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Debbie Pappyn & David De Vleeschauwer
ID: 12794
Видавництво: Gestalten

Discover magical, remote locations around the world, from Africa to the Arctic, that will help you disconnect from modern life and enter a state of wonder.

Silence. Calm. Open spaces. These are the new luxuries. In this turbulent era of disruption and noise, it is become ever more crucial to disconnect and slow down. Remote Places to Stay shares 22 out-of-the-way places where you can get off the grid and reconnect to the essentials, surrounded by raw, pristine nature. Some remote places are only accessible by foot, others by mountain train, small boat, or bush plane — but they are all places with a very strong sense of space.

About the Author:

Debbie Pappyn & David de Vleeschauwer, journalist and photographer respectively, have been passionately exploring the world for more than a decade. They have visited over 100 countries and their articles have appeared in publications including Monocle, Wallpaper*, The Financial Times, and National Geographic.

Ievgeniia Gubkina
ID: 13461
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

Славутич – украинский провинциальный город к северу от Киева – во многом кажется принадлежащим другой эпохе. Город был построен после ядерной катастрофы, которая произошла в 1986 году на Чернобыльской АЭС, для переселения рабочих электростанции из загрязненной Припяти. Славутич – последний идеальный плановый город Советского Союза.

Однако тема Славутича весьма актуальна – особенно в период политического кризиса в Восточной Европе. Славутич является архитектурной манифестацией дружбы советских народов. Архитекторы восьми республик СССР участвовали в планировании и строительстве города. В результате, постмодернистская архитектура Славутича одновременно характеризуется социалистическими, советскими парадигмами и региональным воздействием Кавказа, Балтии и России. Кроме того, поиски последнего поколения советских архитекторов экологически устойчивой, удобной для жилья архитектуры, безусловно, актуальны и сегодня.

Архитектурный путеводитель по Славутичу документирует все районы и большинство зданий города, давая критический анализ уникальной поздней советской архитектуры и градостроительства в контексте Перестройки.


Slavutych, a Ukrainian provincial city north of Kyiv, seems in many respects to belong to a different era. Built after the Chornobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 to replace the contaminated dwellings of workers from the power plant, Slavutych is the last 'ideal' planned city of the Soviet Union.

However, the city is also highly topical - particularly in times of political crisis in Eastern Europe. Slavutych is an architectural manifestation of the Soviet people's friendship, with architects throughout the Soviet Union involved in its planning and construction. As a result, Slavutych's postmodernist architecture is both characterised by socialist, Soviet paradigms and regional influences from the Caucasus region, Baltic States and Russia. Furthermore, the search of the last Soviet generation of architects for an environmentally sustainable, habitable architecture is of course still relevant today.

The Architectural Guide Slavutych documents numerous buildings and all city districts, providing a critical analysis of unique late Soviet architecture and urban planning in the context of Perestroika.

Morgan Falconer
ID: 9541
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

This is the perfect guidebook for all artlovers who visit or live in New York, and an essential reference book for anyone interested in the history of art.

Its unique approach draws on the cream of New York’s museums and galleries to create an easily navigable, narrative history of art and allows you to locate your favourite artist or style of art in any museum and follow it throughout the museums of New York.

Do you like, say, French art? This book will show you where to find it in New York, from great masterpieces of the genre on show in world-famous institutions to hidden gems housed in galleries off the beaten track.

Visit the Metropolitan Museum to take in Nicolas Poussin, Jacques-Louis David and Courbet; move on to the Frick Collection to see works by the Rococo painters Boucher and Fragonard, or take off to the Dahesh Museum, the only American institution devoted to the academic tradition in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Art Guide also features concise histories and critical analyses of many important artists as well as key movements, showing you where to see, for example, Jackson Pollock’s iconic works and pinpointing his former New York homes and haunts.

• ‘Short tour’ and ‘also see’ sections allow you to trace your favourite period or style throughout the museums and galleries of New York
• ‘Artist in focus’ sections present a full tour of New York’s holdings of iconic artists
• Extensive reference sections and city maps enable you to use the book as an illustrated guide to every one of New York’s museums and galleries
• Individual chapters guide the reader through a thematic, narrative history of art
• Expert commentary on the movements and artists throughout

Stéphane Bern
ID: 17185
Видавництво: Flammarion

An insider’s tour of France’s most beloved and beautiful villages uncovers the country’s hidden treasures and idyllic holiday destinations.

The Best Loved Villages of France takes the reader to forty-four of the country’s most treasured locations. Always picturesque, but often well-kept secrets, the book offers insight into French village life. Visit a crumbling medieval fortress with the mayor of Lavardin or peruse the maritime objects found at sea by a mustached fisherman in Saint-Suliac, stroll along the windsurfer’s paradise at Wissant bay or promenade through the manicured grounds of Vaux-le-Vicomte, enjoy a fresh langoustine dinner in Corsica or catch the sunrise over the fairytale castle in Montsoreau.

This book offers an illustrated tour around all twenty-two regions of France, from Provence and the Alps, to Normandy and the Loire. A charming selection of aerial and intimate photographs invite the reader to explore these splendid locales, while the descriptions, anecdotes, and interviews with local village-dwellers plunge you into the individual history and character of France’s diverse regions. Feel inspired by journalist Stéphane Bern’s informative and practical travel tips and recommendations, and start planning your own adventure to France’s most loved villages or simply enjoy the armchair tour.

About the Author:

Stéphane Bern is a journalist for Le Figaro and a popular radio and television personality in France. He is the author of several biographies of royal families and society figures as well as coauthor of Highland Living: Landscape, Style, and Traditions of Scotland.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 13731
Видавництво: Taschen

Journeys of Discovery. 100 dream trips from the distinguished travel writers and photographers of The New York Times

Whether it’s a culinary adventure in vibrant Mexico City, a historic and meditative train ride through Siberia, or a solo trip to Paris, get your bucket lists ready with the discoveries of Explorer a curated collection of 100 dream trips from the distinguished travel writers and photographers of The New York Times.

In four volumes’ worth of adventures in one, the Times writers offer guidance, from the personal to the practical, along with a wealth of color photographs that capture the catch-your-breath awe of each destination. Motor past pink sands and bougainvillea in Bermuda with Andrew McCarthy, follow Virginia Woolf’s footsteps through the English countryside with Francine Prose, or dare to pilot a boat through the Venice lagoon with Tony Perrottet.

NYT Explorer. 100 Trips Around the World takes travel beyond the obvious with adventures in exotic places and new perspectives in familiar ones, all based on the distinguished travel journalism of The New York Times. Each journey features a first-person narrative and postcard-perfect photography, capturing the unique personality of the destination—as well as practical information to help get you on your way. Edited by Barbara Ireland, whose 36 Hours travel series has been a TASCHEN best seller, Explorer features color-coded tabs and a ribbon to bookmark your favorite stops in each region. Even in times when physical travel is not possible, you can just flip through the pages of this book, marvel at the beauty and wonder in our world, and dream.

The editor:

Barbara Ireland edits the 36 HoursExplorer, and forthcoming Cultured Traveler series of travel books in collaboration with The New York Times and TASCHEN. A writer and editor based in upstate New York, she is a former deputy Travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 12647
Видавництво: Taschen

Grand Tour. 130 weekend wonders across Europe

Across world capitals and tiny places with infectious personalities, Europe packs some serious travel punches. This third edition of the best-selling 36 Hours Europe is comprehensively revised to offer 130 expert itineraries from The New York Times, revealing the continent’s best-kept secrets. Includes 20 new stories ranging from Galway, Burgundy, and Bergen to the Amalfi Coast and Cyprus.

up for size with its intricate cultures and abundant charms, boasting artistic masterpieces and architectural marvels as much as natural splendor.

With 130 expert itineraries from The New York Times’s popular 36 Hours column, this updated and revised third edition of the best-selling 36 Hours Europe reveals the continent’s brightest gems and best-kept secrets, including 20 new stories. From wine tastings in Burgundy to Flamenco in Seville, from historical Cyprus to easygoing Copenhagen, you’ll find the antique and the cutting-edge, the renowned and the unexpected, and all distilled into neat 36-hour schedules, so you can transform your weekends into European adventures.

- More than 4,500 hours’ worth of insightful itineraries to make the most of your stay
- Practical recommendations for nearly 500 restaurants and over 400 hotels
- Comprehensive revisions to all 130 itineraries
- New destinations including Belgrade, the Amalfi Coast, Galway, and more
- Color-coded tabs for each region
- Nearly 750 photos
- 20 new stories
- Detailed city-by-city maps that pinpoint every stop on your itinerary

From Antwerp to Zurich, trust TASCHEN’s New York Times 36 Hours series with your next travel adventure.

The editor:

Barbara Ireland, a writer and editor based in upstate New York, is a former deputy Travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. While on the Times staff, she commissioned and edited many travel articles and wrote a few herself. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 12648
Видавництво: Taschen

At the Shore. Journeys of discovery from coast to cove

Whether it’s a chocolate tour of the Caribbean or a swim to the tiny monastery island on Italy’s Lago d’Orta, dive in and share the discoveries of the Beaches, Islands & Coasts edition of The New York Times Explorer. These 25 dream trips feature first-person narratives, postcard-perfect photography, and useful information to help you on your way to these magical places where water rolls up to meet land.

Whether it’s a languid day on the postcard-perfect bays of the Maldives, a swim to the tiny monastery island in Italy’s Lago d’Orta, or a chocolate tour of the Caribbean, dive in and share the discoveries of Beaches, Islands & Coasts. Part of TASCHEN’s Explorer series with The New York Times, this book tells the stories of 25 dream trips for curious minds, where the water is always only a pebble’s throw away.

Motor past pink sands and bougainvillea in Bermuda with Andrew McCarthy, walk the rugged trail where Wales meets the sea with Dominique Browning, or skip Tuscany’s countryside in favor of its inviting coastline with Frank Bruni. The Times writers are your guides, and the wealth of color photographs that accompany their writing capture the soul-nourishing magic of places where the water rolls up to meet the land.

The Explorer series takes travel beyond the obvious with adventures in exotic places and new perspectives in familiar ones, all based on the distinguished travel journalism in The New York Times. Each journey features a first-person narrative and postcard-perfect photography that capture the unique personality of the destination — as well as practical information to help get you on your way. Edited by Barbara Ireland, whose 36 Hours travel series has been a TASCHEN best seller, the Explorer series includes Beaches, Islands & Coasts; Mountains, Deserts & Plains; Cities & Towns; and Road, Rail & Trail.

The editor

Barbara Ireland, a writer and editor based in upstate New York, is a former deputy Travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. While on the Times staff, she commissioned and edited many travel articles and wrote a few herself. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 12649
Видавництво: Taschen

Urban Adventures. Journeys of discovery into the heart of the city

Whether you choose an itinerary-free ramble through Lisbon’s cobblestoned streets or an eye-opening bike tour of Tokyo’s diverse neighborhoods, pack your bags and share in the discoveries of the Cities & Towns edition of The New York Times Explorer. Join the writers and photographers of the Times as they guide you to dream destinations where the past and the present collide, and even the most familiar locales never cease to surprise.

Whether you choose an itinerary-free ramble through Lisbon’s cobblestoned streets or an eye-opening bike tour of Tokyo’s diverse neighborhoods, pack your bags and share in the discoveries of The New York Times Explorer: Cities & Towns. This volume of the paper’s Explorer series with TASCHEN tells the stories of dream destinations where the past and the present collide and even the most familiar locales never cease to surprise.

Fall under the spell of Sarajevo with Reif Larsen, sip mezcal in a revived Mexico City with Luisita López Torregrosa, or dare to pilot a boat through the Venice lagoon with Tony Perrottet. The Times writers are your guides, and the wealth of color photographs that accompany their writing capture thriving urban centers and less-traveled towns, places where culture reigns and life is lived out loud.

The Explorer series takes travel beyond the obvious with adventures in exotic places and new perspectives in familiar ones, all based on the distinguished travel journalism in The New York Times. Each journey features a first-person narrative and postcard-perfect photography that capture the unique personality of the destination — as well as practical information to help get you on your way. Edited by Barbara Ireland, whose 36 Hours travel series has been a TASCHEN best seller, the Explorer series is available in four volumes: Beaches, Islands & Coasts; Mountains, Deserts & Plains; Cities & Towns; and Road, Rail & Trail.

The editor

Barbara Ireland, a writer and editor based in upstate New York, is a former deputy Travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. While on the Times staff, she commissioned and edited many travel articles and wrote a few herself. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 12650
Видавництво: Taschen

Traveling Extremes. Journeys of discovery into the wilds

From the flower-filled meadows of the Dolomites to a blanket of stars above Chile’s Elqui Valley: set forth and share in the discoveries of the Mountains, Deserts & Plains edition of The New York Times Explorer. The Times writers offer their guidance — from the personal to the practical — on 25 dream destinations, along with a wealth of color photographs that capture the catch-your-breath awe of each destination.

Whether it’s the flower-filled meadows of the Dolomites or a blanket of stars above Chile’s Elqui Valley, set forth and share in the discoveries of Mountains, Deserts & Plains, a collection of 25 dream destinations in TASCHEN’s Explorer series with The New York Times. 

Discover the deliciously intricate geology of China’s Wulingyuan National Park with Simon Winchester, the otherworldly beauty of Namibia with Elinor Burkett, or the sunrise serenity of the Sawtooth Valley in Idaho. The Times writers are your guides, and the wealth of color photographs that accompany their writing capture the catch-your-breath awe of each spectacular location.

The Explorer series takes travel beyond the obvious with adventures in exotic places and new perspectives in familiar ones, all based on the distinguished travel journalism in The New York Times. Each journey features a first-person narrative and postcard-perfect photography that capture the unique personality of the destination — as well as practical information to help get you on your way. Edited by Barbara Ireland, whose 36 Hours travel series has been a TASCHEN best seller, the Explorer series includes Beaches, Islands & Coasts; Mountains, Deserts & Plains; Cities & Towns; and Road, Rail & Trail.

The editor

Barbara Ireland, a writer and editor based in upstate New York, is a former deputy Travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. While on the Times staff, she commissioned and edited many travel articles and wrote a few herself. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 9884
Видавництво: Taschen

From Paris to Perm and beyond. Dream weekends with practical itineraries in all corners of Europe

Culture, history, natural beauty, fine cuisine, artistic masterpieces, cutting-edge architecture and style — Europe overflows with so many riches that a lifetime seems too short to appreciate them. But with the right guidance, you can go far in a single weekend. Stylishly written and carefully researched, this updated and expanded collection of the popular New York Times 36 Hours feature offers you 125 well-crafted itineraries for quick but memorable European trips, accompanied by hundreds of color photographs to fire your imagination. Explore the expected: the Renaissance in Florence, surfing in Biarritz, flamenco in Seville. And discover the unexpected: Sicilian mummies dressed in their Sunday best, a dry-land toboggan ride on Madeira, a hotel in Tallinn with a KGB spies’ nest on the penthouse floor. World capitals, ancient nations that once ruled wide domains, tiny countries with big personalities — it’s all Europe, and all fun to read about (whether you actually go or not) in this handsomely designed and illustrated book.


  • 4,500 hours worth of insightful itineraries to make the most of your stay
  • 125 European destinations, from major cities to lesser known gems
  • Practical recommendations for over 500 restaurants and 400 hotels
  • Color-coded tabs and ribbons to bookmark your favorite cities in each region
  • Nearly 800 photos
  • Illustrations by Olimpia Zagnoli
  • Easy-to-reference indexes
  • Detailed city-by-city maps pinpoint every stop on your itinerary

The editor:

Barbara Ireland, a writer and editor based in western New York State, is a former deputy travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. While on the Times staff, she commissioned and edited many "36 Hours" columns and wrote a few herself. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Barbara Ireland
ID: 12632
Видавництво: Taschen

Weekends on the road. The ultimate travel guide to the USA and Canada. 

To travel in North America is to face a delicious quandary: over these vast spaces with so many riches, from glittering cities to eccentric small towns and heart-stoppingly beautiful mountains and plains, how to experience as much as possible in limited time? 
The New York Times has the answer, and has been offering up dream weekends with practical itineraries in its popular weekly "36 Hours" column for over a decade. And since 2011, starting with the publication of 36 Hours: USA & Canada, TASCHEN has been collecting these stories into best-selling books, organized continent by continent. Now, after compiling volumes on Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world, editor Barbara Ireland has come home, with a fully revised and updated second edition of 36 Hours: USA & Canada. 

Marquee metropolises like New York, Montreal, and Los Angeles; world-famous natural wonders at Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon; the hidden charm of Rust Belt cities like Duluth and Detroit - they're all here. And so are 29 new destinations not published in the first edition, from Banff, with its crystal blue glacier-fed lakes, to El Paso, where the border culture spans two states and two countries. For a taste of adventure and a veritable journey throughout the continent, explore 36 Hours in America. 

Features: 150 North American destinations, from metropolitan hot spots to unexpected hideaways; practical recommendations for over 600 restaurants and 450 hotels; color-coded tabs and ribbons to bookmark your favorite cities in each region; nearly 1,000 photos; all stories have been updated and adapted by Barbara Ireland, a veteran Times travel editor; illustrations by Olimpia Zagnoli of Milan, Italy; easy-to-reference indexes; and, detailed city-by-city maps that pinpoint every stop on your itinerary.

Liz Clayton and Avidan Ross
ID: 11618
Видавництво: Phaidon

The insider's guide to where the world's best baristas go for a cup of coffee - 600 spots in 50 countries

Where to Drink Coffee is the insider's guide. The best 150 baristas and coffee experts share their secrets - 600 spots across 50 countries - revealing where they go for coffee throughout the world. Places chosen range from cafés, bakeries, and restaurants to some more surprising spots, including a video store and an auto shop. The recommendations come with insightful reviews, key information, specially commissioned maps, and an easy-to-navigate geographical organization. It's the only guide you need to get the best coffee in memorable global locations.

Анна Мартовицкая
ID: 12463
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

Берлин — уникальный город, который не единожды пережил смену политического режима и, как следствие, трансформации градостроительной концепции. Столица Германии приглашает вас совершить путешествие по своей истории. Четыре продуманных маршрута позволят читателю познакомиться с наиболее выдающимися и значимыми произведениями современной архитектуры — от зданий, расположенных вдоль бульвара Курфюрстендамм на западе города, до районов массовой застройки в восточной части Берлина. 

Благодаря подробным картам и качественным аэроснимкам этот путеводитель станет вашим идеальным компаньоном в путешествии по архитектурному Берлину. 

Маршруты, предложенные автором:

- Восточный Берлин
- Западный Берлин
- Вдоль бывшей Берлинской стены
- История панельного домостроения

Клеменс Ф. Куш, Анабель Гельхар
ID: 12466
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

За последние десятилетия Венеция стала местом паломничества архитекторов со всего мира. Во время архитектурной биеннале – самого значимого в этой области и поистине грандиозного события – эксперты и любители встречаются здесь, вблизи площади Сан-Марко, моста Риальто и Дворца дожей. Удивительно, что до сих пор не существовало путеводителя по новой архитектуре самого крупного города-музея под открытым небом. 

Эта книга представляет собой ключ к Венеции, какой она стала после 1950 года, и приглашает выйти за пределы проторенных туристами троп. Путеводитель включает водные и пешеходные маршруты, благодаря которым вы сможете узнать о новых жилых комплексах, колоссальных преобразованиях, произошедших на территории гавани, разнообразных выставочных павильонах Биеннале, построенных за прошедшие 60 лет, и, конечно, о замечательных проектах Карло Скарпы, Тадао Андо, Дэвида Чипперфильда и других мастеров. Эта по-настоящему практичная книга повествует и о неоднозначных проектах, как, например, система защиты от наводнений или реконструкция Фондако-деи-Тедески по проекту Рема Колхаса. 

Дополнительно в путеводителе рассмотрены масштабные нереализованные концепции таких известных архитекторов, как Фрэнк Ллойд Райт, Ле Корбюзье и Луис Кан.

Евгения Губкина
ID: 12465
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

Славутич – украинский провинциальный город к северу от Киева – во многом кажется принадлежащим другой эпохе. Город был построен после ядерной катастрофы, которая произошла в 1986 году на Чернобыльской АЭС, для переселения рабочих электростанции из загрязненной Припяти. Славутич – последний идеальный плановый город Советского Союза.

Однако тема Славутича весьма актуальна – особенно в период политического кризиса в Восточной Европе. Славутич является архитектурной манифестацией дружбы советских народов. Архитекторы восьми республик СССР участвовали в планировании и строительстве города. В результате, постмодернистская архитектура Славутича одновременно характеризуется социалистическими, советскими парадигмами и региональным воздействием Кавказа, Балтии и России. Кроме того, поиски последнего поколения советских архитекторов экологически устойчивой, удобной для жилья архитектуры, безусловно, актуальны и сегодня.

Архитектурный путеводитель по Славутичу документирует все районы и большинство зданий города, давая критический анализ уникальной поздней советской архитектуры и градостроительства в контексте Перестройки.

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