Ландшафтный дизайн, сады

Книги по ландшафтному дизайну

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ID: 11886
Видавництво: speech:

Двадцатый номер архитектурного журнала speech: посвящен теме ландшафт. В центре нашего внимания как традиционные ландшафты — парки, скверы, благоустроенные набережные и бульвары, так и новые форматы — городские фермы, многоуровневые вертикальные сады, озелененные кровли, использующиеся как полноценные общественные пространства, подземные зеленые оазисы и многое другое.

В развитии современных городов ландшафтная архитектура выполняет едва ли не самую ответственную миссию — именно она отвечает за формирование пространств, определяющих качество, разнообразие и комфортность среды того или иного поселения. Работающие на стыке множества специальностей, ландшафтные архитекторы не просто заполняют зеленью и общественными функциями пространства между зданиями и объектами инфраструктуры, но постоянно изобретают новые сценарии органичного сосуществования природной и рукотворной среды. И нет сомнений в том, что поиск форм интеграции природы в мегаполисы — одна из самых актуальных задач на предстоящие годы, поскольку иного способа сделать города более удобными, экологичными и устойчивыми просто нет.

ID: 6863
Видавництво: speech:

Этот номер журнала speech: посвящен воде. Не только наша жизнь неразрывно связана с водой, но и облик и жизнеустройство городов и мест, в которых мы живем и которые любим посещать. Связь воды с архитектурой, ее роль в создании благоприятной жизненной среды гораздо глубже, чем это может показаться на первый взгляд. Вода способна разделять и объединять, служить естественной преградой или местом притяжения, она может использоваться в утилитарных или эстетических целях, являться одновременно реальностью и символом. Первые поселения и выросшие из них затем города создавались вдоль рек, по воде велась торговля, она служила для защиты, а также обслуживала множество других потребностей. Но отношение человека к воде всегда заключало в себе нечто большее, чем только утилитарный подход. И именно поэтому вода играла особую роль в создании общественных пространств, городских площадей и ансамблей, а также в развитии многих архитектурных типологий. На протяжении ХХ века вода все больше утрачивала свое функциональное значение в жизни городов, с перемещением портов и выводом промышленных предприятий прибрежные территории чаще всего надолго стали для большинства из них «проблемными зонами». Однако к концу века ситуация изменилась, и в последние годы во многих городах Европы, в Америке и Азии можно наблюдать обратный процесс – реки и другие водоемы приобретают новое значение и новую функцию. Cегодня вода играет все большую роль как в архитектурном решении отдельных зданий, так и в облике и образе жизни современного города. Прибрежные зоны, набережные, гавани и каналы становятся существенным фактором в создании комфортной для человека среды – привлекательной для жизни и работы, для культурного туризма и приятного времяпровождения на открытом воздухе. Они становятся важным идентификационным знаком и не только придают отдельным постройкам дополнительные эстетические качества, но и способствуют повышению привлекательности и ценности их окружения. Бывшие портовые и расположенные у воды промышленные территории получают свое второе рождение. Сегодня на них реализуются масштабные и смелые градостроительные идеи. Для многих плотно застроенных старых городов – это единственная возможность для расширения, а также возможность реализовать актуальные сегодня представления о городе будущего на территориях, несущих в себе память прошлого.

Журнал speech: артикулирует актуальные темы и позиции в современной архитектуре, раскрывая их с разных сторон – с точки зрения теории и практики, истории и современности, на основе зарубежного и российского материала и опыта, сопоставляя глобальные тенденции и локальные особенности.

Каждый номер журнала speech: полностью посвящен одной теме, раскрывая ее в разных ракурсах. Выбор темы связан с той частью профессии архитектора, которая дает основания считать ее искусством, а не только частью торговли квадратными метрами. speech: предоставляет возможность прямого высказывания российским и зарубежным архитекторам, культурологам, критикам и историкам архитектуры, экспертам в самых разных связанных с архитектурой областях.



Ирина Шипова
Лицом к воде


Владимир Паперный
Москва – порт пяти морей

за и против

Бернхард Шульц
Вода и песок
Размышления по поводу «эвент-архитектуры» в Арабских Эмиратах


Нина Фролова
Речной змей
Заха Хадид Аркитектс. Мост-павильон. Сарагоса, Испания

Анна Мартовицкая
8: Жилое чудо света
BIG-Бьярке Ингельс Груп. Жилой комплекс «8 house». Копенгаген

Анна Мартовицкая
Квадратура воды
Ателье Жан Нувель. Аквацентр Les Bains des Docks. Гавр, Франция

Анна Мартовицкая
На всех парусах
Бениш Архитектен. Океанографический музей Ozeaneum. Штральзунд, Германия

Анна Вяземцева
Обретенный причал
Стефано Боери Аркитетти. Реконструкция комплекса Арсенала, Дом моря. Ла-Маддалена, Италия

Александра Рудык
«Стрелка» определяет новое течение
Wowhaus. Институт медиа, архитектуры и дизайна «Стрелка». Москва


Нина Фролова
Осло и Драммен: города у воды

Мария Фадеева
Подмосковная Ривьера


Майнхард фон Геркан
Вода означает качество жизни
Интервью Ирины Шиповой

Ким Херфорт НильсенИзнутри наружу
Интервью Бернарда Шульца

Стивен Холл
Игра отражений и преломлений
Интервью Владимира Белоголовского


Сергей Чобан

Dan Pearson
ID: 4643
Видавництво: Fuel

Dan Pearson is one of the most important and influential landscape designers working today. At the heart of all his gardens lies an unshakeable theme – his reverence for the power and delicacy of nature: the spirit of the place.

This personal collection of new writing, illustrated by his own photographs, explores the sources of inspiration behind Dan’s work.
It reveals his response to landscapes both natural and designed, and the people, places and plants that have inspired him.

Andrew Wormer
ID: 3167
Видавництво: Taunton Press

There's nothing quite as functional - or as beautiful - as nature's own building blocks. Often shaped and weathered by natural forces, each stone has its own unique look and feel.

Used as elements in a carefully planned landscape design, stonework can add an artful organization to your outdoor spaces. Creating sturdy walls, private patios, graceful gardens, and offering unlimited opportunities for your imagination to soar - with features like ponds, streams and waterfalls that can transform your property into a sylvan sanctuary.

From cover to cover, this delightful book offers hundreds of practical design ideas illustrated with colorful photographs and drawings, all divided into six sections.

Chapter 1: Paths and Steps

Chapter 2: Terraces, Patios and Garden Spaces

Chapter 3: Walls

Chapter 4: Benches, Landscaping Features & Sculpture

Chapter 5: Pools, Ponds and Fountains

Chapter 6: Finishing Touches

John Saladino
ID: 7637
Видавництво: Frances Lincoln

- The first book by distinguished designer John Saladino
- Inspiration for home and garden design
- Contains 200 full-color photographs, and a special gatefold feature
- An invaluable reference book, superbly designed and produced

In this volume, US design guru John Saladino reveals the secrets that made him one of the world's most respected interior designers. He reveals the inspiration behind his design philosophy with its mastery of colour, light and scale. Showing how lessons from the classical world can be implemented in contemporary design, he talks through the design principles that guide him and explains how he applies these principles to settings as well as suggesting solutions for your own home. Chapter by chapter he moves from discussing essential considerations such as light and colour to the more ambitious skills of mastering scale, illusion and exaggeration.

John Saladino is a graduate of Notre Dame and the Yale School of Art and Architecture. He worked in Rome with the architect Piero Sartogo before returning to New York where he opened his own architectural and interior design practice over 35 years ago. It is now known as The Saladino Group Inc. In 1986 he started his own furniture company. He has won numerous interior design and furniture awards (including the prestigious Daphne Award) and he is on the Board of Directors of the John Soane Museum in London. His interiors regularly appear in international magazines including House Beautiful, House and Garden, the New York Times Magazine, Architectural Digest, Vogue Decoration and the World of Interiors.

Bert de Pau
ID: 6288
Видавництво: Lannoo

Showcases over 40 conservatories, greenhouses and sun lounges in Belgium and The Netherlands.

Joseph Provey
ID: 10015
Видавництво: Creative Homeowner

This book describes the advantages to container gardening in words and pictures. It includes more than 300 color photos and 20 illustrations, along with advice for choosing the right container and soil medium; dozens of plant-specific "recipes" for container gardens of flowers, vegetables, shrubs, and trees categorized by sunlight requirements; strategies for irrigation; expert tips for disease and pest prevention; and foolproof instructions for pruning, pinching, and bedding.

Sunset Magazine
ID: 8201
Видавництво: Sunset Publishing Corporation

Outdoor Design & Build: Backyard Cottages & Gazebos offers readers a comprehensive collection of building ideas for their ideal back garden structures. Not only does this book offer inspiration for readers, but it also gives step-by-step directions (using both text and photos) on how they can complete these projects on their own and in their own backyards. This complete book showcases a wide variety of design ideas and projects, including tips on interior design, exterior accents, lighting schemes, and storage. The projects also show a variety of styles, ranging from classic to contemporary.

Outdoor Design & Build: Backyard Cottages & Gazebos illustrates all projects in an approachable way, using real-world solutions, so every homeowner can build the back garden structure that perfectly fits their space and style needs.

Luis de Garrido
ID: 8523
Видавництво: Monsa

Our book represents a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of greenery integrated within architecture and how to make the best use of the combination.

Featured in the book, amongst many other topics, is a detailed study of all the alternative options for green roofs and walls. This includes a visionary project by the book author, illustrating a revolutionary concept: the “Green Curtain Wall”, an innovative architectural element, opening the doors to inspiration, innovation and integration between Nature and architecture. Lastly, an analysis of various projects carried out by Luis De Garrido, identifying the most appropriate use of greenery in architecture, in different types of buildings. 

Chantal Colleu-Dumond, Elisabeth Couturier
ID: 10431
Видавництво: Flammarion

A complete introduction to contemporary gardens, from new innovations, practices, and materials, to the notable designers and their signature creations, to a glossary of key terms. This volume introduces the most important trends and issues in gardening today; defines what constitutes a contemporary garden; and examines the latest innovations, practices, and approaches that have contributed to its development.

Talk About Contemporary Gardens makes it easy for novice gardeners to identify different gardening styles and place them in historical context, from the wasteland redevelopments of Simone Kroll, to contemporary Japanese landscaping that embodies the spirit of Zen, to the natural feather gardens of Sylvie and Patrick Quibel. Since the art of landscaping is tied to nature and the elements, a chapter on the relationship between gardening and the seasons looks at the life cycles of plants, the importance of light, rain, and the seasons, and how gardens behave when the sun goes down.

The book demonstrates the relationship between landscape gardening and contemporary art, architecture, design, and urbanism, examining the rich influences that tie them all together. From Brancusis sculpture-filled spaces, to Gaudis natural curves and buildings, the text and illustrations highlight how these practices inform each other in the modern world.

Entirely pink gardens, the sweet perfume of Arabian jasmine, the tang of lemons and the gentle tinkling of fountains in the Imaginary garden: this book offers readers a sensory journey to some of the worlds most exotic gardens. A list of international gardens to visit, biographies of thirty great landscapers and their signature gardens, a list of key words, and a glossary complete the volume.

Jeni Webber
ID: 1833
Видавництво: Taunton Press

Front yards make strong first impressions. Taunton's Front Yard Idea Book gives you the tools you need to make your yard's first impression spectacular. The first outdoor book in Taunton's popular Idea Book series, this book is filled with practical ideas on everything from creating an inviting entry and driveway to lighting for mood and safety to designing the right foundation plantings. Dozens of site plans and creative solutions to common landscaping problems make this an invaluable hands-on guide that puts curb appeal within reach of every home.

Taunton's Front Yard Idea Book is packed with...

  • creative landscaping plans for all site shapes and sizes -- from tiny, in-town lots and homes on steep slopes to traditional suburban neighborhoods and country farmhouses
  • everything you need to know about how to improve curb appeal
  • innovative solutions to common landscaping problems, such as poor drainage, unwanted views, limited parking space, and lack of privacy
Emma Hardy
ID: 11797
Видавництво: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

35 unique projects to make full use of any small space you have, whether you live in the country or the city. Teeny Tiny Gardening is horticulture on the smallest of scales.

‘Emma Hardy has created a book perfect for the novice gardener. Everything is broken down into simple steps, which makes it feel more like a DIY project than a gardening chore’ - Design Sponge

 'Short on space? Never fear – a new book shows how you can use cake stands, eggshells and even colanders to create tiny container gardens for your home’ - Telegraph Gardening

No matter how tiny your space – indoor or outdoor, garden, balcony or even a windowsill or tabletop – here you will find original and inspiring ideas. The projects range from an elegant fern terrarium and a scented spring bulb basket to colourful woven bags and sacks filled with cheerful summer blooms. There are edible gardens, including fruit bushes planted in catering-sized kitchen pans and a vertical garden of herbs grown on a wooden stepladder. You will find ideas for using salvaged containers, such as a metal bathtub filled with vegetable plants, food tins used for an indoor garden of wildflowers and wooden drawers filled with trailing plants. And at the teeniest end of the scale, there are miniature tabletop gardens created in eggshells! Children can learn basic gardening skills too, by following the step-by-step photos to make a magical fairy garden or a mysterious dinosaur terrarium. Whether you are looking for ideas for all-year foliage or for a summer display of flowers, wanting to grow your own veggies and herbs, or needing to revamp your balcony, Teeny Tiny Gardening provides all the inspiration and practical knowledge you need.

About the Author:

Emma Hardy is a stylist and designer who has worked on various lifestyle and interiors magazines, including Country Homes and Interiors and Marie Claire. Her previous books include Decorating Gift Baskets, Green Crafts for Children and Sewing in No Time, all available from CICO Books. Married with two daughters, Emma lives in south London.

Marta Serrats
ID: 7578
Видавництво: Konemann

Terraces, Balconies, Roofgardens and Patios – This book offers different exterior spaces classified by type: terraces, balconies, patios and roof garden; projects articulated around the work areas that comprise the most representative trends of the modern garden. Large format book with quality photographs and plans.

Wim Pauwels
ID: 7758
Видавництво: Beta-Plus

This innovative new series documents, through the use of stunning colour photographs, 100 of the very best designs and projects relating to a specific room or feature. Each title displays a variety of different interior design and architectural styles, ensuring that every reader finds inspiration to utilise in his or her own home. 

The 100 Best Swimming Pools showcases a compilation of the most beautiful and inspirational swimming pools from the past ten years.

Wim Pauwels, founder and managing director of Beta-Plus Publishing, began putting out a series of books in 1997 about architecture and interior design.

So far the company has published more than 250 titles dedicated to certain themes (such as living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, children's rooms, antique building materials, restoration, renovation, gardens and swimming pools), plus monographs of architects and interior designers, manuals and yearbooks about timeless and contemporary architecture and interiors. For each book he enlists the assistance of authoritative specialists for the introductory texts and photograph captions.

Другие книги серии:

The 100 Best Bathrooms

The 100 Best Children's Rooms

The 100 Best Contemporary Interiors

The 100 Best Interiors & Houses in Wood

The 100 Best Kitchens & Dining Rooms

The 100 Best Living Rooms

The 100 Best Projects With Reclaimed Materials

Joe Vassallo, Mary Vail
ID: 9261
Видавництво: Schiffer

Join the fun of outdoor living and be inspired by pools, spas, and outdoor kitchens displayed in this handsome new book. Ideas abound for creating spaces that are beautiful and convenient for relaxing and entertaining outside. Landscape ideas, custom pool designs, and outdoor structures are discussed and shown in 340 gorgeous color photographs.

The featured grilling recipes from Spiedini restaurants Certified Master Chef Gustav Mauler, of Las Vegas, Nevada, complement the beautiful surroundings for your perfect gourmet, fresh air events. Also, Mixologist Shawn Barker shares trendy cocktail recipes and techniques for beverage accompaniments to pool side gatherings.

This elegant book is the perfect guide and gift for outdoor enjoyment in any season.

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