J.J. Pan and Partners (Master Architect Series, IV)

Joshua Jih Pan
книга J.J. Pan and Partners (Master Architect Series, IV), автор: Joshua Jih Pan

J.J. Pan and Partners (Master Architect Series, IV)

Joshua Jih Pan
Товар відсутній
повідомити про надходження
ID: 998
Видавництво: Images
Палітурка: Hardcover, 300 x 225 mm
Кількість сторінок: 256
Мова: English
ISBN-13: 9781864700541
Stressing total quality in all aspects of architectural practice, the J.J. Pan monograph features a rich collection of building types. According to Taiwanese architect, Joshua Jih Pan, such total quality includes at least design, service and delivery which many other architects find diffuclut to maintain in balanced proportions. This publication is fully illustrated with photographs and plans of many of J.J. Pan's most interesting projects.