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Книги видавництва Rocky Nook

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Nicki Fitz-Gerald
ID: 18605
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Digital Collage with Procreate is the ultimate guide to every step of creating beautiful, one-of-a-kind mixed media artwork. Using the versatile and intuitive iPad drawing and design app Procreate, author and artist Nicki Fitz-Gerald gives all t...
Ціна: 1980 грн
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Chris Knight
ID: 13331
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Without light, there is no photograph. As almost every photographer knows, the word “photograph” has its roots in two Greek words that, together, mean “drawing with light.” But what is less commonly acknowledged and understood...
Ціна: 1700 грн
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Demi Lang
ID: 18606
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
An insightful and comprehensive guide to mastering the art of drawing and illustrating architecture. Inspiring architecture and beautiful buildings are all around us. Artists often gravitate toward building facades, doors, windows, and roofs that ...
Ціна: 1700 грн
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Liz Kohler Brown
ID: 14618
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Hand Lettering on the iPad with Procreate is the ultimate guide to every step of the digital hand lettering process. Using the versatile and intuitive iPad drawing and design app Procreate, author and noted lettering instructor Liz Brown compose...
Ціна: 1200 грн
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Mehmet Eygi
ID: 14617
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Whether you’re the photographer behind the camera or the model in front of the lens, chances are you could use some help with posing, which is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to portrait photography. POSE! provides the kno...
Ціна: 1700 грн
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Valerie Jardin
ID: 14613
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Learn to train your eye and improve your timing in order to capture the decisive moment! Whether it’s due to social media or the introduction of great rangefinder-style digital cameras over a decade ago, street photography has experienced a ...
Ціна: 1370 грн
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Scott Kelby
ID: 14648
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Learn to take great photos with your iPhone — the camera you always have with you! Imagine if someone took the same photographic techniques, principles, and tools used by high-end and professional photographers, but applied them to shooting ...
Ціна: 1500 грн
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Lindsay Adler
ID: 13329
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
When photographing people, you can have a great composition, perfect light, and the right camera settings, but if your subject doesn't look right -- if the pose is off -- the shot will not be a keeper. Posing is truly a crucial skill that photogr...
Ціна: 1980 грн
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Kaylee Greer
ID: 14647
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
If you want to learn to create out-of-this-world photos that capture the heart and soul of a dog, you’ve come to the right place.  Whether you’re a professional looking to up your dog photography game, or an amateur striving to ta...
Ціна: 1700 грн
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Michel Lauricella
ID: 14641
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
In this book, Michel Lauricella presents both his artistic and systematic methods for drawing the human body — with drawing techniques from the écorché (showing the musculature underneath the skin) to sketches of models in action....
Ціна: 1700 грн
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Michel Lauricella
ID: 14642
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
In Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds, artist and teacher Michel Lauricella presents a unique approach to learning to draw the human body. The typical approach to teaching anatomy and the sketching of the human form most often focuses on the skeleton an...
Ціна: 900 грн
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Michel Lauricella
ID: 14643
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
In Morpho: Hands and feet, artist and teacher Michel Lauricella presents a unique approach to learning to draw the human body. In this book, Lauricella focuses exclusively on the hands and feet—arguably the most popular and, for many, the ...
Ціна: 900 грн
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Michel Lauricella
ID: 14644
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
In Morpho: Joint forms and muscular functions, artist and teacher Michel Lauricella presents a mechanical view of the human body. In the same way that paleontologists work, we can deduce the body’s muscular functions by studying the shapes...
Ціна: 900 грн
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Michel Lauricella
ID: 14645
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
This book provides a simplified and practical vision of the human skeleton to help you in your drawing studies. Here you will find the most common and useful approaches to the body’s underlying skeleton and bone structure, which will fuel your ...
Ціна: 900 грн
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Scott Kelby
ID: 13330
Видавництво: Rocky Nook
Standing in front of a room packed with 360 photographers at his seminar, Scott Kelby asked for a show of hands: “How many of you own some kind of an off-camera flash? A Nikon, Canon, Yongnuo, etc.?” About 340 hands went up. “Okay, ...
Ціна: 1300 грн
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