convention and a modern international style.

Arabesque 2 documents the potential of this current creative emancipation in the Arab world and Iran. The book features examples of recent innovative and groundbreaking design work that is inspired by the richness of the region’s visual culture.

Given the important role of calligraphy in the Middle East, Arabesque 2 focuses on typography. The book presents a wide range of Arabic fonts and typefaces inspired by traditional calligraphy. These are accompanied by a rich selection of applications. Select examples of design and graffiti serve as powerful demonstrations of how text can be used illustratively. This work is particularly relevant to those creating street art and poster design.

Arabesque 2 also features graphic design, logos, editorial design, and illustration by young designers and activists from Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates. Regardless of the location and nationality of their creators, all of the examples included in the book combine modern design with the traditional, letter-based canon of Arab forms in striking ways.  

The book’s preface is written by John Martin, co-founder of Art Dubai. Additional texts and interviews describe the environments in which the featured designers and artists work. Editors Ben Wittner and Sascha Thoma round out Arabesque 2 with a CD-ROM that features four typefaces related to its themes.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Jean-Marc Castera, Francoise Peuriot, Philippe Ploquin
ID: 10452
Видавництво: ACR Edition

This volume throws light upon an art expression to be found clad in the garments of Moroccan architecture. This work provides keys to the understanding of geometrical arabesques. This art of a rare and precious mastery was elaborated through the determined efforts of generations of anonymous artists. A brief historical survey defines the specificity of Islamic art in Morocco.

Three principal styles of decorative architecture are studied: calligraphy, floral arabesque, and geometrical arabesque. Illustrations and photographs of some of the most beautiful sites of Morocco (monuments, royal palaces and cities) are a pleasure for the eye.


Посмотреть оригинальное издание на французском языке Arabesques. Art decoratif au Maroc

Ціна: 7800 грн
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Olaf Breidbach
ID: 2160
Видавництво: Prestel

The geometric shapes and natural forms, captured with exceptional precision in Ernst Haeckel’s prints, continue to influence artists and designers to this day. This attractive volume highlights the research and findings of this outstanding natural scientist (1834--1919). Powerful modern microscopes have confirmed the accuracy of Haeckel’s prints which, even in their day, rightly became world famous.

Haeckel’s exceptional portfolio, first published between 1899 and 1904 in separate installments, is described in the opening essays. The plates illustrate Haeckel’s fundamental monistic notion of the “unity of all living things,” and the wide variety of forms are executed with utmost delicacy. Incipient microscopic organisms are juxtaposed with highly developed plants and animals. The pages, ordered according to geometric and “constructive” aspects, handsomely document the oneness of the world in its most diversified forms. This collection of plates was well-received not only by scientists, but by artists and architects as well. René Binet, a pioneer of glass and iron constructions, Emile Gallé, a renowned Art Nouveau designer, and the photographer Karl Blossfeld all acknowledge and make explicit reference to Haeckel in their work.

Ціна: 1300 грн
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Alan Weller
ID: 5926
Видавництво: Dover

Borders of lush, intertwined flowers, spot illustrations of stylized women, and more: here are 300 arresting vector-based graphics in one of the most popular period styles. Images are processed for the highest quality and offered in EPS, SVG, JPEG, and PNG formats. A bonus application software is also included.

Ціна: 900 грн
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ID: 14846
Видавництво: SendPoints

The creation of artistic patterns dates back to our ancient past. From Egypt to Morocco, Greece to China, patterns and pattern makers played a valuable role in the creation of early arts and crafts. Ornamental carpets, tapestries and fabrics from the Classical period, through the Middle Ages and into the 20th century, predominantly featured flora, fauna and ancient symbols. Classic Patterns takes inspiration from this rich history, but draws out new and fresh nuances in pattern creation. Talented designers featured include Charlotte Day and Nicoletta Pagano.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Carolyn Relei
ID: 3187
Видавництво: Dover
Scores of simple but elegant designs for sidelights, fanlights, and transoms. The rectangular, circular, and half-circle motifs depict a variety of subjects — from trellised roses, soaring birds, and bouquets of tulips to geometric images and abstract configurations. This collection is ideal for workers in stained glass and other crafts. 176 illustrations, 25 in color.
Ціна: 900 грн
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ID: 2601
Видавництво: Dover
Invaluable source of information for art historians, craftspeople, dealers, collectors, and preservationists includes hundreds of finely detailed illustrations of garden seats, candelabras, moldings, gates, balcony grilles, vases, crosses, funerary ornaments and monuments, finials, doorknobs and many other ornamental features. A rich source of inspiration and royalty-free graphics, as well, for commercial artists and designers.
Ціна: 900 грн
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ID: 2603
Видавництво: Dover
Multitude of designs selected from rare 19th- and early-20th-century periodicals depict motifs for gates, railings, finials, window grilles, signs, bedsteads, marquees, knockers, tables, and other ironwork elements. The 257 black-and-white illustrations, many displaying Art Nouveau influences, range from relatively simple, unadorned geometric and floral designs to extraordinarily ornate and intricate patterns.
Ціна: 900 грн
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Anna Croyle
ID: 9513
Видавництво: Dover

From delicate dogwood blossoms to hardy oak and maple leaves, this collection of stained glass lampshade patterns offers a glorious assortment of original designs. Beautiful but not overly detailed, the easy-to-replicate designs ensure a successful finished product for stained glass artists and hobbyists.
The four-sided panel-construction shades, most of them four-sided, feature motifs that flow in a continuous fashion to form an overall pattern. Less rigid than the prairie style commonly associated with panel shades, the designs are much easier to re-create than the complicated Tiffany styles. Simple yet elegant patterns include foil overlays that add a special flair to the designs, which use standard-size vase caps that can be resized for a variety of bases

Ціна: 700 грн
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ID: 13779
Видавництво: Victionary

We seek inspiration in nature. The giver of life, it displays complex lines interwoven with each other, comfortable colour palettes, or atmospheres that set distinct moods. Illustration, on the other hand, is a timeless and layered artform that never fails to be striking and full of character. When nature meets illustration, a powerful dynamic is created.

Flora & Fauna explores how nature-themed illustration is incorporated into branding and identities. Featuring project types such as branding, packaging, print ads, art pieces and stationary design, groovy plants dominate a diverse mix of illustration-based work made with special production techniques and discrete styles.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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ID: 13891
Видавництво: Princeton Architectural Press

Sunflowers, roses, succulents, ferns, wildflowers — this rich bouquet of postcards features one hundred botanical postcards by ten celebrated artists from around the world: Sonia Cavallini, Nour Flayhan, Carolyn Gavin, Jen Hewett, Sam Kalda, Marc Martin, Angela McKay of Ohkii Studio, Clover Robin, Wies van der Velde of SowiesoWies, and Rose Wong.

The colorful cards, in our popular postcard box format, are ideal for correspondence or display. A booklet about the artists highlights their creative processes, influences, and favorite plants.

Ціна: 900 грн
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Eugene Rouyer (Editor)
ID: 2853
Видавництво: Dover

From floor to ceiling, and spanning grand facades, supremely rich ornament and detail envelops the enduring landmarks of France. Take a visual tour through royal salons, war rooms, and ballrooms in this illustrated survey, with decorative elements from doors, walls, fireplaces, cabinets, consoles, and friezes.

Ціна: 650 грн
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Jean Le Pautre
ID: 2854
Видавництво: Dover
Chosen from a rare 19th-century source, these 124 black-and-white illustrations capture the lavish devices and grand sweep of European Baroque design. Use the royalty-free art in this collection — a population of elaborate architectural ornaments, decorative motifs, and border elements — to embellish a host of craft, design, and graphic projects.
Ціна: 780 грн
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ID: 15582
Видавництво: Victionary

When one speaks of the beauty of Mother Nature, lush leaves and bright blooms in the sun often come to mind. However, there is so much charm to be found in her lesser-noticed side, sprouting silently in the places people rarely look at. The fungi family, for example, is full of intriguing species in a variety of shapes, patterns, and sizes that brim with character in the eyes of the observant. 

Fungal Inspiration is a visual collection of often-hidden gems that highlight the wilder side of nature from around the world. From the intricately detailed to the delightfully quirky, the projects demonstrate a wide range of creativity and a keen appreciation for the unique by the artists and designers who add their own personalities to the curiosities they bring to life on canvas.

Ціна: 1980 грн
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на сторінці

Історія орнаменту сягає корінням у глибину століть. За твердженням археологів, одні з перших химерних візерунків було створено ще у кам'яному віці. Протягом століть орнаментами прикрашають витвори мистецтва та продукти промвиробництва. Їх можна зустріти в архітектурі та живописі, в гончарному та ковальському ремеслі, в книжковій графіці та текстильному виробництві, в ювелірній справі та оформленні інтер'єрів. Продовжувати цей список можна довго, тому що візерунки оточують нас буквально всюди.

Широке застосування орнаменти знаходять у дизайні. Про те, як дизайнеру грамотно використовувати візерунки у своїй роботі, розповість спеціалізована література. Такі книги представлені у каталозі інтернет-магазину DesignBook.UA. У нас ви можете купити за прийнятними цінами та недорого замовити доставку видань по всій Україні. Скільки коштує відправка товару, залежить від тарифів "Нової пошти" на вибраний вид доставки.

Література про орнаменти для дизайнерів

Сьогодні у багатьох сферах людської діяльності орнамент є популярною формою образотворчого мистецтва. У підручниках можна зустріти таку класифікацію за типами візерунків: 

  • технічний орнамент;
  • символічний;
  • геометричний;.
  • антропоморфний;
  • рослинний;
  • анімалістичний;
  • каліграфічний.

Це не весь перелік можливих видів візерунків. Докладніше про це поспішайте дізнатися із зібраних у цьому розділі книг. Ці видання будуть корисні не лише графічним дизайнерам, а й художникам, архітекторам та представникам інших творчих професій.

Де купити літературу з орнаментального дизайну 

В Україні замовити книги про різні напрями дизайну можна за кілька кліків в інтернет-магазині DesignBook.UA. Тисячі видань, у тому числі довідники та підручники, альбоми та періодика мають різну вартість, яка вказана у каталозі. З кожним товаром можна познайомитись ближче, перейшовши на його сторінку.

При оформленні замовлення необхідно вказати контактні дані та вибрати вид доставки, від якого залежатиме загальна ціна. За вартості замовлення від 1000 грн відправимо товар безкоштовно.