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Stefan Soell
ID: 8589
Видавництво: Edition Skylight

The term alpenglow refers to the purple light that can often be seen on the tops of mountains, a spectacularly beautiful natural phenomenon.

But in this magnificent volume of photographs, it’s not only the Alps that are glowing in warm translucent light, but the girls also. Is this for real? It seems these strikingly pretty creatures have climbed up steep hills and hiked through meadows only to cast off their Dirndls with enthusiastic aplomb.

Well, Stefan Soell knows exactly how to turn such fantasies into reality. He has discovered the natural beauty of alpine flora and fauna, and uses the mountains where Germany, Austria and Switzerland meet as his setting. His studio in Friedrichshafen on the Bodensee is in the perfect location from which to start these photographic excursions.

Stefan Soell began to take photos at the age of 15, and soon landscape and portrait photography had become his favourite subject. In addition to his astonishing talent at choosing the ideal background and selecting key details, he also has the rare knack of capturing ideal lighting conditions.

Unter Alpenglühn verstehen wir ein phänomenales Naturschauspiel, den Widerschein des Purpurlichtes auf den Gipfeln. Doch in diesem prächtigen Bildband erglühen und erblühen nicht nur die Alpen sondern auch die Mädchen. Gibt es denn das? So wunderhübsche Wesen, die auf steile Berge und Wiesen heraufsteigen und sich begeistert ihres Dirndls entledigen?

Nun, zumindest setzt der Fotograf Stefan Soell diese Fantasien für uns gekonnt um. Er ist es, der die hübschen Alpenpflänzchen entdeckt, allesamt aus dem Länderdreieck Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und sein Studio in Friedrichshafen am Bodensee ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt für seine Exkursionen. Stefan Soell begann bereits mit 15 Jahren zu fotografieren, und bald wurden Landschafts- und Portraitaufnahmen zu seiner Lieblingsbeschäftigung. Neben seiner erstaunlichen Gabe den idealen Hintergrund und Ausstattung zu wählen, gelingt ihm der ideale Einsatz der Lichtverhältnisse fulminant.

Dian Hanson (Editor), Naomi Harris (Photographer)
ID: 3591
Видавництво: Taschen
Naomi Harris's subjects are not the usual perfected androids who populate contemporary erotica, but ordinary people with extraordinary sex lives; this book explores a rarely-seen side of sex in America. This edition is limited to 1,000 numbered copies, signed by both Naomi Harris and Richard Prince. The cover features a four-color, silk screened, 3-dimensional stamped metal reproduction of a classic American motel sign, specially conceived and created for this edition.

Richard Prince discovered Naomi Harris in TASCHEN's The New Erotic Photography and was so intrigued by her photos of American swingers that he tracked down the 34-year-old New Yorker, determined to make her his protégé.

When he discovered TASCHEN had signed her to do America Swings he asked to do an interview with her, where he reveals part of what makes her work so unique: "When I look at one of your swinger photos what I'm looking at is mostly you ‘outside' the picture looking at what you're photographing … half-naked, all naked, taking these photos of next-door neighbors having sex …”

He refers to Harris's secret for winning the confidence of her subjects: To penetrate the world of middle class mate-swapping she had to join them, often working in just shoes and a tool belt to hold her camera gear. Her extreme technique worked so well that in 48 months she was able to photograph 38 parties, crisscrossing the country from Mahwah, New Jersey, to Pleasanton, California; from Big Lake, Minnesota, to Washington, Texas. Her subjects are not the usual perfected androids who populate contemporary erotica, but ordinary people with extraordinary sex lives, including multi-orgasmic schoolteachers, polyamorous nurses, bi-sexual senior citizens and the Mandingos, a group of African-American men who service white wives.
Markus Hofmann, Christian Zillner
ID: 5288
Видавництво: Grange Books

This unique collection of more than 160 photos contains special images of an erotic, magical world, a world of imagination, probably already familiar to us from our secret fantasies. Allow this inspiring and masterful collection of photographs to take you on a journey to the heart of eroticism, where the only limits are your imagination. Let yourself be seduced by this masterful collection of images, which every aficionado of fantasy, fetish and erotic photography will find much to please.

Jerome Sans
ID: 1576
Видавництво: Taschen

The subject is Japanese photographer Araki, a man who talks about life through photographs. His powerful oeuvre, decades' worth of images, has been pared down to 540 pages of photographs which tell the story of Araki and comprise the ultimate retrospective collection of his work.

Known best for his intimate, snapshot-style images of women often tied up with ropes (kinbaku, Japanese rope-tying art) and of colorful, sensual flowers, Araki is an artist who reacts strongly to his emotions and uses photography to experience them more fully. Obsessed with women, Araki seeks to come closer to them through photography, using ropes like an embrace and the click of the shutter like a kiss. His work is at once shocking and mysteriously tender; a deeply personal artist, Araki is not afraid of his emotions nor of showing them to the world.

About the Author:

Nobuyoshi Araki was born in Tokyo in 1940. Given a camera by his father at the ripe age of twelve, Araki has been taking pictures ever since. He studied photography and film at Chiba University and went into commercial photography soon after graduating. In 1970 he created his famous Xeroxed Photo Albums, which he produced in limited editions and sent to friends, art critics, and people selected randomly from the telephone book. Over the years, his bold, unabashed photographs of his private life have been the object of a great deal of controversy and censorship (especially in his native Japan), a fact that has not fazed the artist nor diminished his influence. To date, Araki has published over 400 books of his work.

Guido Argentini
ID: 11793
Видавництво: teNeues

Colour and texture radically influence how we perceive shapes. While looking for an innovative approach on a 1995 Miami photo shoot, photographic master Guido Argentini was moved to coat a model in silver makeup.

The result was as beautiful as it was intriguing - the subtle grayish tones highlighted angles and surfaces in a way that was other-worldly. Inspired by the results, Argentini created a whole series of silver-hued models. In so doing, he uncovered a fresh perspective for nude photography.

Evoking the luminous polished planes of Brancusi and the verve of Degas' ballet sketches, these photographs endow the human body with both the solidity of sculpture and the vivid energy of dance.

Guido Argentini «Argentum»

Книга Guido Argentini «Argentum» – расскажет о том, как цвет и текстура могут радикально влиять на восприятие формы человеком. В поисках инновационного и нестандартного подхода к фотографии, во время фотосессии в Майами 1995 гада, Фотограф Гвидо Аргентини нанес на тело своей модели серебряную краску. Результат получился настолько красивым и интригующим, что Argentini создал целую серию фотографий моделей серебристого цвета. Тонкие серые тона делали все углы более четкими и графичными, а поверхность казалась какой-то иной. При этом фотограф открыл новый, необычный подход для обнаженный фотографии.

Guido Argentini «Argentum»– содержит в себе большое количество фотографий, напоминающих блестящие, отполированные скульптуры Бранкузи, и воодушевленные балетными зарисовками Дега, которые наделяют человеческое тело не только прочностью скульптуры, но и энергией танца.

Bettina Rheims, Patrick Remy
ID: 11120
Видавництво: Taschen

Bettina is back. 35 years of daring, defiant photography

Since her first photographs in the late ’70s, Bettina Rheims has defied the predictable. From her series on Pigalle strippers (1980) to her cycle on the life of Jesus in I.N.R.I. (1998), from Chanel commercials to Gender Studies (2011), her work has shaken up traditional iconography and pushed restlessly at the breaking point between two great human preoccupations: beauty and imperfection.

This Rheims retrospective showcases more than 500 photographs from 35 years of daring, often defiant, photography. Personally selected and assembled by Rheims, the collection juxtaposes renowned series such as Chambre Close, Héroïnes, and Rose, c’est Paris with many previously unpublished archival images and entries from Rheims’s own “diaries,” detailing behind-the-scenes work and personal memories.

Spanning commercial work and artistic series, the retrospective impresses with each turn of the page, as much for the strength of each image as for the thrilling variety of Rheims’s subjects and aesthetics. With equal attention to anonymous subjects cast in the street as to global celebrities including Kate Moss, Madonna, Monica Bellucci, Claudia Schiffer, and Naomi Campbell, the book showcases Rheims’s particular interest in female fragility and strength, and of the magic encounter between model and artist which disrupts codes of so-called eroticism to build up a new image system for womanhood.

Bettina Rheims, Serge Bramly
ID: 7250
Видавництво: Taschen

Femme Fantômas. A detective story, told in photos and film, that unfolds in the streets, cafés, cabarets, abandoned factories, and grand hotels of Paris

Bettina Rheims and Serge Bramly's Rose, c'est Paris is both a photographic monograph and a feature-length film on DVD. This extraordinary work of art, in two different but interlocking and complementary formats, defies easy categorization. For in this multi-layered opus of poetic symbolism, photographer Bettina Rheims and writer Serge Bramly evoke the City of Light in a completely novel way: this is a Paris of surrealist visions, confused identities, artistic phantoms, unseen manipulation, obsession, fetish, and seething desire.

Equal parts erotica, fashion shoot, art monograph, metaphysical mystery, social and cultural archaeology of the French capital, and neo-noir art-house film - Rose, c'est Paris is the steamy tale of twin sisters, known only as B and Rose, and a third principal - the city itself. An abduction leads to a detective story that unfolds in the streets, cafés, cabarets, museums, abandoned factories, and grand hotels of Paris. What happened to the missing sister? Was there a plot? Was she really kidnapped? Is she alive or dead? Is it, in fact, a case of mistaken identity? Rheims and Bramly create a series of extraordinary tableaux suggesting all these possibilities and many more, featuring a host of celebrity figures, including Naomi Campbell, Michelle Yeoh, Monica Bellucci, Charlotte Rampling, Valérie Lemercier, Inès Sastre, Anna Mouglalis, Audrey Marnay, Anthony Delon, Rona Hartner, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Azzedine Alaïa, Louise Bourgoin, and Hélèna Noguerra.

After our limited and art editions, this book is now available in a trade edition.

The artists:
French artist Bettina Rheims produced numerous major photographic series, which have been exhibited all over the world. Her books include Female Trouble (1989), Modern Lovers (1990), Chambre Close (1994), I.N.R.I. (1998), X'Mas (2000), Shanghai (2003), Héroïnes (2007), and The Book of Olga (2008 for TASCHEN).

Serge Bramly is an artist, writer and essayist and frequently collaborates on artistic and photographic projects with Bettina Rheims. His books include Leonardo: The Artist and the Man (1995) and Le Premier Principe (Prix Interallié, 2008).

Bettina Rheims
ID: 2788
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

94 colour and duotone plates

Since th eearly 1980x, Bettina Rheims has been the most sought-after French photographer. From her very beginnings, the female body has been the central focus of her work. Her unusual and provocative portraits and nude images each reveal a hidden part of the subject. She regularly caused stirs with projects such as Chambre close (1992), the story of a Paris voyeur watching women in hotels; KIM, a docuemntary ona transsexual;  I.N. R.I (1999), a sequence on the life of Chris, Shanghai (2004), featuring women in the midst of a powerful cultural, economic and spiritual evolution, and, most recently, Heroines (2006). This volume is a Best of. . . survey of Bettina Rheims' photographic oeuvre of 30 years.

Bettina Rheims, born in Paris in 1952, started her career in 1978 with a series on female acrobats and strippers. She has worked for major fashion magazines. The 1994 recpient of the Grand prix de la photographie, she took the official portrait of newly-elected French president Jacques Chirac in 1995 and was appointed Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur in 2002. She lives in Paris.

Bettina Rheims
ID: 264
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Bettina Rheims, born in Paris in 1952, is one of the most sought after photographers in France. Both famous and unknown women have posed for her unusual portraits and nude photographs, which particularly contributed to her fame: film stars, artists, models, friends, acrobats and nude dancers at fairs. Over one hundred photographs exhibit Bettina Rheims’ individuality, intuition, confident approach and feeling for the facets of female charisma and erotic photography.

Bettina Rheims
ID: 3594
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Будучи фигурой экстравагантной и не лишенной стремления эпатировать, Реймс для критиков и искусствоведов — более чем желанный фотограф. Высказывания о ней могут быть чрезвычайно негативными. После демонстрации серии «INRI» (трактование библейских сюжетов) в 1997 году ее обвиняли во всех смертных грехах, наделяли самыми резкими эпитетами, уличали и в отсутствии меры, и в богохульстве.

Famous for her unusual portraits of women and female nudes, French photographer Bettina Rheims focus is the visualization of female eroticism. She will be celebrated in a major travelling retrospective starting in Helsinki in February 2004. This accompanying book provides a representative overview of her work created between 1979 and 2002.

Since the early 80s, Bettina Rheims has been one of the most sought-after contemporary photographers. She came to fame with unusual portraits of women and female nudes. Both celebrities and unknowns posed for her in stagings of glamour and fame, of fashion, beauty, sex, and seduction. He subject is the visualization of female eroticism in its sensual, emotional and disquieting varieties, her trademark is a sensitive and delicate, yet provocative approach to the subject. In 2004, the Helsinki City Art Museum organizes the first major retrospective of Bettina Rheims' work, presenting important series, such as "Female Trouble," "Modern Lovers," "The Spies," "INRI," and "Why did you forsake me?" The exhibition will subsequently travel to Oslo, Aarhus, Vienna, Dusseldorf, and Berlin. The publication accompanying the exhibition provides a representative overview of her works between 1979 and 2002.

Martin Sigrist (Editor)
ID: 7171
Видавництво: Edition Skylight

The title of this lavish volume says it all. In other words, that beautiful breasts can become a real mania, a minor but fully deserved addiction. When he was playing a female character, what was it the actor and comic Robin Williams said? “If I actually were a woman, I would be fooling around with my breasts all day long…” Who would b nd begrudge him this erotic fantasy? We are actually extremely fortunate that quite a few of these magnifi cently buxom women are still around, possessed as they are of two irresistible arguments. Given today's anorexic models, still seen by the fashion industry as the measure of all things (and have been since Twiggy), they should not be taken for granted. Among the fabulously well-upholstered women in the pages of this bumper 400-page collection, you won't fi nd many in current fashion magazines. All the more surprising and gratifying, then, to discover that there are still well-known and even famous photographers who are more than happy to get back to the roots of unalloyed joy. This certainly applies to the approximately 40 international photographers included here, whose unique images boast some pretty impressive vital statistics.

Schon der Titel dieses üppigen Bildbandes sagt es: Schöne Brüste können zu einer richtigen Manie, zu einer liebenswerten kleinen Sucht führen. Wie sagte der berühmte Filmkomiker Robin Williams, als er eine Frauenrolle spielte? „Wenn ich eine Frau wäre, würde ich den ganzen Tag an meinen Brüsten herumspielen …“ Wer kann ihm diesen Wunschtraum schon verargen – denn zum grossen Glück gibt es sie noch, die prachtvollen Vollblutweiber, die uns mit ihren beiden schlagkräftigen Argumenten jederzeit zu überzeugen vermögen

Edward Weston
ID: 3752
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag
Auf dem Kunstmarkt ist Edward Weston (1886–1958) seit Langem einer der am höchsten gehandelten amerikanischen Photographen. Vor wenigen Wochen erst überschritt eine seiner photographischen Ikonen – Nautilus, die gestochen scharfe, glasklare Untersicht einer Muschel – bei einer Auktion die magische Millionen $-Schwelle. Weston, schon zu Lebzeiten eine Legende, war wie kaum ein anderer stilprägend für alle folgenden Photographengenerationen. Anfang der 20er Jahre brach er mit dem Piktorialismus seiner Anfänge und wurde zum führenden Verfechter der »Straight Photography«, die bald die modernen Druckmedien erobern sollte. Neben kühlen und zugleich bestechend sinnlichen Sachaufnahmen – Früchte, Steine, Sanddünen – wurden vor allem seine Akte zu Klassikern der Moderne. Gegen Ende seines Lebens stellte Weston eine Auswahl seiner Aktaufnahmen für eine Buchpublikation zusammen, fand aber keinen Verleger. Die Maquette mit 26 Silbergelatine- Abzügen befindet sich heute im Besitz des Getty Museums, das sich jetzt entschlossen hat, Edward Westons Book of Nudes endlich und zum ersten Mal zu veröffentlichen.
Fabio Borquez
ID: 2320
Видавництво: Daab
Born 1964 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fabio Borquez currently lives in Germany. In Buenos Aires he studied art, photography and architecture. He won various scholarships for India, Columbia and Germany and has taken part in many exhibitions. His work spans over various areas of design. This book exclusively presents his female nude photography.
Critsey Rowe
ID: 7886
Видавництво: Amphoto Books

The complete manual to boudoir, one of the fastest growing trends in photography

Once popular mainly with brides, boudoir portraits are now enjoyed by women of all ages to celebrate everything from anniversaries to birthdays to their own independent spirit. This isn’t old-fashioned glamour photography - it’s an altogether new genre, with a focus on flattering the subject and creating stunning, intimate images.
In this one-stop guide, successful boudoir photographer Critsey Rowe reveals all you need to get started with your own boudoir studio, whether you’re an amateur shooting at home or a professional looking to tap into this exciting new revenue stream. Inside you’ll discover:

- A complete guide to boudoir, from equipment, makeup, and styling, to lighting, shooting, and step-by-step retouching.
- Thirty poses to flatter any subject, whatever her body type.
- Essential postproduction techniques to lift, smooth, and tone.
- Tips on making clients comfortable and collaborating with them to produce portraits they’ll love.

Petra Mason, Dita Von Teese
ID: 8944
Видавництво: Rizzoli

A treasure trove of pin-up girl images from photographer Bunny Yeager, celebrated for her playfully erotic photos of Bettie Page that continue to influence photography and fashion today.

The only woman pin-up photographer of her day, Bunny Yeager was also a model in her own right. After winning several beauty pageants in Miami, Yeager went to photography school, and in 1955, she hit the jackpot with her shot of Bettie Page scantily clad in a Santa hat, which sold instantly to the fledgling Playboy magazine. The beginning of a long collaboration, her photographs of Bettie have now been featured on more magazine covers than those of Marilyn Monroe.

This glamorous volume gathers more than a hundred lens-fogging photographs embodying the naughty girl-next-door eroticism of pin-up culture. Culled from Yeager’s extensive archive, the collection includes her most iconic shots of the legendary Bettie as well as many previously unpublished images.

Yeager’s pioneering self-portraits and excerpts from her charming 1960s how-to manuals are featured alongside dozens of wholesome beauties shot in the studio and on location.

A fun and sexy book, it is sure to tap into the current burlesque trend and the popularity of glamour photography and vintage American culture.

About the Author

Petra Mason is a cultural historian and creative director whose East Coast-centric book credits include: Last Train to Paradise: Centennial edition, South Beach Stories, The Carlyle, In the Spirit of Miami Beach and New York. Photographic installations include: The Glass House Icon Project.

Пролистать книгу  Bunny Yeager's Darkroom: Pin-up Photography's Golden Era

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