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ID: 10765
Видавництво: teNeues

•  Completely updated to reflect the latest trends and innovations
•  A privileged glimpse at the world’s finest luxury goods

What if there were no limits imposed by budget or practicality? This book takes you to a world where anything is possible. Let your fantasy free with this array of ultimate consumer delights. These pages feature such objects as underwater motorcycles, personal spaceships, and every manner of gadgets and accessories. These luxury toys offer fine detailing, craftsmanship, design, and materials.

Whether you feel envy or a rush of acquisitive frenzy will depend purely on you. One thing is for sure: you’ll be entertained by the spectacular photography and tantalizing descriptions.

Karl Lagerfeld, Douglas Kirkland
ID: 5104
Видавництво: Steidl Verlag

Mademoiselle presents photographs of Coco Chanel taken by Douglas Kirkland in 1962 on assignment in Paris for the American magazine Look. These photos reveal both the working fashion icon and the sympathetic character beneath, showing Mademoiselle leaving her suite at the Ritz Hotel, in her apartment and studio at 31 rue Cambon, and watching a défilé from the famous mirrored staircase. Karl Lagerfeld has conceived and designed Mademoiselle, as well as written an introduction and captions to Kirkland’s photos. “Images left behind are in the end stronger than truth and facts. Through Kirkland’s images we can imagine what the famous Coco had been all about before she became the formidable Chanel.” (Karl Lagerfeld)

Isabel Siben, Andrea Holzherr
ID: 5575
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Die Photographen der legendären Agentur Magnum wurden vor allem mit ihren Bildern und Reportagen aus den Kriegs gebieten der Welt berühmt. Robert Capa, Initiator und 1947 Mitbegründer der Agentur, gilt zwar als der unerschrockenste und beste Kriegsphotograph seiner Zeit. Er war es aber auch, der Magnum das Tor zur Welt des Films öffnete: Seine Freundschaft mit John Huston und eine Liaison mit Ingrid Bergman lockten ihn Mitte der 40er Jahre nach Hollywood und verschafften der Agentur Aufträge an ganz anderen als den gewohnten Schau - plätzen. Seit den 50er Jahren begleiteten Magnum-Photographen immer wieder die Dreharbeiten berühmter Filmproduktionen, zum Teil sogar exklusiv. Aus den über 100 Filmen, die Magnum am Set dokumentierte, wurden zwölf für dieses Buch ausgewählt: Von John Waynes Alamo bis Antonionis Zabriskie Point wird in exemplarischen Bildstrecken das besondere Vorgehen, der spezifische Blick deutlich, den so berühmte Magnum - Photographen wie Henri Cartier-Bresson, Eve Arnold, Elliott Erwitt, Erich Lessing, Inge Morath oder Dennis Stock an den Orten des filmischen Geschehens und im direkten Umgang mit den Stars vor und hinter der Kamera entwickelten. Der Filmhistoriker Hans Helmut Prinzler beschreibt in seiner Einführung die Entwicklung der Set-Photographie und des Star-Portraits und verfasste zu jedem Film kurze Abrisse der Handlung und Entstehungsgeschichte. Unser Band begleitet eine Ausstellung in der Versicherungskammer Bayern, München, die in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Magnum Paris organisiert wurde.

Since the 1950s, Magnum photographers have regularly, and sometimes exclusively, accompanied movie productions. Twelve productions were selected for this book, with stunning pictures, summaries of the plots, and background information.

Magnum Photos S.A.R.L.
ID: 12597
Видавництво: Prestel

Featuring new and iconic images, this follow-up to Prestel’s highly successful A Year in Photography: Magnum Archive includes some of the most striking photography ever collected in one volume. 

As readers flip the pages they will find themselves travelling from west to east across the globe. Each country is represented in three or four images captured by a single photographer. While renowned figures such as Robert Capa, Bruce Davidson, and Martin Parr are included, readers will also find younger photographers such as Olivia Arthur, Alessandra Sanguinetti, and Mikhael Subotzky, all of whom present dazzling new views of our changing world. 

Shining a light on the human condition in every corner of the globe, this compilation exemplifies Magnum founder Henry Cartier-Bresson's vision of “a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually.”


Пролистать книгу Magnum Atlas: Around the World in 365 Photos from the Magnum Archive

Edited by Kristen Lubben
ID: 7349
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Few photography books can lay claim to being truly groundbreaking.
This is one of them.

‘This books allows us to see the mixture of talent, chance, watchfulness and diligence behind each successful picture. ...there are very many reasons to celebrate the images in this huge and beautiful book’ – The Guardian

‘These contact sheets, souvenirs of a technology that is now obsolete, are the elegy for a lost art’ - The Observer

Presenting a remarkable selection of contact sheets and related material, Magnum Contact Sheets lays bare the creative methods, strategies and editing processes behind some of the world’s most iconic images — was the final image a set-up, or a serendipitous encounter; did the photographer work to extract the potential from a situation, or was it the fabled ‘decisive moment’?

'The book is utterly absorbing. To be able to follow dozens upon dozens of the most recognised images of the 20th century backwards through the selection process gives these pictures a new immediacy and vitality'– The Telegraph

Published just as the shift to digital photography threatens to render the contact sheet obsolete, this landmark book celebrates the sheet as artifact, as personal and historic record, as editing tool, and as a fascinating way of accompanying great photographers as they work towards, and capture, the most enduring images of our time.

139 contact sheets, containing over 3,600 frames, representing 69 photographers, are featured, as well as zoom-in details, selected photographs, press cards, notebooks and spreads from contemporary publications, including Life magazine and Picture Post. Insight into each contact sheet is provided in texts written by the photographers themselves or by experts chosen by members’ estates.

Many acknowledged greats of photography are here, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Elliott Erwitt and Inge Morath, as well as Magnum’s latest generation, Jonas Bendiksen, Alessandra Sanguinetti and Alec Soth among them. These photographers cover over seventy years of history, from the Normandy landings by Robert Capa, the Paris riots of 1968 by Bruno Barbey and war in Chechnya by Thomas Dworzak to images of Che Guevara by René Burri, Malcolm X by Eve Arnold and classic New Yorkers by Bruce Gilden.

Contents include:
• 139 contact sheets by 69 photographers from Magnum Photos, plus selected details and ancillary visual material
• 435 illustrations, including over 200 prints, 60 contextual images and 40 contact-sheet enlargements, encompassing black-and-white, colour, standard 35mm, large-format and panoramic photography.
• Texts include commentaries by Magnum photographers and specially commissioned authors.
• 508 pages: Page size: 342 X 280 mm (13 1/2 X 11 inches). Printing specification: five colours throughout plus spot varnish on all photographs. Paper stock: 150gsm matt art.

'It’s the context however, that this book gives to those images that really sets it apart. As included with each contact sheet is a well-crafted narrative written by the photographers themselves or by experts given the blessing by member’s estates to capture the thought process. That combination of scribbled notes on the contact sheet, the images, those marked for stardom and those cruelly crossed out as not making the grade, together with words that take us into the mind of the photographer, those are the ingredients that what make this a book to keep and revisit – TheUsualShutterSpecs

Kristen Lubben is Associate Curator at the International Center of Photography in New York. Her previous books include Susan Meiselas: In History and Amelia Earhart: Image and Icon.

Kristen Lubben, Martina Tichy
ID: 8767
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Ob ein Photo zur Ikone wird, hängt vom historischen Moment, von der Geistesgegenwart des Photographen und einer ganzen Reihe von Zufällen ab. Magnum -Photographen waren seit der Gründung der legendären Agentur 1947 weltweit an allen Brennpunkten des Geschehens. Ihre Aufnahmen entstanden meist unter schwierigsten Bedingungen, und erst auf ihren Kontaktbögen konnten sie erkennen, ob sie überhaupt etwas Brauchbares oder vielleicht sogar das eine, ultimative Bild "geschossen" hatten. Kontaktbögen rekonstruieren die Geschichte solcher Ikonen: wie sie zustande kamen, was vorher und nachher geschah, ob es sich um einen Zufallstreffer handelte oder den entscheidenden Moment innerhalb eines Handlungsablaufs. Der ebenso gewichtige wie großartige Bildband, der aus den Archiven und Nachlässen der Photographen zusammengestellt wurde, veröffentlicht erstmals das intimste Arbeitsmaterial der Magnum-Photographen, von Capas D-Day-Aufnahmen bis heute. Dem Kontaktbogen ist jeweils das eine Photo, das dann um die Welt ging, gegenüber gestellt, in den meisten Fällen kommentiert vom Photographen selbst. Im digitalen Zeitalter sind Kontaktbögen obsolet geworden - ein Verlust an beweisbarer Authentizität, wie viele meinen. Auch in dieser Hinsicht ist das Buch ein unschätzbares historisches Dokument.

Stuart Franklin
ID: 2677
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Am 22. Mai 1947 wurde offiziell besiegelt, was seit mehr als zehn Jahren in den Köpfen von drei Männern unterschiedlichen Alters, unterschiedlicher Nationalität und noch unterschiedlicheren Temperaments als Idee und Vision herangereift war. An diesem Tag nämlich erfolgte der Eintrag von "Magnum Photos, Inc." ins Handelsregister des County of New York, und die Erfolgsgeschichte der bis heute berühmtesten Photoagentur nahm ihren Lauf. Die Welt feiert 2007 den 60. Geburtstag von Magnum - und wir liefern die Festschrift zum Jubiläum: Magnum Magnum ist das größte, schönste und authentischste Buch über die Agentur und ihre Photographen, das es bisher gab! Bei den drei Männern, die der Zufall oder das Schicksal im Paris des Jahres 1934 zusammengeführt hatte, handelte es sich um die "Gründerväter" von Magnum: den Polen David Szymin, genannt Chim, den Ungarn André Friedman, genannt Robert Capa, und den Franzosen Henri Cartier-Bresson. Bei aller Unterschiedlichkeit gab es doch einige entscheidende gemeinsame Nenner: die Leidenschaft für die Photographie, die Neugierde an Menschen und den Ärger über die Vermarktung ihrer Bilder in den Medien. So wurde Magnum, einmal institutionalisiert, sozusagen zum Erfinder des Urheberrechts in der Photographie. Als Kooperative Gleichgesinnter garantierte die Agentur ihren Mitgliedern darüber hinaus größtmögliche Handlungsfreiheit und Unabhängigkeit. Und an Gleichgesinnten fehlte es nicht: Magnum wurde mit bisher rund 100 Mitgliedern - unter ihnen Eve Arnold, Susan Meiselas, Inge Morath, René Burri, Cornell Capa, Harry Gruyaert, Josef Koudelka, Erich Lessing, Martin Parr, Marc Riboud und Alex Webb - zum Forum der internationalen Elite der Photojournalisten - und zur Legende, die in diesem Jahr 60 Jahre jung wird.

Brigitte Lardinois
ID: 4631
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

60 years of Magnum photos featuring the complete line of photographers with pictures, biographies, and mutual tributes.

Magnum Magnum, unsere 2007 erschienene großformatige Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag der legendären Photoagentur, war so schnell vergriffen, daß wir ein Jahr später bereits eine leicht verkleinerte Neuauflage herausbrachten. Für alle, die Magnum Magnum noch nicht besitzen, weil Geld und der Platz im Bücherregal knapp war, bieten wir jetzt eine preiswerte Sonderausgabe für nur E 29.80 in noch handlicherer Version: im Small Size-Format und als Flexbroschur – und trotzdem hervorragend gedruckt und nach wie vor das größte, schönste und authentischste Buch über die Agentur und ihre Photographen, das es je gab! Und das Geschichtsbuch des Jahrhunderts dazu. Die Agentur Magnum wurde als Kooperative Gleichgesinnter – unter ihnen Eve Arnold, Susan Meiselas, Inge Morath, René Burri, Cornell Capa, Harry Gruyaert, Josef Koudelka, Erich Lessing, Martin Parr, Marc Riboud und Alex Webb – zum Forum der inter nationalen Elite der Photojournalisten – und zur Legende. Bei aller Unterschiedlichkeit der »Gründerväter « David Szymin, genannt Chim, Robert Capa und Henri Cartier-Bresson gab es doch einige entscheidende gemeinsame Nenner: die Leidenschaft für die Photographie, die Neugierde an Menschen und den Ärger über die unkontrollierte Vermarktung ihrer Bilder in den Medien. So wurde Magnum, einmal institutionalisiert, zwar nicht zum Erfinder des Urheberrechts in der Photographie aber zum Garant für dessen weltweite Respektierung.

Brigitte Lardinois
ID: 11728
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Here is the popular yet complete paperback edition of the hugely acclaimed Magnum Magnum, which was an instant sellout on first publication in 2007.

It celebrates sixty years of the vision, imagination and brilliance of Magnum photographers in over 400 photographs by the acknowledged greats of photography in the 20th century and the rising stars of our time.

Each photographer is represented by six of their works as chosen by, and including a critical text by, another member. Including biographies of the featured photographers, a history of Magnum Photos by Brigitte Lardinois and a bibliography of Magnum books, Magnum Magnum makes available to a wider audience one of the greatest photography anthologies of recent years an essential book for anyone interested in photography or the world depicted by it.

ID: 4680
Видавництво: АСТ

Первое издание "Magnum Magnum" стало фотоальбомом десятилетия, весьма заметной книгой, посвященной видению, воображению и кристальной ясности, присущей самому известному в мире фотоагентству. Нынешнее издание впервые после успеха предыдущего выходит в новом формате.

Более 400 фотографий, выбранных фотографами "Магнума", - это одновременно и фотохроника последних 60 лет, составленная из знаменитых снимков легендарного творческого коллектива, и проникновение в суть того, что является великой фотографией, с критической точки зрения фотографов агентства.

Даже будучи упорядоченными по авторам, снимки в "Magnum Magnum" возвращают нас к ранней истории "Магнума",восстанавливая уникальную творческую атмосферу, в которой каждый из четырех основателей агентства работал со снимками своих коллег. Этот альбом составлен нынешними фотографами "Магнума", которые выбрали по шесть работ своих 69 коллег и попытались объяснить причины такого выбора.

Книга включает работы и признанных гениев фотографии XX века, и современных мастеров и восходящих звезд профессии. Она будет интересна всем, кто интересуется фотографии и миром, который она запечатлевает.

Julien Frydman
ID: 3235
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Magnum Photos was the first photographic agency to be founded by photographers themselves, or as Henri Cartier-Bresson described them, by “adventurers with ethics.” Magnum owes its reputation to the talent of its members, who have never swerved from the principles of its founders: solidarity and respect for individuality. What unites all of these photographers, however, is their understanding of journalism and the warmly human gaze that they cast upon the world.

PHOTOFILE brings together the best work of the world's great photographers in an attractive pocket-size format and at an easily affordable price. Handsome and collectable, each volume in the series contains some sixty full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction, a chronology and a bibliography. 
Magnum Photos
ID: 12027
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A boxed collection of 100 postcards featuring the work of more than 65 Magnum greats, curated from the bestselling book Magnum Magnum

Immaculately produced and accessibly priced, these postcards will be an ideal and inspirational gift for all active photographers or anyone with an appreciation of the very best photography

About the Author:

Magnum Photos, the world’s most prestigious photographic agency, was formed in 1947 by four photographers: Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David ‘Chim’ Seymour. Their members are renowned for their intelligence in combining both reporter and artist in the photographer’s role – attributes that have defined Magnum for over 60 years, and continue to do so.

Jon Lee Anderson
ID: 8933
Видавництво: Prestel

Culled from the archives of the prestigious 65-year-old photo agency Magnum founded by Henri Cartier Bresson, this collection of images from internationally renowned photographers is a compelling record of the recent decades of worldwide revolution.

The history of revolution is as old as humanity; yet it is only since the invention of photography that we have been able to discern the realities of these conflicts from the distance of time. Starting with the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and culminating with the most recent triumphs and tragedies of the "Arab Spring", this book brings together hundreds of color and black-and-white images that depict historic events from a human perspective. Iconic images from revolutions in Prague, Nicaragua, Tiananmen Square, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other locations are introduced in double-page spreads featuring the images of Magnum photographers such as Raymond Depardon, Burt Glinn, René Burri, Josef Koudelka, Susan Meiselas, and many more. Introduced by renowned "New Yorker" journalist Jon Lee Anderson, and featuring texts and interviews by Paul Watson, this uplifting and important book offers, for the first time, a collective understanding of the universal dream of freedom and the inevitability of change.

Edited by Peter Coeln, Achim Heine, Andrea Holzherr
ID: 2737
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

83 color ills.

 A spectacular discovery: the first Magnum group show from 1955 to 1956, now in book form.

Magnum Photos, founded in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, David Seymour, and Bill Vandivert, is one of the most famous photo agencies in the world. Until only recently, it was thought that the earliest Magnum group exhibition was the one curated by L. Fritz Gruber for the photokina in Cologne in the fall of 1956. However, more than fifty years later, an even earlier show has been rediscovered, Magnum Photo: Face of Time, which traveled to five Austrian cities in 1955/56.

This is the first publication to provide a complete documentation of the exhibition. A total of eighty-three vintage prints by eight Magnum photographers — Werner Bischof, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Ernst Haas, Erich Lessing, Jean Marquis, Inge Morath, and Marc Riboud — are featured in large-format reproductions. The show’s main theme was “photographic humanism”: people and their living spaces, photographed without any kind of sensationalism by committed photojournalists who believed in educating and bettering the world through their authentic documents of it.

David Leddick
ID: 4149
Видавництво: Taschen

While the female nude has long played a concpicuous role in western iconography, the male nude has not always enjoyed such adoration. This collection provides an overdue review of material that at one time could only be bought under the counter, beginning with the anonymous erotica of the 19th century. It features the pioneer homoerotic nude photographs of Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden, posing nude youths in classical postures at Taormina in Sicily. It includes illustrations from groundbreaking magazines such as Physique Pictorial, the leading organ of the mid-50s gay scene, and it covers the entire range from classic masters of male nude photography, such as Herbert List, George Platt Lynes or Robert Mapplethorpe, to the pin-up beefcake of the sex magazines.

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