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Dieter Blum
ID: 2390
Видавництво: teNeues

Here is a collection of dance photographs unlike any other. In a series of breathtakingly beautiful pictures taken over a period of five years, Dieter Blum focuses his astute camera on 37 of 53 dancers in the world-renowned Stuttgart Ballet to explore the sculptural aspects of this exquisitely schooled human form; its strength, suppleness, discipline, mystery and possibilities for movement. Blum succeeds in capturing the dynamic movement, musicality, and magic of the classically trained dance artist. Each photograph is a distilled, evocative frozen fragment of an art form that by its nature is fleeting and ephemeral.

- A collection of nude dance unlike any other

- Strikingly beautiful photographs that explore the sculptural aspects of this exquisitely schooled human form

Dirk Krauzig
ID: 6770
Видавництво: Edition Skylight

After having appeared in vast numbers of books and magazines, Pussy Club is the first collection of photos by Dirk Krauzig, the highly regarded photographer who understands uniquely how to show off his models in their best possible light.

In Pussy Club, Dirk once again demonstrates his skill at combining the provocative with the elegant. His work is classical, the lighting extravagant. Out of the darkness, his models fix the observer with dignity, charisma and a powerful erotic magnetism. Seductive divas with erotic secrets...

Located in historic city walls with just the right kind of atmosphere, a club bar serves as a suitable backdrop. Here, where the heart of life normally beats a pace, fascinating ladies take to the stage with no one else for company. Here they show off their passionate side, self-possessed, proud, and breathtakingly beautiful.

Come with us on a trip to a secret sensual universe of soft tender light and velvety shadows. Let the sensuality and sultry atmosphere of this book seduce you!

Nach ungezählten Veröffentlichungen in Magazinen und Büchern erscheint mit Pussy Club der erste eigene Bildband des renommierten Fotografen Dirk Krauzig, der es auf so einzigartige Weise versteht, seine Modelle mit Licht zu umhüllen.

In Pussy Club beweist Dirk Krauzig einmal mehr, daß es möglich ist, Provokantes und Eleganz miteinander zu verbinden. Seine Arbeiten sind klassisch, die Lichtführung extravagant und seine Modelle treten dem Betrachter würdevoll, charismatisch und mit machtvoller erotischer Ausstrahlung aus dem Dunkel entgegen. Verführerische Diven voller Geheimnisse...

Als atmosphärisch dichte Kulisse dient eine Club-Bar in historischen Mauern. Hier, wo normalerweise pulsierendes Leben herrscht, betreten faszinierende Frauen ganz allein die Bühne, zeigen sich und ihre Leidenschaften, selbstbewußt, stolz und wunderschön.

Kommen Sie mit auf eine Reise in ein geheimnisvolles erotisches Universum, durch weiches Licht und samtige Schatten und lassen Sie sich von der Sinnlichkeit und Atmosphäre dieses Buches verführen!

Martin Sigrist (Editor)
ID: 7183
Видавництво: Edition Skylight

Often referred to poetically as the “delta of venus” , this mysterious, triangular-shaped area, nestling by the female crotch is what doubtless attracts virtually every man (and also many women) more than any other! What is it about the look of a woman’s tush (or pussy, as it is also affectionately called) that is so fascinating? In our topless age, why is this most feminine of all forbidden zones still strictly shielded from prying eyes? Who knows, who can say? However, it is common knowledge that nothing inspires erotic imagination more than this yummy triangle, which attracts voyeuristic looks as magically as the Bermuda Triangle attracts ships and aeroplanes.

The incredible variety of shapes and colors, both inside and outside, featuring everything from bold hair styles to naked hairless pleasure, is simply breathtaking. It is almost as if the pussies are before our very eyes, glistening slightly, and we are virtually able to inhale their seductive scent or taste it; these pussies have been very skillfully photographed to set them off in the very best light. Enjoy!

Didier Carré, Ludmilla Foblova, Emanuel Fouquet, Ulrich Grolla, J. Stephen Hicks, Dirk Krauzig, Chas Ray Krider, Karl Louis, Bryon Paul McCartney, Jean Najean, George Pitts, Katerina Rudlova, Jiri Ruzek, Jim Fredlund, Frank Sabino, Renee Azcra Woodward, Ragnar Gischas, Robert Baham, Carnish, Felix Kirsch, Günther Hagedorn, Stephan B., Dimitar Petrov, Mark Page, Jeremy Saffer, Veselin Valchev, Jürgen Wunderlich, Sabine Modotti, Igor Amelkovich, Stefan Schaal

Poetisch oft als „Delta der Venus“ verklärt, ist jenes geheimnisvolle Dreieck im Schoße der Frau wohl derjenige Körperteil, der fast alle Männer (und auch viele Frauen!) anzieht wie kein anderer. Was macht den Anblick dieser Pussies und Muschis und wie wir sie sonst noch liebevoll nennen, so faszinierend? Ist es das auch im Zeitalter des „oben Ohne“ immer noch vor Blicken streng gehütete weiblichste aller Geheimnisse? Wer weiß es schon! Nichts dient aber der Beflügelung der erotischen Fantasie mehr als dieses magische Dreieck, das voyeuristische Blicke so magisch anzieht wie das Bermuda-Dreieck Schiffe und Flugzeuge.

Man glaubt sie förmlich leicht glänzend vor sich zu sehen, ihren verführerischen Duft einzuatmen oder sie gar zu schmecken, diese fotografisch kunstvoll ins beste Licht gesetzten Pussies.

Ähnlich wie bei anderen Bildbänden aus dem Skylight-Verlag, etwa über prachtvolle Brüste (Boob Mania), knackige Hinterteile (Hot Cheeks 1 + 2) und die mehr oder weniger behaarten Dreiecke (Shaven or Unshaven), vermögen diese intimsten Aufnahmen für den Kenner und Liebhaber der puren Weiblichkeit zur echten Manie zu werden.

Susanna Brown
ID: 8036
Видавництво: V&A Victoria Albert Museum

Photographer, costume designer, avid diarist - Cecil Beaton was also a 'romantic royalist' whose glittering photographs of Queen Elizabeth II became among the most widely published portraits of the twentieth century. This fascinating book explores Beaton's long relationship with the Queen and the royal family and describes how his royal portraits shaped the monarchy's public image from the 1930s to the late 1960s. It is a celebration of Beaton, the enduring flair of his portraits, and the myriad sources of inspiration that resulted in photographs so powerful that they moulded the world's perception of a princess, monarch and mother.

ID: 7192
Видавництво: Aperture

In Radiant Identities, photographer Jock Sturges explores issues of youth and the liberation of body and spirit.

These unforgettable images are made from his own circle of acquaintances and family; the settings are their homes and stretches of naturist beaches in France and Northern California. In superb reproductions, Sturges evokes the classical spirit of Old Master paintings and late-nineteenth-century photographic tableaux, while probing concepts of emergent sexuality and psychological intimacy. Radiant Identities is the second volume in Sturges's ongoing work. Physically and psychically revealing, these deeply felt images are gloriously natural and wonderfully compelling. Elizabeth Beverly's introductory essay, drawn in part from conversations with Sturges's subjects, adds a new dimension to the photographs.

These personal reflections shed light on the unique collaborative process by which Sturges's remarkable photographs are made. In the book's afterword, noted photography critic A.D. Coleman places Sturges in the context of current debates surrounding censorship in the arts, and discusses the themes of innocence and sexuality in the photographs.

James Parry
ID: 3763
Видавництво: Welbeck Publishing

Rainforests are special places. Strung around the globe across five continents, they are natural cathedrals on the grandest scale, their lush, humid precincts not only places of great beauty but also home to more than fifty per cent of the world's known wildlife species. This is biodiversity at its most dramatic: a bewildering variety of plants, birds, mammals and invertebrates depend on the rainforest environment, with the total number of species continuing to grow almost daily as scientists make constant new discoveries. Yet, while we still have so much more to learn about rainforests, they are disappearing - cleared and burned, thanks to human greed for land and demand for timber and other forest resources.

In "Rainforest Safari", James Parry explores these extraordinary landscapes with reference to 25 sites, and reveals the fascinating range of wildlife they support. The book looks at the various types of rainforest, at their different ecosystems and at the diverse features that make them such exciting places to visit." Rainforest Safari" also looks at the human dimension of rainforests: at the indigenous peoples whose way of life is firmly rooted in the forest ecosystem, at the devastating impact of uncontrolled deforestation and other forms of exploitation, and at the conservation work now underway to try and save what is left of these unique habitats. In the final chapter, the book takes a forward view, assessing what the future may hold for rainforests, especially in view of their value in the battle to stem climate change.

Foreword; Intro; A Background to Rainforests; Africa (6 sites); Asia (7 sites); Australasia (3 sites); North America (2 sites); Central, South America (6 sites); The Future for Rainforests; Resources; Index.

Ralph Gibson
ID: 4373
Видавництво: Taschen

A decade after his first TASCHEN book, Deus ex machina, master photographer Ralph Gibson returns with an exquisite collection of nudes, combining the best of his recent work with an in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, Gibson’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to greats such as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.

Ralph Gibson, Eric Fischl
ID: 9403
Видавництво: Taschen

Perfectly intimate. The infinite subtlety of the female form

Master photographer Ralph Gibson returns with an exquisite collection of nudes, combining the best of his work with an in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, Gibson’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to greats such as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.

Eric Fischl
ID: 13926
Видавництво: Taschen

Perfectly Intimate. The infinite subtlety of the female form

Master photographer Ralph Gibson returns with an exquisite collection of nudes, combining the best of his work with an in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, Gibson’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to such greats as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.

Sensual and softly surreal, the nude photography of Ralph Gibson frames the female form both organically and graphically, referencing art history while also innovating in the arena of erotic imagery, at once summoning visceral sensation and calling out for tactile attention. Thumb through this exquisite tribute to the contours and curves of womanhood and experience the intimacy of the photographic lens.

Reviving TASCHEN’s sold-out Collector’s Edition, this tribute gathers the best of Gibson’s exquisite nudes alongside some of his most recent works in an accessible, revised format, complete with a fresh in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, the master photographer’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to greats such as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.

"A photographer once said that beauty in women is endless. Perhaps it was I who said it. [...] I love photographing women and could say that the form of the female body is absolute and perfect." —Ralph Gibson

The photographer:

Ralph Gibson began taking pictures while in the U.S. Navy in the 1950s, and later assisted Dorothea Lange and Robert Frank before establishing his own studio in New York. The recipient of NEA and Guggenheim grants, Gibson was made a Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government in 2002.

The author:

Eric Fischl is an internationally renowned figurative painter and sculptor. Born in New York and educated in Arizona and California, he is currently based in the New York area with his wife, painter April Gornik.

Ray Petri, Mitzi Lorenz
ID: 5126
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Ray Petri, der "König des Männer-Stylings", war einer der einflussreichsten und erfolgreichsten Mode-Stylisten der 80er-Jahre. Als er 1989 starb, wünschte er sich von seinen Freunden, ein Buch über seine Buffalo-Arbeit zusammenzustellen. Dieses liegt nun vor, und das Ergebnis ist ein Lobgesang auf einen Mann, der als erster Männern Röcke anzog und schwarze Models einsetzte.

Was aber war Buffalo? Der Begriff kommt aus der Karibik und bedeutet etwa so viel wie "harte Jungs, Aufsässige". Buffalo war eine Gruppe junger, kreativer Leute, die sich aus Sängern (Nick Kamen, Neneh Cherry), Fotografen (u.a. Jamie Morgan und Marc Lebon), Stylisten (Mitzi Lorenz u.a.) und Ray Petri, der treibenden Kraft hinter allem, zusammensetzte. Durch ihre Arbeit im Bereich der Männermode definierten sie den urbanen Look der Jugendkultur der 80er-Jahre. Petri beschrieb Buffalo als einen "funktionalen und gestylten Look; Antimode mit einer gehörigen Prise Rotzigkeit." Wie bei fast allen Veröffentlichungen des Verlags Schirmer/Mosel, ist auch dieses Buch ein liebevoll und aufwändig gestalteter Fotoband. 150 meist großformatige Schwarzweiß- und Farbaufnahmen sowie mehrere Essays von Freunden und Bekannten bringen die Atmosphäre der wilden Zeit der Buffalos und das Besondere, das Ungewöhnliche dieser ungestümen Gruppe hervorragend rüber.

Am beeindruckendsten an diesem Band ist, dass die Bilder und Stylings sich von allen anderen Modefotografien der Achtziger dahingehend unterscheiden, dass sie zeitlos sind -- auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass dieser Begriff abgegriffen erscheint. Vielen erscheint die Mode der 80er-Jahre -- selbst heute, in der Zeit des "Retro" -- als unmöglich und schrecklich hässlich. Ganz anders in diesem Buch: Obwohl es eine Hymne auf die Achtziger ist, erzählen die Bilder ebenso von früheren oder späteren -- und auch von heutigen Zeiten. Sie sind einfach anders und... na: zeitlos eben! Grund genug, sie sich immer wieder und wieder anzusehen. Und was verlangt man mehr von einem guten, gelungenen Fotoband?

Henry Carroll
ID: 12499
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

From the author of the best-selling Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs series, this jargon-free introduction covers all aspects of photographing places, including landscapes, cityscapes, architecture and interiors.

Whatever your camera, whatever your interest, whatever your level, this indispensable guide gives you all the essential techniques and demystifies the work of acclaimed photographers. Packed with practical tips and iconic images, this accessible book will arm you with the know-how you need to take meaningful pictures of the places that matter to you most.

Featuring 50 master photographers, including Alec Soth, Martin Parr, Robert Adams, Todd Hido, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Julius Shulman, Rinko Kawauchi, Thomas Ruff, Tim Hetherington and Joel Sternfeld.

About the Author:

Henry Carroll studied photography at the Royal College of Art and his work has been exhibited worldwide. Henry’s clear, jargon-free style of teaching has demystified digital photography and inspired thousands to get creative with their cameras.

Mr and Mrs T on Tour
ID: 13040
Видавництво: teNeues

“Acting more sustainably should not stop with driving an electric car, but it is a good start!”
– Mr & Mrs T on Tour

Get in, drive off, and recharge positive energy sustainably

Long journeys in an electric car — this is no longer a dream of the future!

Travelling the world in an electric car; tracking down special places on the way where you can recharge not only your car but also your own batteries; and inspiring others to simply travel more sustainably and with much more energy — these are the goals of Ralf Schwesinger and Nicole Wanner, alias “Mr & Mrs T on Tour.”

Sustainability, climate protection, saving resources: we hear these concepts every day. So, too, do we hear of those free spirits who quit their regular day-to-day lives, leave everything behind, and set off to explore the world. Mr & Mrs T show us just how to combine such personal freedom with a sustainable planet: electromobility.

In 2016, the couple bought an electric car. Two years later, they quit their jobs, closed the door on their apartment, said goodbye to their family and friends, and embarked on an electric driving adventure around the world. 

 In this special EV travel guide, they show us the 50 most beautiful hotels of their journey through Europe. Every hotel is unique, but each allows the opportunity to recharge one’s batteries, and always welcomes you as a guest — whether you are driving an electric car or not. Through beautiful photographs and inspiring texts, Mr & Mrs T give us authentic insight into their journey and valuable suggestions for surrounding sights, leisure activities, restaurants, and events within each region. In addition, they have dedicated a very special chapter in the book to the subject of “Traveling by Electric Car,” which provides orientation for newcomers and also for those who already have experience.

Join Mr & Mrs T on Tour on an electric driving adventure! 

About the Authors:

Ralf Schwesinger and Nicole Wanner had good positions with renowned Swiss companies, but the purchase of a Tesla completely changed their lives. The opportunity to experience the world on electric wheels combined with their spirit of adventure led the couple to embark on an e-mobility world tour, crafting a unique sustainable travel guide along the way. The couple visits each documented hotel themselves, for authentic firsthand recommendations.

- A comprehensive e-vehicle travel guide to Europe
- Featuring the best places, the most beautiful hotels, and insider tips
- With information on e-mobility and travel by electric car

Nick Hannes
ID: 7711
Видавництво: Lannoo

Communism and its fall had a worldwide impact, but none felt the changes more than the previously Soviet states. In 2007 and 2008, photographer Nick Hannes travelled across the 15 former Soviet republics and took pictures of the different consequences of the breakdown of the Soviet Union in 1991. This publication includes intense photography of a developing region full of contrasts: extreme wealth amidst poverty; and golden statues of new dictators in cities of concrete. It shows how much change has already occured and how much is still to come, with experienced photographer Nick Hannes' poignant images.

Guido Argentini
ID: 2358
Видавництво: teNeues

69 color and 28 duotone photographs

When we look in a mirror, we consider who we are, and who we want to be. These female nudes from the master of erotic photography challenge our perception of what is real and what is not. Argentini skillfully plays with mirrors to achieve unusual perspectives. The resulting images combine come-hither sensuality with sophisticated distance. With all this posturing and role-play, who knows what will happen next? Decide for yourself who is the fairest of them all.

Guido Argentini was born in Florence, Italy in 1966. He has lived in Los Angeles since 1990 and has photographed for Vogue, Marie Claire, Playboy, Max and Men's Health.

Elliott Erwitt
ID: 11164
Видавництво: teNeues

Photographic master Elliott Erwitt has created many noteworthy portraits of womankind over the years.

Regarding Women is Elliott Erwitt’s evocative personal tribute to female strength, intelligence, and beauty. Conveying respect, admiration, and sometimes awe, these photographs portray all the complex elements that make up the feminine nature, whether formidable and tenacious, or occasionally capricious and coy. Through capturing their many varied facets, Erwitt shares his insights into how all kinds of women make their way in — not to mention their mark on — the world. The archival material spans several generations, with many images not previously published or rarely seen before. In these pages, readers will find romance and glamour, touches of sensuality as well as much affection, and those disarming flashes of candid everyday humor that are so quintessentially Erwitt.

 - From everyday settings to movie stars on the town, Erwitt presents his homage to women across the globe
 - Another compelling addition to any collection of Erwitt’s work
 - An ideal gift for women — and their admirers!
 - On April 23rd, 2015 Elliott Erwitt will receive the 2015 Sony World Photography Award for Outstanding Contribution to Photography

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