Ландшафтный дизайн, сады

Книги по ландшафтному дизайну

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Landscape Record Los Angeles
ID: 10555
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

Landscape Record focuses is a Quarterly publication based in Los Angeles focusing on urban designs and landscape architecture as well as the interaction between humans and landscapes.

Great designs are treasures for everyone. The magazine sparks design innovation and shapes human experiences and understandings. 

Each Issue features News alongside fully illustrated examples of recent projects, awards alongside Interviews.

Issue 1 features The Phoenix Flowers, Garscube landscape Link in Glasgow, St. Andrews Square in Edinburgh plus other schemes in Europe, North America and Asia.

Landscape Record Los Angeles
ID: 10554
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

Landscape Record focuses is a Quarterly publication based in Los Angeles focusing on urban designs and landscape architecture as well as the interaction between humans and landscapes.

Great designs are treasures for everyone. The magazine sparks design innovation and shapes human experiences and understandings.

Each Issue features News alongside fully illustrated examples of recent projects, awards alongside Interviews.

Issue 5 features projects such as HDI-Gerling Headquarters, Ploum Lodder Princen Law, Gran Terraza Lomas Verdes, Bioclimatic Garden for the Regional Printing House, Alexander Forbes Headquarters and others, all in full colour with detailed diagrams.

Landscape Record Los Angeles
ID: 10556
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

Landscape Record focuses is a Quarterly publication based in Los Angeles focusing on urban designs and landscape architecture as well as the interaction between humans and landscapes.

Great designs are treasures for everyone. The magazine sparks design innovation and shapes human experiences and understandings.

Each Issue features News alongside fully illustrated examples of recent projects, awards alongside Interviews.

Issue 3 features Rooftop Oasis with examples from Australia, Asia, North America all in full colour with detailed diagrams.

Landscape Record Los Angeles
ID: 10557
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

Landscape Record focuses is a Quarterly publication based in Los Angeles focusing on urban designs and landscape architecture as well as the interaction between humans and landscapes.

Great designs are treasures for everyone. The magazine sparks design innovation and shapes human experiences and understandings. 

Each Issue features News alongside fully illustrated examples of recent projects, awards alongside Interviews.

Issue 2 features projects such as Anthropologie a new retail store in London, Google Australia, Green Side Wall in Barcelona and Edgware Road Underground Station amongst others.

Landscape Record Los Angeles
ID: 10531
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

Landscape Record:  Waterscape Planning and Design includes six sections, including eight pieces of news, seventeen excellent projects from all over the world, and two of them are full illustrated.

Design exchange section includes ABC water design guidelines. At the meantime, it also includes three interviews from three outstanding landscape designers for answering some questions.

The editorial staffs hope that the magazine can provide some help for the readers.

Landscape Record focuses is a Quarterly publication based in Los Angeles focusing on urban designs and landscape architecture as well as the interaction between humans and landscapes.

ID: 4421
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Space Series
This series has an new eyes on space of landscape, and will be needed by readers. We divide landscape fields which is searched neighborhood in our life, and categorize them into Central Plaza, Water Space, Garden, Play Facility?Resting Space, Walking Space and Sculpture. You can compare notes, seeing many cases at a look.

ID: 4422
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Space Series
This series has an new eyes on space of landscape, and will be needed by readers. We divide landscape fields which is searched neighborhood in our life, and categorize them into Central Plaza, Water Space, Garden, Play Facility?Resting Space, Walking Space and Sculpture. You can compare notes, seeing many cases at a look.

ID: 4423
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Space Series
This series has an new eyes on space of landscape, and will be needed by readers. We divide landscape fields which is searched neighborhood in our life, and categorize them into Central Plaza, Water Space, Garden, Play Facility?Resting Space, Walking Space and Sculpture. You can compare notes, seeing many cases at a look.

ID: 4424
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Space Series
This series has an new eyes on space of landscape, and will be needed by readers. We divide landscape fields which is searched neighborhood in our life, and categorize them into Central Plaza, Water Space, Garden, Play Facility?Resting Space, Walking Space and Sculpture. You can compare notes, seeing many cases at a look.

ID: 4425
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Space Series
This series has an new eyes on space of landscape, and will be needed by readers. We divide landscape fields which is searched neighborhood in our life, and categorize them into Central Plaza, Water Space, Garden, Play Facility?Resting Space, Walking Space and Sculpture. You can compare notes, seeing many cases at a look.

ID: 4426
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Space Series
This series has an new eyes on space of landscape, and will be needed by readers. We divide landscape fields which is searched neighborhood in our life, and categorize them into Central Plaza, Water Space, Garden, Play Facility?Resting Space, Walking Space and Sculpture. You can compare notes, seeing many cases at a look.

ID: 2721
Видавництво: Archiworld

As a newly published magazine by Archiworld, Landscape World will deliver the trend of domestic/international landscape design. Its goal is to contribute to the growth of Korean landscape design by introducing excellent landscape projects through a variety of contents.

ID: 1809
Видавництво: Archiworld

4      Olympic Sculpture Park
16     Neo Nature campus, Korea University
26     Chess Park
34     Free University
46     Water Green City
Special > Landscape Architect ChanYong Park

56     Interview
62     Daebul Park
70     Shingi Park
78     Homigot Sunrise Plaza
84     Unam-Ji Waterfront Park
92     Deulsaem Park
100    Master plan of Historic Sites of General Kim Myeon
Indoor Landscape
104    Panoramic Garden
112    Adelheim
Green Roof
116    Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency
122    Urban Infrastructure in Pangyo Land Development District  and The 9th Neighborhood Park 9th Neighborhood Park Design        

161    News

ID: 1810
Видавництво: Archiworld


4    Design VS. Graphic Technology & Boutique Ecology
6    SolarCity
18   Shinsegae Main Store Roof Garden
26   Henry C. Beck, Jr. Park
36   Central Park, Paju Gyoha District
48   Osong Bio-Tech Park
Special > Landscape Architect David Choi
58   Interview
64   Yeungnam University the Entrance and Memorial Garden
76   Duryu Park
88   Wood Sculpture Bridge of Muan White Lotus Pond
96   High 1 Ski Resort
102  Daegwanryeong Alpensia Ski and Olympic Facilities Construction
112  Samduck Art & Culture Park
Green Roof
120  ASLA Green Roof
Office Garden
126  Seogang Pal-gyeong
130  Newport Garden
136  2010 Shanghai World Expo
161  News

ID: 1811
Видавництво: Archiworld


4         Landscape Architecture Is a Design Planing in Mind
6         The Art Garden of Sejong Center for the Performing Arts
16       Manhattan Roof Terrace
24       The Indoor Landscape in the Gangnam Finance Center
Special > Landscape Architect_Kathryn Gustafson
30       Interview
36       Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain
44       Westergasfabriek Culture Park
54       Old Market Square
62       Garden of Forgiveness
68       Shoreline Walk
78       Landscape Architecture Design Competition for Urban Infrastructure in Unjeong Land Development District
83       Epilogue_BongHo Han
84       Article_HakJe Cho
Group A
88      GA-ONE Landscape Design Group
98      Landscape Architecture & Associates MADANG
104     Group Han Ltd
110     Dongsimwon Inc.
Group B
122     LET Associate
132     Beyond Landscape Design Group
142     BE.OH ENC
148     Ahns Design
152     Yessrim
156     Ctopos
161     News

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