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Betty Lou Phillips
ID: 9298
Издательство: Gibbs Smith Publishers

France and Italy have long been the go-to spots for fashionistas, serious foodies and design mavens. Rich patinas, satisfying earthen hues and myriad natural materials - translate into timeless, unabashedly elegant yet livable rooms appropriate for our times. Award-winning designer Betty Lou Phillips shows how the best from two European countries combine to create la dolce vita - the good life.

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Donald Albrecht, Thomas Mellins
ID: 6964
Издательство: Monacelli Press

Easily the most recognizable architectural style in America, with its brick or shingled facades trimmed in white and ornamented with restrained classical detail, the Colonial Revival emerged in the late nineteenth century and is still the basis for classical design today. The American Style surveys the evolution of the Colonial Revival from the 1890s to the present, focusing on the period from 1900 to the 1930s when New York City was a major center of architecture and decorative arts. Leading architects, including McKim Mead & White, Delano & Aldrich, and Mott B. Schmidt, used its vocabulary for private residences and clubs as well as institutional buildings - banks, schools, churches, and museums.

Richly illustrated with archival photographs and objects from the collections of the Museum of the City of New York and other major institutions, The American Style will be the definitive record of an enduring aesthetic in architecture and decorative arts.

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Christoph Luitpold Frommel
ID: 4990
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Once in every generation comes a scholar who is a master of both the documentary evidence and the buildings themselves. Such a man is Christoph Luitpold Frommel who, after winning a world-wide reputation, here distils his learning into a new synthesis that is both up-to-date and securely based on primary sources.

The book is not only illustrated throughout with photographs, drawings, plans and reconstructions, but social context, technical innovation and aesthetic judgement are all given due weight, with particular emphasis on the way in which each architect balanced individual inspiration with the accepted canon.

Christoph Luitpold Frommel was born in 1933 and has held academic posts in Germany (Bonn University), the USA (Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, and the University of California, Berkeley) and Italy (La Sapienza, Rome). He was Director of the Bibliotheca Herziana, Rome, from 1980 to 2001.

• A definitive account of the most innovative and most influential 150 years in the history of architecture
• A work that brings scholarship in English into line with the most advanced continental research
• Over 300 photographs, architects’ drawings and plans
• Authoritative, readable, deeply considered
• The fruit of a lifetime’s study

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Salma Samar Damluji
ID: 3267
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Until the early 1990s the southern and eastern towns of Yemen were extremely difficult to access. The result of nearly two decades of research, this is the first book to offer an in-depth investigation into the characteristic architecture of the region. The authors first hand research provides detailed insights into building techniques and methods, though still practised, are little known outside the area.

Refreshingly, the book moves out of the more familiar major cities into the hinterlands and explores regions that could be said to be the last strongholds of traditional Arab architecture. The author was allowed to visit locations and sites that had previously been closed to architectural historians. As a result of this privileged access, the text and images combine to convey unique insights and viewpoints: those of the master builders and house owners who actually create and inhabit the buildings.

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Centre of Architecture Vienna
ID: 9818
Издательство: Birkhauser

In the Austria of the wild 1960s, the visionary designs of architects and artists garnered international attention.

Described as the "Austrian phenomenon," these projects and installations contained the concentrated creativity of the Austrian architectural neo-avant-garde between 1956 and 1973.

In Vienna, these avant-garde dreams came to be symbolized by Hans Hollein’s Retti Candle Shop and Hermann Czech’s many cafés and bars, which are still successful today, including the Kleines Café (Little Café), Wunderbar, and Salzamt.

The best-known protagonists of this scene include Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Raimund Abraham, Coop Himmelblau, Haus-Rucker-Co, Missing Link, and others.

The book is fully illustrated in color and consists of two parts.

The first contains "Documentation" of important publications from the years 1958–1973 in international trade journals like Archigram, Domus, Architectural Record, and Casabella, in which the young architects sought attention for their programs.

The second is "Reconstruction," a cross-section of images and texts from publications on the "Austrian phenomenon," elucidated and situated in the context of international architectural history by authors such as Friedrich Achleitner, Bart Lootsma, Stanislaus von Moos, Joseph Rykwert, Anthony Vidler, and others.

Visionäre Entwürfe von Architekten und Künstlern sorgten im Österreich der wilden sechziger Jahre für internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Diese als „Austrian Phenomenon" bezeichneten Projekte und Installationen enthielten die geballte Kreativität der österreichischen Neoavantgarde der Architektur zwischen 1956–1973. Zu Symbolen dieser avantgardistischen Träume wurden z.B. in Wien Hans Holleins Kerzengeschäft „Retti" und die vielen, bis heute erfolgreichen Lokale von Hermann Czech, wie das Kleine Café, Wunderbar oder Salzamt. Zu den bekanntesten Protagonisten dieser Szene zählen Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Raimund Abraham, Coop Himmelblau, Haus-Rucker-Co, Missing Link u.a.

Das durchgehend farbig illustrierte Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen: Der „Dokumentation" wesentlicher Publikationen aus den Jahren 1958–1973 in internationalen Fachzeitschriften wie Archigram, Domus, Architectural Record, Casabella, in denen die jungen Architekten ihren Programmen internationale Aufmerksamkeit verschafften. Sowie der „Rekonstruktion", einem Querschnitt von Bildern und Texten aus Publikationen, die sich dem dem "Austrian Phenomenon" widmeten und von Autoren wie Friedrich Achleitner, Bart Lootsma, Stanislaus von Moos, Joseph Rykwert, Anthony Vidler u.a. erläutert und im architekturhistorischen internationalen Kontext verortet werden.

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Stéphane Bern
ID: 17185
Издательство: Flammarion

An insider’s tour of France’s most beloved and beautiful villages uncovers the country’s hidden treasures and idyllic holiday destinations.

The Best Loved Villages of France takes the reader to forty-four of the country’s most treasured locations. Always picturesque, but often well-kept secrets, the book offers insight into French village life. Visit a crumbling medieval fortress with the mayor of Lavardin or peruse the maritime objects found at sea by a mustached fisherman in Saint-Suliac, stroll along the windsurfer’s paradise at Wissant bay or promenade through the manicured grounds of Vaux-le-Vicomte, enjoy a fresh langoustine dinner in Corsica or catch the sunrise over the fairytale castle in Montsoreau.

This book offers an illustrated tour around all twenty-two regions of France, from Provence and the Alps, to Normandy and the Loire. A charming selection of aerial and intimate photographs invite the reader to explore these splendid locales, while the descriptions, anecdotes, and interviews with local village-dwellers plunge you into the individual history and character of France’s diverse regions. Feel inspired by journalist Stéphane Bern’s informative and practical travel tips and recommendations, and start planning your own adventure to France’s most loved villages or simply enjoy the armchair tour.

About the Author:

Stéphane Bern is a journalist for Le Figaro and a popular radio and television personality in France. He is the author of several biographies of royal families and society figures as well as coauthor of Highland Living: Landscape, Style, and Traditions of Scotland.

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Roberto Valeriani
ID: 633
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A sumptuous, large-format photographic tour of the extraordinary collections of antiques housed in fifteen private residences in Italy.

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John Steel, Michael Wright
ID: 6444
Издательство: ACC Art Books

The English House reviews the changes in style that can be seen in domestic architecture in England from Norman times to the present day. Written for the interested layman rather than only for the architectural historian, it is how the house and its rooms were used and the way in which owners past and present lived in these properties which is the main subject of this book.

The book is divided into fifteen chapters by date from 1000 to 2000 AD. Within each period the main characteristics of the houses are analysed and examples discussed and illustrated, concentrating both on well-known and less familiar structures. Starting with Norman houses, an introduction describes how the rooms in such houses were used and embellished and this is followed by a chapter dealing with early mediaeval buildings, showing how local variations can be recognised. The third chapter deals with the high mediaeval period and is followed by Tudor, Elizabethan and Jacobean houses.

A chapter is devoted to the Carolean period up to 1715, followed by Palladian houses, on their own and in terraces, and by neo-classical structures. The influence of the Picturesque is discussed along with the effects on housing of the nation's victory in the Napoleonic Wars and of England's growing industrial strength. The diversity of styles to be seen in High Victorian houses is covered, while the golden age of Edwardian house building is also dealt with.

The profound changes that occurred in houses after the First World War is discussed; the development of council estates, the conversion of commercial and religious buildings to domestic use, Executive Georgian, Neo-Palladian and Ranch-style properties are all considered. The book finishes by asking whether the nation is on the brink of a vernacular revival in housing.

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Sally Griffiths, Simon McBride
ID: 5379
Издательство: Scriptum

This title guides the reader on a tour of the interiors and exteriors of some of the most alluring buildings in England. It reveals the rich span of architectural and interior styles from the decorative to the humble dwelling. A beautifully illustrated book featuring houses that have been decorated by some of the most famous British designers, 'The English House' is a great reference book providing inspiration for all those interested in English architecture and interior design.

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Daphné de Saint Sauveur
ID: 4640
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Everybody concerned with the design of interiors or gardens will find this book an inspiration: everybody who knows and loves the French will enjoy an intimate record of a mode de vie of enviable ease and charm.

The French touch cannot be taught, for it is the creation of a way of life. To be understood, the classic poise and insouciance which create it must be experienced and here is the perfect opportunity. A wealth of lavish colour photographs take the reader into dozens of the most beautiful homes of France and the regional organization of the book reflects a paramount respect for local traditions.

Many are historic buildings, lovingly restored and furnished with brilliant flair, but by no means all are châteaux or mansions. Here are farmhouses and village homes, modest townhouses and tiny flats, a converted loft and even an old silkworm factory. All are lived in, and all reflect in every detail the taste and personality of their owners. The gardens have been laid out, embellished and cared for with equal devotion and élan, whether acres of formal landscape or a small townhouse patio.

Daphné de Saint Sauveur began her career in journalism at Le Figaro, Figaro Magazine and Madame Figaro in the department called ‘Art de Vivre’, and for several years was editor-in-chief of Maison & Jardin.

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Yves Porter, Gerard DeGeorge
ID: 5085
Издательство: Flammarion

Indias most dazzling architecture is presented in all its diversity through specially commissioned photography and erudite text that places each monument within its historical, cultural, and technical context. Between the twelfth and the mid-nineteenth centuries, most of the Indian subcontinent was under Muslim domination, giving rise to a unique architectural blend of Islamic, Turkish, and Persian influences. Yves Porter provides the full panorama of this astonishing ensemble, explaining in depth the key monuments of each period and region, which are accompanied by Gerard Degeorges photographs of the monuments and architectural details. During the long reign of the Mughal Dynasty (15261857), the architecture of the subcontinent passed through some especially brilliant phases. Humayuns tomb at Delhi (1565); Fatehpur Sikri (briefly the capital of Akbar); the Shalimar gardens in Lahore, Pakistan; or the unforgettable Taj Mahal at Agra (1632) are just a few examples. In this scholarly work, Yves Porter provides a comprehensive history of Muslim architecture on the Indian subcontinent, redressing an important lack of coverage on the subject.

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Harry Seidler
ID: 1857
Издательство: Taschen

TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - Special edition!

Architect Harry Seidler has spent more than 50 years traveling the globe, extensively photographing the peak achievements in architecture from 3000 B.C. to the present day. Thanks to sound advice given to him early on by his photographer brother Marcell (“Only use Leica cameras and Kodachrome film, which is archival”), Seidler’s hobby quickly developed into a passion and, finally, an impressive archive of world architecture.

Including, of course, many of the world’s most famous architectural structures, Seidler’s photographs illustrate the history and style — country by country — of architecture in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas. Divided into chapters by country, each with a brief introduction outlining its architectural history, The Grand Tour offers armchair travelers, students, architecture buffs, and historians the opportunity to browse the buildings of the world through one man’s photographs — the fruits of a passionate, half-century endeavor.

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Christiane Reiter
ID: 73
Издательство: Taschen

Find your inner Zen Much more than a travel or holiday guide, Great Escapes Asia is first and foremost a paradisiacal photo album. Featuring opulent photographs of places that seem too perfect to be real, some of which look like James Bond movie sets or National Geographic subjects, this book will quickly convince you that an Asian sojourn is crucial to your mental and physical wellbeing. The icing on the cake is that not only do these hotels really exist, but—thanks to the pricing and contact information provided—you can succumb to their mysterious charms and book yourself a room (or houseboat, hut, or tree house, whatever the case may be). Among the gems waiting for you in Great Escapes Asia: • In Kerala, India, choose between luxurious tree houses suspended 25 meters off the ground or futuristic-looking, Star Wars-style houseboats made of bamboo poles, palm leaves, and coconut fibers • Are you more the resplendent-resort or budget-bungalow type? Find the best of both in Bali • The best place for a delectable cup of joe: a luxury lodge and spa on a java plantation in (you guessed it) Java • In the Philippines, an organic resort composed of superimposed huts whose every room affords instant access to the beach via rope ladder • Tadao Ando’s sprawling minimalist concrete-and-steel hotel attached to the contemporary art museum in Naoshima, Japan—the perfect place to contemplate on the relationship between humans and nature • An exclusive hotel on a private island in Sri Lanka, once owned by Paul Bowles and frequented by Arthur C. Clarke and Peggy Guggenheim • Thatched-roof cottages in India whose gardens overflow with mangos, nutmeg, and cardamom • An Ayurvedic spa in the Himalayas where nothing matters but peace and relaxation • In Myanmar, an elegant river cruise boat and a hotel on a breathtaking archeological site • Chairman Mao’s former getaway in Beijing, where you can rent his lavish, traditionally-decorated suite complete with adjoining concubine rooms. Countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam

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Christiane Reiter
ID: 4319
Издательство: Taschen

Find your inner Zen

Much more than a travel or holiday guide, Great Escapes Asia is first and foremost a paradisiacal photo album. Featuring opulent photographs of places that seem too perfect to be real, some of which look like James Bond movie sets or National Geographic subjects, this book will quickly convince you that an Asian sojourn is crucial to your mental and physical wellbeing. The icing on the cake is that not only do these hotels really exist, but - thanks to the pricing and contact information provided - you can succumb to their mysterious charms and book yourself a room (or houseboat, hut, or tree house, whatever the case may be).

Among the gems waiting for you in Great Escapes Asia:

* In Kerala, India, choose between luxurious tree houses suspended 25 meters off the ground or futuristic-looking, Star Wars-style houseboats made of bamboo poles, palm leaves, and coconut fibers
* Are you more the resplendent-resort or budget-bungalow type? Find the best of both in Bali
* The best place for a delectable cup of joe: a luxury lodge and spa on a java plantation in (you guessed it) Java
* In the Philippines, an organic resort composed of superimposed huts whose every room affords instant access to the beach via rope ladder
* Tadao Ando’s sprawling minimalist concrete-and-steel hotel attached to the contemporary art museum in Naoshima, Japan - the perfect place to contemplate on the relationship between humans and nature
* An exclusive hotel on a private island in Sri Lanka, once owned by Paul Bowles and frequented by Arthur C. Clarke and Peggy Guggenheim
* Thatched-roof cottages in India whose gardens overflow with mangos, nutmeg, and cardamom
* An Ayurvedic spa in the Himalayas where nothing matters but peace and relaxation
* In Myanmar, an elegant river cruise boat and a hotel on a breathtaking archeological site
* Chairman Mao’s former getaway in Beijing, where you can rent his lavish, traditionally-decorated suite complete with adjoining concubine rooms

Countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam

Другие книги серии

The Hotel Book. Great Escapes Africa

The Hotel Book. Great Escapes North America

The Hotel Book. Great Escapes South America

The Hotel Book. Great Escapes Europe

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Shelley-Maree Cassidy
ID: 4320
Издательство: Taschen

Leave stress behind – get away in style

Featuring a selection of the most unique hotels and guesthouses from Sweden to Turkey - all places where you can melt away from the problems of the 'real world' - the book mixes gorgeous color photographs with directions, pricing, and contact information. Since reading is a requisite part of your relaxing escape, we also suggest books for you to take along to each destination. From a lighthouse in Wales to a former monastery in Spain, these are the sorts of hotels that will open up your senses and just might change your whole perspective on life.


Посмотреть переиздание книги The Hotel Book. Great Escapes Europe в твердом переплете - Great Escapes Europe. The Hotel Book

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