Ландшафтный дизайн, сады

Книги по ландшафтному дизайну

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ID: 2195
Видавництво: Archiworld
Landscape Design, which contains internationally and domestically renowned landscape design projects, has been published in two volumes. Each book contains both completed works and proposed designs.
ID: 2196
Видавництво: Archiworld

Landscape Design, which contains internationally and domestically renowned landscape design projects, has been published in two volumes. Each book contains both completed works and proposed designs.

George Lam
ID: 4109
Видавництво: Pace

8~9 Introduction by Tom Turner

Plazas, Squares and Streetscapes

12~21 Tokyo Midtown
EDAW, Inc.

22~27 NewQuay Public Realm, Melbourne
Tract Consultants Pty Ltd.

28~33 Taranaki Wharf, Wellington
Wraight + Associates Ltd with Athfield Architects Ltd.

34~39 Greerton Village Upgrade, Tauranga
Isthmus Group Ltd.

40~43 Malvern City Square, Melbourne
Rush Wright Associates

44~47 Maddern Square, Melbourne
Rush Wright Associates

48~51 CentrePort Stage A, Wellington
Wraight + Associates Ltd with Studio of Pacific Architecture

52~55 James Place Upgrade, Adelaide

Institutional and Commercial
58~61 The British Embassy, Sana’a, Yemen
Coe Design Landscape Architecture

62~65 Whitireia Polytechnic, Porirua
Wraight + Associates Ltd.

66~69 Deakin Central Precinct, Melbourne
Rush Wright Associates

70~75 Circle on Cavill, Gold Coast
Place Design Group

76~81 Gate City Osaki, Tokyo
Thomas Balsley Associates

82~85 Spy Valley, Marlborough
Wraight + Associates Ltd.

86~89 Osaka World Trade Center
Thomas Balsley Associates

90~93 Jimbocho City, Tokyo
Thomas Balsley Associates

94~97 Mount Gambier Civic Buildings Heritage Precinct, South Australia
Fifth Creek Studio

98~101 TarraWarra Estate, Victoria
Tract Consultants Pty Ltd.

102~109 Pacific Harbour Golf & Country Club, Queensland
Place Design Group

110~115 Radisson Resort Fiji, Nadi
Place Design Group

116~121 Putrajaya Shangri La
ICN Design International

122~125 Chiva Som International Spa at Khao Kho, Petchaboon
Coe Design Landscape Architecture

Parks and Gardens
128~135 Genesis Masterplanned Community, Queensland
Place Design Group

136~141 Royal Park Wetlands, Melbourne
Rush Wright Associates

142~147 Kota Kemuning Wetland Park, Shah Alam
ICN Design International

148~153 Wetland 5, Sydney Park, Sydney
ASPECT Studios Pty Ltd.

154~157 Ecology Park, Cibinong Science Centre, West Java
Sheils Flynn Ltd.

158~163 Former BP Park, Waverton, Sydney

164~167 Twelve Apostles Visitors Centre, Victoria
Tract Consultants Pty Ltd.

168~173 South East Asian Rainforest Immersion - The Adelaide Zoo

174~177 Lory Loft at Jurong Birdpark, Singapore
Green & Dale Associates

178~183 Waitangi Park, Wellington
Wraight Athfield Landscape + Architecture Ltd.

184~187 Cairns Esplanade Skatepark, Queensland
Convic Design Pty Ltd.

188~191 Belgrave Town Park, Victoria
ASPECT Studios Pty Ltd.

192~197 Clewley Street Garden, Brisbane
Jeremy Ferrier Landscape Architects

198~201 Habitat Wakerley, Brisbane
Jeremy Ferrier Landscape Architects

202~205 Manukau City Council Cultural Performance Garden 2006, Manurewa
Chow:Hill Architects Ltd.

206~209 Carnegie Library Play Space: The Bookworms, Victoria
FORMium / Mark McWha Landscape Architects

212~217 Glentrees Condominium, Singapore
ICN Design International

218~223 Southport Central, Queensland
Place Design Group

224~229 M Central, Sydney
360° Landscape Architecture

230~233 Vajra Villas, Ubud Bali
Sheils Flynn Ltd.

234~237 Tatham Residence, Queenstown
Morgan+Pollard Associates Queenstown

238~241 Edgar Landscape, Queenstown
Morgan+Pollard Associates Queenstown

242~245 Hocking Place Bushtop, Adelaide
Fifth Creek Studio

246~255 Company Profile

George Lam
ID: 4110
Видавництво: Pace

"Landscape Design @ Canada" is one publication within a series dedicated to the promotion of excellence in landscape architecture in various countries/regions throughout the world. This publication showcases 46 recently completed landscape projects in Canada ranging from waterfront revitalisation project to residential gardens from 19 firms.

ID: 2316
Видавництво: Pace

Projekts Featuring:

— Recreational Landscape;

— Resedential Landscape;

— Plaza & Square Landscape;
— Environmental Landscape.
ID: 1992
Видавництво: Pace

8~9 Introduction by Tom Turner

Plazas, Streetscapes and Transportation
12~19 New Wembley - Arena Square
Randle Siddeley Associates
20~23 Morelondon
Townshend Landscape Architects
24~27 Grainger Town, Newcastle
28~31 Middlesbrough Town Centre Renaissance
32~35 Atlantic Gateway, Bootle Town Centre
Ironside Farrar Ltd.
36~41 Downham Market Town Centre Regeneration
Sheils Flynn Ltd.
42~45 National Gallery, Sainsbury Wing, London
Armstrong Bell Landscape Design
46~49A Trio of Squares

Philip Cave Associates
50~57 Royal William Yard, Plymouth
58~63 Corporation Yard
Sheils Flynn Ltd.
64~67 Tay Street Riverfront Improvements, Perth
68~69 Leamouth Riverside
Coe Design Landscape Architecture
70~73 Paddington Basin, London
74~77 InterConnect - Reinventing the bus stop!
Sheils Flynn Ltd.
78~81 Trawler at Hastings Station
Jenny Exley Associates Ltd.
82~85 The Living Screen, The Oval Cricket Statium, London
Weddle Landscape Design

Institutional and Educational
88~95 Treasury Courtyards
Gustafson Porter
96~101 Medical Foundation
Colour: urban design limited
102~105 Electra Park, London Docklands
Armstrong Bell Landscape Design
106~109 National Assembly, Cardiff
110~115 Gateshead Regional Performance Centre
Colour: urban design limited
116~117 Creative Industries Wing, Herbert Museum& Art Gallery
Coe Design Landscape Architecture
118~125 Heriot Watt University
Weddle Landscape Design
126~127 Pfizer Global Research Campus, Kent
128~133 Langside College Courtyards
City Design Co-operative Ltd.

Corporate and Commercial
136~143 55 Degrees North, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Colour: urban design limited
144~149 Cardinal Place
Lovejoy London
150~153 Whitehall Quays, Leeds
Robinson Landscape
154~157 Bishops Square
Townshend Landscape Architects
158~161 The Royal Bank of Scotland World Headquarters
EDAW plc
162~165 Brindleyplace
Townshend Landscape Architects
166~169 The Grove
Balston & Company

Parks, Gardens and Memorial
172~183 Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain
Gustafson Porter
184~189 Swiss Cottage Park
Gustafson Porter
190~193 Central Corridor, Blackpool
EDAW plc
194~201 Cookson Park Sheffield
Kinnear Landscape Architects
202~205 National Botanic Garden of Wales
Gustafson Porter
206~209 Sheffield Winter Garden
Weddle Landscape Design
210~213 The Hidden Gardens
City Design Co-operative Ltd.
214~217 Maurice Lea Park
218~221 Hull Community Super Stadium
Weddle Landscape Design
222~225 Daily Telegraph Garden
Balston and Company
226~229 Kettlebridge Doorstep Green
Weddle Landscape Design
230~233 Cluny Mews Pocket Park
Coe Design Landscape Architecture

236~241 Greenwich Millennium Village Phase 1B - Maurer Court
Randle Siddeley Associates
242~245 The Knightsbridge
Scape Design Associates
246~249 The Matrix
City Design Co-operative
250~253 A House in Ireland
Balston & Company
254~257 A House in Oxfordshire
Balston & Company
258~261 Conksbury Old Hall
Weddle Landscape Design

262~270 Company Profile

ID: 1993
Видавництво: Pace

8~9 Introduction by Leslie Chan

Plazas, Streetscapes and Transportation
12~15 Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade
16~21 Gantry Plaza State Park
Thomas Balsley Associates
22~25 Riverside Park South, Phase 1-4
Thomas Balsley Associates
26~31 Columbus Circle
Olin Partnership
32~37 Lewis Avenue Corridor
SWA Group
38~41 Kowsky Plaza
Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects, P.C.
42~47 Capitol Plaza
Thomas Balsley Associates

50~57 The Kreielsheimer Promenade at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall
Gustafson Guthrie Nichol Ltd
58~63 University of California, Berkeley: Units 1&2
GLS Landscape/Architecture
64~67 Northeastern University Buildings G & H
Pressley Associates
68~73 The Oak Park Public Library
CYLA Design Associates, Inc.
74~77 Cedar River Watershed Education Center
Jones & Jones Architects and Landscape Architects, Ltd
78~81 The Crossings
The Office of James Burnett
82~85 Southwest Women Working Together (SWWT) Healing Garden
CYLA Design Associates, Inc.
86~87 NASA Astronaut Quarantine Facility
The Office of James Burnett

Corporate and Commercial
90~97 Desert Ridge Marriott
SWA Group
98~103 Westlake Corporate Campus
SWA Group
104~109 SGI Amphitheatre Technology Center and Charleston Park
SWA Group
110~113 General Mills Corporate Headquarters
114~117 Cisco
Pressley Associates
118~121 Conference Center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Olin Partnership
122~125 Power Block
The Office of James Burnett
126~129 Waterway I & II
The Office of James Burnett
130~133 Brookhollow Campus
The Office of James Burnett
134~141 Tahari Courtyards
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
142~147 Rooftop Garden Restoration for Wells Fargo Corporation
Suzman & Cole Design Associates
148~151 West Podium Park
Pressley Associates
152~153 Broad Institute
Pressley Associates
154~157 Westfield Century City Dining Terrace
Rios Clementi Hale Studios
158~159 Biltmore Colony, Palm Springs
Orange Street Studio

Parks, Gardens and Memorial
162~169 Lakefront Millennium Park, Chicago
Terry Guen Design Associates, Inc.
170~175 The Park at Lakeshore East
The Office of James Burnett
176~185 The Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden
Sawyer/Berson Architecture & Landscape Architecture, LLP
186~191 Hermann Park Reflection Pool
SWA Group
192~195 The Elizabeth & Nona Evans Restorative Garden
Dirtworks, PC
196~199 Sunnyvale Baylands Park
Office of Cheryl Barton
200~203 Boarding House Park
Brown, Richardson & Rowe, Inc.
204~207 Scenic Hudson Park
Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects, P.C.
208~209 Spectacle Island
Brown, Richardson & Rowe, Inc.
210~211 Constitution Beach Rehabilitation
Brown, Richardson & Rowe, Inc.
212~215 Chess Park at Brand Boulevard
Rios Clementi Hale Studios
216~219 Perkins Park
Stoss Landscape Urbanism
220~223 Beth Israel Memorial Garden
GLS Landscape/Architecture
224~227 Constructing Memory: Commemorating Rosie The Riveter
Office of Cheryl Barton
228~231 Sutro Baths
Office of Cheryl Barton
232~235 First Presbyterian Memorial Garden
The Office of James Burnett
236~239 Hewlett-Packard 9/11 Reflection Garden
The Office of James Burnett

242~247 The Peninsula on the Indian River Bay
Lewis Scully Gionet Inc.
248~253 Lansdowne on the Potomac
Lewis Scully Gionet Inc.
254~257 The Sitka Apartments
Koch Landscape Architecture
258~261 The Bridgeport Condominiums
Koch Landscape Architecture
262~265 10th @ Hoyt Apartments
Koch Landscape Architecture
266~271 Baroda Garden
Rios Clementi Hale Studios
272~277 McBaine’s Country Retreat
Suzman & Cole Design Associates
278~285 Lenkin Residence
Lenkin Design
286~289 Friend Preserve
Suzman & Cole Design Associates
290~293 Garden on Turtle Creek
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
294~297 Residence Landscape Restoration
Koch Landscape Architecture
298~301 Madison Residence
Lenkin Design
302~307 Locksley Hall, Tiburon, California
Suzman & Cole Design Associates
308~313 McGeady Residence
Koch Landscape Architecture
314~317 Downs’ Cliff Hanger
Suzman & Cole Design Associates
318~321 Emerson Residence
Orange Street Studio
322~325 Pebble Beach Modern, Serene Aesthetic
Suzman & Cole Design Associates
326~329 Malkhassian Residence
The Office of James Burnett
330~333 Reid Residence
The Office of James Burnett
334~339 Manhattan Roof Terrace
Sawyer/Berson Architecture & Landscape Architecture, LLP
340~345 Private Rooftop Garden in Minneapolis
346~349 Greenwich Penthouse
Dirtworks, PC
350~353 Tribeca Green (325 North End Avenue)
Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects, P.C.

354~368 Company Profile

Jacobo Krauel
ID: 2823
Видавництво: Links
As the promenade becomes a more and more significant item in contemporary town planning, it has become increasingly necessary to develop a case study of its most successful examples. Already in ancient times it was understood that any urban settlement required a common ground, a place devoid of a prevalent function, unlike the market, the sole purpose of the promenade was to let the inhabitants see and be seen, a meeting place for a society's cohesion to be constantly reaffirmed.
Nevertheless, some modern cities seemed to omit this necessity and it is only recently that a growing awareness has arisen of the urgent social need for types of public areas other than gas stations and retail spaces. Thus a thrilling new field is being explored in which a deeply rooted urban tradition meets the cutting edge of contemporary planning and environmental concerns.
Thoroughly documented with large, full color, glossy photographs, plus the plans, sketches and explanatory texts provided by the authors of each groundbreaking project, this book is a positive answer to the need of professionals or laymen seeking up-to-date knowledge regarding the management and design of public space in the city.
George Lam
ID: 2708
Видавництво: Links

Landscape Design UK features completed landscape projects in UK, projects are classified under the following sections:

1) Plazas and Streetscapes and Trasportation,
2) Institutional and Educational,
3) Corporate and Commercial,
4) Parks, Gardens and Memorial and
5) Residential.

It is the intention of the publisher to make this publication an annual publication. An annual record of landscape design in UK.

George Lam
ID: 1631
Видавництво: Links

USA Landscape Design features 70 completed landscape projects in USA, projects are classified under the following sections:
1) Plazas and Streetscapes
2) Institutional
3) Corporate and Commercial
4) Parks, Gardens and Memorial
5) Residential.

ID: 7519
Видавництво: Tang Art

Volume one
006-125 Waterspace
126-189 Entrance View
190-243 Corridor & Trellis
244-271 Feature Wall
272-303 Bridge

Volume two
006-105 Paving
106-165 Pavilion & Tower
166-195 Flowerpot & Sculpture
196-223 Bounding Wall & Guarddail
224-237 Lighting
238-255 Steps
256-267 Sighboard
268-279 Seat
280-291 Daylighting Well 
292-303 Planter
Volume Three
006-163 Space
164-229 Recreational Areas
230-319 Section

ID: 9916
Видавництво: Tang Art

This book includes 79 excellent landscape installation artworks.Through showcasing high resolution images with detailed text descriptions,this book presents the world’s latest and most creative landscape installation artworks.There are plenty of sketches and other detailed drawings to help the readers better understand the ideas of the artists and the construction process.At the end of the book,there are 25 more projects that are showcased through QR code.

Project Introduction:

010 - Flower from the Universe

014 - In/odore

018 - Tsunami 1.26

022 - reALIze

026 - Circular Chamber

030 - Womb

034 - Palace on Pillars

038 - Boomerangs

040 - Arch

042 - Pampol

046 - Aeolus-Acoustic Wind Pavilion

050 - Blaze

056 - Whatami

ID: 7518
Видавництво: Tang Art

Landscape of International Style includes the 106 latest landscape projects around the world. These projects are divided into 14 styles, such as modern style, Chinese style, Japanese style, American style, Southeast Asian style, English style, French style and Mediterranean style. The widely-covering style projects systematically and thoroughly show the development of landscape architecture around the world. Additionally, they give brief introduction and examples for comparison of the same style landscapes in different counties so that you can easily learn more about it.
Edited on the basis of practice, this book uses color real scene photos, design drawings and incisive texts to discuss localized design features of landscape architecture around the world. Additionally, it is closely connected with the market demand by integrating with the four hottest trends of landscape design, which are human-oriented, ecological, high-technological and artistic, to present excellent plans and trends of landscape design around the world.
01 Chinese Style

Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake 010
Tang Paradise, Xi’an 024
Qujiang Pool Park, Xi’an 036
Qujiang New District Landscape, Xi’an 044
Titan • The First Park Landscape, Xi’an 050
Chinese Garden, Shanghai Expo 056
Gediao Zujing Landscape, Tianjin 068
Yihe Mansion Landscape, Nanjing 082
Raycom • Skyline, Wuhan 086

02 Japanese Style

Garden of Samukawa Shrine, Japan 094
Zen Garden Kyouen, Japan 102
Fukuoka Bank Headquarters, Japan 108
Iidabashi Plano, Japan 114
Residential Garden for Mr. S’s 120
Zen Meditation Center in Lingshan Mountain, Wuxi 126
Residential Garden for Mr. H’s 132

03 Southeast Asian Style

SALA Phuket, Thailand 140
Zense Gourmet Deck and Lounge Panorama, Thailand 148
Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel, Thailand 154
Garden of Baan Sansuk, Thailand 164
The Chedi Chiang Mai, Thailand 172
Baan Yamu Phase II, Thailand 174
Privé by Sansiri, Thailand 178
Vanke • The Paradiso, Shenyang 184
East Sea • Lemon Dream, Hangzhou 190
Ju Li • Run Garden, Guangzhou 196
Alila Villas Uluwatu, Indonesia 210
Semara Resort and Spa, Bali, Indonesia 216

04 Indian Style

India Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 224
The Garden of Five Senses, India 226
Plaza at Emporium Complex, New Delhi 230
Taj Nadesar Palace, Varanasi, India 234
New Aman Hotel in New Delhi , India 236

05 Arabian Style

Spanish Islamic Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 240
Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort, Abu Dhabi 242

06 Mediterranean Style

Hotel IL Salviatino, Italy 248
Palazzo Versace Gold Coast, Australia 252
San Sheng • Toscana, Fuzhou 258
Italian Terrace Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 264
Marriott Resort La Sella, Spain 266
Sunlight Vista, Hangzhou 270

07 French Style

French Classical Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 278
Boee Scenery Coast I, Shanghai 280
Garden of Cantor Residence, California 284
Robson Residence, California 288

08 German Style

Colonnade Courtyard - Museum Island Berlin, Germany 296
CentrO Shopping and Leisure Center, Germany 300
University Park Essen, Germany 304

09 English Style

The Palms Grand Resort & Spa, UK 310
Vanke • Heron Hill South Phase I, Hangzhou 314
Rain Garden Residence Landscape, USA 320

10 American Style

Santaluz, San Diego, USA 326
Woodbury, California, USA 330
Pine Lake Ranch Residence, Texas, USA 334
Magee Ranch Residential Quarter, California, USA 338
Mountain House, California 342
Hotel Encanto, Mexico 350

11 Tropical Desert Style

Las Ventanas Al Paraíso, Mexico 356
Desert Ridge Marriott, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 362
Fashion Show Mall, Las Vegas, USA 368
Burj Khalifa Tower Park, UAE 374

12 Natural Modern Style

Haifa University Student Center, Israel 388
BGU University Entrance Square & Art Gallery, Israel 392
Sun City Takarazuka, Japan 396
Seashore Landscape Belt, Qinhuangdao 402
Colorful Riverside Landscape Belt, Suining 410
Greenland International Commercial Center, Nanjing 414
Gubei International Fortune Centre (Phase I), Shanghai 420
Gubei Gold Street, Shanghai 424
Gemdale • Green World (Phase IV), Shanghai 432
Sunshine Golden City, Xi’an 436
Dubai Silicon Oasis Villa Complex 442
New Dutch Waterline 444
Buffalo Bayou Promenade, USA 448
Four Seasons Hotel, Houston, USA 452
Sacred Heart University Chapel, Connecticut, USA 458
Beach House, Long Island, New York 460
Zakin Residence, California 464
Greenwich Penthouse, New York 470
Residential Landscape of Red Walls, USA 476
Modern Transformation to a Residence, USA 480
Chimney House, Sao Paulo, Brazil 486
House 6, Sao Paulo, Brazil 492

13 Eco-friendly Modern Style

Vanke Center, Shenzhen 500
Lite-On Electronic Headquarters, Taiwan 508
Heathrow T5, London 512
Sydney Pirrama Park 516
Ballast Point Park, Australia 524
Melbourne Convention Exhibition Center 530
The New Australian Gardens at the NGA Canberra 538
Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, Las Vegas, USA 544
Dockside Green, Canada 550

14 Creative Modern Style

Zobon City Sculpture Garden, Shanghai 556
800 SHOW Creative Park, Shanghai 560
Namba Parks, Japan 566
Central Plaza Chonburi, Thailand 570
Madrid RIO, Madrid, Spain 574
Open Center of Civic Activities, Córdoba, Spain 586
Open-air Exhibition Grounds of the Estonian Road Museum 592
A Fragmented Orchard, Kirchberg 598
717 Bourke Street, Melbourne 604
Toronto Central Waterfront, Canada 608
Waterway Square, Texas, USA 612
Miami Beach SoundScape / Lincoln ParkЈ¬USA 616

15 Others

Nasu Highland Fantasy Pointe, Japan 624
Mukul, Nicaragua 628

Zijing Huang
ID: 8798
Видавництво: Tang Art

Landscape of International Style includes the 106 latest landscape projects around the world. These projects are divided into 14 styles, such as modern style, Chinese style, Japanese style, American style, Southeast Asian style, English style, French style and Mediterranean style. The widely-covering style projects systematically and thoroughly show the development of landscape architecture around the world. Additionally, they give brief introduction and examples for comparison of the same style landscapes in different counties so that you can easily learn more about it.

Edited on the basis of practice, this book uses color real scene photos, design drawings and incisive texts to discuss localized design features of landscape architecture around the world. Additionally, it is closely connected with the market demand by integrating with the four hottest trends of landscape design, which are human-oriented, ecological, high-technological and artistic, to present excellent plans and trends of landscape design around the world.


 Chinese Style

Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake 010
Tang Paradise, Xi’an 024
Qujiang Pool Park, Xi’an 036
Qujiang New District Landscape, Xi’an 044
Titan • The First Park Landscape, Xi’an 050
Chinese Garden, Shanghai Expo 056
Gediao Zujing Landscape, Tianjin 068
Yihe Mansion Landscape, Nanjing 082
Raycom • Skyline, Wuhan 086

 Japanese Style

Garden of Samukawa Shrine, Japan 094
Zen Garden Kyouen, Japan 102
Fukuoka Bank Headquarters, Japan 108
Iidabashi Plano, Japan 114
Residential Garden for Mr. S’s 120
Zen Meditation Center in Lingshan Mountain, Wuxi 126
Residential Garden for Mr. H’s 132

 Southeast Asian Style

SALA Phuket, Thailand 140
Zense Gourmet Deck and Lounge Panorama, Thailand 148
Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel, Thailand 154
Garden of Baan Sansuk, Thailand 164
The Chedi Chiang Mai, Thailand 172
Baan Yamu Phase II, Thailand 174
Privé by Sansiri, Thailand 178
Vanke • The Paradiso, Shenyang 184
East Sea • Lemon Dream, Hangzhou 190
Ju Li • Run Garden, Guangzhou 196
Alila Villas Uluwatu, Indonesia 210
Semara Resort and Spa, Bali, Indonesia 216

 Indian Style

India Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 224
The Garden of Five Senses, India 226
Plaza at Emporium Complex, New Delhi 230
Taj Nadesar Palace, Varanasi, India 234
New Aman Hotel in New Delhi , India 236

 Arabian Style

Spanish Islamic Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 240
Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort, Abu Dhabi 242

 Mediterranean Style

Hotel IL Salviatino, Italy 248
Palazzo Versace Gold Coast, Australia 252
San Sheng • Toscana, Fuzhou 258
Italian Terrace Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 264
Marriott Resort La Sella, Spain 266
Sunlight Vista, Hangzhou 270

 French Style

French Classical Garden, Expo 2011 Xi'an 278
Boee Scenery Coast I, Shanghai 280
Garden of Cantor Residence, California 284
Robson Residence, California 288

 German Style

Colonnade Courtyard - Museum Island Berlin, Germany 296
CentrO Shopping and Leisure Center, Germany 300
University Park Essen, Germany 304

 English Style

The Palms Grand Resort & Spa, UK 310
Vanke • Heron Hill South Phase I, Hangzhou 314
Rain Garden Residence Landscape, USA 320

 American Style

Santaluz, San Diego, USA 326
Woodbury, California, USA 330
Pine Lake Ranch Residence, Texas, USA 334
Magee Ranch Residential Quarter, California, USA 338
Mountain House, California 342
Hotel Encanto, Mexico 350

 Tropical Desert Style

Las Ventanas Al Paraíso, Mexico 356
Desert Ridge Marriott, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 362
Fashion Show Mall, Las Vegas, USA 368
Burj Khalifa Tower Park, UAE 374

 Natural Modern Style

Haifa University Student Center, Israel 388
BGU University Entrance Square & Art Gallery, Israel 392
Sun City Takarazuka, Japan 396
Seashore Landscape Belt, Qinhuangdao 402
Colorful Riverside Landscape Belt, Suining 410
Greenland International Commercial Center, Nanjing 414
Gubei International Fortune Centre (Phase I), Shanghai 420
Gubei Gold Street, Shanghai 424
Gemdale • Green World (Phase IV), Shanghai 432
Sunshine Golden City, Xi’an 436
Dubai Silicon Oasis Villa Complex 442
New Dutch Waterline 444
Buffalo Bayou Promenade, USA 448
Four Seasons Hotel, Houston, USA 452
Sacred Heart University Chapel, Connecticut, USA 458
Beach House, Long Island, New York 460
Zakin Residence, California 464
Greenwich Penthouse, New York 470
Residential Landscape of Red Walls, USA 476
Modern Transformation to a Residence, USA 480
Chimney House, Sao Paulo, Brazil 486
House 6, Sao Paulo, Brazil 492

 Eco-friendly Modern Style

Vanke Center, Shenzhen 500
Lite-On Electronic Headquarters, Taiwan 508
Heathrow T5, London 512
Sydney Pirrama Park 516
Ballast Point Park, Australia 524
Melbourne Convention Exhibition Center 530
The New Australian Gardens at the NGA Canberra 538
Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, Las Vegas, USA 544
Dockside Green, Canada 550

Creative Modern Style

Zobon City Sculpture Garden, Shanghai 556
800 SHOW Creative Park, Shanghai 560
Namba Parks, Japan 566
Central Plaza Chonburi, Thailand 570
Madrid RIO, Madrid, Spain 574
Open Center of Civic Activities, Córdoba, Spain 586
Open-air Exhibition Grounds of the Estonian Road Museum 592
A Fragmented Orchard, Kirchberg 598
717 Bourke Street, Melbourne 604
Toronto Central Waterfront, Canada 608
Waterway Square, Texas, USA 612
Miami Beach SoundScape / Lincoln Park,USA 616


Nasu Highland Fantasy Pointe, Japan 624
Mukul, Nicaragua 628

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