Репортажна фотографія

Репортажна фотографія

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Julien Frydman
ID: 3235
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Magnum Photos was the first photographic agency to be founded by photographers themselves, or as Henri Cartier-Bresson described them, by “adventurers with ethics.” Magnum owes its reputation to the talent of its members, who have never swerved from the principles of its founders: solidarity and respect for individuality. What unites all of these photographers, however, is their understanding of journalism and the warmly human gaze that they cast upon the world.

PHOTOFILE brings together the best work of the world's great photographers in an attractive pocket-size format and at an easily affordable price. Handsome and collectable, each volume in the series contains some sixty full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction, a chronology and a bibliography. 
Jon Lee Anderson
ID: 8933
Видавництво: Prestel

Culled from the archives of the prestigious 65-year-old photo agency Magnum founded by Henri Cartier Bresson, this collection of images from internationally renowned photographers is a compelling record of the recent decades of worldwide revolution.

The history of revolution is as old as humanity; yet it is only since the invention of photography that we have been able to discern the realities of these conflicts from the distance of time. Starting with the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and culminating with the most recent triumphs and tragedies of the "Arab Spring", this book brings together hundreds of color and black-and-white images that depict historic events from a human perspective. Iconic images from revolutions in Prague, Nicaragua, Tiananmen Square, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other locations are introduced in double-page spreads featuring the images of Magnum photographers such as Raymond Depardon, Burt Glinn, René Burri, Josef Koudelka, Susan Meiselas, and many more. Introduced by renowned "New Yorker" journalist Jon Lee Anderson, and featuring texts and interviews by Paul Watson, this uplifting and important book offers, for the first time, a collective understanding of the universal dream of freedom and the inevitability of change.

ID: 6526
Видавництво: Frechmann Kolon

Beautiful, strong and gritty images track the relationship of man and his industrial creations. Big and powerful and striking in every way, man and machine's, aeroplanes, engines, ships, guns, turrets and complex geared mechanisms provide an arresting appreciation of one hundred years of industrial achievement. Beautiful, strong and gritty images track the relationship of man and his industrial creations. Big and powerful and striking in every way, man and machine's, aeroplanes, engines, ships, guns, turrets and complex geared mechanisms provide an arresting appreciation of one hundred years of industrial achievement.

Paul Theroux
ID: 8858
Видавництво: Schilt Publishing

Latitude Zero is the culmination of a 25,000-mile odyssey that begins at the mouth of the Amazon River, moving in a westward direction, documenting the precious pact between humanity and nature within one degree north and south of latitude zero through Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, the Republic of Kiribati, the Republic of Nauru, Indonesia, the Maldives, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Gabon, and Sao Tome e Principe.

No itinerary or agenda was necessary. The purpose of Latitude Zero was to be as visually playful and uninhibited as possible, to simply be authentic and document life with a capital L. Any point within the equatorial zone was fair game, unless geography (Manaus) or politics (Mogadishu) dictated otherwise. And imagine a meal of beans and rice deep in southern Colombia’s rainforest with the FARC guerrillas, or eating turtles laced with honey with the Congolese pygmies, or dining in a loud testosterone-driven petrol platform cafeteria off Gabon’s Atlantic coast!

The work of the Swiss-American photojournalist, Monique Stauder has been published in TIME, the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, GEO and Mother Jones, among others. She has travelled from the camps of Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka to the island nation of East Timor, and from the Balkans to the Nuba Mountains in Sudan on behalf of international humanitarian NGOs and countless editorial publications. Stauder has master’s degrees in international relations and history.

William Claxton
ID: 3022
Видавництво: Taschen

This work is a loveletter to the birthplace of Jazz: New Orleans. It features highlights from William Claxton's "Jazzlife". New Orleans will never again appear as it does in these rare and stunning photographs by William Claxton taken for the book "Jazzlife" in 1960. While traveling around the United States with musicologist Joachim E. Berendt to record America's original art form, Claxton met and photographed the jazz personalities in every major and minor city, capturing these musicians in their natural environment. Among the most poignant and soulful photographs are these from the colorful melting pot of New Orleans, the city where jazz was born.

Horst A. Friedrichs
ID: 6178
Видавництво: Prestel

In this book, the photographer of I’m One: 21st Century Mods turns his probing lens to the world of Rockers.

With their tattoos, leather jackets, slicked-back hair, and beloved British motorbikes - BSAs, Triumphs, Nortons, and Royal Enfields - Rockers are the nemesis and antithesis of the fastidiously groomed Mods. Elvis, James Dean, and Marlon Brando made rocker style synonymous with rebellion, sparking a global cult. Friedrichs follows the British rocker tribe as its members congregate in parking lots, pubs, cafes, dance and pool halls, as well as huge gatherings at Jacks Hill and the Ace Café. Alternating between rich, vibrant color and gritty black and white, these photographs capture a spirit of unapologetic defiance in clothing as well as attitude, every bit as strong today as it was sixty years ago. Trenchant and revealing commentary from Friedrichs’ subjects sheds light on the impulses, yearnings, and motivations of this enduring international rebel chic subculture.

Shawn Mortensen
ID: 9237
Видавництво: Abrams

Over the last fifteen years, Shawn Mortensen has photographed cutting-edge culture-makers while also revealing the gritty reality of urban street life and the world’s political climate. Truly with his finger on the pulse, Mortensen took photographs of the in crowd before they were the in crowd. His subjects range from celebrities such as Gwen Stefani, Marcello Mastroianni, and Tupac Shakur to contemporary artists like Raymond Pettibon, Brice Marden, and Francesco Clemente. Yet these portraits are juxtaposed with haunting photo essays on the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico; the ghettoes of Jamaica; and the landscape of Mongolia - often with startling results.

Irreverent, sexy, and avant-garde, Out of Mind places Shawn Mortensen alongside the most important contemporary photographers.

Antoine De Baecque, Jean-Yves de Lépinay
ID: 8985
Видавництво: Flammarion

This comprehensive volume examines Tinseltowns fascination with the City of Light, from silent movies through to modern blockbusters.

Romantic, elegant, and enticing, Paris has fascinated American filmmakers for over a century. As habile in accommodating a romantic comedy or mystery as it is in hosting an action-packed thriller, it is by far the foreign city that appears most frequently in Hollywood movies.

In Paris by Hollywood, essays by eminent film experts and commentators uncover Hollywoods role in the cultivation of now timeless Parisian clichés, examining seminal films such as An American in Paris, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Sabrina. Chapters on Audrey Hepburns Parisian persona; Disneys and Woody Allens personifications of Paris; Hollywoods depictions of the French Revolution; and the American fascination with the enigmatic, glamorous Parisienne explore a cultural relationship that owes as much to the allure of Paris itself as to Hollywoods desire to paint a picture of European exoticism.

Interviews with eminent filmmakers and actors including Martin Scorsese, Julie Delpy, and Leslie Caron bring us behind the scenes and provide intimate insiders perspective. Insightful analysis explores the reasons why Hollywood has invested and continues to invest so much in depicting the French capital; an often mutually-beneficial economic and cultural relationship.

Covering over 100 years of movie-making, from silent films to the animated world of Disney, via Cancan films and action-packed blockbusters, Paris by Hollywood is the perfect companion for lovers of American cinema and those captivated by the magic of the French capital.

Peter Lindbergh
ID: 6847
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

A “serial novel” of fashion shootings set against the landing of beings from outer space. Originally assembled for a large-scale exhibition in Beijing, the extraterrestrial theme is enhanced by elements of 1950s Hollywood glamour, German Expressionist cinema, and futuristic sci-fi movies.

Peter Lindbergh
ID: 6127
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

This collection presents Peter Lindbergh’s photographs and films of the past thirty years, to be exhibited in a major Berlin show in September. One of the leading fashion and portrait photographers of our days, women have been his favorite subject throughout his career.

Peter Lindbergh (geb. 1944) gilt heute unbestritten als einer der großen lebenden Mode- und Portraitphotographen unserer Zeit. Wahrscheinlich ist er der bekannteste deutsche Berufsphotograph überhaupt. Daher ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die privaten Berliner Ausstellungsinitiatoren mit dem seltsamen Namen »C/O«, als sie einen Photographen einladen wollten, um in ihren Räumen den 10. Geburtstag der Institution zu feiern, Peter Lindbergh wählten. So gibt es also im alten Postfuhramt in Berlin im September Peter Lindbergh in allen Räumen. Für diese große Ausstellung in der Hauptstadt zieht der in Paris lebende Künstler nicht nur alle Register seines großen photographischen Könnens, sondern auch seine schönsten Bilder der Gattungen Portrait, Mode, Werbung und Akt aus den vergangenen dreißig Jahren hervor. Muss es besonders betont werden? Ein Gipfeltreffen der internationalen Superstars aus Film, Mode und Musik steht den Berlinern ins Haus. 

Nick Yapp, Amanda Hopkinson
ID: 9148
Видавництво: Ullmann

Getty Images has one of the most important photo collections in the world. The fascinating black-and-white and color photographs in this volume lead observers through almost two centuries of the history of photo journalism. Including both everyday life and the grandest events, the ideals and fears of the decades are conveyed through an exciting perspective. The book will captivate you with its varied and striking images: viewers will be touched, shocked, amused, or even moved to tears. Individual chapters provide a clear, chronological summary of themes such as Revolutions, Entertainment, the Third Reich or the Role of Women.

Commentary in three languages familiarizes readers with each topic and points out noteworthy aspects of the photographs. Photo Journalism is a must for everyone interested in photography and the events of our times.


• The history of photo journalism from 1850 to the present 2011
• Clearly organized according to topics such as 'Industrialization', 'Post-War Fashion', 'Music and Dance', and 'Sports'
• Impressive photographs of the great events, famous personalities, and special moments in everyday life
• Commentary on each picture in English, German and French
• Introductory text that provides an overview of each topic

Barbara Hitchcock, Steve Crist
ID: 3351
Видавництво: Taschen

Defining moments

In existence for over 50 years, the Polaroid Corporation’s photography collection is the greatest collection of Polaroid images in the world. Begun by Polaroid founder Edwin Land and photographer Ansel Adams, the collection now includes images by hundreds of photographers throughout the world and contains important pieces by artists such as David Hockney, Helmut Newton, Jeanloup Sieff, and Robert Rauschenberg. The Polaroid Book, a survey of this remarkable collection, pays tribute to a medium that defies the digital age and remains a favorite among artists for its quirky look and instantly gratifying, one-of-a-kind images.
• over 400 works from the Polaroid Collections
• essay by Polaroid’s Barbara Hitchcock illuminating the beginnings and history of the collection
• technical reference section featuring the various types of Polaroid cameras

Photographers Magnum, Anthony DeCurtis
ID: 5889
Видавництво: Abrams

Culled from the archives of Magnum Photos, the world’s preeminent photo agency, Pop 60s celebrates the visionaries, icons, and memorable moments of the decade that transformed the fabric of American life. From Andy Warhol, Twiggy, and James Bond to Beatlemania, biker culture, and geodesic domes, the reverberations of the Swinging Sixties are felt in today’s art, music, design, and fashion.

This phenomenal collection of photographs spans the globe, including images of Tokyo nightlife, Brazilian Carnaval, and art happenings in New York City. Renowned photographers such as Dennis Stock, Eve Arnold, Danny Lyon, Thomas Hoepker, David Hurn, and many others contribute both their best-loved and their seldom-seen photographs. From naked spectators at the Isle of Wight Festival to literati at Truman Capote’s Black and White Ball, Pop 60s captures the spirit, style, and attitude of an unforgettable era.

Nick Hannes
ID: 7711
Видавництво: Lannoo

Communism and its fall had a worldwide impact, but none felt the changes more than the previously Soviet states. In 2007 and 2008, photographer Nick Hannes travelled across the 15 former Soviet republics and took pictures of the different consequences of the breakdown of the Soviet Union in 1991. This publication includes intense photography of a developing region full of contrasts: extreme wealth amidst poverty; and golden statues of new dictators in cities of concrete. It shows how much change has already occured and how much is still to come, with experienced photographer Nick Hannes' poignant images.

ID: 8348
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

This highly successful series (over 100,000 copies sold worldwide) has become an indispensable visual record of our times.

This fifth volume captures 2011 in over 350 powerful photos covering the full range of news reporting – politics, commerce, conflict, accidents and disasters, the environment, faith and festivities, entertainment, celebrity and lifestyle. Succinct captions summarize the story behind each image.

‘Witness’ features in each chapter present powerful, in-depth photo-essays from around the world. An introduction explains in the photographers’ own words the events and approaches that lead to spectacular photojournalism.

Like the previous Our World Now volumes, this is a book that consistently packs an emotional punch: spectacular, moving, hard-hitting, at times even funny.

• This year that is certain to be remembered as hugely significant for the astounding events that unfolded in 2011.
• The Arab Spring, the Japanese tsunami, the England riots and beyond: here is a fresh take on the most memorable worldwide events, trends and stories of the year.
• Compact format, fantastic price for content.
• Packed with unforgettable images by award-winning Reuters photojournalists.

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