Многообразие орнамента в стиле Арт Нуво в изображении женщин, растений, пейзажей, животных, иллюстраций к мифам и легендам, бордюрах, книжной графики, с чем полно и ярко знакомит иллюстрированный альбом-каталог
Here are 285 wonderful b&w Art Nouveau designs, many from instantly recognizable designers like Aubrey Beardsley, William Morris, Koloman Moser and Alphonse Mucha from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The artist of every possible image is identified. Choose from ladies with long wavy hair metamorphosing into flowers or butterflies, delightful animal motifs, countless permutations of plants and flowers, borders, book title pages and plates, scrolls, vignettes, mythological figures, and typography. The CD-Rom has all the images in high-resolution TIFF format.