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Peter Furtado
ID: 4884
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

The lunar landing, the Watergate break-in, the release of Nelson Mandela, the death of Princess Diana, 9/11 - these triumphs and tragedies are among the many thousands that have shaped our world through the centuries.

This remarkable book presents enthralling accounts of 1001 life-changing events that have taken place around the world since the Big Bang.

From the foundation of Rome on 21 April 753 BCE to the execution of Saddam Hussein on 30 December 2006, and from the Battle of Marathon on 21 September 490 BCE to the accord in Northern Ireland in 2007, 1001 Days That Shaped the World tells the history of the world through extraordinary moments, decisive encounters, memorable incidents and natural disasters.

Compiled by historian Peter Furtado, and written by an international team of historians, journalists and scientists, 1001 Days That Shaped the World features a detailed and informative account of every event, together with an assessment of the longer-term physical, cultural, social or economic impact. Evocative paintings and dramatic photographs complement the incisive text to make this book the one essential guide you'll need to understand just why the world is what it is today.

Robert Arp
ID: 12850
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

An awe-inspiring overview of the development of human knowledge over the centuries!

Part of the highly successful ‘1001’ series which have sold over a million copies in the UK alone 1001 Ideas That Changed The Way We Think offers not only a comprehensive history of ideas, but also an eminently browsable source of amusement.

This richly informative and entertaining book provides a wide variety of answers to those eternal questions such as…

How was the universe created and what is the place of humans within it?
How should a person live?
And how can we build a just society?

Readers will discover how the Greek philosopher Zeno ‘proved’ a flying arrow never moves and the mathematical proof of the existence of life in other galaxies. The inspiring ideas explored range from Gandhi’s theory of civil disobedience to Mary Wollstonecraft’s groundbreaking advocacy of women’s rights. A wide variety of cultural movements are also covered, including Neoclassicism, Surrealism and Postmodernism.

Drawing of a wide spectrum of topics including politics, cosmology, the arts, philosophy and religious beliefs, 1001 Ideas That Changed The Way We Think traces the exponential growth of human knowledge across the centuries. Ranging from the ancient wisdom of Confucius and Plato, to the cutting-edge theories taking shape in the twenty-first century, this book offers a wealth of stimulation and wit for any reader with a lively and curious mind.

Jack Challoner
ID: 4886
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

"1001 Inventions that Changed the Way we Live" aims to give you a wide and varied offering of scientific and technological breakthroughs that have shaped and aided human development throughout history. From the first stone flints sharpened by prehistoric man to the spoke wheel and from the first steam powered machine to manual manoeuvring units for space walks, this book explores the stories behind the innovations and traces the development from concept to completion. From the big ideas to the smaller objects, discover when the first pair of scissors was used, or how the world wide web was created inventions and ideas that have become integral to modern life now. Perfect to dip into and an endless source of intriguing discoveries, "1001 Inventions that Change the Way we Live" presents the history of the world through all the brilliant ideas that came to fruition. It is a fascinating and comprehensive study of human endeavour throughout the ages.

Robert Arp
ID: 12851
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

1001 Quotations To Inspire You Before You Die is full of smart remarks - not just sassy one-liners (although there are plenty of those), but also more considered, philosophical epigrams that make us pause and reflect on a range of profound topics.

Each quotation is accompanied by an insightful account of its meaning and the historical context in which it was first uttered or written. Some famous quotations are straightforward, but many need contextualising - it's often not exactly what was said, but who said it, and in what context, that is more important. Many oft-quoted remarks open up whole new worlds of thought and interpretation. What, for example, did Voltaire mean when he wrote 'If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him'? - was he hinting at his own atheism (unlikely, given the age in which he lived) or making a more subtle point about the difficulty of apprehending the Almighty? This book looks into these and a host of other such questions, and takes the reader from the source material into illuminating discussions of its wider significance.

We all love quotations - we use them to make our points, to plead our cases and to justify our opinions, as well as to honour, glorify, motivate, incite, besmirch, bewitch and beguile. 1001 Quotations To Inspire You Before You Die will help you do all that and more.

Роберт Димери
ID: 1780
Видавництво: Магма

3-е дополненное и переработанное издание.

Перед вами наиболее полный сборник рецензий на лучшие альбомы, охватывающий полвека истории замечательной музыки, от появления рок-н-ролла 1950-х годов до технических новшеств начала XXI века. Это поистине бесценный справочник, содержащий глубокую критику от 90 всемирно известных музыкальных журналистов, представивших детальные описания каждого альбома. Книга дополнена более чем 900 иллюстрациями - изображениями культовых обложек альбомов, фотографиями групп и музыкантов.

Здесь все великие вершины: от вдохновляющего альбома Марвина Гея 1971 года "What's Going On" до концептуального альбома Дэвида Боуи "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggi Stardust...". Погрузитесь в музыкальную историю - от знаменательной вехи поп-музыки, сборника "Pet Sounds" от "Beach Boys" до внедряющегося в сознание "Nevermind" от "Nirvana". Книга затрагивает многообразие жанров: обширный слой рок- и поп-музыки, диско, соула, хип-хопа, рэйва, экспериментальной музыки, уорлд-мьюзик вкупе с музыкой "дэнс".

Было ли вам известно, что альбом "Velvet Underground And Nico" стал источником вдохновения для Боуи и "Joy Division", "R.E.M." и "Strokes"? Ощутите вновь послевкусие судьбоносного появления Боба Дилана с электрогитарой на фолк-фестивале в Ньюпорте со своей мрачно-пророческой песней "Highway 61 Revisited".

"1001 альбом, который нужно услышать" полностью охватывает всеобщую историю музыкальной культуры, от экзотической и продвинутой до популярного мейнстрима. 

Другие книги серии:

1001 вино, которое нужно попробовать

1001 еда, которую нужно попробовать

1001 историческое место, которое нужно посетить

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать

1001 фильм, который Вы должны посмотреть

1001 чудо природы, которое нужно увидеть

1001 здание которое нужно увидеть

1001 сад который нужно увидеть

1001 картина, которую нужно увидеть

Бокселл П.
ID: 1781
Видавництво: Магма

Четкие и яркие описания романов, потрясших весь мир. Великолепный путеводитель по книгам, получившим одобрение критиков или же ставших культовой классикой в своем жанре. Подборка произведений осуществлена международной группой признанных писателей, критиков, академиков и журналистов.

Наша жизнь – это удивительное разнообразие драгоценных моментов, ярких событий и необыкновенных явлений. Жить полной жизнью – значит успевать увидеть, услышать и прочитать все самое лучшее, самое главное. Благодаря этим изданиям вы всегда будете в курсе событий и не пропустите ничего самого интересного! Любители чтения по достоинству оценят подробный путеводитель по классической и современной мировой литературе. Каждая рекомендованная книга – настоящий шедевр, сверкающий бриллиант из сокровищницы мировой изящной словесности.

Другие книги серии:

1001 вино, которое нужно попробовать

1001 еда, которую нужно попробовать

1001 историческое место, которое нужно посетить

1001 альбом, который нужно услышать

1001 фильм, который Вы должны посмотреть

1001 чудо природы, которое нужно увидеть

1001 здание которое нужно увидеть

1001 сад который нужно увидеть

1001 картина, которую нужно увидеть

Стивен Джей Шнайдер
ID: 3838
Видавництво: Магма

4-е издание, переработанное и дополненное

Здесь есть все, что вам нужно знать о фильмах, которые вы просто обязаны посмотреть — все 1001!

Если вам хочется уточнить детали уже просмотренного фильма, или вы решаете, какую картину посмотреть сегодня вечером, книга 1001 Фильм станет вашим незаменимым помощником. В ней есть все, что вы должны знать о тех замечательных фильмах, которые просто необходимо увидеть, и не только о тех, что вы недавно пропустили, но и о классических произведениях.

Откройте эту книгу на любой странице и узнайте все о выбранном фильме. Здесь вы также найдете факты, которые, возможно, вас удивят. А если вы еще собираете DVD-диски или видеокассеты, этот том должен обязательно быть на вашей полке. Пусть вы посещаете кинотеатры время от времени, вам доставит удовольствие полистать эту большую, увлекательную книгу.

Студенты, изучающие киноискусство, поклонники кино, читатели, получающие удовольствие от пролистывания и восстановления в памяти незабываемых экранных событий — все должны начать читать эту книгу. Вас ждут статьи и информация о веке незабываемых фильмов. Читайте, смакуйте и наслаждайтесь

Другие книги серии:

1001 вино, которое нужно попробовать

1001 еда, которую нужно попробовать

1001 историческое место, которое нужно посетить

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать

1001 альбом, который нужно услышать

1001 чудо природы, которое нужно увидеть

1001 здание которое нужно увидеть

1001 сад который нужно увидеть

1001 картина, которую нужно увидеть

Роберт Арп
ID: 11671
Видавництво: Магма

1001 цитата, которая Вас вдохновит – книга полная остроумных высказываний – не только дерзких заголовков (хотя и таких здесь немало), но и мудрых, философских изречений, заставляющих задуматься на самые различные темы. Каждая фраза сопровождается подробной трактовкой ее смысла и историческим контекстом, в котором она произнесена или написана.

Одни известные цитаты идейно просты, другие становятся понятны из контекста – зачастую важны не сами слова, а их автор и контекст, в котором они прозвучали. Многие привычные фразы открывают совершенно новый мир, скрывающий в себе смысл и интерпретацию.

Это издание позволит найти ответы на эти и многие другие вопросы, проведя читателей от первоисточника к интересным обсуждениям более широкого смысла.

Все мы любим цитаты – они помогают нам выразить точку зрения, отстоять свое мнение и твердо заявить о нем, воздать должное, прославить, мотивировать, вдохновить, опорочить, околдовать и ввести в заблуждение.

Amélie Vincent
ID: 15404
Видавництво: Lannoo

A selection of the 150 loveliest international restaurants, that each have a unique story to tell

Chefs, gastronomy and lifestyle are hot topics. However, finding the ultimate dining experience around the world might be challenging and can be disappointing.

From Paris (Plaza Athénée, Septime) and Mexico City (Quintonil, Lorea) to Tokyo (Den, Florilège, Sushi Saito), Amélie Vincent, also known as The Foodalist, selects 150 must-visit restaurants around the world in her latest book 150 Restaurants You Need to Visit before You Die. These culinary hotspots promise a unique experience to the diners, through exquisite menus, original designs and creative chefs.

Founder of The Foodalist Communication Agency (www.thefoodalist.com), Amélie Vincent, is an expert in revealing culinary trends worldwide. She has the world's best chefs in her network, and works with the most influential media around the world.

Thanks to her photographer's eye and her experience as a culinary journalist, 150 Restaurants You Need to Visit before You Die is the ultimate bucket list for every single foodie and gourmet traveller and the sequel to the equally standout book 150 Bars You Need to Visit Before You Die.

About the Author:

Digital influencer, journalist, photographer and TV host, Amélie Vincent is the first official Tastehunter of The World's 50 Best Restaurants, and one of the most influential food experts worldwide. Founder of the communication agency, The Foodalist (www.thefoodalist.com), she advices chefs, media and brands in the realisation of their culinary projects. Committed to sustainable and responsible gastronomy, Amélie organises and moderates conferences and events around the world, and writes for the leading culinary medias (Fine Dining Lovers, Munchies, World's 50 Best).

H. Walter Lack
ID: 13363
Видавництво: Taschen

Spectacular Specimens. Albertus Seba’s unrivalled catalogue of animals, insects and plants

Art meets science in this beautiful catalogue of botanical illustration. Drawn from the archives of the National Library of Vienna, these exquisite color reproductions range from 6th-century manuscripts to 19th-century masterpieces and celebrate both the skill of botanical artists and the abundance of natural flora.

In pursuit of both knowledge and delight, the craft of botanical illustration has always required not only meticulous draftsmanship but also a rigorous scientific understanding. This new edition of a TASCHEN classic celebrates the botanical tradition and talents with a selection of outstanding works from the National Library of Vienna, including many new images.

From Byzantine manuscripts right through to 19th-century masterpieces, through peonies, callas, and chrysanthemums, these exquisite reproductions dazzle in their accuracy and their aesthetics. Whether in gently furled leaves, precisely textured fruits, or the sheer beauty and variety of colors, we celebrate an art form as tender as it is precise, and ever more resonant amid our growing awareness of our ecological surroundings and the preciousness of natural flora.

The author:

H. Walter Lack is a Professor at the Free University of Berlin and former Director of the Botanical Gardens and Botanical Museum in Berlin-Dahlem. A leading expert in the history of botany, his research focuses on the global transfer of useful and ornamental plants from a cultural-historical perspective. He is the author of TASCHEN’s Garden of Eden and The Book of Palms.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler
ID: 2425
Видавництво: teNeues
130 color and b/w photographs
Since 2003 Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler has authored a series of highly successful and original columns on management in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. This volume presents a selection of these columns. From contemporary events and personal experience, Mei-Pochtler distills essential – and timeless – management topics in succinct form: strategy and leadership, organization and corporate culture, creativity and innovation. As business expert and BCG brand guru, Mei-Pochtler allows herself the luxury of stretching the boundaries of “business” to all areas of life. She translates significant trends into facts and figures and questions them with regard to positive implications for concrete action.

The format of the book deliberately crosses boundaries blending words and images, rationality and emotions, logic and intuition. Here, images function as more than just the usual ornamentation or commentative accessories; like the text, they are meant to provoke and inspire. The book refuses to conform to any category: business topics in a coffee-table book, art book with management insight. It is addressed to the business-affine reader, who – like many managers – among the flood of dryly factual, analytical information, appreciates the contrast of creativity and artistry all the more.

Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler is Senior Vice President and Managing Director of The Boston Consulting Group.
Angelika Taschen (Editor)
ID: 2995
Видавництво: Taschen

Do you ever find yourself wondering, "Has she had work done?" Do you flip through supermarket tabloids to see who's the latest star to have gone under the knife? Do you secretly adore before and after photos? Well, let's face it, who doesn't? Aesthetic surgery has become a global phenomenon. In places like Hollywood, the mystery isn't who's had work done, but who hasn't. Those who have been to the world's best surgeons can get away with lying about it, while others have the evidence written all over their faces. From liposuction to lip implants, this book explores all the ins and outs of body sculpting via photos, illustrations, essays, and interviews.

Topics include:
* Beauty and Beauty Surgery
* Beauty in Art
* The Astonishing History of Aesthetic Surgery
* Ethnicity and Aesthetic Surgery
* Plastic Surgery in the Movies
* The Michelangelo of the Scalpel: Ivo Pitanguy
* The World`s most famous aesthetic surgeo
* Methods and Techniques
* Jokes and Caricatures

Irmgard Musch, Rainer Willmann, Jes Rust
ID: 1371
Видавництво: Taschen

TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - Special edition!

Albertus Seba`s Cabinet of Natural Curiosities is one of the 18th century`s greatest natural history achievements and remains one of the most prized natural history books of all time. Though it was common for men of his profession to collect natural specimens for research purposes, Amsterdam-based pharmacist Albertus Seba (1665–1736) had a passion that led him far beyond the call of duty. His amazing, unprecedented collection of animals, plants and insects from all around the world gained international fame during his lifetime. In 1731, after decades of collecting, Seba commissioned illustrations of each and every specimen and arranged the publication of a four-volume catalog detailing his entire collection — from strange and exotic plants to snakes, frogs, crocodiles, shellfish, corals, insects, butterflies and more, as well as fantastic beasts, such as a hydra and a dragon. Seba`s scenic illustrations, often mixing plants and animals in a single plate, were unusual even for the time. Many of the stranger and more peculiar creatures from Seba`s collection, some of which are now extinct, were as curious to those in Seba`s day as they are to us now.

This reproduction is taken from a rare, hand-coloured original. The introduction offers background information about the fascinating tradition of the cabinet of curiosities to which Seba`s curiosities belonged.

Werner Dressendorfer
ID: 9889
Видавництво: Taschen

An art book for food lovers. Mouthwatering illustrations of 19th-century French garden vegetables

The French company Vilmorin-Andrieux & Cie arose in the 18th century from the collaboration between Philippe Victoire de Vilmorin — a grain and plant merchant and connoisseur — and his father-in-law, Pierre Andrieux, Botanist to the King. The Vilmorins, though only producers and merchants on the Paris market, contributed enormously to the botanical and agronomic knowledge of their time. Their first catalog, comprising all kinds of seeds for kitchen-garden vegetables — including legumes, salad plants, flower seeds and bulbs — appeared in 1766. It was followed by a series of Publications périodiques in which the quality of the botanical and horticultural information was equaled only by the illustrations. By the mid-19th century, the firm had become the most important seed company in the world — active in production, trade, and scientific advances, thanks largely to Louis de Vilmorin’s crucial research into selection and heredity in the 1850s.

At the height of its international renown, the company published its splendid Album Vilmorin. Les Plantes potagères (The Vegetable Garden, 1850–1895) featuring 46 magnificent color plates. The Vilmorins employed some 15 painters to create this work of agro-botanic iconography; most had trained as artist-naturalists at the Jardin des Plantes, the former Royal Gardens, including Elisa Champin, who painted a large number of the finest plates. These illustrations — reproduced here with exquisite care and accuracy — transcend mere artistic interest, beautiful as they are; they are also a valuable resource for anyone researching cultivarietal evolution, and old varieties of fruits and vegetables.

The author:

Werner Dressendörfer is a pharmaceutical historian and academic librarian. He taught at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, where he was an honorary professor. His particular spheres of interest are the history of the Early Modern herbal, the cultural history of useful and medicinal plants, and plant symbolism in art. He has published extensively on pharmaceutical and botanical history.

Konstantin Kuzminsky
ID: 13292
Видавництво: Arca

An Alice in Wonderland card game with artwork based on Sir John Tenniel's original illustrations for the books. This game can be played by several people. The 48 cards make up 16 sets of 3 cards each. The cards in each set have different pictures on them, but the same numbers so you know they belong together. The player who assembles the most sets wins. A reprint of "Alice in Wonderland" card game published by Thomas De la Rue & Co. Ltd in 1898 from The State Hermitage Museum Collection.

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