"Coolness" - on the one hand today a fashion word devoid of content, on the other a self-confidently lived, late-modern individual attitude and behavioral strategy with rebellious roots against a twisted and unjust world.
But what does the word "cool" actually mean and what does it mean "to be cool"? How does "coolness" become tangible? What makes coolness so appealing? Where do the terms come from? How has the matter evolved?
Which facets do we encounter when we take a closer look?
Michael Köckritz gets to the bottom of these questions with a holistic view, researches and collages history and stories, talks to interdisciplinary experts about backgrounds and developments, characteristics and criteria, identifies with you the icons and personalities that so strikingly shape our modern image of coolness. The result is an entertainingly stimulating as well as creative journey of discovery approaching the facets of a timelessly fascinating phenomenon of longing.
This reflected, precise look at the concepts of cool and coolness becomes an impressive plea for coolness as a timelessly modern, emotional experience and self-confident "attitude" that lives attractively from a refusal of bourgeois norms and not fitting in, and at the same time fascinates with a distinctly aesthetic dimension.
- A richly-illustrated homage to coolness as an attitude and an aesthetic
- An edgy project, both a documentary and a work of art, with a stunning visual execution and packed with creative energy
- Amusing, entertaining, yet also tremendously rich in layers given its interdisciplinary perspective
Cool. Whether it's a cool guy, cool sunglasses, or a cool film - the attribute 'cool', which until the early '90s was still the definitive identifier of rebellious youth culture speech, is now encountered globally and across all social classes in an almost inflationary manner.
The adjective 'cool' is now regarded as a vague paraphrase for something positively casual, and is particularly fond of offering itself to us with an aura of self-confident modernity and stylistic confidence. Unfortunately, whoever says 'cool' today often just means a fashion word, representative of who or what is currently hip and what is not. Everything that is somehow hip, trendy or 'in' is called 'cool'. Everything should, and everyone wants, to be cool.
On the one hand, 'coolness' is an empty buzzword, on the other hand, it is a self-confident, late-modern individual attitude and behavioural strategy with rebellious roots against a twisted and unjust world.
About the Author:
As a journalist, author, artist and media maker, Michael Köckritz always succeeds in setting attention-grabbing impulses in the context of contemporary and future topics as well as lifestyle and luxury worlds with good-humoured ease. As publisher and editor-in-chief, he has realised numerous book and lifestyle magazine formats that have regularly won numerous national and international awards for years. The car culture magazine ramp, the men's lifestyle magazine rampstyle and the design magazine ramp.design are published internationally and are considered style-setting.
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