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Ferris Robbinson
ID: 2868
Издательство: Schiffer

Illustrations:  283 color photos; 27 floor plans

Each gorgeous log home shown here was built with reclaimed timbers that were hand-hewn at least a century ago.

The homes vary from small to large, and cover layouts from "erected as found" to modern configurations. One thing they all have in common, though, is that they look the way log homes are supposed to look. Dove-tailed corners, weathered barn wood, antique heart pine, and ancient beams, logs, and posts were used abundantly in their construction.

If you're hoping to build such a home for yourself, or expand your existing home with a log addition, this book will provide help and inspiration. Each of the 27 projects featured includes a floor plan perfect for today's lifestyles, while maintaining the integrity of log home construction and preserving the great timbers that sheltered our forebearers.


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Robert Klanten, Marie Le Fort
ID: 10636
Издательство: Gestalten

Istanbul bridges Europe and Asia. Based in that city, Autoban creates sought-after work that masterfully melds western design traditions with eastern elegance

Autoban is one of the most sought-after design studios worldwide. Its gorgeous furniture and spectacular spaces meld respect for tradition with modern straightforwardness. Surprisingly, Autoban doesn’t hail from an established design center such as Berlin, London, or New York, but rather from Istanbul.

Since they founded Autoban 10 years ago, Seyhan Özdemir and Sefer Çağlar have been creating design at the nexus between Orient and Occident, Asia and Europe — a fitting reflection of the city in which they live and work. Throughout the ages, Istanbul has brought together East and West, as well as Islam and Christianity, in its cultural realm. This unique history continues to influence both the cityscape of the metropolis on the Bosporus and the self-image of its inhabitants.

Özdemir and Çağlar met at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, whose school of architecture is known for teachings that are strongly oriented around classic modernism. The name Autoban is inspired by the Turkish “Otoban” and the German “Autobahn” and stands for its penchant for “really stepping on the gas.”

Autoban’s understanding of design is based in equal measure on local elements and European design theory. Its interiors and furniture designs, which have attracted an international following, move fluidly between modern and traditional, minimalistic and elaborate, luxurious and rustic, and sparse and decorative, without ever appearing superficial or blatant.

This book presents a rich selection of Autoban’s breathtaking projects that are documented in striking photographs and plans. The distinctive and premium-quality concepts for restaurants, hotels, apartments, offices, and retail spaces collected here showcase the studio’s worldview between global cosmopolitanism and its own cultural idiosyncrasies.

The texts in the book were written by Vasif Kortun, director of Istanbul’s SALT, by the curator and cultural historian Deniz Erduman-Calis, and by design journalists Marie Le Fort and Shonquis Moreno. They give further insight into Autoban’s creative process and philosophy as well as the cultural context in which it works.

In only a short time, Autoban’s Seyhan Özdemir and Sefer Çağlar have established themselves as stars on the global design scene. They founded the studio in 2003 and, only one year later, were named “Best Young Designers of the Year 2004” by the magazine Wallpaper*. Autoban’s furniture is successfully distributed worldwide by De La Espada. The design studio epitomizes a new Turkish design sensibility and its designs for hotels and restaurants define the cityscape of modern Istanbul. Meanwhile, Autoban’s work can also be found around the world in places including Madrid, St. Petersburg, and Hong Kong as well as in Baku, Azerbaijan where they designed all of the interiors for the city’s airport. The hotels that they have designed and furnished appear regularly in the best-of lists of publications such as the Sunday Times Magazine, Condé Nast Traveller, and Tatler Travel.


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Соколова Татьяна Юрьевна
ID: 5168
Издательство: Питер

Эта книга — практическое справочное руководство для самостоятельного изучения и освоения новой англоязычной версии самой популярной и мощной универсальной среды проектирования AutoCAD 2010, разработанной компанией Autodesk.
В издании приведены общие сведения об AutoCAD, подробно описан интерфейс системы, рассказано о настройке рабочей среды, формировании и редактировании объектов, командах оформления чертежей, свойствах объектов и работе со слоями, уделено внимание вычислительным функциям системы. Подробно описаны принципы трехмерного моделирования, включая получение реалистичных изображений, а также твердых копий чертежей.
Изложение сопровождается многочисленными рисунками, примерами, диалоговыми окнами, что облегчает не только изучение, но и дальнейшую работу в среде AutoCAD. Таким образом, книга может быть использована как учебное пособие и как справочник.
Прилагаемый компакт-диск с уникальной авторской электронной тренинг-системой предназначен для самостоятельного изучения среды AutoCAD. По сути, книга, дополняемая электронным продуктом, является готовым учебным курсом и адресована пользователям с различным уровнем подготовки, в том числе студентам и преподавателям вузов, инженерам, конструкторам, проектировщикам, дизайнерам, профессиональным чертежникам и разработчикам САПР.

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Соколова Т. Ю.
ID: 6990
Издательство: Питер

Эта книга является практическим и справочным руководством, основой для самостоятельного изучения и освоения новой англоязычной версии самой популярной и мощной универсальной среды проектирования AutoCAD 2011, разработанной компанией Autodesk. В издании приведены общие сведения об AutoCAD, подробно описан интерфейс системы, рассказано о настройке рабочей среды, формировании и редактировании объектов, командах оформления чертежей, о свойствах объектов и работе со слоями, уделено внимание вычислительным функциям системы. Подробно описаны принципы трехмерного моделирования, включая получение реалистических изображений, а также твердых копий чертежей. Изложение сопровождается многочисленными рисунками, примерами, диалоговыми окнами, что облегчает не только изучение, но и дальнейшую работу в среде AutoCAD. Таким образом, книга может быть использована как учебное пособие и как справочник. Прилагаемый компакт-диск с уникальной авторской электронной тренинг-системой предназначен для самостоятельного изучения среды AutoCAD. По сути, книга, сопровождаемая электронным продуктом, является готовым учебным курсом и предназначена для пользователей с различным уровнем подготовки, в том числе студентов и преподавателей вузов, инженеров, конструкторов, проектировщиков, дизайнеров, профессиональных чертежников и разработчиков САПР.

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Соколова Т. Ю.
ID: 7480
Издательство: Питер

Эта книга — практическое справочное руководство для самостоятельного изучения и освоения новой англоязычной версии самой популярной и мощной универсальной среды проектирования AutoCAD 2012, разработанной компанией Autodesk. В издании приведены общие сведения об AutoCAD, подробно описан интерфейс системы, рассказано о настройке рабочей среды, формировании и редактировании объектов, командах оформления чертежей, свойствах объектов и работе со слоями, уделено внимание вычислительным функциям системы. Подробно описаны принципы трехмерного моделирования, включая получение реалистичных изображений, а также твердых копий чертежей. Изложение сопровождается многочисленными рисунками, примерами, диалоговыми окнами, что облегчает не только изучение, но и дальнейшую работу в среде AutoCAD. Таким образом, книга может быть использована как учебное пособие и как справочник. Прилагаемый компакт-диск с уникальной авторской электронной тренинг-системой предназначен для самостоятельного изучения среды AutoCAD. По сути, книга, дополняемая электронным продуктом, является готовым учебным курсом и адресована пользователям с различным уровнем подготовки, в том числе студентам и преподавателям вузов, инженерам, конструкторам, проектировщикам, дизайнерам, профессиональным чертежникам и разработчикам САПР.

Посмотреть оглавление книги AutoCAD 2012 на 100% (+CD с интерактивной тренинг-системой) на сайте издательства.

Посмотреть отрывок книги AutoCAD 2012 на 100% (+CD с интерактивной тренинг-системой) на сайте издательства.

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Tim Richardson
ID: 2805
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Contemporary garden design has embraced the latest thinking in science and materials, architecture and product design – redefining the border between nature and the man-made.

One indication of the rise in popularity – and controversy – of these gardens has been the growing number of conceptual garden festivals, which have become the premier international showcases for new ideas.

Avant Gardeners presents the fifty most exciting and innovative contemporary garden- and landscape-design practices from around the world, profiling the work of each designer through informative texts, photographs and plans.

Topical essays explore the underlying principles, and show how a rising generation has rejected the tradition of Western garden design, favouring instead the influences of Modernism, Postmodernism, Pop Art and Land Art.

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Axel Vervoordt, Armelle Baron
ID: 13693
Издательство: Flammarion

A rare insight into the stunning interiors created by one of the worlds leading antiques dealers. Axel Vervoordts Castle of sGravenwezel and his Kanaal gallery in Belgium attract visitors from all over the world.

Previous books on Vervoordt have brought the splendid objects on display in these remarkable locations to an even wider audience. In this new work, the great antiques dealer reveals for the first time the other interiors he has created in locations both in Europe and the United States. The extent of Vervoordts talent is revealed in the unique atmosphere of the twenty-three houses presented in this book.

The variety of styles reflects Vervoordts love of eclecticism, and his authentic and welcoming interiors are inspirational for amateurs and professionals alike. From a Swiss chalet to a Miami mansion or a Bordeaux château, Vervoordts creations are perfectly in tune with the character and history of each space.

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Suzonne Stirling
ID: 2791
Издательство: Taunton Press
Like children, Babyspace Idea Book doesnt stop at infancy. It moves on to toddlers rooms, with an emphasis on long-term design for parents living in todays overly busy world. The book also examines play spaces, honoring this important element in a childs development with cleverly designed rooms and hideaways that fully embrace the kids who create magic there. And then theres the rest of the house, where the focus is on making it a home for everyone, children and adults alike.

This book also tackles organizational challenges throughout the home, an important aspect of a pleasant and comfortable environment. Again, theres no single solution presented here, but rather a variety of ideas that anyone can incorporate into their existing floor plan.
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David Stevens
ID: 1666
Издательство: Jacqui Small

Every house in the world has a backyard, a vital outdoor space where life happens. In this book the author shows you how to make the most of that area and create a haven of peace (or fun) that is right for you and your lifestyle.

Backyard Blueprints is full of ingenious solutions for transforming backyards into gardens for entertaining, cooking, storing and relaxing. With blueprints for designing, building and decorating, that include barbecues, water features and decking this shows how to bring a backyard alive with plants and turn it into a green paradise. Even if the house walls cast shadows for most of the day and the soil is poor, this book shows how to get the area right with careful planning and clever use of space.

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Lee Anne White
ID: 1831
Издательство: Taunton Press

Backyard Idea Book showcases hundreds of creative, practical ideas for planning and decorating inviting yet functional backyard spaces. From porches, patios, and decks to pools and retreats to kids spaces and storage, this book is filled with fresh ideas to help you create a beautiful backyard that reflects and enhances your lifestyle.

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Lisa Taggart
ID: 7648
Издательство: Sunset Publishing Corporation

Sunset Outdoor Design & Build Guide: Backyards for Kids is the ultimate guide for parents who want to create imaginative outdoor spaces where their kids can play and explore. From treehouses and playhouses to tunnels, hiding places, and sandboxes, this visual and comprehensive guide presents safe and stylish spaces for all ages. It also goes further than the other building books on the market, helping parents plan easy-to-grow gardens for their budding farmers and giving lists of the best trees for climbing, vines for creating luscious jungles, and more. With great inspiration and simple instruction, this book helps you finally build that backyard escape your kids have been asking for.

Outdoor Design & Build Guide: Backyards for Kids includes:

  • More than two dozen approachable projects-from a climbing wall or playhouse to a sandbox or swings
  • Project ideas that are not only smart and safe, but will create the ultimate fun and imaginative outdoor spaces for kids to enjoy
  • Step-by-step instructions for every project
  • Inspirational photos to help you personalize your projects
  • Expert tips on perfecting the final touches of a fun backyard addition, including the best materials to use for each project
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Bridget Biscotti Bradley
ID: 7603
Издательство: Sunset Publishing Corporation

Inspiration + Expert Advice

All the latest ideas on design and materials, along with essential landscaping advice from professional garden designers, so that you can create a uniquely livable backyard.

Expert designers | Experienced design and landscaping professionals help you get the backyard you want on the budget you can afford

Real-world solutions | Pro-designed patios and gardens show the best ways to pull all the elements together to create a cohesive, comfortable space

At a glance | Clear, concise charts make it easy to choose materials based on appearance, durability, ease of installation, and price

Go green | The latest information on green materials, water conservation, and safety issues

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги Backyards: A Sunset Design Guide

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Kim Inglis, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
ID: 5789
Издательство: Tuttle

Bali is an island paradise that inspires countless dreams of tropical beaches, exotic people and gorgeous views. More than just an increasingly popular tourist destination, Bali is also a global leader in tropical design, showcased in all its glory in Bali Home. Covering over 100 homes, garden estates, hotels, restaurants and more, this book gives a tantalizing glimpse of the latest design trends coming out of Bali. Full-color photography, both of decorative details and architectural concepts, is accompanied by an insightful text that gives attainable interior design tips to tropical dream seekers.

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Gianni Francione, Masano Kawana
ID: 4866
Издательство: Periplus Publishing Group

Illustrations: over 280 color photos

From the author of the bestselling Bali Houses comes an inspirational new look at Balinese modern architecture and design.Bali Living is a unique selection of private homes, rental properties, restaurant and wedding facilities, a sports complex and villas.
Traditional Balinese compound architecture is evident throughout, but most of the buildings included are contemporary structures that reinterpret old forms and materials in new and exciting ways. Glass and metal have replaced alang-alang and bamboo, but in some cases the old materials are referenced and used in new ways. The interiors are highlighted with a great selection of furniture, artwork, sculpture, paintings and more from local Balinese designers and shops.
A dreamer's book come true, Bali Living is an inspiration for anyone interested in home design and architecture.

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Gianni Francione, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
ID: 4867
Издательство: Periplus Publishing Group

A superb visual celebration of the timeless and increasingly popular architecture and interior design of Bali.

Gianni Francione is an architect from Turin, North Italy, who has livedin Bali for over 20 years. He is inspired by tribal art and the vernacular architectural tradition of Indonesia, and has designed countless tropical homes.

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