Города мира

Книги по архитектуре городов мира

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Angelika Taschen
ID: 1614
Издательство: Taschen

Go traipsing through Berlin and be sure to catch all the most trendy, original, and traditional shops with this guide to the best the city's shops have to offer. Whether you're a fan of avant-garde fashion or old-fashioned handmade items - or both - we've got all your bases covered. As always, we also suggest perfect places to grab a bite or relax with a refreshing drink while on your shopping spree.


  • Adidas Originals Store
  • DIM, 130-year-old, wickerwork and brush shop where products are made by physically and mentally handicapped people
  • Steiff famous German teddy bears, company founded in 1877
  • Original Erzgebirgskunst, decorative wooden items from a famous German region of traditional crafts
  • KPM (Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur) German Royal Porcelain founded in 1763 where you can buy vases designed by famous architect Karl-Friedrich Schinkel
  • Jünemanns Pantoffel-Eck, handmade felt slippers
  • Ausberlin, souvenirs made in and about Berlin such as books or candles shaped like the Brandenburger Tor
  • Andreas Murkudis, avant-garde fashion, impressive selection of cutting-edge labels and young Berlin brands
  • Chocolatier Erich Hamann, scrumptious chocolate made in Berlin in a shop designed by Bauhaus icon Johannes Itten in 1928
  • KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens), opened in 1907, it is Europe’s largest department store with an outrageous delicatessen department
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Hans Christian Adam
ID: 1615
Издательство: Taschen

A photographic journey into the city's history

Berlin has survived two world wars, was divided by a wall during the Cold War, and after the fall of the Wall was re-united. The city emerged as a center of European power and culture. From 1860 to the present day, this book presents the story of Berlin in photographs, portraits, maps, and aerial views. With nearly 700 pages of emotional, atmospheric images, from giddy pictures of the Roaring Twenties to devastating images of war to heartwarming postwar photos of a city picking up the pieces - the Reichstag in ruins and later wrapped by Christo and Jeanne-Claude - this is the most comprehensive photographic study on Berlin ever made. More than a tribute to the city and its civic, social, and photographic history, this book especially pays homage to Berlin’s inhabitants: full of hope and strength, in their faces is reflected Berlin’s undying soul.

• Including images by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Helmut Newton, René Burri, Robert Capa, Thomas Struth, and Wolfgang Tillmans as well as well-known Berlin photo-chroniclers such as Friedrich Seidenstücker, Erich Salomon, Willy Römer, and Heinrich Zille.
• Quotations from Berliners and Berlin connoisseurs such as Vladimir Nabokov, Alfred Döblin, Herwarth Walden, Marlene Dietrich, Billy Wilder, Max Schmeling, Willy Brandt, Helmut Newton, Simon Rattle, and David Bowie.

Also included: an index of photographers’ biographies.

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Philipp Oswalt
ID: 14010
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Berlin was shaped by the events of the twentieth century in a process of “automatic urbanism.” More than any other metropolis, the city absorbed the forces of that epoch — modernity, fascism, two world wars, Stalinism, socialism, the Cold War, revolt, capitalism — and gave them form. This book shows how even today, opposed ideological, political, economic, and military forces continue to produce unplanned structures and activities and urban phenomena beyond the categories of urban design and architecture that conceal rich potential. Berlin reveals particularly clearly phenomena that have shaped urban development in the twentieth century in other places as well: conglomeration, collision of borders, ­destruction, void, mass, metabolism, and simulation. The present book, which caused a sensation when first published in German twenty years ago, is now being published in English for the first time. Its surprising and informative analysis of ­Berlin as a prototype of the modern city destroys the ideologies of heroic modernity as well as the new nationalisms and shows how the modern city “as found” can become the point of departure for new forms of context-specific architecture and urban planning.

Taking Berlin as a prototype, Philipp Oswalt’s lucid analysis describes how much the built environment of cities is influenced by the unintended side-effects of political, economic, and technological processes. This “automatic urbanism” reveals modernist master-planning and national building traditions as being a myth. Instead, the book offers a both socially and ecologically more sensitive, more responsible approach to develop cities “as found.”
Saskia Sassen, Columbia University New York

This English edition of Philipp Oswalt’s now-classic study could not be more timely. Every effort to understand the modern city must contend with Berlin, the twentieth century’s anti-capital. Its lessons, presented here with singular insight and authority, remain necessary to anyone thinking about what that word — “city” — might still mean today.
Reinhold Martin, Columbia University New York

Berlin has never only been a theatre in the battle between ideas and ideologies. Rather, it has always been the material means by which these ideas clash against each other. If the struggle for our futures must take place in Berlin, as our historical moment seems to demand, there is no better guide than Philipp Oswalt’s now classic Berlin: City Without Form. His scholarly ingenuity and perceptive architect’s eye are only matched by a commitment to the future of his city.
Eyal Weizman, Goldsmiths/University of London


Архитектурный облик Берлина сформировался под влиянием совокупности факторов, которые Филипп Освальт объединяет термином «automatic urbanism». Город запечатлел в себе стили, идеологии, политические системы и трагедии прошлого века – и облек их в архитектурную форму. В этом исследовании показано, как противостояние идеологий, политических, экономических и военных сил порождает спонтанные строительные и градостроительные явления, выходящие за рамки архитектуры и урбанистики и обладающие значительным потенциалом.

Облик Берлина также определяется влиянием иных глобальных факторов (что характерно и для многих мегаполисов Европы): образованием конгломератов, вопросами спорных границ территорий, масштабными сносами, дисбалансом пустот и плотной застройки и проч. Эта книга произвела фурор еще двадцать лет назад, когда была опубликована на немецком языке. Теперь она впервые переведена на английский. Не теряющий актуальности подробный анализ Берлина как образца современного города разрушает идеи героического модернизма и нового национализма. И сегодня Берлин XX века становится вдохновением для новых форм в архитектуре и градостроительстве.

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Harro Schweizer, Edelgard Abenstein
ID: 4862
Издательство: Ullmann

This richly illustrated volume offers a comprehensive insight into this metropolis' boundless diversity. In sensitively written texts the author presents a journey through the most significant stages of Berlin's artistic and architectual history, from its beginning to the present day. More than 600 splendid photographs document the eventful artistic and cultural development of this extraordinay city, which to this day is famous for its pulsating life. The Reichstag building, the Brandenburg Gate, the Palace of Charlottenburg, and Potsdamer Platz are only a few of the many stops the viewer can explore in detail.

Berlin, seit 1990 wieder gesamtdeutsche Hauptstadt, zeichnet sich durch eine spannende und ungewöhnliche Geschichte aus, die sich in seiner einzigartigen Architektur und seinen zahlreichen Museen mit weltberühmten Kunstwerken widerspiegelt. Nicht zuletzt durch ihre einstige Teilung übt die Stadt Berlin eine ganz besondere Faszination aus.
Dieser reich illustrierte Band bietet einen umfangreichen Einblick in die grenzenlose Vielfalt dieser Metropole. In fachkundigen Texten durchschreiten die Autoren die wichtigsten Etappen von Berlins Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte von ihren Anfängen bis in die heutige Zeit. Über 600 prachtvolle Farbfotografien dokumentieren die ereignisreiche künstlerische und kulturelle Entwicklung dieser außergewöhnlichen Stadt, die bis heute für ihr pulsierendes Leben bekannt ist.

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Stephan Füssel
ID: 12994
Издательство: Taschen

More than four centuries on from its first publication, discover one of the jewels of urban cartography and civic studies.

This quality reprint includes the most enchanting colour plates from the Civitates orbis terrarum, a magnificent collection of town map engravings, produced between 1572 and 1617.

Featuring plans, bird’s-eye views, and maps for all major cities in Europe, plus important urban centers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, this masterwork in urban mapping gives us a comprehensive view of city life at the turn of the 17th century. It was edited and annotated by theologian and publisher Georg Braun and largely engraved by Franz Hogenberg, but also involved over a hundred different artists and cartographers who contributed not only town views, but additional elements, such as figures in local dress, courtroom scenes, and topographical details, to help convey the situation, commercial power, and political influence of each city.

TASCHEN's reprint contextualizes the plates with selected extracts from Braun’s original texts on the history and significance of each urban center as well as detailed commentaries to place each city map in its cartographical and cultural context.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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Angelika Taschen (Editor)
ID: 3069
Издательство: Taschen
One cannot visit Brussels without being struck by its impressive architecture, from the ornate traditional buildings on the Grand Place to the plethora of Art Nouveau townhouses scattered throughout the city. This style guide begins with a collection of period photos of the city and in the main body features detailed photos of Brussels’s loveliest interiors, including works by renowned Art Nouveau architect Victor Horta, the minimal home designed by Vincent van Duysen, the classic antique-filled apartment by Axel Vervoordt, and examples of the work of interior designers Lionel Jadot and Agnes Emery.
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ID: 11522
Издательство: Prestel

"This book will enable a wider audience to engage with the brutalist architecture of London in a new way through crafting the models with their own hands"  - Norman Foster

In this fun and intellectually stimulating book, readers can recreate a number of London’s most renowned Brutalist buildings. Opening with an informative history of the origins and philosophy of Brutalist architecture, the book then focuses on 9 buildings, including the Barbican Estate, Robin Hood Gardens, Balfron Tower and the National Theatre.

The first part of the book looks at the significance of each of these buildings, with a short chapter on each, complete with texts and images.

The second part of the book consists of a series of 9 push-out and build cardboard models, printed on heavy card stock, that readers can detach and construct with easy-to-follow instructions.

At once fun and informative, this unique book offers a challenging and entertaining approach to architecture.

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Angelika Taschen (Editor)
ID: 3070
Издательство: Taschen
Immerse yourself completely in the look and feel of Buenos Aires living with this vivid and wide-ranging selection of photos, from cityscapes and exteriors to interiors and details. In sumptuous, full-page photos, the beautiful polo grounds of the region’s most famous estancia, the Benquerencia, are contrasted with views of a vast selection of homes both traditional and unusual, such as the eclectic apartment of artist Gustavo Godoy, decorated floor to ceiling with colorful antiques and religious paraphernalia. Also pictured are mainstays of Argentinean life and culture such as churascos (barbecue stands) and the much loved tango.
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ID: 2352
Издательство: Daab
Cape Town is the third most populous city in South Africa and it is receiving the largest number of tourists of any South African city. It is a vivid aspiring town with a lot of new Hotels and Restaurants. Cape Town's architecture is a fascinating mosaic of Asian, European and African traditions mixed with more and more modern elements. The city's image remains uniquely defined by the majesty of Table Mountain and the surrounding two oceans. Foreign investors, attracted by the temperate climate and spectacular views, have commissioned magnificient homes on the Atlantic seaboard. This book provides an insight to modern architectural projects in Cape Town from the last four years. Not only public and cultural buildings, such as Restaurants and Hotels but also private houses are shown in chapters. As far as available floor plans give additional insights.
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Carlos Broto
ID: 6159
Издательство: Links

Cities don't have to be faceless lines of gray boxes. City Embellishments Barcelona presents dozens of fresh ideas for bringing big cities back to a human scale. Small details like a carved facade, a tiny green space, benches, touches of bold color, a sheltering doorway, planters, and more. Each of these warm, distintive touches is expertly explained by the best authority available: the designing architects themselves.

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Martin N. Kunz
ID: 2046
Издательство: teNeues

300 color photographs

* Sports or cocktails, shopping or sightseeing, this handy volume covers everything that this Mediterranean hotspot has to offer…
 * Contains sections on the most interesting landmarks, restaurants and bars…and the top accommodations

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Martin N. Kunz
ID: 2047
Издательство: teNeues

300 color photographs 

* An up-to-the-minute assortment of London activities, whether it’s shopping, museum hopping or nightlife, along with the best places to stay, eat and drink…
* Where to go, what to do, and how to do it
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Firooz Zahedi, Jennifer Ash Rudick
ID: 17080
Издательство: Vendome Press

An interior design authority and a famed Angeleno photographer team up to present thirty of the most exceptional homes and gardens in one of the world’s most design-savvy cities

Los Angeles’s dramatic setting, Mediterranean climate, and outdoor lifestyle have long attracted creative individuals to its diverse neighborhoods. The thirty houses and gardens featured in City of Angels, designed by renowned architects, interior designers, and garden designers, offer a rich mix of quirkiness, elegance, glitz, and Hollywood pizazz. Expertly guided by author Jennifer Ash Rudick and photographer Firooz Zahedi, we visit Kelly Wearstler’s beach house in Malibu, Hutton Wilkinson’s exotic ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains, a midcentury modern Schindler house, John Lautner’s vertigo-inducing modernist glass box in the Hollywood Hills, and Richard Shapiro’s overgrown gardens surrounding a magnificent Hispano-Moorish house in Holmby Hills

About the Author:

Jennifer Ash Rudick is the author of Palm Beach Chic and Out East, a contributing editor to Veranda, and a producer of documentary films, including Iris, with Maysles Films, and Diner en Blanc. Firooz Zahedi was born in Tehran, Iran. After moving to the US, he became a photographer for Interview magazine and Vanity Fair. His work has appeared in Vogue, GQ, Town & Country, Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, and House Beautiful, and has been exhibited in galleries around the world.




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Catherine Collin
ID: 2495
Издательство: teNeues

130 color photographs

Long a jet set destination, the Cote d’Azur is perhaps the world’s number one playground. With a stunning array of clubs, shops, bars and restaurants, there’s a multitude of places to see and be seen. This guide also features some of the Cote d’Azur’s finest hotels. Of course, the people-watching here is unparalleled, with a racy mixture of international playboys, models, movie legends, and…paparazzi! This chic guide chronicles all the best places to sip a cocktail, bask in the sun, or boogie till dawn.

* Be part of the Cфte d’Azur, with this informative guide to the very best leisure and lifestyle opportunities
* A rich round-up of photographs profiles the best the Cote d’Azur has to offer
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Patrice Farameh
ID: 2497
Издательство: teNeues

A dazzling oasis of neon, there’s always something happening in this desert hot spot. In recent years Vegas has been reinvigorated with an influx of hip new hotels, restaurants, clubs and casinos. These new additions have all the traditional trappings of a Las Vegas good time, but with an added layer of chic. Day or night there’s always a scene! With savvy and panache, this insider guide shows you how to get past the velvet rope and into the spotlight.

* If it’s chic and cutting edge, it’s here; all the best leisure and lifestyle opportunities are chronicled in this informative guide to Las Vegas
* Fun photographs of the best Las Vegas has to offer

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