
Книги по орнаментам

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A. Hauser
ID: 10121
Видавництво: Dover

Abounding in cherubs, nymphs, soldiers, kings, dragons, and other flamboyant motifs, this compilation of ornamental designs was originally published in Paris during the 1840s. The extravagant images are based on a wide variety of historical examples that date back as far as the 1500s and include imaginative renderings by Watteau and Dürer. Created as embellishments for walls, arms and armor, and everyday objects, these designs remain eminently useful for graphic and decorative purposes.

Professional and amateur artists and designers as well as cardmakers and scrapbookers will find this compilation a practical resource of versatile and royalty-free art. This volume is the successor to Dover Publications' Fantastic Ornament, another modern reprint of a rare nineteenth-century publication.

New selection of material from Portefeuille Historique de l'Ornement/Ornaments of the Classical Masters: Comprising Ornamental Borders, Decorations, Shields, Vases, Alphabet of Letters, Grotesque Designs, Patterns for Gold and Silver-Smiths, A Hauser, Paris, 1841.

Michel Lienard
ID: 10122
Видавництво: Dover

Swirling with gargoyles, devils, dragons, griffins, and other images that haunt both dreams and nightmares, this otherworldly assortment features more than 100 decorations from a rare nineteenth-century volume. Decorations include:
Cartouches in the style of Louis XIII
Stone balustrades
Roof cornices
Renaissance-era drawing-room cabinets
Elizabethan chimney pieces
... plus friezes for textiles and wallpaper, decorative scutcheons, mirror frames, and much more. These versatile royalty-free illustrations are equally suitable for immediate use, adaptation, and inspiration.

Clara Schmidt
ID: 3710
Видавництво: L'Aventurine

Пристрастие к фантастическим эффектам берет свое начало в духе и искусстве античных времен. Горгоны, циклопы и сатиры были первыми фантастическими существами античного искусства и мифологии.

В эпоху Ренессанса возродился интерес к воображаемому и сверхъестественному, который подогревался археологическими открытиями в Риме. Страстный любитель искусства Вазари выражал свое восхищение при виде Лоджий Ватикана с росписями Рафаэля, "гипсовых изваяний, окруженных живописными орнаментами гротесков в античном стиле, с их непередаваемыми фантазиями и изобилием разнообразных, не поддающихся описанию вещей". Зарождается искусство гротеска с его демонами, чудовищами и нереальными существами - полулюдьми, полуживотными - Горгонами, масками и сиренами в самом центре архитектурного декора.

В тот же период чудовища, созданные фантазией Альбрехта Дюрера, верного традициям готического стиля, Иеронима Босха и Брейгеля, стали встречаться и в работах мастеров Северной Европы. Изначально некая часть христианской иконографии, дьяволы и ангелы - будь то ангелы-хранители или злые духи - появлялись в фантастических работах мастеров стран Северной Европы, к которым также можно было причислить безумцев и проклятых, осужденных гореть в аду.

Магия, алхимия и колдовство завершают темную сторону этих образов.

В 18-м веке стал развиваться театральный стиль с его многочисленными разнообразными орнаментами, необычными по своей форме. Культ сверхъестественного проявился в "тайном" стиле с его завихряющимися, зооморфными формами.
И, наконец, еще один совершенно иной причудливый стиль был создан в 19-м веке такими художниками, как Гюстав Дорэ и Гранвилль, которые одушевляли животных и культивировали мир Франсуа Рабле.

Данная энциклопедия предлагает вашему вниманию изображения, одновременно необычные, удивительные, занимательные и заставляющие задуматься.

Pepin Press
ID: 3422
Видавництво: Pepin Press

Fashion Prints is a concise step-by-step guide to designing symmetrical and repeat patterns for fashion design.

The book contains 12 chapters, each containing a wide range of basic elements needed to create a pattern. It is demonstrated how to make various grids and how to apply the design elements to come to a repeating pattern. The visual approach makes these procedures very easy to understand and helps the reader develop his/her own creative ideas.

Furthermore, each chapter gives a number of examples of how to apply colour to the patterns. Last but not least, step-by-step drawings are included showing how to render the result on a fashion figure.

More than 1000 of the design elements used in the book are provided as vector EPS files on the accompanying CD-ROM, for near limitless variations in creating designs according to your own taste and style.

Fashion Prints is a must-have for everybody interested in textile and fashion design.

ID: 9093
Видавництво: Pepin Press

PEPIN gift wrap paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (19,5 inch x 27,5 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

Carol Belanger Grafton
ID: 10132
Видавництво: Dover

Over 350 handsome designs — selected from such rare Victorian-era magazines as The Art Journal, and The British Printer — depict lovely floral and foliated motifs as decorative embellishments on a saucer and teacup, on picture frames and wall sconces, as flowing patterns that lend themselves well for use as frames and borders.

Clara Schmidt
ID: 3712
Видавництво: L'Aventurine

Художники всегда обращались к образам растительного мира за вдохновением, а флористика была неизменным элементом во всех декоративных искусствах. Изображения цветов характерны для самых ярких периодов развития истории искусства.

ID: 1050
Видавництво: Pepin Press

Text in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish

Throughout the history of decoration, floral compositions have been one of the designers' main sources of inspiration. Almost every historical style includes designs based on flowering plants. Today, too, floral patterns are ubiquitous in fashion, advertising and many other forms of decoration. Floral Patterns, a resource book with over 120 color designs - all saved on the enclosed free CD - is reworked, improved and expanded version of one of the most successful volumes in this series.

Alan Weller
ID: 9614
Видавництво: Dover

Bouquets of chrysanthemums, roses, and cherry blossoms, plus fantasy flowers found only in the garden of the imagination — this spectacular array of floral illustrations will be a perennial favorite for designers. Includes a gallery of inspiring ideas, tutorials, and 200 Vector-based images that can be increased in size without losing quality.

Image File Information:
Includes 200 highly scalable, vector-based graphics saved in EPS and SVG formats; also saved as high-res JPEG files; 17 texture images; tutorials on scaling, twisting, repetition, patterns, colors, fills, layers, compound paths, and other invaluable techniques; gallery section offering inspiring design ideas; JPEGs included for all Gallery graphics

ID: 7162
Видавництво: Pepin Press

Frames contains some 500 high-quality line drawings of frames in many shapes and styles, that can be used for a multitude of applications.

Agile Rabbit Editions contain stunning images for use as a graphics resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult our section on image rights for conditions.

Stafford Cliff
ID: 2807
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Drawing upon an impressive array of original sources, this profusely illustrated book offers sketches, engravings and printed patterns, representing French interior design and decoration from the Baroque, Rococo, Louis Seize and Empire periods through the 19th century to Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Modernism.

Many of the designs have never been seen in published form before, making this sumptuous volume an invaluable treasury of new ideas and inspiration for designers, decorators, restorers and craftsmen.

• An unrivalled sourcebook of French design and decoration for designers everywhere.
• Reproduces a wealth of artistry and technical ingenuity, including the work of such designers as André-Charles Boulle, Pineau, Meissonier, Percier, Fontaine, Majorelle, Lalique and Ruhlmann.
• Runs the gamut of the decorative arts, from Sèvres porcelain, Gobelin tapestries and Baccarat crystal to traditional printed cottons from Provence, silks from Lyons, glass by Gallé and Daum, and furniture and interior design by Guimard and Ruhlmann.

With over 600 designs, patterns and settings in colour and black and white

E. A. Seguy, Marty Noble
ID: 7829
Видавництво: Dover

From a virtuoso of the Art Nouveau style - intricate images rich in color and design.
These lovely, vibrantly colored floral illustrations, newly rendered by Marty Noble, were originally created by E. A. Seguy, one of Art Nouveau's great masters. Displayed in rich color combinations, his delicate interpretations and intricately woven images are perfect for textiles and wallpapers but will also inspire ideas for mosaics and stained glass. Borders, circular designs, repeats, allovers, and spots are prominent in a collection that has something to interest everyone who works with graphics.

Пролистать книгу Full-Color Art Nouveau Floral Designs на сайте издательства.

ID: 7828
Видавництво: Dover

Flowers, vines, leaves, and other lovely natural forms burst from the pages of this gallery of 132 brightly colored motifs. Meticulously reproduced from a rare European publication of the early 20th century, these patterns are genuine products of the Art Nouveau era. Graphic artists and hobbyists will find them ideal for designing backgrounds, stationery, and countless other print and crafts projects.
Reprint of Farbige Flächenmuster für das Moderne Kunstgewerbe, Verlag von Jul.-Hoffman, Stuttgart, 1900.

Пролистать книгу Full-Color Art Nouveau Patterns and Designs на сайте издательства.

Arnold Lyongrun (Illustrator)
ID: 3184
Видавництво: Dover
114 gorgeous designs, most created by the noted German artist Arnold Lyongrün, display marvelous creatures of land, sea, and air; graceful female figures, and other delightful configurations. Handsomely reproduced in pastel tones, the organic, curvilinear designs dramatically capture the Art Nouveau style dominant at the turn of the century.
Alexander Speltz
ID: 6040
Видавництво: Dover

Chosen from among thousands of images in a massive three-volume set, this spectacular treasury offers the best and most beautiful ornaments from prehistory to the early nineteenth century. From every corner of the globe and from every age, the most striking achievements in the decorative arts are displayed in 835 full-color, royalty-free illustrations.
Conveniently arranged by period are an array of ornamentals adapted from artwork on walls, ceilings, manuscripts, tapestries, and other decorative elements—from ornate carvings on Egyptian columns and striking frescoes on Etruscan walls to dazzling Roman and Byzantine marble mosaics and lavish German book ornamentation and stained glass designs. All images are identified by brief captions.
A magnificent addition to any art lover's library, this multipurpose reference will be invaluable to artists and designers alike.
Reprinted from the 1914-15 German editions.

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