Флористика, Entertaining

Книги по флористики

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Pepin van Roojen
ID: 10194
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book of Pepin Press Wrapping Paper contains 12 beautiful sheets, each an original design, that you can use to wrap gifts or as an embellishment to your journal, scrapbook or album. They are really high quality and especially beautiful, making them great posters for your wall too!

The book is 25 x 35cm and contains 12 fold out sheets. Each sheet is 50 x 70cm unfolded and is perforated for easy removal. The paper stock is chosen to accentuate the design and ink used, sometimes thin for shiny gold or silver, or thick and creamy for antique inspired design.

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Ines Heugel
ID: 1166
Издательство: Rizzoli

Anyone who enjoys entertaining is sure to be inspired by these objects of charm and history, which bring elegance and finesse to any table.

Among the list of items profiled in the book are numerous types of plates (from country stoneware to fine bone china), stemware (from fine crystal aperitif glasses to hand cut ruby quartz goblets), flatware (knives, spoons and forks of every shape, material and purpose), as well as serving platters, soup tureens, serving trays, chafing dishes, egg cups, napkin holders and more. Inès Heugel delves into the history behind each item. She expounds on detailing and craftsmanship, popular designs and proper uses. All the major historic manufacturers, styles and brands are covered.

Also included is a chapter on table ornaments — from centrepieces to candelabra — that round out any well-laid table. Christian Sarramon's atmospheric photographs show each piece in a contemporary setting, and delightful reproductions of vintage engravings and lithographs adorn the margins, giving the book the feel of an old-time almanack. Laying the Elegant Table is the perfect gift and an ideal addition to your own collection.

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Pepin van Roojen
ID: 10195
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book of Pepin Press Wrapping Paper contains 12 beautiful sheets, each an original design, that you can use to wrap gifts or as an embellishment to your journal, scrapbook or album. They are really high quality and especially beautiful, making them great posters for your wall too!

The book is 25 x 35cm and contains 12 fold out sheets. Each sheet is 50 x 70cm unfolded and is perforated for easy removal. The paper stock is chosen to accentuate the design and ink used, sometimes thin for shiny gold or silver, or thick and creamy for antique inspired design.

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Pepin van Roojen
ID: 10196
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book of Pepin Press Wrapping Paper contains 12 beautiful sheets, each an original design, that you can use to wrap gifts or as an embellishment to your journal, scrapbook or album. They are really high quality and especially beautiful, making them great posters for your wall too!

The book is 25 x 35cm and contains 12 fold out sheets. Each sheet is 50 x 70cm unfolded and is perforated for easy removal. The paper stock is chosen to accentuate the design and ink used, sometimes thin for shiny gold or silver, or thick and creamy for antique inspired design.

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Dorothea Hamm, Carolin Wubbels
ID: 9810
Издательство: BLOOM's

When love leads to the exchanging of vows and this happy event is celebrated, everything should match perfectly. This book contains not only ideas for the bride's bouquet and the bridegroom's boutonnière but also inspiring designs for bridesmaids' posies and for wedding carriages - from a classic car to a rustic covered wagon - as well as some easily realised suggestions for decorating the venue and the altar.

Wenn Liebe zum Versprechen wird, sollte es rundum stimmig sein. Dieses Buch zeigt eine erstaunliche Gestaltungsvielfalt neuartiger floristischer Dekorationsideen rund um den Hochzeitsanlass. Floristen finden dabei neben dem eigentlichen Schmuck für Braut und Bräutigam auch Ideen zu Brautjungfernsträußen, Anregungen für Fahrzeugschmuck vom Oldtimer bis zum Planwagen, sowie gut umsetzbare Raumschmuckvorschläge. 

Приходит момент, когда два человека хотят закрепить свою любовь клятвой, и затем наступает радостное событие – свадьба, где всё должно соответствовать моменту. Эта книга предлагает огромное количество разнообразных инновационных идей декоративных свадебных работ.

Трудно поверить, учитывая совершенно разные стили предлагаемых букетов, что многие из них сделаны с использованием классической портбукетницы из соображений экономии флористического материала. Но все они выглядят просто потрясающе!
Откройте для себя новые подходы к дизайну на основе классических флористических техник и приемов, удивительные идеи от классики до авангарда, для всех видов свадебных оформлений, которые призваны укрепить вашу репутацию профессионального свадебного флориста.

Книга представляет не только идеи для букетов невесты и бутоньерок жениха, но и вдохновляющие дизайны для букетов подружек невесты и оформления свадебных экипажей - от классического автомобиля до раритетной деревенской телеги - а также легкие в исполнении предложения для украшения места проведения торжества.

Восемь новых тем помогут создать свадебную церемонию для любого клиента:

Винтажный шик - романтика и ретро-шарм
Морская тема - элегантная классика с морским флёром
Золотые 20-ые годы - женственность и изыск в стилистике 20-х годов
Сельский уют - простота и дружелюбие сельского веселья
Кадиллак и пышные юбки 50-х - яркая помада, пышные формы и рок-н-ролл
Весенняя поэзия - пастельные тона розового и персикового, начало новой жизни
Сладкий цикламен - энергичный цвет для минималистического дизайна
Радужная рапсодия - многоцветная палитра для самых смелых и жизнерадостных

Пролистать книгу Moments of Love. Flowers and Decorations

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Moniek Vanden Berghe
ID: 7664
Издательство: Stichting Kunstboak

Defining Moniek Vanden Berghe as nothing but a 'floral artist' would undermine her multifacted talent. Trained as a sculptor, painter, ceramicist and graphic designer, Moniek found her true passion in the ephemeral floral art. Her intuitive feel for shapes, colors, contrast, textures and materials results in a highly personal, elegant and contemporary style of arranging. Renowned for her ground-breaking bridal designs, resulting in the highly appreciated Flowers in Love series, this monograph shows Moniek from a more personal perspective.

Moniek's strong artistic vision and skilful hands bring us a whole spectrum of floral designs, from subtle miniatures to large-scale extravaganza. Meticulously captured by photographer Kurt Dekeyzer, this monograph is both an authentic document and a beautiful art book of a highly personal signature.

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Marcel Vrignaud
ID: 7668
Издательство: Stichting Kunstboak

Marcel Vrignaud is the founder and permanent professor of the Ikebana Floral Art Centre, an association he set up in 1966 after spending three and a half years in Nagoya (Japan), devoted to the specific art of Ikebana. Being a genuine pioneer in the art of Ohara, Marcel Vrignaud trained teachers all over Europe. My Ikebana offers an overview of his fantastic output. Readers can discover many original combinations of plants, gathered during different seasons, and displayed in the most unusual containers, reflecting all the categories of bouquets of the Ohara School: moribana, heika, landscapes, rimpa, bunjin, morimono, free style, ikebana sculpture, micro ikebana, transparencies etc.

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Marcel van Dijk
ID: 7721
Издательство: Stichting Kunstboak

For more than twenty-five years already, Marcel and Monique van Dijk share the same passion: creating atmosphere and experience with vegetal materials. Their company Oogenlust has rapidly turned into the Dutch reference when it comes to floral decoration. Every day more than twenty employees are on the move, both at home and abroad. First and foremost, nature remains their inexhaustible breeding ground. Sometimes a bare room is being transformed for a major event, some other time a historical property is being opulently decorated. But every time, the result breaks new ground. After Geert Pattyn and Gilles Pothier, the team of Stichting Kunstboek Publishers has invited Marcel van Dijk to bring forward his vision on floral interior decoration in a beautful publication. The result is stunning. The Oogenlust team loves a challenge and suceeds in creating a certain atmosphere with simple, but sometimes also more complex, interventions and surprising combinations of materials. Readers can enjoy this exuberant big work endlessly, but can just as well find many creative ideas for their home. It is a delicious coffee table book that will continue to inspire.

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Joanne O'Sullivan
ID: 6233
Издательство: Lark Books

With the help of this exquisite and instruction-filled guide, anyone can create gorgeous wedding arrangements with ease. It covers all the important points any designer must take into consideration: how to coordinate the flowers with the overall theme of the ceremony; where the arrangements will be needed, from personal boutonnieres to centerpieces at the reception; and how to work with a florist to get the blooms. Floral basics and how-tos range from important facts on color and composition to suggestions on bouquet shapes and their relation to the dresses. Most important are the various projects to duplicate exactly or use as a springboard, from lovely monochromatic themes to seasonal styles.

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Pepin van Roojen
ID: 10197
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book of Pepin Press Wrapping Paper contains 12 beautiful sheets, each an original design, that you can use to wrap gifts or as an embellishment to your journal, scrapbook or album. They are really high quality and especially beautiful, making them great posters for your wall too!

The book is 25 x 35cm and contains 12 fold out sheets. Each sheet is 50 x 70cm unfolded and is perforated for easy removal. The paper stock is chosen to accentuate the design and ink used, sometimes thin for shiny gold or silver, or thick and creamy for antique inspired design.

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Gilles Pothier
ID: 7720
Издательство: Stichting Kunstboak

Without a doubt, Gilles Pothier is the only French florist of world renown. In between demonstrations in all corners of the world, he works and lives in the heart of Paris. The most beautiful Parisian interiors are often the setting for his majestic floral compositions. Whether it is a luxurious salon, giving testimony of an ancient history, or minimalist spaces, Gilles Pothier creates his vegetal and floral compositions in perfect harmony with their surroundings. Every space is a new challenge to this artist, because architecture and design have always fascinated him. Working in prestigious interiors is no longer an assignment, but far more a reward. In this book Pothier does not only show us his true masterpieces of floral art, but also situates them in extraordinary settings that have never been shown to the public.

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Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering and Florence Fabricant
ID: 6507
Издательство: Rizzoli

Benefiting America’s leading center for the research and treatment of cancer, this is an invitation to a year’s worth of fabulous fetes hosted by New York’s most celebrated party-givers and fund-raisers. Taking the reader to some of the most glamorous private homes in Manhattan (and in the country), Park Avenue Potluck Celebrations showcases the unique élan and elegance these ladies bring to entertaining - be it a glittering New Year’s Eve or an al-fresco lunch on the terrace. From the mint juleps kicking off Derby Day to the Spanish Christmas cookies by the fireplace, these hostesses offer easy ideas that anyone can achieve at home. These ladies show that taste is all about how you put things together - on a tabletop, in a vase of flowers, with handmade invites. It’s these small touches, and the generous spirit behind them, that will inspire readers everywhere. The recipes they’ve chosen are tried-and-true crowd-pleasers that are guaranteed to be down-to-earth dishes you’d be proud to present at any occasion.

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Bart Claessens and Guy van Dooren
ID: 7702
Издательство: Lannoo

Silverspoon consists of the perfect, unique partnership - the creative Bart Claessens and chef Guy van Dooren. Together they have years of expereince organising exquisite parties. Party Inspirations discusses a broad range of parties: weddings, birthdays, baptisms, communion parties, BBQ's, etc. Each one is original, unique and is planned with incredible attention to detail. This book will also be a feast for lovers of gourmet food, since Silverspoon also shows the reader how to bring the catering to a higher level.

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Written by Paula Pryke, Photographed by Tim Winter
ID: 11030
Издательство: Rizzoli

An essential book packed with exquisite photographs and amazing floral displays for planning every aspect of the wedding day and beyond, from London’s leading floral designer.

Paula Pryke taps into the desire of every bride to make her wedding day special, and the choice of flower color, fragrance, and display is one of the most effective and fun ways to do so. She gives the bride the confidence and ability to design her own floral theme and work with a florist to execute it, or perhaps even undertake some of the arrangements herself for a truly personal touch.

The book explores wedding traditions as well as suggestions on how a modern bride can depart from them. It addresses every type of seasonal concern; distinguishes decorative, ceremony, and reception flowers; provides great ideas for floral accessories; and, of course, devotes much consideration to the all-important choice of the bouquet. With step-by-step instructions throughout, the book demonstrates how brides, bridesmaids, friends, and family can make some of Pryke’s most popular wedding flower arrangements themselves.

About the Author

Paula Pryke has had over twenty-five years of experience at creating beautiful weddings. Her work has been featured regularly in all the leading magazines. Her highly successful Flower School was launched in London in 1994 and attracts students from all over the world. She is the author of many best-selling books, including Everyday Flowers, Decorating with Flowers, Table Flowers, and Paula Pryke’s Flower School. Always a trendsetter, Pryke continues to innovate with this latest title.

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Preston Bailey
ID: 6235
Издательство: Rizzoli

Праздник! Время, когда друзья и родственники собираются в красивой обстановке, чтобы отметить одну из вех своей жизни: свадьбу, день рождения, юбилей. Собранные в этой книге, являются самыми последними, самыми необычными празднованиями, созданные экстраординарным американским дизайнером и флористом Престоном Бэйли.
Эти оформления созданы мастером путем использования множества элементов и составляющих, основным из которых являются конечно же цветы, но в том числе - архитектура, дизайн сцены, мебель, освещение и даже посуда и текстиль.

Первая половина книги предлагает читателю сотни вариантов дизайнов и возможностей оформления. Автором изложены ключевые элементы успешного оформления торжества - включая важность создания эксклюзивного драматического акцента мероприятия, элементы украшения стола и пространства, где будет проходить основная церемония, магия тентов и арок, сила небольших деталей.
Во второй половине книги Престон Бэйли представляет лучшие из его последних работ.

Дизайнеры по интерьерам и флористы, занимающиеся оформлениями событий, найдут в этой книге вдохновение и множество решений для своих проектов как больших, так и малых.


Celebration. A time when friends and family come together in a breathtakingly beautiful setting to rejoice in one of life’s milestones: a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary. Collected in this book are dozens of the most recent, most extraordinary celebrations created by the unparalleled event planner Preston Bailey. These are events shaped by Bailey’s use of myriad elements, especially his extraordinary work with flowers, but also including architecture, set design, furniture making, lighting and art installations, and even tableware and textile design. In the first half of this visually spectacular book, arranged thematically to give hundreds of design possibilities to the reader, Bailey lays out the key elements to successful celebrations, including the importance of making a single dramatic statement, the elements of table settings, the impact of the ceremony space, the magic of tents, and the power of details. In the second half of the book, Bailey presents the best of his most recent work, exceptional parties shown in their entirety. The reader will find innumerable inspirations for planning a breathtaking, unforgettable event.

About the Author:

Preston Bailey is one of the world’s premiere event planners. The author of the best-selling books Celebrations, Preston Bailey’s Design for Entertaining, Preston Bailey’s Fantasy Weddings, and Inspirations and an in-demand lecturer, he frequently appears on The Early Show, Oprah, and Good Morning America, among others. His clients include Oprah Winfrey, Joan Rivers, Matt Lauer, the Riggios, and Donald Trump.

Другие книги Престона Бэйли:


Preston Bailey: Designing with Flowers

Preston Bailey Flowers: Centerpieces, Place Setting, Ceremonies, and Parties

Preston Bailey's Fantasy Weddings

Preston Bailey's Design for Entertaining

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