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Andrew Hall (Editor)
ID: 5296
Видавництво: Images

Details in Architecture is the latest edition in IMAGES’ ever-popular Details series. Each volume is a study of the emerging trends in architectural detailing, with a strong focus on innovative design, enviro- sustainability and many aspects of cross-cultural design. Featuring the work of the world’s most highly acclaimed architects and interior architects, this book presents the most recently completed and influential building designs.

Projects are presented with superb full-colour photography and technical drawings that place featured details within the context of the overall design. Architects featured are from Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.

ID: 586
Видавництво: Images
It has been said that god is in the details and that the life and soul of a building are expressed in its architectural detailing. Details in Design: Creative Detailing by some of the World's Leading Architects is an influential series that examines creative detailing by a selection of leading firms from around the world. Featuring the work of many of the world's most influential and dynamic architectural practices, the sixth volume in this series continues the trusted format of the earlier editions. Projects are presented with superb full-colour photography and drawings that place details within the context of the overall design. This latest edition features Foster and Partners, Renzo Piano, Claudio Silvestrin, Gregotti Associati International, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, LS3P, EEA Erick Van Egeraat, Fox & Fowle, Studio Downie and Rafael Vinoly, among other influential firms. Commercial, residential, institutional and retail projects are all included.
ID: 1358
Видавництво: Images
The cultural diversity of Development Design Group's team and its multidisciplinary approach to projects have built its international reputation as an innovative architecture, planning and design firm. Prestigious international clients seek the Development Design Group's creative concept generation for regional planning, waterfront developments and speciality centres of every size and scope. The practice commands diverse resources to create places that are harmoniously integrated with their surroundings and culturally attuned to their clients' lifestyles. Its portfolio includes award-winning designs of high-profile retail and entertainment spaces, world-class resorts and hotels, office and residential designs, and mixed-use destinations. Many of these projects are displayed in this book.
Michael J. Crosbie
ID: 10273
Видавництво: Images

This richly illustrated monograph tells the comprehensive inside story of one of the greatest architecture achievements in the history of Oklahoma City, and the state's tallest building: the Devon Energy Center. The story begins with the project's origins in Oklahoma City's need for community redevelopment and a desire for corporate growth, through its elegant and collaborative design process, to its complex construction and realization. Intended for everyone interested in the development of landmark structures and 21st-century skyscrapers, the book is both technical and highly visual, including an impressive collection of the concept and architectural drawings and models by Pickard Chilton, the project's Design Architect. Each expertly crafted component of this complex development including its heaven-piercing tower, its glass rotunda, the free-standing Devon Auditorium, the 50th-story restaurant, Devon Gardens, and its exquisite palette of materials are discussed and featured. The monograph concludes with a visual essay of beautiful photographs of the completed project, captured by some of the country's premiere architectural photographers.

Authored by architecture critic Michael J. Crosbie, the narrative takes the reader through the Center's complex history, addressing the project's grand urban design and its vital impact on the civic, social, and urban fabric of the city. Dr. Crosbie also relates tales and insights gained from interviews of the project's many collaborators: Devon Energy, developers, and the many architecture, design, engineering, and construction professionals. The text reveals the project as both an immense collaborative effort and as a singular vision of the philanthropic Devon Executive Chairman, Larry Nichols.

Gilbert Delcroix, Michel Pagnoux
ID: 7112
Видавництво: Vial

Ce très important ouvrage d’érudition aborde l’ensemble des constituants matériels et immatériels de l’oeuvre peinte. Sous forme de dictionnaire, il s’adresse à tous les publics autour de la peinture et de l’histoire de l’art. Les sujets sont approfondis et offrent des connaissances multiples dans les domaines suivants : les techniques et pratiques de la peinture ; les matériaux et leur chimie ; l’histoire de l’art, de l’esthétique et de la philosophie.

Henry Harvard
ID: 7110
Видавництво: Vial

La réédition de ce dictionnaire de référence comble un manque. Publié en 1890, cet ouvrage traite de l’ensemble des thèmes relatifs à l’ameublement et à la décoration. Il comporte de nombreuses définitions et références artistiques et constitue un support dans la connaissance et l’analyse des objets et des lieux par les amateurs et les professionnels.

Justin Storck
ID: 7113
Видавництво: Vial

2600 entrées, 980 pages, 4540 illustrations.
Ce livre est la réédition du célèbre Dictionnaire de Menuiserie, Ébénisterie et Charpente datant du début du XXe siècle. Il s’agit du dictionnaire le plus complet jamais publié sur le sujet, travail considérable qui demanda cinq années de travail à une équipe de spécialistes.
C’est une mine de renseignements où le lecteur trouvera la définition de milliers de termes techniques utilisés par les artisans du bois, coiffant tout le vocabulaire spécifique ou commun aux trois disciplines. Il permet de connaître la terminologie dont la plus grande partie est toujours en usage de nos jours,.et donne des indications précieuses sur les méthodes traditionnelles utilisées dans les métiers du bois. De très nombreux dessins techniques, schémas et illustrations viennent enrichir les définitions.
L’édition originale comprend trois volumes. Elle est ici reproduite en fac-similé mais légèrement réduite en taille, ce qui permet de la proposer en un seul tome plus maniable.
Pour l’anecdote, on peut remarquer que ce Dictionnaire est une rareté éditoriale, puisqu’à partir de la page 144 qui est doublée, les pages impaires se retrouvent à gauche.

Public : Ce livre s’adresse aux professionnels comme aux amateurs. Il intéressera tous ceux qui travaillent le bois ou veulent simplement connaître les termes, les techniques et les outils utilisés dans les métiers du bois.
Un complément plus moderne est le Nouveau Dictionnaire pratique du bois de Georges Cartannaz.

Richard Pare
ID: 6848
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Die Avantgarde-Architektur der 20er Jahre wird heute fast ausschließlich mit dem Bauhaus oder Le Corbusier assoziiert. »Neues Bauen«, für konservative Zeitgenossen seinerzeit ein Schimpfwort, in seiner deutschen Sprachfassung jedoch bald international ein Begriff, beschränkte sich aber keineswegs nur auf die westlichen Metropolen. Nach der Oktoberrevolution von 1917 begann sich das junge sowjetische Rußland zu formieren und auch nach außen als radikal neu darzustellen. Neu waren schließlich auch die Bauaufgaben: Gewerkschaftshäuser und Arbeiterclubs, Kraftwerke und Fabriken, kollektive Wohnanlagen und Sanatorien für die Werktätigen, staatliche Großkaufhäuser, Partei- und Verwaltungsbauten, ein Mausoleum für Lenin… Nicht nur in Moskau und St. Petersburg, auch im fernen Baku (Aserbaidschan), in Sochi am Schwarzen Meer oder im ukrainischen Charkow hielt die Moderne Einzug mit Bauten aus Glas, Stahl und Beton. Utopie, Bauhaus-Ästhetik und russischer Konstruktivismus fanden sich hier in einem auch quantitativ einzigartigen Experiment, das damals weltweit Aufsehen erregte: Avantgarde pur. Wie in Deutschland endete dieses innovative Abenteuer Anfang der 30er Jahre, als die politische und akademische Reaktion die Führung in der Partei übernahm. Die Auflösung der UdSSR 1991 gab den letzten Zeugen dieses so kurzlebigen Aufbruchs in die Moderne schließlich den Rest. Bis auf wenige prominente Ausnahmen erst verunstaltet, dann vergessen und verwahrlost, wurde ein Viertel der noch existierenden Bauten in den letzten Jahren Opfer der Spekulation. Das Buch dokumentiert die Relikte dieser »verlorenen Avantgarde« in ebenso beeindruckenden wie ernüchternden Photographien, die der renommierte britische Architekturphotograph Richard Pare auf mehreren Reisen durch die ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken in den 90er Jahren aufgenommen hat.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги  Die verlorene Avantgarde: Russische Revolutionsarchitektur 1922-1932  в pdf-формате на сайте издательства.

Русскоязычное издание книги Потерянный авангард. Русская модернистская архитектура 1922-1932

Antoine Picon
ID: 7390
Видавництво: Birkhauser

Today's explosive developments in digital technology have also affected architecture and the urban landscape.

The new possibilities opened up by digital simulation have led to an increasingly strategic approach to planning, an approach based on generating scenarios, which thus represents a radical departure from traditional planning. From the preliminary sketch all the way to the production of individual building components, digital tools offer new possibilities that were still inconceivable just a few years ago.

This volume provides a profound introduction to the important role of digital technologies in design and execution. In four chapters, the author systematically examines the influence of digital culture on architecture but also on the urban landscape as well as product design. The relationship of digital architecture to the city is also an important focus.

ID: 4417
Видавництво: Archiworld

This book singles out the approaches of architects or interior designers around the world and makes use of graphic images to settle the principles of their works. With the book, you can have a chance to recognize their architectural thinking and creative idea and meet new spatial concepts.

6 Son-O-House
12 Stockholm City Library
20 Nuragic and Contemporary Art Museum
28 National Library of the Czech Republic
34 Skyscraper Competition 2007
40 National Library of the Czech Republic
50 Theatre Agora
62 ephemeralMATTER
72 Para-city
76 Dragonfly
86 Rossignol"s Global Headquarters
94 Les Tribunes - Philharmonie de Paris
106 Paris Courthouse(TGI)
112 Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art
122 Casitas Gradient Housing
132 Euroscraper
138 Watercube, National Swimming Center
148 People"s Building(REN)
152 Hydropolis
158 technoCLOUD
164 Light House
172 DMC B6/2 Office Building
180 Zero Restrain Mobility
186 Rooted Flow, Seoul Performing Arts Center
192 Fake Plastic Trees
198 Sustainable Dance Club
206 C_Wall
210 Tulum Site Museum
214 National Kaohsiung Performing Arts Center
220 Bahai Temple for South America
226 Ozeaneum
232 MUMUT Theatre
240 New Health Science Campus for the University of Granada
250 Renewal of "Giustintano Imperatore?Area
258 Mixed-use Towers in Fujian
264 Los Angeles, 2107
270 Rotating Tower
276 Euro Plaza
280 Terra Incognita
286 Linked Hybrid
298 Apartments in Schwerzenbach
304 An Inverted Skyscraper Typology
310 adaptiveARCHIVE
314 Renovation and New Building for the Madrid Architectural Society
322 Floating Island, National Museum of Fine Arts, Beijing(MONAC)
328 New Headquarters for the Province of Arezzo
352 Kindergarten Tree of Dreams
358 Flat City Link City Zero City

ID: 4418
Видавництво: Archiworld

This book singles out the approaches of architects or interior designers around the world and makes use of graphic images to settle the principles of their works. With the book, you can have a chance to recognize their architectural thinking and creative idea and meet new spatial concepts.


6 Stockholm Public Library
14 Health Sciences Campus, University of Granada
20 Jeongok Museum of Pre-History
28 Estonian Academy of the Arts + Prototype
34 Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition, Shenzhen
40 Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition(MoCAPE)
48 Nestl?Chocolate Museum
56 Automotion Museum
64 Organization of Islamic Conference(OIC), Jeddah
72 Daalma
80 National Library of the Czech Republic
88 Sundsvall Performing Arts Theater
96 Cipea
102 CentrePointe
110 Metonymic Landscape
118 Dongdaemun World Design Park & Complex
124 European Solidarity Center
130 Abbey Mills Riverine Islamic Center
136 Mermaid Wellness Center
142 Lilypad
152 Anti-Smog Paris
160 Mountain Dwellings
166 VM House
176 Maritime Youth House
182 Jellyfish House
190 Conway House
202 20?Isometric House
210 Mersey Observation Deck
216 Novosibirsk Summer Pavilion
222 Auditorium & Movie theater, Saint cyprien
230 Aurum(PS1 MoMA 2007-Finalist)
238 PS1 MoMA 2008
246 Convex Hull
256 Tower Infinity
264 Inverse Obelisk
274 City Tower
282 Cheongna City Tower
290 Ecomic Mexico City
298 Eiffel DNA
306 Freaks Towers
314 Hydro-Net History Channel, City of the Future : San Francisco, 2108
322 Multipurpose Urban Mix
328 Perfumed Jungle - Hong Kong
336 Playa Lava
342 Central Open Space
348 Masterplan in Vilnius
356 Nabilrera
364 Hill Fantasia

ID: 7676
Видавництво: Gestalten
Visionary architecture with a conscience.
As their name suggests, GRAFT’s groundbreaking architecture and design crosses boundaries and “grafts” the creative potentials and methodologies of different disciplines to each other. By doing so, the collective has created a pioneering visual language that takes surprising and seemingly contrary combinations of ideas and melds them into projects that are aesthetically innovative as well as sustainable and socially meaningful.

Distinct Ambiguity is the first book to present GRAFT’s comprehensive body of work. It is structured into 5 thematic chapters that reflect the fundamental aspects of the collective’s inimitable approach. Each chapter - Ambiguity, Curiosity, Narration, Happiness, and Courage - is illustrated with stunning visuals of the work that best exemplifies the concept, from the celebrated projects of the Make It Right Foundation in New Orleans to resorts in harmony with their natural surroundings, zero-energy villas, and whimsical home furnishings.

Insightful chapter introductions and project descriptions provide detailed documentation of the inspiration, context, and processes involved in creating some of the most visionary and relevant architecture and design of our time.

Distinct Ambiguity features a foreword by director of Haus am Waldsee Dr. Katja Blomberg.
Michelle Galindo
ID: 7776
Видавництво: Braun

Doctors’ practices have become a new frontier in construction. Architects and designers around the world have risen to the challenge, successfully creating environments that are as innovative and inviting as they are functional. The patient finds himself or herself in well designed and comfortable surroundings, which contribute as much to the process of healing and recovery as well as the technical equipment and medical competence.

This title features 60 different offices and practices created for a wide variety of fields, from dentistry and pediatrics to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The architects and designers featured demonstrate the most creative solutions to the very particular demands of the healthcare sector.

From the contents:

_Dental Practice Gdent in Vittoria, Spain (Francesc Rifé)
_Mid Atlantic Skin-Surgery Institut in Washington, DC, USA (Forma Architect)
_Ear, Nose and Throat Center  in Tokyo, Japan (L2ds)
_Embryocare Clinic in Athenes, Greece (mab architects)
_Pediatrics and Traditional Medecine Practice in Cologne, Germany (100% interior)

Pino Scaglione, Gregor Sailer
ID: 9742
Видавництво: Actar

DOLOMITI is the first in a collection of annual books on the Dolomites, with a different and more detailed view than that offered by the traditional iconography of this place, recently declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO. This view, the result of the overlapping work in photography, architecture and urban planning is explained together with research on the alpine landscape produced by the Dolomites Workshop, established at the University of Trento in cooperation with other European schools of architecture. This first volume consists of original images by photographer Gregor Sailer and a series of texts describing the various stages of the UNESCO nomination process.

DOLOMITI è il primo di una collezione di volumi annuali sulle Dolomiti, con uno sguardo diverso e più acuto rispetto alla iconografia tradizionale di questi luoghi, di recente patrimono Unesco. Uno sguardo frutto del lavoro incrociato tra fotografia, architettura e urbanistica che articolano, insieme, ricerche sul paesaggio alpino nell’Atelier Around Dolomiti, istituito presso l'Università di Trento in collaborazione con altre Scuole di Architettura europee.
Questo primo volume è composto da originali immagini del fotografo Gregor Sailer e da una serie di testi che descrivono i diversi passaggi, dalla candidatura Unesco, alla natura delle Dolomiti, fino alle prime ricerche avviate sul questo affascinante complesso naturale.
"Geoscape" è la sintesi che rappresenta al meglio l'area dolomitica, frutto di uno straordinario incrocio tra geografia e geologia determinanti il paesaggio, ma alludendo anche ad una nuova maniera di affrontare la conoscenza e il progetto per i contesti di particolare sensibilità.

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