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Книги з теорії мистецтва

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Michael Bird
ID: 12811
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

From the earliest cave paintings through to the internet and street art, this inspiring book chronicles the 100 most influential ideas that have shaped the world of art. Arranged in broadly chronological order, it provides a unique and compelling take on the history of art.

The book shows how developments in materials and technology have radically changed the way that art is produced. Each entry explores when an idea first evolved and how it has resurfaced in the work of different artists up to the present day.

Illustrated with historical masterpieces and packed with fascinating contemporary examples, this is an inspirational and wholly original guide to understanding the forces that have shaped world art.

About the Author:

Michael Bird is a writer and art historian. His books include The St Ives Artists, Studio Voices and an acclaimed history of art for children, Vincent’s Starry Night and Other Stories. He is Royal Literary Fund Fellow at the University of Exeter.

Ціна: 900 грн
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Alain Botton, John Armstrong
ID: 17566
Видавництво: Phaidon

Two authorities on popular culture reveal the ways in which art can enhance mood and enrich lives - now available in paperback

This passionate, thought-provoking, often funny, and always-accessible book proposes a new way of looking at art, suggesting that it can be useful, relevant, and therapeutic. Through practical examples, the world-renowned authors argue that certain great works of art have clues as to how to manage the tensions and confusions of modern life. Chapters on love, nature, money, and politics show how art can help with many common difficulties, from forging good relationships to coming to terms with mortality.

About the Authors:

Alain de Botton is the author of bestselling books, including The Consolations of Philosophy, How Proust Can Change Your Life, Status Anxiety, and Religion for Atheists. He founded The School of Life in 2008, an organization which - from branches around the world - supplies good ideas for everyday life in the form of books, workshops, and talks. In 2009 he founded Living Architecture, which makes high-quality architecture accessible to everyone.

John Armstrong is a philosopher and art theorist based at Melbourne University in Australia. He is the author of several well-received books, including The Intimate Philosophy of Art, and Conditions of Love.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Robert Shore
ID: 14425
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

‘Art is theft,’ Picasso once proclaimed, and much of the best and most ‘original’ new art involves an act or two of unequivocal, overt theft.

Paradoxically, the law relating to artistic borrowing has grown more restrictive. ‘The plagiarism and copyright trials of the twenty-first century are what the obscenity trials were to the twentieth century’, Kenneth Goldsmith, has observed. ‘These are really the issues of our time.’

Beg, Steal and Borrow offers a comprehensive and provocative survey of a complex subject that is destined to grow in relevance and importance. It traces an artistic lineage of appropriation from Michelangelo to Jeff Koons, and examines the history of its legality from the sixteenth century to now.

About the Author:

Robert Shore is the editor of the visual-arts quarterly Elephant and was previously deputy editor at Art Review magazine. As an arts journalist he has contributed to the Sunday Times, the Guardian and Metro. He is also the author of 10 Principles of Advertising and Bang in the Middle.

Ціна: 900 грн
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John Gage
ID: 18517
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A groundbreaking, award-winning analysis of colour in Western culture, from the ancient Greeks to the late twentieth century by one of the most foremost authors on the subject.

What does the language of colour tell us? Where does one colour begin and another end? Is it a radiant visual stimulus, an intangible function of light, or a material substance to be moulded and arrayed? Colour is fundamental to art, yet so diverse that it has hardly ever been studied in a comprehensive way. Art historian John Gage considers every conceivable aspect of the subject in this groundbreaking analysis of colour in Western culture, from the ancient Greeks to the late twentieth century.

Gage describes the first theories of colour, articulated by Greek philosophers, and subsequent attempts by the Romans and their Renaissance disciples to organize it systematically or endow it with symbolic power. He unfolds its religious significance and its use in heraldry, as well as how Renaissance artists approached colour with the help of alchemists. He explores the analysis of the spectrum undertaken by Newton and continued in the nineteenth century by artists such as Seurat, traces the influence of Goethe's colour theory, and considers the extraordinary theories and practices that attempted to unite colour and music, or make colour into an entirely abstract language of its own.

The first-ever undertaking to suggest answers to many perennial questions about the role of colour in Western art and thought, this study throws fresh light on the hidden meanings of many familiar masterpieces.


John Gage’s groundbreaking analysis of colour has been transforming our perceptions for more than three decades. Indispensable to anyone fascinated by art, psychology and history, this remarkable book considers every conceivable aspect of colour theory in Western culture.

From Roman symbolism to Bauhaus and beyond, this new edition, now featuring full colour illustrations throughout, will continue to serve as a pillar of visual arts scholarship.

About the Author:

John Gage was an acknowledged international authority on the history of art and colour, and wrote many books on the subject, including Colour and MeaningColour in Art and the award-winning Colour and Culture, all published by Thames & Hudson. He was Head of the Department of History of Art at Cambridge University from 1992 to 1995.

Ціна: 3000 грн
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John Gage, Kelly Grovier
ID: 17350
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A wide-ranging and engaging introduction to the place and power of colour in life and art by John Gage, author of the award-winning Colour and Culture.

The complex phenomenon of colour has received detailed attention from the perspectives of physics, chemistry, physiology, psychology, linguistics and philosophy. However, the people who work most closely with colour – artists – have rarely been canvassed for their opinions on this mysterious subject.

John Gage sets out to address this omission by focusing on the thoughts and practices of artists. Colour in Art is concerned with the history of colour, but is not itself a history; instead each chapter develops a theme from a different scientific discipline, as seen from the viewpoint of such diverse artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Vincent van Gogh, Sonia Delaunay, Bridget Riley and Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri. Drawing on examples through the ages, from ancient times to the present, the many topics covered include flags, synaesthesia, Theosophy, theatre design, film, chromotherapy and chromophobia.

Featuring a new foreword by art writer Kelly Grovier outlining contemporary developments in the study of colour, and an updated bibliography, this new edition of this classic text offers a wide-ranging and engaging introduction to the place and power of colour in life and art.

About the Author:

John Gage an acknowledged international authority on the history of art and colour, and wrote many books on the subject, including Colour and Meaning and the award-winning Colour and Culture, both published by Thames & Hudson. He was Head of the Department of History of Art at Cambridge University from 1992 to 1995. Kelly Grovier is a feature writer for BBC Culture and the author of several acclaimed studies on art, including A New Way of Seeing: The History of Art in 57 Works (2018) and The Art of Colour (2023), both published by Thames & Hudson

Ціна: 980 грн
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Roger Luckhurst
ID: 17674
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The story of the Gothic, from early architecture and literature to the modern horror genre, illustrated by the beautiful, the macabre and the strange

Crumbling ruins, undead fiends, dark alleys and forests teeming with horrors seen and unseen: the tendrils of the Gothic have crept out of the architecture of churches, mosques and grand houses and into suburban malls, overcrowded cities, the deserted corners of the world and beyond, taking the shape of monsters from Beowulf to Gojira, Cthulhu or the wendigo to our own terrifying, warped reflections. Across time, form and media, this book traces the weaving path of the Gothic from the shadows of history to the very heart of popular culture today.

Contents List:

I. Architecture & Form
The Pointed Arch • Ruins • Fragment • Labyrinth • The House
II. The Lie of the Land
The Country & The City • Village • Forest • Wilderness • Edgelands
III. The Gothic Compass
North • South • East • West • Planetary & Cosmic Horror
IV. Monsters
Scale • Splices • The Tentacle • Formless • Us
Further Reading

About the Author:

Roger Luckhurst is the author of The Invention of Telepathy, 1870–1901 (2002), The Mummy’s Curse: The True History of a Dark Fantasy (2012), and Zombies: A Cultural History (2015), and has edited several classic Gothic novels by Bram Stoker, Robert Louis Stevenson and H. P. Lovecraft. He is the Geoffrey Tillotson Professor of Nineteenth Century Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Ulysses Voelker, Michael Schmitz
ID: 18542
Видавництво: niggli Verlag

Reflections and practical action for the rapidly evolving discipline of visual communication.

The professional field of communication design is undergoing radical changes: An excessive flood of information, artificial intelligence, social media, easily accessible graphics tools, efficiency and cost pressure – all of this is putting pressure on communication designers, as a result of which they hardly have any time to think about their own actions. But more than ever before, the circumstances warrant a broad education and require us to think beyond the confines of our own profession.

This manual responds to the current situation in order to reconcile the discipline’s societal relevance with professional practice. Using examples and implementable suggestions, the authors worked out what really matters in visual communication today. They describe the interlinking of a wide range of fields along with their far-reaching consequences and take a close look at the current challenges. In addition, they examine the criteria that make up good design in great detail. The theme that runs through the entire book is as follows: Communication design is always the result of the mindset of the people who operate within it. They decide how their actions influence communication, what values it conveys, and how we experience the world around us.

_Analysis of the state of the profession
_Depiction of what is important in visual communication
_Reflection on mindset and attitude
_Packed with know-how, examples and impulses


Communication design is undergoing radical changes: an overabundant flood of information, fake news, bots, AI, social media, crude graphic tools on the Internet as well as the speed of processes and increasing pressure to be efficient, coupled with increased competition in the design sector and sometimes precarious working conditions. All of these factors put creatives in the field under pressure, leaving them little time to reflect on their own work. This handbook responds to the current situation by shedding new light on the societal relevance of the discipline in the context of professional practice.

The authors use their extensive expertise, practical work examples, and actionable suggestions to identify what really matters in visual communication. They describe the far-reaching interconnectedness of design with a wide range of issues and deal intensively with the current challenges. The overarching leitmotif is that communication design is always the result of the attitude of its protagonists – this compendium makes clear how their actions influence communication, what values are conveyed, and what our visual world looks like as a result.

About the Authors:

Ulysses Voelker initially trained as a deckhand and completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter and worked in these professions before beginning his studies in communication design. After working as an art director, Voelker set up his own design studio. At the same time, he taught as a lecturer in typography and was appointed to Mainz University of Applied Sciences in 2000, where he taught until his retirement in 2019.
Communication designer Michael Schmitz worked at the Designlabor Gutenberg in Mainz for several years during his studies and beyond. He has been running his own studio in Cologne since 2017.

Ціна: 2800 грн
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Jessica Cerasi
ID: 14330
Видавництво: Ilex

What is contemporary art, and how did art come to be what it is today? How can we understand what a work of art means; and can’t just about anything be called art these days?

Contemporary Art Decoded takes ten key questions about contemporary art and uses them to what you’re looking at, how it works, and why it matters. Steering clear of jargon, this book digs deep into the core ideas and concepts behind the art. It features some work you’ll recognise, and some you won’t, from some of the most exciting artists working today, such as Olafur Eliasson, Anish Kapoor, Yayoi Kusama and Zanele Muholi.

This book is guaranteed to make your next trip to a gallery more rewarding.

Chapters include:

– What is contemporary art?
– Where did it come from?
– Where do you draw the line?
– Does it matter who makes it?
– Does it have to mean something?
– Can anything be art?
– What about art for art’s sake?
– Has it all been done before?
– Does it have to be so serious?
– What’s next?

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Florian Heine
ID: 14596
Видавництво: Prestel

Discover how artists have been tricking the human eye for centuries

This spellbinding look at the history and development of illusionistic art reveals wide-ranging techniques that have piqued the public’s fascination with this medium. Beautifully reproduced, the images featured in the book includes centuries-old work such as the scenery at the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, Italy, and the ceiling frescos at the Würzburg Residence in Germany, that showcase processes such as trompe l’oeil and anamorphosis. It also features work from the 20th and 21st centuries, including René Magritte’s classic surrealist works; M. C. Escher’s magical and mathematically precise drawings; the seemingly undulating paintings of Bridget Riley; the manipulated photography of Andreas Gursky; Duane Hanson’s eerily lifelike sculptures; JR’s larger-than-life portrait photographs; and Georges Rousse’s mind-bending constructions.

The book also has examples of amazing street art including subway graffiti and a sidewalk painting that makes pedestrians think twice. This extraordinary and informative guide to all kinds of artistic trickery will satisfy scholars as well as everyday fans.

About the Author:

Florian Heine is an arts editor, photographer, and author whose many books include 50 Contemporary Photographers You Should KnowBuildings that Revolutionized Architecture, and Photography: The Groundbreaking Moments (all by Prestel).


Пролистать книгу The Art of Illusion

Ціна: 1980 грн
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Adrian George
ID: 18304
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

An updated edition of this essential practical handbook for all those involved in, or studying, the dynamic field of curating

From pitching your ideas and writing loan requests to working with artists, lenders and art handlers, to writing interpretation material, installing and promoting your exhibition; The Curator's Handbook is the most clear and complete guide yet to the art and practice of curating.

An introduction maps the history of curating from its origins in the 17th century to the multifarious roles of the curator today: tastemaker, custodian, interpreter, educator, facilitator, organizer. Adrian George then guides the reader, across thirteen chapters, through the process of curating an exhibition. Each step is described in valuable detail and clear, informative language by this experienced curator, whose text pinpoints the keys to success (as well as which pitfalls to avoid).

With advice and tips from a renowned cast of international museum directors and curators – including Daniel Birnbaum, Aric Chen, Elizabeth Ann MacGregor, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Jennifer Russell and Nicholas Serota – this new edition, updated to reflect current concerns in the art world and the latest recommended best practices, remains the essential handbook for all students, museum and gallery professionals, as well as established or aspiring curators.

Contents List:

Introduction • 1. Starting Off • 2. From Idea to Reality • 3. Pitching • 4. Budgets and Fundraising • 5. Negotiating • 6. Exhibition Publications & Merchandise • 7. Putting a Show Together • 8. The Weeks Before the Opening • 9. Installation • 10. The Days before Opening and the Opening Day • 11. The Press Opening and Private View • 12. During – and after – the exhibition

About the Author:

Adrian George is a curator, commissioner, writer and educator with over twenty-three years’ experience working in some of the most influential art institutions in the world including the New Museum, New York; Tate Modern; Tate Liverpool and the UK Government Art Collection, UK. He is currently Director: Programmes, Exhibitions and Museum Services at ArtScience Museum, Singapore.

Ціна: 1250 грн
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Phoebe Hoban
ID: 13791
Видавництво: David Zwirner Books

Phoebe Hoban’s definitive biography of the renowned American painter Alice Neel tells the unforgettable story of an artist whose life spanned the twentieth century, from women’s suffrage through the Depression, McCarthyism, the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution, and feminism. Throughout her life and work, Neel constantly challenged convention, ultimately gaining an enduring place in the canon.

Alice Neel’s stated goal was to “capture the zeitgeist.” Born into a proper Victorian family at the turn of the twentieth century, Neel reached voting age during suffrage. A quintessential bohemian, she was one of the first artists participating in the Easel Project of the Works Progress Administration, documenting the challenges of life during the Depression. An avowed humanist, Neel chose to paint the world around her, sticking to figurative work even during the peak of abstract expressionism. Neel never ceased pushing the envelope, creating a unique chronicle of her time.

Neel was fiercely democratic in selecting her subjects, who represent an extraordinarily diverse population ― from such legendary figures as Joe Gould to her Spanish Harlem neighbours in the 1940s, the art critic Meyer Shapiro, Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Andy Warhol, and major figures of the labour, civil rights and feminist movements ― producing an indelible portrait of twentieth-century America. By dictating her own terms, Neel was able to transcend such personal tragedy as the death of her infant daughter, Santillana, a nervous breakdown and suicide attempts, and the separation from her second child, Isabetta. After spending much of her career in relative obscurity, Neel finally received a major museum retrospective in 1974, at the Whitney Museum of American Art, in New York.

In this first paperback edition of the authoritative biography of Alice Neel, which serves also as a cultural history of twentieth-century New York, the author Phoebe Hoban documents the tumultuous life of the artist in vivid detail, creating a portrait of the artist as incisive as Neel’s relentlessly honest paintings. With a new introduction by Hoban that explores Neel’s enduring relevance, this biography is essential to understanding and appreciating the life and work of one of America’s foremost artists.

Ціна: 1250 грн
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Dirk Boll
ID: 18303
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

A Handbook to the Art Market

The new look on the history of art and its blind spots, the far-reaching digitization of structures and content, the changing role of museums and art criticism, new forces from influencers to NFTs: Hardly any market system has evolved as profoundly in the last decade as the distribution of art.

With 25 years of experience in the art industry, Dirk Boll acts as a continuous chronicler and seasonal commentator of these pervasive developments. His handbook Art for Sale is a reliable source of in-depth knowledge about the inner workings of global art market systems. How do auctions, the network of galleries, and fairs work? How are prices being made, and how do trends both in the production of art as well as its collection emerge? What is more, the updated and revised new edition provides comprehensive information on the practical issues of art acquisition: What are the customs and pitfalls, the economic interdependencies between the artists, buyers and other market players, and the legal regulations governing the trade with art?

About the Author:

Dirk Boll (*1970, Kassel) studied law in Göttingen and Freiburg im Breisgau. After his postgraduate studies in cultural management, he received his Ph.D. for a thesis on the structures and legal framework of art markets. In 1998, he began his career at Christie's in London and has held various management positions since then. Since 2022, he is the Board Member for 20th and 21st Century Art for EMEA (Europe & UK, Middle East & Africa). Boll is professor of Cultural Management in Hamburg, a member of the Academic Board of Christie's Education as well as External Examiner of Kingston University, London.

Ціна: 3200 грн
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Justin Marshall, Thomas Cronin, Sönke Johnsen, Ron Douglas, Anya Hurlbert, Jane Boddy, Fabio Cortesi
ID: 18387
Видавництво: Princeton Architectural Press

A marvelously illustrated guide to color in the natural world

Recent years have seen tremendous strides in the fields of vision, visual ecology, and our own multilayered experience of color in life and the world. These advances have been driven by astonishing discoveries in neuroscience and evolutionary biology as well as psychology and design. This beautifully illustrated book unlocks nature’s colorful purpose, revealing how creatures see color as well as shedding light on the important part that it plays in animal behavior, from reproduction and communication to aggression and defense. Color in Nature also places the human experience and uses of color in the context of all the colors around us, both in the natural world and in the world that we humans create for our own pleasure and purpose. A wide-ranging survey of a vibrant and compelling topic, Color in Nature will open your eyes to new ways of perceiving the world.

- Features a wealth of stunning color illustrations
- Explains what color is and how it happens
- Covers the physics, genetics, chemistry, physiology, and psychology of animal color perception
- Discusses colors humans don’t see or rarely use
- Sheds light on the evolution of colors for mating, hunting, fighting, deceiving, and hiding
- Provides insights into color blindness, bio-inspired colors, and people’s appreciation for art and design

About the Authors|:

Justin Marshall is professor emeritus of neuroscience and marine biology at the University of Queensland. Anya Hurlbert is professor of visual neuroscience at Newcastle University. Jane Boddy is a color trend forecaster based in London, and is a creative contributor to the Pantone Color Institute. Thomas Cronin is professor of biological sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Ron Douglas is emeritus professor in the Department of Optometry and Visual Sciences at City, University of London. Sönke Johnsen is professor of biology at Duke University. Fabio Cortesi is a research fellow and group leader in evolutionary biology and marine science at the School of the Environment at the University of Queensland.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Kathrin Dreckmann, Linnea Semmerling, Elfi Vomberg, Katharina Wiedlack, Marina Grzinic, Jack Halberstam, Josephine Hetterich, Angela McRobbie, Jennifer Ramme, Peter Rehberg, Marion Schulze, Jan Kiesswetter
ID: 16634
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

Since the 1970s, the medium of video and multimedia art practice has been closely linked to the subcultural and countercultural movements. Art and music videos in particular demonstrate great subversive potential: artists and musicians oppose traditional values, exploring and repeatedly transgressing social norms and gender stereotypes. This publication reviews artistic strategies in the context of a history of punk and its offshoots, combining scholarly opinions from the fields of art history, queer theory, media studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, and cultural studies on an equal footing with field reports from the practice of alternative archives and artistic image essays.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Ros Byam Shaw
ID: 15023
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A visual analysis of the colours used in furnishing fabrics and wallpapers from the 15th century to now, providing inspiration for designers

Spectrum offers a fascinating visual analysis of the colour palettes used in furnishing fabrics and wallpapers from the 15th century to the present day. Presented in chronological order, the earliest detail is taken from an early 15th-century embroidery in brick red, dusky pink, sage green, mustard yellow and smoky blue, the last from a graphic wallpaper design of 2009 that combines orange and yellow on a dramatic, dark background. Next to each pattern is a colour grid, which shows the relative proportions of the colours used, each labelled with its CMYK number – a worldwide standard printing code for colour that precisely identifies it. The grid gives a clear understanding of the ways colours have been expertly combined at different periods to create the beautiful designs we admire and emulate today.

This unique sourcebook will provide inspiration for all designers, both amateur and professional.

Contents List:

Introduction • About this book • About these objects • 15th century • 16th century • 17th century • 18th century • 19th century • 20th–21st century • Further reading

About the Author:

Ros Byam Shaw is a journalist who writes on design and interiors for The World of Interiors and House and Garden. She is the author of Farrow & Ball Living with Colour and Farrow & Ball Decorating with Colour as well as numerous other books on historic houses and interiors.

Ціна: 1250 грн
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