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Steve Bowkett
ID: 13680
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

This innovative book is the first to provide a fun, interactive way to learn about architecture. Filled with an array of beautiful and elegant drawings, it poses all manner of architectural challenges for the user: from designing your own skyscraper to drawing an island house or creating a Constructivist monument, plus many more.

Aimed at at anyone who loves drawing buildings, it encourages the users to imagine their own creative solutions by sketching, drawing and painting in the pages of the book. In so doing, they will learn about a whole range of significant architectural issues, such as the importance of site and materials, how to furnish a space, how to read plans, how to create sustainable cities and so on.

The book also includes numerous examples of works and ideas by major architects to draw inspiration from and will appeal to everyone from children to students and professional architects.

About the Author:

Steve Bowkett has taught and practised architecture for over 25 years in numerous universities and art colleges and is currently a Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University. He studied at the Royal College of Art in London and the Polytechnic of Central London.

Ціна: 900 грн
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David Drazil
ID: 14298
Видавництво: Quarry Books

Featuring more than 600 sketches depicting a vast array of architecturally and culturally significant buildings, bridges, towers, monuments, and more, Draw Like an Artist: 100 Buildings and Architectural Forms is a must-have visual reference for student and aspiring architects, artists, illustrators, and urban sketchers.

This contemporary step-by-step guidebook demonstrates fundamental art and architectural concepts like proportion, perspective, and spatial relationships as you learn to draw a wide range of important residential, commercial, historic, and cultural buildings, bridges, towers, and other structures from all over the world and from ancient to modern — all shown from a variety of perspectives and scales. Each set of illustrations takes you from beginning sketch lines to a finished drawing. Author David Drazil’s classic drawing style will make this a go-to sourcebook for years to come.

Learn how to establish basic shapes; articulate lines for structure, forms, and shading; and add defining details by drawing these celebrated sites and many others:

- Residential: Fallingwater in the US and the Silo in Copenhagen
- Commercial: Dancing House in Prague and Sugamo Shinkin Bank in Tokyo
- Monuments/Sacred: Stonehenge in the UK and the Cathedral of Brasilia
- Bridges: Jade Belt Bridge in Beijing and the Sydney Harbor Bridge in Sydney, Australia

Draw Like an Artist: 100 Buildings and Architectural Forms is a library essential for any artist or architect who’s interested in learning how to draw and explore the underlying design principles of influential constructions.

The books in the Draw Like an Artist series are richly visual references for learning how to draw classic subjects realistically through hundreds of step-by-step images created by expert artists and illustrators.

About the Author:

David Drazil is an architect who loves to sketch. Every day he shares his passion for the visual representation of architecture through drawings and tips on his website SketchLikeAnArchitect.com and on his popular Instagram account @david_drazil. Through creating educational resources on architectural sketching, David is focused on helping other architects, designers, and hobby sketchers to use sketching as a tool to improve their design process and presentation. A trained architect with international experience, David holds a BSc in Architecture and Building Engineering from Czech Technical University in Prague and an MSc in Architecture and Design from Aalborg University in Aalborg. He also collaborates as a featured artist with the iPad sketching apps Morpholio and ShadowDraw. He lives in Prague, Czech Republic.


Пролисать книгу Draw Like an Artist: 100 Buildings and Architectural Forms: Step-by-Step Realistic Line Drawing - A Sourcebook for Aspiring Artists and Designers на Google Books.

Ціна: 900 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 13987
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

Landscape architects rely on images to explore ideas and to communicate them to others. Their designs range from large-scale master plans and strategic visions, through to specific vegetation and precise construction details. Concepts and creative solutions are developed, refined, and explained on paper.

This handbook focuses on areas which, even in the age of ­digital media, remain foundations of the profession: drawing, graphics, and projections. Both instructional and inspirational, it covers the basics of landscape ­architectural representation in an easy-to-understand way, encouraging readers to sketch and develop their own graphic language and style.

Also showcased in this book are many examples from landscape architecture offices worldwide, offering practical help and ideas.

Key thematic areas include:
_Introduction to drawing tools, applications, and effects
_Symbols in different scales, styles, and abstraction levels
_Basic principles for presentation, layout, and lettering
_Fundamentals of orthographic and parallel projections
_Drawing in contemporary landscape architecture practice

Ціна: 3500 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 15573
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

In recent years, perspective views have swept into the foreground in the field of landscape architecture. They have become the showpiece of any new design project, frequently overshadowing the plan as the principal graphic mediator of ideas. Perspectives communicate planned spaces, unlike any other orthographic architectural projections, easily connecting with ­human modes of vision and perception. Yet we have become so accustomed to seeing them that we no longer examine their underlying messages.

This manual examines the history of these multifaceted images and their power to shape our expectations and thinking. Moving chronologically from the Renaissance to the present day, the book charts their evolution and dissects the ­motives ­behind their construction. It also provides clear practical guidance on how to compose persuasive images for diverse audiences.

Presented in this book are numerous historical and contemporary examples, underscoring the perspective’s continuing importance in professional practice.

Key thematic areas include:
_ Introduction to terminology: Basics and principles
_Constructing and composing perspectives
_Transmitting messages: The landscape as a medium for ideas
_ Enduring themes of beauty, the sublime, and awe
_The future of perspective views


Для ландшафтного дизайнера графика является незаменимым инструментом, и в последние годы именно перспективный вид играет важнейшую роль в презентации проектов, зачастую затмевая план как основной способ графической передачи идей. Перспектива дает полное представление о проектируемых пространствах и, в отличие от ортогональных проекций, легко считывается любым человеком. И все же мы настолько привыкли к подобным визуализациям, что иногда недооцениваем их глубину и потенциал.

В практическом пособии «Чертежи для ландшафтных архитекторов 2» рассматривается история развития перспективы, начиная с эпохи Возрождения до наших дней, а также анализируются ее роль и возможности в современной ландшафтной архитектуре. Читатели узнают, как подготовить убедительную визуализацию для самых разных проектов, в простой и наглядной форме получат необходимые практические рекомендации, пошаговые инструкции по использованию масштабной сетки, грамотному построению пространств и созданию гармоничной композиции.

Также книга представляет коллекцию вдохновляющих примеров реализованных проектов, разработанных международными бюро и известными ландшафтными архитекторами. Она является бесценным пособием для специалистов и студентов, поскольку в ней уделено внимание и истории, и теории, и практическим аспектам.

Ціна: 2000 грн
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Will Jones
ID: 12420
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Showcases the private sketchbooks of the world’s most visually inventive architects, revealing just how much drawing by hand informs great contemporary architecture

Making Marks follows up on the highly successful Architects’ Sketchbooks, which presented, for the first time, the rich breadth of sketches being created by contemporary architects following the digital revolution. Taking a post-digital perspective, the sixty renowned architects whose work is collected here show how drawing and new forms of manual presentation have been refined since the reawakening of this basic technique. Notepads, stacks of paper, pencils and fine-point pens are as present in the architect’s studio as phalanxes of screens. Revealing why and how hand-drawing still matters, this global survey presents the freehand drawings, vibrant watercolours and abstract impressions of rising talents and well-known names, including Jun Igarashi and Brian MacKay-Lyons. Will Jones’s introduction reviews the importance of the physical sketch and its vital part in the architect’s creative process.

Spanning diverse approaches, styles and physical forms, Making Marks is not merely a compendium of the preoccupations and stylistics of current practice, but also a rich and varied insight into architectural creativity

About the Author:

Will Jones is a journalist and writer specializing in architecture and design. His articles have appeared in the RIBA Journal, the Financial Times and Blueprint, and he is the author of several books including Architects’ Sketchbooks.

Ціна: 1700 980 грн
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Sergei Tchoban, Eva-Maria Barkhofen
ID: 11142
Видавництво: Jovis

Russian-German architect Sergei Tchoban (born 1962) is well-known for his virtuoso skills as a draftsman; for over 30 years he has also been a passionate collector of architectural drawings.

This publication unites Tchoban's own drawings - which range from perspectival-illusionist representations of his hometown of St. Petersburg to travel impressions, fantasies and visionary architectural studies - with highlights from his collection of works by European architects and painters dating from the seventeenth century, including Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1656-1743), Filippo Juvara (1678-1736) and Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825). Focusing on motifs of ancient, classicist and Baroque architecture, these works establish a fruitful dialogue with Tchoban's correspondingly broad production.

Through these extraordinary examples of paper architecture - a fascinating but somewhat neglected critical genre - this book underscores the endless possibilities for expression in the medium and promises to delight any reader interested in architecture or the graphic arts.


Die Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten von Architekturzeichnungen sind so vielfältig wie die Gedanken, an die sich ihr Zeichner wagt. Deshalb nimmt die „Papierarchitektur“ auch eine ganz eigenständige Position innerhalb der grafischen Künste ein. Bis heute üben gezeichnete Architekturwelten eine ungebrochene Faszination auf den Betrachter aus. Sergei Tchoban, Architekt, virtuoser Zeichner und leidenschaftlicher Sammler von Zeichnungen europäischer Architekten und Maler seit dem 17. Jahrhundert, stellt in diesem Buch eigene Werke aus rund dreißig Jahren in einen Dialog mit ausgewählten Werken seiner Sammlung.

Im Mittelpunkt der Auswahl stehen Motive antiker, barocker und klassizistischer Architektur. Dabei ist die Bandbreite von Tchobans perspektivisch-illusionistischen Darstellungen sehr vielfältig. Seine Werke reichen von wasser- und lichtgeprägten Zeichnungen seiner Heimatstadt St. Petersburg über Reiseeindrücke und Fantasien bis hin zu visionären Studien

Ціна: 900 грн
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Gabriel Campanario
ID: 8419
Видавництво: Quarry Books

The Art of Urban Sketching is both a comprehensive guide and a showcase of location drawings by artists around the world who draw the cities where they live and travel. Authored by the founder of the nonprofit organization Urban Sketchers (www.urbansketchers.org), this beautiful, 320-page volume explains urban sketching within the context of a long historical tradition and how it is being practiced today.

With profiles of leading practitioners and discussions of the benefits of working in this art form, this inspiring book shows how one can participate and experience this creative outlet through modern-day social networks and online activity. You'll find more than 600 beautiful, contemporary illustrations, as well as artists' profiles and extended captions where these urban sketchers share their stories, how they work, sketching tips, and the tools behind each drawing.

With sketches and observations from more than 50 cities in more than 30 countries, The Art of Urban Sketching offers a visually arresting, storytelling take on urban life from different cultures and artistic styles, as well as insight into various drawing techniques and mediums.

About the Author:

Gabriel Campanario is a staff artist at The Seattle Times and the founder of Urban Sketchers (www.urbansketchers.org), a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the art of on-location drawing. Campanario's newspaper column, Seattle Sketcher, was awarded first place for blog writing in "The Best of the West" journalism contest. The blog and weekly print column, which combine location sketches and written stories, have quickly become popular in the Seattle area, where Campanario has been featured in TV and radio appearances. A native Spaniard, Campanario moved to the U.S. in 1998 and has lived near Seattle with his wife and two children since 2006. His journalism career spans two decades, working for newspapers in Barcelona, Lisbon, California, and Virginia. Campanario has a master's degree in journalism from the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain.


Пролистать книгу The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing On Location Around the World на Google Books.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Gabriel Campanario; Veronica Lawlor; Stephanie Bower
ID: 14297
Видавництво: Quarry Books

The Urban Sketching Art Pack is a portable package that includes an informational book and companion sketchpad filled with prompts for sketching on the go.

The Urban Sketching Handbook series is now in a new format! This portable version of the art package includes a 112-page informational book and a 112-page companion sketchpad full of challenges to get you started on sketching urban environments.

The Urban Sketching Art Pack tackles the specific challenges of making sketches on location. You’ll find out the best ways to sketch rain or shine, quickly or slowly. Learn how to frame your scene, create a strong composition, and add detail and interest. Find out how to draw figures in motion, in proportion, and how to capture a person's features. As you advance through the lessons, you'll come to understand the anatomy of a good sketch by learning the secrets to how to draw in perspective.

Best of all, you'll learn how to maximize your location drawing opportunities by developing your eye for sketch-worthy events and learning to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of your fascinating city. 

About the Authors:

Gabriel Campanario is a staff artist at The Seattle Times and the founder of Urban Sketchers (www.urbansketchers.org), a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the art of on-location drawing. Campanario's newspaper column, Seattle Sketcher, was awarded first place for blog writing in "The Best of the West" journalism contest. The blog and weekly print column, which combine location sketches and written stories, have quickly become popular in the Seattle area, where Campanario has been featured in TV and radio appearances. A native Spaniard, Campanario moved to the U.S. in 1998 and has lived near Seattle with his wife and two children since 2006. His journalism career spans two decades, working for newspapers in Barcelona, Lisbon, California, and Virginia. Campanario has a master's degree in journalism from the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. 

Veronica Lawlor is an instructor at Parsons the New School for Design, Pratt Institute, and her own Dalvero Academy. She is an illustrator and the president of Studio 1482, the illustration collective that contributed illustrations to One Drawing A Day and One Watercolor A Day. Lawlor is also a correspondent with Urban Sketchers, and her work was featured in the Quarry book: The Art of Urban Sketching, as well as in the first two issues of the Urban Sketching Handbook series.

Stephanie Bower worked as a licensed Architect in New York City before gravitating to professional architectural illustration and concept design. She taught the how-to's of architectural sketching for over twenty-five years in New York City at Parsons, in Seattle at the University of Washington and Cornish College of the Arts, and most recently, in popular sketching workshops called "Good Bones" where she teaches the concepts of basic perspective sketching and watercolour. Bower was an instructor at the 2014 Urban Sketchers Symposium in Paraty, Brazil and also teaches an annual workshop in Civita di Bagnoregio Italy. People around the world follow her sketches online via Flickr, her blog "Drawing Perspectives", and as blog correspondent for Urban Sketchers. She is also a signature member of the Northwest Watercolor Society.

Ціна: 900 грн
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Stephanie Bower
ID: 15585
Видавництво: Quarry Books

Award-winning urban sketcher and best-selling author Stephanie Bower presents a spectacular, all-new collection of sketchers and their art from 39 countries in a city-to-city tour around the world.

The remarkable work of the vibrant, international urban sketching community was first documented in The Art of Urban Sketching by Gabriel Campanario. In the ten years since its release, sketching on location has grown into nothing less than a worldwide phenomenon.

A visual feast of more than 700 images from over 150 sketchers, The World of Urban Sketching unveils the latest developments and innovations in the creative and rewarding pursuit of on-location drawing and painting. 

New Artwork. Discover the stunning and informative work of both established and emerging urban sketchers, from Seattle to Santiago, from Singapore to Sydney.
New Techniques. Consider new styles and approaches in color and linework, including digital, through artists’ tips and step-by-step demonstrations.
New Stories. Learn what inspires sketchers, even during a pandemic, and get invaluable insights into creating artwork on location through artists’ observations and advice.

Whether you draw during your travels or in your own backyard, the beautiful work in The World of Urban Sketching will expand your skills and inspire you to pick up a pencil and sketch your world!

About the Author:

Stephanie Bower worked as a licensed Architect in New York City before gravitating to professional architectural illustration and concept design. She taught the how-to's of architectural location sketching for over twenty-five years in New York City at Parsons and in Seattle at the University of Washington and Cornish College of the Arts. She has two online sketching classes at Bluprint.com, and she travels and teaches perspective and watercolor workshops internationally, including at six Urban Sketchers symposiums. People around the world follow her sketches online via Instagram @stephanieabower and Facebook, and she is an international blog correspondent for Urban Sketchers. Stephanie is a signature member of the Northwest Watercolor Society. She is the author of The Urban Sketching Handbook: Understanding Perspective (Quarry Books, 2016) and co-author of The Urban Sketching Art Pack (Quarry Books, 2017).


Пролистать книгу The World of Urban Sketching: Celebrating the Evolution of Drawing and Painting on Location Around the Globe - New Inspirations to See Your World One Sketch at a Time на Google Books

Ціна: 1200 грн
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Edward Hutchison
ID: 17575
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

An all-in-one introduction to combining traditional drawing techniques with computer-aided design

As hand-drawing returns to design courses around the world, this welcome publication celebrates the best aspects of traditional techniques while incorporating them into today’s digital design methods. It reintroduces the importance of learning to ‘see by hand’, to visualize large-scale design schemes and explain them through drawing, before using the digital tools that are so crucial to efficient and cost-effective building solutions.

Combining traditional drawing techniques with those from CAD rendering, Drawing for Landscape Architecture guides practitioners from their very first impression of a site, through concept and schematic design and client presentation to construction and site drawings, to two case studies that show the final result. This new and expanded edition includes a new chapter on the relationship between landscape design and architecture, along with a selection of updated artwork.

Contents List:

1. Absorbing the Landscape • 2. Drawing on Site • 3. Drawing Ideas • 4. Plan, Elevation and Section Drawing • 5. Isometric Drawings • 6. Perspectives • 7. Money Drawings • 8. Construction Detail Drawings • 9. Completed Work: Case Studies

About the Author:

Edward Hutchison is principal of his own successful landscape design practice in London. He was previously an associate of Foster & Partners. His drawings have been included in major exhibitions, including the Royal Watercolour Society’s annual show in 2011.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Matt Bua, Maximillian Goldfarb
ID: 8968
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

Born out of the drawingbuilding.org online archive, Architectural Inventions presents a stunning visual study of impossible or speculative structures that exist only on paper. Soliciting the work of architects, designers, and artists of renown – as well as emerging talents from all over the world – Maximilian Goldfarb and Matt Bua have gathered an array of works that convey architectural alternatives, through products, expansions, or critiques of our inhabited environments.

From abstract and conceptual visual interpretations of structures to more traditional architectural renderings, the featured work is divided into thematic chapters, ranging from 'Adapt/Reuse' to 'Clandestine'' 'Mobile'' 'Radical Lifestyle', 'Techno-Sustainable', and 'Worship'. Along with arresting and awe-inspiring illustrated content, every chapter also features an essay exploring its respective themes.

Highlighting visions that exist outside of established channels of production and conventions of design, Architectural Inventions showcases a wide scope in concept and vision, fantasy and innovation.

Ціна: 1300 грн
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Jonathan Andrews
ID: 10398
Видавництво: Braun

The book presents outstanding hand drawings of German architects from various areas of architecture and design. The focus of the presentation is on the individual manuscripts of the architects and designers.

For some time now, many architects and designers are returning to manually drawn depictions of their designs – despite the fact that the latest computer-aided visualization techniques allow the creation of almost perfect illusions of planned buildings. However, they often lack in conveying life and atmosphere to the building resulting in a feeling of coldness and distance from the observer. Beyond the pure conveying of information through a mechanical drawing, the various techniques of manual drawing can convey individual sentiments and impressions. The result is a larger degree of authenticity coupled with an emphasis of the human dimension of architecture.

Ціна: 1750 грн
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Rosemary Kilmer, W. Otie Kilmer
ID: 10831
Видавництво: Wiley


In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors, distinguished interior design professors Rosemary Kilmer and W. Otie Kilmer deliver a comprehensive and practical perspective on the preparation and understanding of construction documents. The authors use a highly visual presentation and offer extensive sample drawings and details, as well as photographs, to show readers the fundamentals of drafting, drawing types, plans, and schedules, and computer-aided design.

The Fourth Edition includes new sections on contract administration, field measuring tools, safety and security, and smart systems and controls. A companion website offers PowerPoint lecture slides, an instructor’s manual, activities, test questions, and solutions.

New appendices feature examples of interior design projects and common symbols for construction drawings. The book also includes:

- A thorough introduction to drawing communication, equipment, and classification systems, including information about Building Information Modeling and building certification programs for sustainability
- A discussion of green building certification programs
- An exploration of the design process, including concept development, hand sketching, design development, preliminary designs, sketches, and presentations
- A practical review of contract documents, including specifications, contracts, construction drawings, as-built drawings and demolition plans, and floor plans
- An in-depth examination of structural, mechanical, and plumbing systems

Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors is perfect for interior design students, early-career professionals hoping to improve their understanding of project drawing conventions, or anyone studying for the NCIDQ exam.


Пролистать книгу Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors на Gogle Books.

Ціна: 3000 грн
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ID: 12591
Видавництво: SendPoints

Monument Valley, an indie puzzle game based on optical illusions and impossible objects, generated nearly $14.4 million of revenue in two years after its launch; An ordinary dress prompted an Internet discussion around the world of whether it was black and blue or white and gold; Artists applied visual illusion to large 3D artworks which are so fascinating that a mass of spectators are willing to pay for taking a photo. 

Optical illusions can be seen everywhere in our lives, from interior design, installation, 3D art, product, to brand identity, book cover, and typeface design. They can always draw wide public attention and bring economic benefits. 

This book has summarized 14 principles of visual illusion and 8 creation techniques and included more than 60 amazing optical illusion artworks. Most important, it enables readers to create visual illusion flexibly and effectively either for personal interest or for commercial project.

 - Theories and techniques of visual illusion.
 - Comprehensive history of the development of visual illusion.
 - 65 illusion artworks with detailed analysis of creating methods.

Ціна: 2000 грн
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Helen Thomas
ID: 12606
Видавництво: Phaidon

An elegant presentation of stunning and inspiring architectural drawings from antiquity to the present day

Throughout history, architects have relied on drawings both to develop their ideas and communicate their vision to the world.

This gorgeous collection brings together more than 250 of the finest architectural drawings of all time, revealing each architect's process and personality as never before. Creatively paired to stimulate the imagination, the illustrations span the centuries and range from sketches to renderings, simple to intricate, built projects to a utopian ideal, famous to rarely seen - a true celebration of the art of architecture.

Visually paired images draw connections and contrasts between architecture from different times, styles, and places. From Michelangelo to Frank Gehry, Louise Bourgeois to Tadao Ando, B.V. Doshi to Zaha Hadid, and Grafton to Luis Barragán, the book shows the incredible variety and beauty of architectural drawings.

Drawing Architecture is ideal for art and architecture lovers alike, as well as anyone interested in the intersection of creativity and history.

Ціна: 3000 грн
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Рисунок играет важную роль в работе архитектора и не теряет своей актуальности даже сегодня, когда на помощь специалистам приходят цифровые технологии. Архитектурный рисунок призван выразить творческое видение, сформулировать и визуализировать первоначальный замысел мастера. Он является значимым инструментом на первых этапах проектирования будущего сооружения. Профессиональный архитектор должен хорошо владеть искусством рисования и черчения. Эти навыки гарантируют успешное выполнение проектного задания. 

В помощь новичкам, которые только знакомятся с графикой, есть масса учебной литературы. Такие издания вы можете заказать в интернет-магазине DesignBook.UA. В этом разделе каталога собраны книги, которые познакомят с основами рисования и расскажут, почему рисунок от руки до сих пор имеет значение в архитектуре. 

Купить понравившиеся издания предлагаем онлайн, все цены представлены в описании товара. Недорого будет стоить доставка по Украине — ее стоимость зависит от тарифов экспедиторской компании.

Архитектурный рисунок: литература в помощь архитектору

В каталоге DesignBook.UA вы найдете немало книг, посвященных архитектурному рисунку. Например, мы предлагаем заказать следующие издания:

  • “Инженерно-строительная графика. Справочное пособие” — предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по строительным и архитектурным профилям. В пособии приведена методика построения чертежей и даны основы рисования.
  • “Draw Like an Artist: 100 Buildings and Architectural Forms” — пошаговое руководство детально объясняет фундаментальные концепции архитектуры. В нем содержатся более 600 эскизов зданий, мостов, памятников и других сооружений с первых линий до законченного рисунка. 
  • “Making Marks: Architects' Sketchbooks – The Creative Process” — эта книга дает возможность заглянуть в альбомы известных архитекторов и увидеть, какую роль рисунки играют в творческом процессе и какое влияние оказывают на современную архитектуру
  • “The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing On Location Around the World” — наглядное подтверждение того, что городские зарисовки являются востребованным видом графического искусства. Художники делятся своими работами и советами по созданию эскизов. 

Также начинающих архитекторов может заинтересовать “Archi-Doodle: An Architect's Activity Book”. Это одновременно и пособие, и рабочая тетрадь. В издании раскрываются ключевые понятия и тут же предлагается решить различные архитектурные задачи. 

Как купить литературу по архитектурному рисунку

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