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Деревянные дома

Деревянные дома

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Oscar Riera Ojeda
ID: 2658
Издательство: Rizzoli

The architecture firm Bohlin Cywinski Jackson believes that “the sensuality of place, the emotive qualities of materials, and the ability to give pleasure and insight, to comfort and to transport can produce humane and spirited architecture.” Whether designing corporate headquarters for Pixar Animation Studios, the Software Engineering Institute for Carnegie Mellon University, the new Apple Stores in New York, Chicago, and Tokyo, or the twelve wooded retreats shown in this book, the firm’s architecture is alive to the subtleties of place, man-made or natural, and to the rich possibilities of materials and the means of construction.

The houses in Arcadian Architecture are exquisitely crafted of wood and stone and other natural materials, and are all sited within beautiful wooded, mountainous, or lakeside locales, from New York State to Washington State, and from the woods of Connecticut to the mountains of Montana. One of the highlights of this book is that it publishes, for the first time, the extraordinary, huge, extremely private and secluded, residential complex in Washington State that was built for Bill and Melinda Gates. Each house is presented on at least thirty pages, and is depicted by sumptuous new color photography, richly detailed conceptual sketches, presentation drawings, and construction documents.

About the Author:

Oscar Riera Ojeda is the author of The New American House and Contemporary World Architects, and editor of several other volumes. Peter Bohlin is principal in the firm of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson. James Cutler, formerly with Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, now practices architecture in Washington State. Thomas Fisher is Dean of the College of Architecture at University of Minnesota, and former editor of Progressive Architecture magazine.

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Barbara Linz
ID: 4861
Издательство: Ullmann

Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. Similarly to people, our formative first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. Containing around 250 full colour illustrations, the Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand achieve surprising results when used in association or combination with each other.

In der Reihe Architecture Compact werden Materialien vorgestellt, die einserseits durch ihre Beschaffenheit eine ganz eigene Anmutung mit sich bringen, anderseits in der Verarbeitung und Kombination mit- bzw. untereinander überraschende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

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Will Pryce
ID: 368
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Wood has unique qualities, yet is undervalued or ignored in histories of architecture. However, leading designers around the world are increasingly drawn to it to satisfy social and environmental needs.

Will Pryce is an award-winning photographer who trained as an architect and photojournalist. His pictures have made him the most admired architectural photographer in Britain. Intensely dramatic but not over-dramatized, technically flawless, but not merely documentary, they convey all the excitement of encountering these amazing structures first-hand. He has travelled the world seeking the famous and the obscure.

In the substantial text he shows how the wooden heritage of Japan grew from its Buddhist history; how Russia’s carpenters determined its iconic domes; how Norway’s stave churches contain clues to her pagan past; how Turkic tribes brought the yali from Asia; how the settlers of New England would use a provincial English tradition on the new continent; and how, today, sophisticated architects such as Peter Zumthor and Renzo Piano are inventing an eloquent new wooden architecture.

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Simone Schleifer (Editor)
ID: 3582
Издательство: Taschen
Wood is organic, it is regarded as warm, as making human surroundings cosy. In addition, it can compete with any hi-tech material: wood has an extraordinarily good weight-to-strength ratio, has outstanding acoustic and insulation properties, and when properly deployed and looked after, it is also durable. Timber buildings have always achieved low-energy standards, they are climate-neutral to erect, and environmentally friendly to demolish. Those who recognize and exploit the natural qualities of wood have a wonderfully versatile material which can be brought to life in the hands of a creative designer and builder. With the help of more than 300 illustrations and architectural drawings, this book presents 25 proprojects from all over the world which exemplify a whole variety of forms and applications of wood both for interiors and exteriors.
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под редакцией Николая Малинина
ID: 8642
Издательство: Татлин

Архиwood – премия, учрежденная компанией HONKA и pr-агентством «Правила общения» в 2009 году ставит своей целью пропаганду деревянной архитектуры, пропаганду дерева как идеального материала для cтроительства, настолько же выразительного, насколько экологичного, настолько же модного, насколько экономичного, настолько же традиционного, насколько актуального. В каталоге Премии, выпущенном TATLIN, собраны наиболее выдающиеся деревянные постройки за последний год: частные дома всех возможных стилей и направлений – от традиционных скатных избушек до модернистских объектов и даже парафразов классической дачной архитектуры начала 20 века, малые объекты, объекты городской среды, арт-объекты. Набор номинаций претерпел некоторые изменения: из-за небольшого количества заявок отпали «Интерьеры» и «Дерево в отделке». Также в каталог вошли 26 проектов экспозиции Архиwood, на проект которой был проведен закрытый конкурс

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Ferris Robbinson
ID: 2868
Издательство: Schiffer

Illustrations:  283 color photos; 27 floor plans

Each gorgeous log home shown here was built with reclaimed timbers that were hand-hewn at least a century ago.

The homes vary from small to large, and cover layouts from "erected as found" to modern configurations. One thing they all have in common, though, is that they look the way log homes are supposed to look. Dove-tailed corners, weathered barn wood, antique heart pine, and ancient beams, logs, and posts were used abundantly in their construction.

If you're hoping to build such a home for yourself, or expand your existing home with a log addition, this book will provide help and inspiration. Each of the 27 projects featured includes a floor plan perfect for today's lifestyles, while maintaining the integrity of log home construction and preserving the great timbers that sheltered our forebearers.


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Will Pryce
ID: 1757
Издательство: Rizzoli

From the very beginning of architecture-long before the invention of masonry-buildings were constructed of wood. With its unique qualities of form, colour, and structure, wood is the most reliable building material at the core of architecture. This epic history is the first comprehensive survey of the use of wood in architecture throughout the ages.

The book is organized both chronologically and geographically. It surveys works from the oldest heritage of wooden buildings (Kyoto's Buddhist temples and Scandinavia's pagan-inspired stave churches) to the latest cutting-edge designs, proving that wood is on the rise as the preferred material in these ecologically conscious times.

No region of the world with a native tradition of building with wood is left out. In North America, the book demonstrates the European origins of New England's clapboards and saltboxes and later shows how such sophisticated California architects as Greene & Greene or Bernard Maybeck could blend age-old traditions of the Far East and Switzerland with a Pacific Coast sense of novelty and whimsy.

Spectacular and diverse photographs highlight the architectural masterpieces of wooden architecture throughout the world, illustrating that wood is a building material with a deep history as well as a vibrant future.

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Ralph Kylloe
ID: 2730
Издательство: Gibbs Smith Publishers

With rustic design soaring to new heights, Ralph Kylloe again sets out on a journey of exploration and seeks out original awe-inspiring rustic homes in his newest book, Cabin in the Woods.

Both functional and aesthetically pleasing, each home in this extensive collection was handpicked for its beauty as well as its creative use of recycled materials. The homes are profound statements of ingenuity that honors the abundance of nature. Often called objects of art, these homes are also filled with extraordinary rustic objects that complement their overall design. Recognizably the leading authority on rustic design, Kylloe presents each home in glorious photography that reveals the heart and sole of its materials and setting and the families who live there. He teaches us that the homes are not just structures; rather, they are living, breathing entities that help to make the world a better place.

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Ralph Kylloe
ID: 4033
Издательство: Gibbs Smith Publishers

Whether at camp, at the lake, in the mountains or high off in the backwoods, we all cherish our memories of summer vacations at the cabin. Maybe it was enjoying the coziness of log bunk beds, playing games with cousins and friends, diving off wooden-plank docks, fishing from the riverbank, being lulled by the rustling breeze or mesmerized by the riffling stream or slapping waves - whatever, these experiences linger in our memories.

The homes and camps presented in Cabins are making new memories for today’s families. Some are contemporary homes that incorporate rustic furniture; some are traditional cabins with great rooms and high ceilings. All exude the warmth of wood railings and stone.

Engaging, impassioned, and always entertaining, Kylloe has an eye for rustic detail and signature style of photography that makes this, his thirteenth design book, exquisite in every regard. These homes feature idyllic settings for family fun and entertaining, masterfully crafted rock fireplaces and sensual rustic furnishings to covet.

Featuring homes across the upper United States, from New England and New York to Montana and Washington.

Ralph Kylloe is a leading authority on rustic furniture and architecture and is the owner of the Ralph Kylloe Gallery at Lake George in New York’s Adirondack Mountains. He is the author of thirteen previous rustic design books, including Cabin in the Woods, Cabins and Camps, Rustic Artistry for the Home, Rustic Traditions, The Rustic Cabin, and Adirondack Home.

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Philip Jodidio
ID: 17537
Издательство: Taschen

Life in the Woods. Creative cabin architecture, from California to Sapporo

Yearning for rustic simplicity? Open the door to Cabins, a gorgeous showcase of minimal, low-impact, peaceful abodes around the world. From contemplative bliss in an English coastal studio to eco-home huts in the Western Ghats of India, each of these minimal homes exude innovative, eco-friendly, mindful living.

Ever since Henry David Thoreau’s described his two years, two months, and two days of refuge existence at Walden Pond, Massachusetts, in Walden, or, Life in the Woods (1854), the idea of a cabin dwelling has seduced the modern psyche. In the past decade, as our material existence and environmental footprint has grown exponentially, architects around the globe have become particularly interested in the possibilities of the minimal, low-impact, and isolated abode.

This Bibliotheca Universalis edition of Cabins combines insightful text, rich photography, and bright, contemporary illustrations by Marie-Laure Cruschi to show how this particular architectural type presents special opportunities for creative thinking. In eschewing excess, the cabin limits actual spatial intrusion to the bare essentials of living requirements, while in responding to its typically rustic setting, it foregrounds eco-friendly solutions. The cabin comes to showcase some of the most inventive and forward-looking practices of contemporary architecture, with Renzo Piano, Terunobu Fujimori, Tom Kundig, and many fresh young professionals all embracing such distilled sanctuary spaces.

The book showcases the variety of cabins in use and geography. From an artist studio on the Suffolk coast in England to eco-home huts in the Western Ghats region of India, this collection is as exciting in its international reach as it is in its array of briefs, clients, and situations. Constant throughout, however, is architectural innovation, and an inspiring sense of contemplation and coexistence as people return to nature and to a less destructive model of being in the world.

About the author:

Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His TASCHEN books include the Architecture Now! series and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, Shigeru Ban, Oscar Niemeyer, and Zaha Hadid.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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Frederick Wilbur
ID: 9564
Издательство: GMC (Guild of Master Craftsman)

This is probably the first detailed guide to one of the most important of traditional woodcarving skills, now reissued. Wilbur takes the reader, step-by-step, from the basic building blocks of classical design to the practicalities of carving enriched mouldings, volutes, rosettes and capitals. A thorough primer in the vocabulary of classical ornament, this book will be indispensable to cabinetmakers and furniture restorers as well as carvers.

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Andreas Wenning
ID: 6031
Издательство: DOM Publishers

This book presents 25 in­novative examples of contemporary­­­­ treehouses and 10 conceptions of treehouses created­ by Andreas Wenning. With large-scale photos and substantial­ essays on questions of statics and construction­.

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Carles Broto
ID: 3622
Издательство: Links
These works feature a wide range of diff erent uses of wood in home construction. Each of the projects is clearly explained by the designers themselves. Within this worldwide selection, several of the projects are located in the USA. All of the examples selected share the highest degree of architectural quality due to innovative uses of wood as well as the architects’ outspoken bid for environmentally sustainable construction. Included in this volume are sophisticated residences, contemporary homes, and small but remarkable wood-cabins. Outstanding photographs accompany the working plans and a clear text, to achieve an optimal communication of these buildings’ main features, the materials used and their defi ning characteristics.

Carles Broto, an architecture scholar and one of the founders of the IAC (institute for alternative culture). Following a successful period at the Atrium Group (Barcelona), he has now joined Grupo Links – Structure as the publishing director of various contemporary architecture collections. He is currently investigating the evolution of new American housing, as part of a multi-country project. He lives in Barcelona.
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Carles Broto
ID: 3623
Издательство: Links
The architects and all interiors featured in this book have in common their fascination regarding the richness, the texture, and the strength of wood to enhance their creations. Each of the projects within this worldwide selection is clearly explained by the designers themselves and all of the examples selected share the highest degree of architectural quality due to innovative uses of wood as well as the architects outspoken bid for environmentally sustainable construction. Included in this volume are sophisticated residences, contemporary homes and apartments. Outstanding photographs accompany the working plans and clear text, to achieve an optimal communication of these buildings' main features, the materials used and their defining characteristics.
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Carles Broto
ID: 8745
Издательство: Links

These works feature a wide range of different uses of wood in home construction. Included are sophisticated residences, contemporary homes, and small but remarkable wood cabins. Outstanding photographs accompany the working plans and a clear text, provided by the designers themselves, to achieve an optimal communication of these buildings’ main features, the materials used and their defining characteristics. This publication is sure to inspire architects and designers alike to making use of this wonderful construction material.

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