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Книги по орнаментам

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Guilio Ferrari
ID: 6042
Издательство: Dover

This colorful compendium of 512 religious, architectural, and ornamental images encompasses the abundant variety of the ancient world. Painstakingly reproduced from a very rare early-twentieth-century source, it features artwork from:
... plus ornaments from Byzantine, Arabic, Gothic, and other exotic cultures and remote eras. Designers and graphic artists will find this inexpensive volume a valuable resource of distinctive decorations.

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ID: 243
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image- manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult the introduction to this book, or visit our website for conditions.

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Carol Belanger Grafton
ID: 10135
Издательство: Dover

Among the glories of extant medieval manuscripts are the splendid illuminated initials in which geometric, curvilinear, animal, religious and other motifs intertwine to form extraordinarily beautiful and decorative letters.

For this striking volume, Carol Belanger Grafton has selected 548 illuminated letters-alphabetically arranged-from 19th-century reprints of medieval manuscripts. Here are magnificently ornamented initials-some the length of an entire margin, another encompassing the page itself, others delicate miniatures. All are imaginatively and beautifully enhanced with royal and saintly figures, mythical creatures, knights in battle, exquisite florals and much more.

Encompassing all the letters of the alphabet, and including a selection of hand-colored chromolithographs, this practical archive of lovely copyright-free designs not only provides commercial artists and illustrators with a wealth of usable letters, it offers a splendid sampling of the ancient art of manuscript illuminations.

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ID: 235
Издательство: Pepin Press

В книге представлены высокопрофессиональные графические рисунки, орнаменты. Огромное количество цветных иллюстраций. В альбоме содержится диск. Альбом на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском, испанском, китайском и японском языках.

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ID: 2508
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Многообразие металлических орнаментов в оградах, перилах, дверях и окнах, балконах и балюстрадах, навесах, верандах и крышах, садовых пристройках, городских конструкциях, замках, домашней и церковной утвари, что ярко отображает иллюстрированный альбом-каталог.

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ID: 3192
Издательство: Dover
Among the world's great decorative art traditions, Islamic design has inspired the arts and crafts of many cultures. High-quality, royalty-free illustrations — reproduced from a wealth of rare sources — include exquisite patterns, borders, and motifs displaying all the beauty and intricacy of Islamic art. 201 color illustrations, 12 in black-and-white.
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Eric Broug
ID: 13974
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

An intricate tracing book, source book and colouring book to help you create a wide range of Islamic patterns

The exquisite geometric patterns that adorn buildings inside and out across the Islamic world all have an underlying geometry, ranging from the serenely simple to the extraordinarily complex. Presented here are 48 Islamic patterns, from locations such as Samarkand, Delhi, Fez, Isfahan and Cairo, and 48 loose-leaf sheets, each lightly printed with the geometry of the corresponding featured design.

Creative, inventive and fun, this book will give you the skills needed to produce a wide range of Islamic patterns of varying complexity, and then to complete them in colours of your own choice.

About the Author:

Eric Broug runs Broug Ateliers for Islamic Architecture, Arts and Crafts. He is also the author of Islamic Geometric Patterns and Islamic Geometric Design, both published by Thames & Hudson.

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ID: 232
Издательство: Pepin Press

Эта книга содержит высококачественные изображения классического двухцветного орнамента, которые могут быть использованы как готовый графический ресурс, так и служить вдохновением для создания новых работ. Все иллюстрации сохранены в прилагающемся к книге компакт-диске в форматах PCT at 800 dpi, TIFF 1200 dpi и GIF 300 dpi, которые можно использовать для профессиональной печати, размещения на веб-страницах, для создания открыток, украшения ваших писем, флаеров и т.д. Изображения можно напрямую импортировать с компакт-диска, практически в любую графическую и тестовую программу, безо всякой дополнительной установки. CD - 242 файла, TIF 1200 dpi.

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Pepin Press
ID: 4056
Издательство: Pepin Press

Islamic Designs is a completely revised edition of one of Agile Rabbit’s best-selling volumes. All designs have been re-traced and perfected, and a vast number of exciting designs have been added.

Agile Rabbit Editions contain stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge.

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Pepin Press
ID: 2761
Издательство: Pepin Press

The culture of the Muslim world has developed a very specific type of ornamental design, which is grounded in the religious demands of Islam. Also known as Arabesque, the visual language of Islamic design employs a variety of geometric patterns, floral elements and ornate calligraphy, all of which are used to decorate furniture and buildings. The flowing nature and mathematical rigour of the Arabesque evoke a sense of eternity and order, which has proved to be aesthetically pleasing.

Islamic Designs From Egypt presents a collection of architectural ornamental designs originating from two of the most important cultural centres of the Islamic world, the mediaeval Egyptian cities of Cairo and Alexandria. Originally used as tiling and bas-reliefs for mosques, tombs and private houses, these designs constitute masterpieces of Islamic ornamental design that have lost none of their appeal today. In the present edition, the ornaments, borders and interlocking patterns of this historical style are made available for contemporary use.

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Luisa Gloria
ID: 3191
Издательство: Dover
Superb collection of authentic Japanese art and design reproduced directly from rare and costly sources includes birds, florals, animals, fish, crests, geometric designs, and patterns. An invaluable resource for professional and amateur artists and craftspeople. Over 260 color and black-and-white illustrations.
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ID: 2130
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Японский художник учится рисовать одновременно с обучением письму. Он не сидит напротив модели или объекта природы и не стремится представить его таким, каким он ему кажется; он учится писать многочисленные сложные иероглифы своего языка путем постоянного повторения, таким образом, приобретая умение изображать некоторые узоры и традиционные формы, долгое время копируя принятые модели, передаваемые из поколения в поколение. Хотя такой творческий метод и не позволяет достигнуть той высокой степени мастерства, какого можно было бы добиться при тщательном изучении природы, но предоставляет мастеру декоративные возможности при создании рисунков, в которых японские художники обладают непревзойденным талантом.

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Pepin Press
ID: 3729
Издательство: Pepin Press

A variation on marbled paper is paste paper. In this technique, a layer of starch is applied to blank paper, and paint is added on top of it. The design is produced by manipulating the paint with a brush or scraper, or with the help of stamps or rollers. Japanese Papers includes an extensive and rare selection of such designs. This book also contains stunning examples of other Japanese paper decoration techniques, such as block printing and the application of design during the actual paper-making process.

Agile Rabbit Editions contain stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult our section on image rights for conditions.

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ID: 234
Издательство: Pepin Press

Альбом содержит предисловие на английском, испанском, немецком, итальянском, французском, китайском и японском языках. В издание вошли прекрасные японские мотивы, которые можно использовать как для создания самостоятельных работ, так и для вдохновения. На прилагаемом CD-диске все иллюстрации выполнены в формате с высоким разрешением, они готовы для использования в профессиональной печати и Web-дизайне.

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ID: 9625
Издательство: Dover

The delicate beauty of the kimono and its appealing designs embody Japan's ancient and venerable tradition of textile arts. This unusual design treasury recaptures the graceful art of the kimono in all its subtle elegance, with authentic designs from a nineteenth-century source.

Reproduced directly from a rare and costly original portfolio, these luminous designs include allover patterns, nature scenes, magnificent floral sprays, and other finely detailed motifs. Sixty-two lavish full-color illustrations offer a vibrant resource of inspiration and browsing pleasure to devotees of fashion, art, and Asian culture.

Reprint of a rare, undated, late-19th-century Japanese volume.

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