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ID: 11398
Видавництво: Gestalten

The woods are alive with possibilities: Retreat into nature, meet mushroom pickers, collectors, and explorers. Build cabins and scenic trails, create crafts, or start inspired projects. This is the way to the forest.

Step into the woods — refuge and escape and home. Some go there to hike or fish. The people and projects presented in this book do so much more. Join them as they gather honey from wild hives and pick mushrooms from beneath secretive oaks. Build a cabin of your own, or a look‑out up in the treetops.

Bike trails, walking paths, woodcrafts. Anything and everything to experience the forest, both architectural and intangible. With profiles and essays that inspire us to step off the beaten path and photographs that bring the experience home, Wildside is the guide to modern outdoor activities.

Obi Kaufmann’s works of poetry and illustration echo the feeling and vibrations of the California wilderness. Working within the realm of conservation and possessing a passion for defending the wilderness, his creations spin a thread of environmental awareness and artistic honesty.

Christian Watson interweaves tradition with his perspective as a millennial. He sheds technology and creature comforts to live within the world and the landscape. Juniper Ridge captures the scent and essence of the wild; their dedicated crew is at home crafting around a campfire and foraging for ingredients off forest trails. These members of the cast of characters, and of hunters and gatherers, share the joy they receive from existing with and within nature, side by side with the murmurs and growls of the outdoors. Wildside is their collective narrative.

Ціна: 2000 грн
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Miscellaneous, Margit J. Mayer
ID: 11352
Видавництво: Taschen

Rooms with a view. A collection of 100 heavenly hideaways

When travelling for business, we often prefer hotel rooms of the same type in London, Paris, or Shanghai. It s just more convenient. A different set of rules applies when they search for a place to celebrate a special family holiday, a weekend with a new lover, or a few days of blissful solitude with some great books. Suddenly a balcony with postcard-worthy views counts more than the number of TV channels, a sumptuous bed with a heavenly mattress and hand-ironed linens more than Wi-Fi connection in every nook and cranny of the hotel building.

That s where this new TASCHEN collection comes in. A compilation of 100 hotels, in countries from Abu Dhabi to Vietnam, the two volumes make it a breeze to choose where to relax next. The gamut runs from dream castles like Villa Feltrinelli on Lake Garda to the glass-fronted hipster chic of Juvet Hotel in Norway; from Mediterranean pensiones with nostalgic flair and moderate rates to the pricey-yet-worthy desert glamour of Amangiri resort in Utah s canyon country. Even dedicated web scouts will be tempted by this book to cuddle up on their sofa for a round of paper travelling. While fans of interior design might use it as an inspiring global selection of splendid sofas, beds, lights, and bathroom features.

 - 100 very special hotels and guesthouses all over the world
 - rom bed & breakfast basic to six-star luxurious
 - Selected by TASCHEN s style and travel department according to criteria like stylistic harmony, location, service, and cost-performance ratio
 - Each hotel comes with a reader-friendly chart listing the number of rooms, current prices, type of cuisine, amenities, plus the all-important X-factor: the feature that makes staying there a truly unique experience
 - The full scope of contemporary travel in two neat volumes, coffee table-sized and with countless glossy photographs

Helen Arnold (Editor)
ID: 4885
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

"1001 Escapes To Make Before You Die" is the essential guide for all discerning travelers seeking an escape from the madding crowd. Every experience described in this book represents a genuine respite from the drudgery of daily life and guarantees a boost to your general well-being. Contemplate the sunset from a minimalist mountain retreat, cruise the Nile on a nineteenth-century cabin cruiser, hire a fort with its own private beach, chill out in an ice hotel, or wallow in a mud bath. The choice is yours. This book is quite simply a compilation of some of the most amazing escapes from the everyday that you can experience in the world - however much time you have to spare and whatever your budget. Within these pages you will find classic escapes that offer away-from-it-all tranquility, such as a sun-drenched private Caribbean island, complete with butler; a converted monastery in Peru, at such high altitude that oxygen has to be pumped into the bedrooms; a lighthouse in Newfoundland; and, that most classic of great train journeys, the Trans-Siberian railway. Beautifully illustrated, "1001 Escapes To Make Before You Die" will also show you some hidden gems located in some of the world's biggest and busiest cities that offer the perfect retreat from the frenzy of city life. Discover an oasis of greenery just a stone's throw from Djemma El Fna, the pulsating center of Marrakech; a tranquil walled garden in the heart of London's Chelsea; and, a hidden treehouse deep within the Amazon rain forest.

Darryl Sleath
ID: 12581
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

1001 Road Trips You Must Experience Before You Die is the perfect guide to the world's most breathtaking drives.

The wide-ranging, carefully chosen featured road trips vary in length and severity, from an epic tour on Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way to a short blast around Monaco's famous F1 street circuit. The hand-picked drives cover mountain passes, coastal highways, motorsport circuits and trips inspired by music, film and literature. Must-see stop-offs and detours along the journey's route are included. Every page provides a wealth of information to assist in planning a drive, including overall distance, start and finish points, and links to specially commissioned digital route maps.

1001 Road Trips You Must Experience Before You Die is an essential reference guide for all those to whom the sight of a key fob represents a world of possibilities - the chance to see fresh horizons, meet new people and expand one's mind. With this book to inspire you, it is time to get on the road and see the world.

Ричард Кавендиш
ID: 4650
Видавництво: Магма

Этот прекрасный, наглядный путеводитель снабдит вас полным собранием описаний важнейших исторических мест мира. Вместе с главным редактором Ричардом Кавендишем и его командой экспертов, вы совершите увлекательное путешествие по земному шару от мест, где сохраняется наследие Древнего мира, такое как Великая Китайская стена и пирамиды Египта, до мемориалов, отмечающих важные события, произошедшие в XX веке. Разнообразие мест, которые вы «посетите» с помощью книги, огромно, этот путь пронизывает тысячелетия истории – от «колыбели человечества» – пещер Стеркфонтейн в Южной Африке, до символа Холодной войны – контрольно-пропускного пункта «Чарли» в Берлине.

Организованную по географическому принципу и содержащую более 800 цветных фотографий книгу «1001 историческое место, которое нужно посетить» приятно рассматривать и интересно читать. На ее страницах вы найдете описание образцов инженерного искусства прошлого и настоящего – виадуков, мостов,кораблей, мест религиозного поклонения, таких как Стена плача в Иерусалиме и базилика Св. Павла в Риме, резиденций представителей верховной власти, от Версаля до Белого дома и Кремля, и главных полей сражений, от Геттисберга до Соммы. Всемирно известные места находятся здесь рядом с забытыми уголками, которые сохраняют следы важнейших исторических событий.

Вы держите в руках полный путеводитель по самым впечатляющим и важным в культурном отношении местам нашей планеты.
Какое из них вы посетите первым?

Другие книги серии:

1001 вино, которое нужно попробовать

1001 еда, которую нужно попробовать

1001 альбом, который нужно услышать

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать

1001 фильм, который Вы должны посмотреть

1001 чудо природы, которое нужно увидеть

1001 здание которое нужно увидеть

1001 сад который нужно увидеть

1001 картина, которую нужно увидеть

Майкл Брайт
ID: 764
Видавництво: Магма

С помощью самых известных в мире исследователей книга «1001 чудо природы» проведет вас по всему земному шару, от безводных пустынь до бескрайних ледяных просторов, через болота и степи, реки и озера, от горных вершин к океанским глубинам. Каждое из чудес природы было отобрано за свою уникальность и естественную природную красоту.

Это авторитетный путеводитель по самым впечатляющим местам в мире природы, в которых отражены сотни миллионов лет полной потрясений истории Земли. Одни чудеса природы находятся в отдаленных уголках нашей планеты, до других можно доехать из города на автобусе, но где бы они не находились и что бы собой не представляли красоты, 1001 самых лучших из них показаны в этой книге.

В начале каждой статьи дается справка о происхождении и развитии, местоположении и внешнем виде каждого феномена. Приводится информация об охраняемых территориях и видах, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения. Книга является самым обстоятельным и полным путеводителем такого рода.

Для любителя воображаемых путешествий, опытного туриста, путешественника, ценителя природы, студента или просто любознательного человека эта коллекция самых потрясающих в мире видов и впечатлений совершенно необходима, так как представляет собой иллюстрацию бесценных природных сокровищ нашей планеты.

Другие книги серии:

1001 вино, которое нужно попробовать

1001 еда, которую нужно попробовать

1001 историческое место, которое нужно посетить

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать

1001 фильм, который Вы должны посмотреть

1001 альбом, который нужно услышать

1001 здание которое нужно увидеть

1001 сад который нужно увидеть

1001 картина, которую нужно увидеть

ID: 6276
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Есть какая-то магическая прелесть в самом слове "остров", оно заставляет сердце биться быстрее, а в воображении возникает крошечный удаленный кусочек суши с белым песком и кокосовыми пальмами, окруженный бирюзовым морем, а может быть, большой остров с темно-зеленым лесом, с аккуратными деревянными домиками и чистой водой.

В этой книге предпринята попытка рассказать вам о 501 самом интересном острове мира, однако существуют еще тысячи других островов. Почему бы не побывать на одном из них? Если мир представить в виде раковины, то, наверное, вы найдете остров, который станет вашей жемчужиной.

ID: 6277
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

В данной книге описано большое разнообразие интереснейших путешествий - некоторые из них занимают лишь 1-2 ч, тогда как другие могут длиться до полугода. Книга описывает пешие путешествия и путешествия с использованием самых разных видов транспорта: велосипеда, автомобиля, теплохода, поезда, самолета. Здесь также можно прочитать о путешествиях верхом и даже о путешествиях на собачьих упряжках. Различные времена года удобны для прохождения самых разных маршрутов через горы и долины, джунгли и сосновые леса, реки и моря, через бесконечные снежные просторы за Северным полярным кругом и жаркие пески пустыни Сахары. Авторы описывают путешествия, которые они предприняли в самые разные страны мира, чтобы полюбоваться красотой пейзажей, насладиться дикой природой, добраться до древних монументов, познакомиться с людьми из далеких регионов.

ID: 4205
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Чудесам, которыми так богата планета Земля, нет числа. Эта книга предоставляет вам возможность узнать о существовании всего 501 из самых ярких природных ландшафтов, хотя, конечно, нас окружает гораздо большее количество чудес. Леса, поля и парки, кусты (и травы!), муравейники, сплетенные пауками сети, просто сельский ландшафт - повсюду, куда ни посмотришь, может найтись нечто удивительное и естественно прекрасное.

Melissa Harris, Michael Nichols
ID: 11429
Видавництво: Aperture

“Menaced by lizards in Indonesia, cuffed by a gorilla in Africa, stung by poisonous caterpillars in the world’s deepest cave” — so ran the lead to a 1985 article describing Michael “Nick” Nichols.

A Wild Life is Michael “Nick” Nichols’s story, told with passion and insight by author and photo-editor Melissa Harris. Nichols’ story combines a life of adventure, with a conviction about how we can redeem the human race by protecting our wildlife. The book’s two central characters are the photographer — who journeys from the American South, via the photographers’ co-operative Magnum, to becoming lead wildlife photographer of National Geographic magazine — and the author, who travels with the photographer on assignment in Africa, to gain intimate and deep insight into her subject. Harris’s story also draws on meetings with some of the world’s leading eco-scientists — including legendary primatologist, Jane Goodall.

Melissa Harris Melissa Harris is editor-at-large of Aperture Foundation, where she has worked for more than twenty-five years, including as editor-in-chief of award-winning Aperture magazine from 2002 to 2012. Harris has also edited more than forty books for Aperture. As a curator, Harris has organized photography exhibitions for venues worldwide, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art; the Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography, Moscow; the Triennale di Milano; the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice; and Visa pour l’Image, Perpignan. Harris teaches at New York University in the Tisch Photography and Imaging department, and occasionally at Yale. University. She served on New York City’s Community Board 5 for several years, and is a trustee of the John Cage Trust.

Michael “Nick” Nichols is an award-winning photographer whose work has taken him to the most remote corners of the world. He became a staff photographer for National Geographic magazine in 1996 and was named editor-at-large for photography in January 2008. From 1982 to 1995 he was a member of Magnum Photos. His previous books with Aperture are Gorilla (1989), with an essay by George Schaller; Brutal Kinship (2005), with an essay by Jane Goodall; and Earth to Sky: Among Africa’s Elephants, A Species in Crisis (2013). He is represented by Steven Kasher Gallery.

Michael Poliza
ID: 11791
Видавництво: teNeues

World-renowned photographer Michael Poliza's best-selling book, originally published in 2006, has now been released in an abridged, flexi cover edition.

Featured are the very best photographs from a collection that captures Africa's elegant natural beauty and animal life.

Marc Walter, Sabine Arqué
ID: 14439
Видавництво: Taschen

Produced by the Detroit Photographic Company between 1888 and 1924, these rediscovered Photochrom and Photostint postcard images are the very first color pictures of North America. An unparalleled voyage across peoples, places, and time unfolds in this sweeping panorama that ranges from Native American settlements to New York's Chinatown.

About the Authors:

Graphic designer, photographer, and collector Marc Walter (1949–2018) specialized in vintage travel photographs, particularly photochromes, of which he held one of the world’s largest collections. He published numerous books featuring images from his collection as well as his own photographs.
Sabine Arqué is a photo researcher, editor, and author. She has collaborated on numerous publications on the themes of travel, the history of tourism, and photography.

NK Guy
ID: 11063
Видавництво: Taschen

Art ablaze. Pyrotechnics and pure self-expression in the parched Black Rock Desert

“You voluntarily assume the risk of serious injury or death by attending.” 

100 miles from the gambling town of Reno, in the wilderness of northern Nevada, lies a vast, hostile plain known as the Black Rock Desert. The region has been an empty and windswept dry lake bed for most of the past 10,000 years. Except, that is, for one brief week at the end of each summer, when a temporary city rises out of the barren clay.

This is the surreal and amazing site of Burning Man. Baked by the sun, and blinded by dust, the gathering acquires different meanings for different people: Temporary community, spiritual adventure, performance stage, desert rave, social experiment. It’s also the incubator of some of the most remarkable site-specific outdoor art ever made: a mechanized fire-breathing octopus, a towering wooden temple 15 meters tall, and the eponymous Man himself—a skeletal sculpture set ablaze at the event’s conclusion.

Here, writer and photographer NK Guy presents 16 years of Burning Man art. His dazzling images record these participatory, collective, intrinsically ephemeral installations and happenings in the desert, which exist for no clearer purpose than because someone wanted to express something. The result is testimony to a realm far beyond the ego, commerce, and power play of mainstream cultural output: It is one of the purest, uninhibited, expressive centers of our time.

With a foreword by temple designer and artist David Best and a futureword by Founding Board Member Marian Goodell.

Jimmy Nelson
ID: 11095
Видавництво: teNeues

This tribute to vibrant tribal cultures around the world is a must-have for any lover of documentary photography. It will resonate with readers on aesthetic, intellectual, and emotional levels — and be a keepsake for future generations
In his landmark project Before They Pass Away Jimmy Nelson captures the lives and traditions of the last surviving tribes who have managed to preserve their traditional ways and customs within our increasingly globalized world. The British photographer’s epic portraits present these dignified inheritors of noble and age-old traditions in a proud spirit and in all their glory — a unique visual experience. This exquisitely photographed showcase for world tribal culture is not only a joy to look at, but also an important historical record. This book reveals the wide variety of human experiences and cultural expressions across the ages — and we’re delighted to have it among our fall offerings.
This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they — and we — hope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory. Nelson’s large-plate field camera captures every intricate detail and fine nuance for posterity. What’s more, this splendid pageantry is set against a vivid backdrop of some of the world’s most pristine landscapes.

Hans Christian Adam
ID: 1615
Видавництво: Taschen

A photographic journey into the city's history

Berlin has survived two world wars, was divided by a wall during the Cold War, and after the fall of the Wall was re-united. The city emerged as a center of European power and culture. From 1860 to the present day, this book presents the story of Berlin in photographs, portraits, maps, and aerial views. With nearly 700 pages of emotional, atmospheric images, from giddy pictures of the Roaring Twenties to devastating images of war to heartwarming postwar photos of a city picking up the pieces - the Reichstag in ruins and later wrapped by Christo and Jeanne-Claude - this is the most comprehensive photographic study on Berlin ever made. More than a tribute to the city and its civic, social, and photographic history, this book especially pays homage to Berlin’s inhabitants: full of hope and strength, in their faces is reflected Berlin’s undying soul.

• Including images by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Helmut Newton, René Burri, Robert Capa, Thomas Struth, and Wolfgang Tillmans as well as well-known Berlin photo-chroniclers such as Friedrich Seidenstücker, Erich Salomon, Willy Römer, and Heinrich Zille.
• Quotations from Berliners and Berlin connoisseurs such as Vladimir Nabokov, Alfred Döblin, Herwarth Walden, Marlene Dietrich, Billy Wilder, Max Schmeling, Willy Brandt, Helmut Newton, Simon Rattle, and David Bowie.

Also included: an index of photographers’ biographies.

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