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Dominique Clévenot, Gérard Degeorge
ID: 17577
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A dazzling study of the role and fundamental importance of decoration in Islamic architecture, available in a new compact format

Surface decoration has always played a fundamental role in Islamic architecture. As human representation is forbidden in Islamic religious monuments, designers employed mosaics, stucco, brickwork and ceramics, and the vigorous use of brilliant colour to reach unparalleled heights of expression. It is this ornamental dimension of Islamic architecture that is explored in this magnificent volume.

Rather than limiting itself to an exclusively historical or chronological perspective, Ornament and Decoration in Islamic Architecture presents four successive approaches to its subject. The first part offers an overview of Islamic architecture, discussing the great diversity it contains. Dealing exclusively with techniques, the second part considers the materials most often used as well as the expertise of the builders and Muslim decorative artists, and the third part explores themes in Islamic ornamentation. Section four discusses aesthetics, and studies the relationship between the buildings – the
structures or their architectonic components – and their ornamental coverings.

Each of these topics is presented through a number of outstanding examples and then through comparable monuments from all over the Islamic world. For anyone in thrall to such great wonders as the Taj Mahal and the Alhambra, and for everyone interested in the world of Islam, this lavish publication will be indispensable

Contents List:

1. Islamic Architecture and Decoration • 2. Materials and Techniques • 3. Ornamental Motifs • 4. Surface Art

About the Authors:

Dominique Clévenot is a professor at the University of Toulouse and is the author of several books on Islamic art.
Gérard Degeorge has contributed to several books on Islamic art and architecture, including The Art of the Islamic Tile and Damascus.

Ціна: 1800 грн
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Syracuse Ornamental Co.
ID: 10138
Видавництво: Dover

Hundreds of beautiful royalty-free line illustrations of intricately carved furniture trimmings. Delicate floral wreaths, scrolls, more.

Ціна: 680 грн
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Augustus C. Pugin
ID: 9598
Видавництво: Dover

This classic sourcebook of decorative motifs contains 100 plates of royalty-free Gothic designs, meticulously reproduced from rare 19th-century engravings. Many are floral and foliate designs rendered from panels, capitals, borders, brackets, friezes, grotesques, and other decorative elements from such architectural landmarks as New College Chapel at Oxford and Rouen Cathedral.


Пролистать книгу Pugin's Gothic Ornament: The Classic Sourcebook of Decorative Motifs with 100 Plates на Google books.

Ціна: 650 грн
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Daniel López-Pérez
ID: 18072
Видавництво: Lars Müller Publishers

Pattern-Thinking reassesses the work of Buckminster Fuller — unique hybrid between theoretician, architect, designer, educator, inventor, and author — as advancing contemporary models of design research, practice, and pedagogy. Drawing extensively on Fuller’s archive, the book follows his unique process of translation between the physical and conceptual dimensions of design, to redefine our understanding of the relationships between geometry, structure, language, and intellectual property.

Rather than being organized around a chronology of distinct narratives, Pattern-Thinking follows these parallel explorations as the basis for Fuller’s artifacts and inventions. In the space between lines, models, words, and patents, it traces his ambition to measure physical experience in an ever-expanding pattern of relationships, while coordinating these into a conceptual network of words and concepts that shape the basis for his thinking. Advocating a multidisciplinary and political perspective, Fuller’s transversal logic expands the knowledge base of contemporary models of design, which seek to find broader participation and to address new publics.

About the Authors:

Daniel López-Pérez, who has a PhD in the history and theory of architecture at Princeton University, is an Associate Professor and a founding faculty member of the Architecture Program at the University of San Diego. López-Pérez edited Fuller in Mexico/Fuller en México! and R. Buckminster Fuller: World Man, awarded as Design Book of the Year 2013 by Architect magazine.

Richard Buckminster Fuller was born on July 12, 1895, in Milton, Massachusetts. After spending most of his youth in Massachusetts and on Bear Island in Maine, he fell out of Harvard and into the US Navy during World War I. He married Anne Hewlett, the daughter of a prominent New York architect, in 1917 and spent around five years working with his father-in-law on new techniques of housing construction after leaving the navy. From 1927 on he became independent and committed himself to completely rethinking the question of shelter — relentlessly challenging every assumption about structure, function, materials, technology, aesthetics, services, distribution, mobility, communication, collaboration, information, recycling, politics, property, and social norms. He started from first principles to develop a radical philosophy of doing “vastly more with vastly and invisibly less.” The constant goal was a much more efficient and equitable distribution of planetary resources to enable the survival and ongoing evolution of the human species. His work paralleled, radicalized, and critiqued the mainstreams of modern architecture and still defies categorization today. He was a nonstop teacher and communicator around the globe in every possible medium — becoming probably the single most exposed designer and design theorist of the twentieth century. He died on July 1, 1983, in Los Angeles at the bedside of his wife, who died thirty-six hours later.

Ціна: 2200 грн
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Auguste Racinet
ID: 2617
Видавництво: Dover

Adapted from jewelry, textiles, hardware, ceramic, inlays, carvings, and more, 852 full-color designs, collected by famed French artist Racinet, offer decorative ornamentation from every major culture of the world. Highlighting the achievements of artisans from ancient Egypt to 18th-century France, this treasury of historic motifs is an unparalleled source of beauty and inspiration.

Ціна: 850 грн
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Ros Byam Shaw
ID: 15023
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A visual analysis of the colours used in furnishing fabrics and wallpapers from the 15th century to now, providing inspiration for designers

Spectrum offers a fascinating visual analysis of the colour palettes used in furnishing fabrics and wallpapers from the 15th century to the present day. Presented in chronological order, the earliest detail is taken from an early 15th-century embroidery in brick red, dusky pink, sage green, mustard yellow and smoky blue, the last from a graphic wallpaper design of 2009 that combines orange and yellow on a dramatic, dark background. Next to each pattern is a colour grid, which shows the relative proportions of the colours used, each labelled with its CMYK number – a worldwide standard printing code for colour that precisely identifies it. The grid gives a clear understanding of the ways colours have been expertly combined at different periods to create the beautiful designs we admire and emulate today.

This unique sourcebook will provide inspiration for all designers, both amateur and professional.

Contents List:

Introduction • About this book • About these objects • 15th century • 16th century • 17th century • 18th century • 19th century • 20th–21st century • Further reading

About the Author:

Ros Byam Shaw is a journalist who writes on design and interiors for The World of Interiors and House and Garden. She is the author of Farrow & Ball Living with Colour and Farrow & Ball Decorating with Colour as well as numerous other books on historic houses and interiors.

Ціна: 1250 грн
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William Morris
ID: 2624
Видавництво: Dover

From a rare sourcebook: more than 250 superb designs depicting decorative letters, elaborate floral borders, body type, and delicate woodcut illustrations. Together with a smaller selection of full-color designs once used in wallpaper, tapestries and other domestic accessories, the handsome motifs offer a vast storehouse of ideas. 291 designs, 40 in full color.


Другие книги о творческом наследии Уильяма Морриса

Ціна: 1040 грн
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Carolyn Relei
ID: 2626
Видавництво: Dover

120 engaging designs, meticulously adapted from patterns created by influential Victorian artist and craftsman for fabrics, wall hangings, carpets, and other decorative projects, depict lovely florals and vines, exotic birds, lush garden flowers, perky daffodils and much more — all artfully displayed in circular, oval, and rectangular frames and easily adaptable as templates.

Ціна: 400 грн
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Friedrich Deneken
ID: 9617
Видавництво: Dover

The natural Japanese affinity for decorative art is apparent in this striking collection of exquisite stencil designs. A centuries-old tradition of capturing nature in striking floral and wildlife motifs is reflected in the graceful shapes and lovely lines of more than 100 illustrations. Lush blossoms, bamboo branches, butterflies, birds on the wing, and rustic country homes, among other subjects long associated with Japanese art, are boldly printed in black and white.

Ready for use as patterns for wallpaper, textiles, graphics, and needlework, these delicate royalty-free images are ideal for a host of modern decorative and graphic needs.

Republication of Japanische Motive Für Flachenverzierung, Verlag von Julius Becker, Berlin, 1897.

David Arocha Jimenez
ID: 10045
Видавництво: Promopress

This boos has become an essential and practical tool as a guide to iconography and a source of inspiration for the creative of the 21st century. Superbly illustrated with almost 1000 silhouettes representing people of today’s society in different situations, poses and states as well as everyday objects, this book is truly remarkable in its magnificent visual presentation.

The first part of the book comprises 500 silhouettes of people while the second part of the book compiles images of 500 silhouettes of objects, organised into the following sections: trade, sports, music, home, children, family, tools, furniture, fashion, accessories, plants, animals, construction and weapons.

Includes a copyright free CD-Rom with all the silhouettes in EPS vector format which can be used directly or modified to create personalized designs.

Thomas Robson
ID: 2580
Видавництво: Dover
Add a sense of medieval majesty to any print project with 1,000 ancient and authentic coats of arms. Emblazoned with stars, florals, mythical beasts, chevrons, daggers, and other eye-catching flair, these magnificent black-and-white heraldic designs are reproduced from a hard-to-find 19th-century source.
Drusilla Cole
ID: 1941
Видавництво: A&C Black
1000 illustrations.
A comprehensive look at 1000 key designs from ancient Egypt through to the end of the 20th Century. The book is arranged by period and style so that the reader can see at a glance the typical patterns used in a range of periods and cultures from the ancient world to the present. In addition, an index lists patterns by content and motif so they can be easily located.
This is a beautiful book that will enthral as well as delight the reader. It is also a useful sourcebook for anyone working in fields where patterns and design are important.
Rowena Shepherd, Rupert Shepherd
ID: 13976
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Traces the significance of 1,000 commonly recognized symbols and places them in historical and cultural context

Symbols are often identified as an international language and, to some extent, they are. But that language is far from universal. Different symbols can mean radically different things in different contexts - a cross, a crane or a swastika could each have a distinct meaning for a Buddhist, an art historian or a student of the occult, for example, and none of those meanings would be quite the same.

1000 Symbols offers you a full explanation: an introductory alphabetical index is followed by groupings of related symbols, every one with an extended definition of its history and its cross-cultural meanings. Whether you are baffled by the relevance of the winged staff held by Mercury in a classical painting, or wonder why the Hebrew menorah has seven branches, this comprehensive reference dictionary will give you the information you're looking for, and place the explanation in both its historical and cultural contexts.

About the Authors:

Rupert Shepherd is a freelance writer specialising in art history.
Rowena Shepherd is an art historian currently working for English Heritage.

List of Contributors:

Michael Beechey, Linda Carter, Patricia Friedman, Rachel Kennedy, Rebecca Naylor, Julie North, Kate Newnham, Shashi Sen, Andrew Spira, Russell Stephenson, Kate Warren, Helene Watson

Gordon Lang (Editor)
ID: 1942
Видавництво: A&C Black

This book will be a companion volume to the successful 1000 Patterns book which we previously bought-in from the Ivy Press.

Like the previous book, it will be an historical/geographical survey of the subject, jam-packed with beautiful, full colour illustrations, covering 1000 different styles of tiles, providing collectors, designers (and interior designers), students and general readers with and invaluable reference/sourcebook.

Арризабалага Хайди
ID: 4684
Видавництво: АСТ

Pattern + Palette 2: Sourcebook

"1000 орнаментов + цветовых комбинаций" - это настольная книга для дизайнеров всех уровней квалификации, работающих во всех жанрах. Шесть основных стилей. Пятнадцать тщательно подобранных цветов для каждого стиля. Более 1000 разновидностей орнаментов.

Эта книга - незаменимый помощник как для арт-директоров, дизайнеров и студентов, работающих в индустрии моды и графического дизайна, так и для любого, кто связан с индустрией визуальных коммуникаций. Книга состоит из 6 разделов, посвященных различным стилям, и каждая страница посвящена использованию отдельного цветового решения. Более 1000 неповторимых, но дополняющих друг друга орнаментов и цветовых комбинаций помогут дизайнерскому вдохновению.

К книге прилагается интерактивный CD-ROM-диск, в котором представлены все орнаменты. Пользователи могут выбирать орнаменты, экспериментировать с бесчисленным количеством цветов и распечатывать образцы орнаментов.

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