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Dennis Hopper
ID: 14571
Издательство: Damiani

'In Dreams. Scenes from the Archive' adds to our understanding of Dennis Hopper’s personal vision as an artist by tracing the threads of Hopper’s life through photography, and connecting his roles as an actor, husband, father, and photographer.

'In Dreams' eschews Hopper’s iconic stand-alone images and instead looks to distill the archive into a connected set of photographs that offer new impressions and stories. Themes emerge, visual rhymes are made, and characters come and go while the reader is invited along for the journey. Hopper’s photographic output was especially concentrated in the ‘60s, a period in which his film career had cooled off. During these years Hopper’s primary creative outlet was his photography. The Nikon camera his wife Brooke Hayward gifted him hung so prominently around his neck that friends jokingly called him ‘the tourist.’

While 'In Dreams', which references Roy Orbison’s song by the same name made famous in Blue Velvet, includes appearances by famous faces, they are intimately intertwined with Hopper’s peripatetic life and his everyday use of the camera. Hopper was very much an insider — at ease with celebrities and artists of his day — but this new conversation with his archive shows that, like many photographers, Hopper was also distinctly an outsider. Famous himself, but also an observer: it’s this unique duality that allowed Hopper to view the world in his unique way.


Пролистать книгу Dennis Hopper: In Dreams: Scenes from the Archive

Цена: 1250 грн
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Diane Arbus, Doon Arbus
ID: 7301
Издательство: Aperture

To ensure the ongoing availability of Diane Arbus Revelations, Aperture is proud to release this vitally important volume on the fiftieth anniversary of the posthumous 1972 Arbus retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art and the simultaneous publication of Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph.

Diane Arbus redefined the concerns and the range of the art she practiced. Her bold subject matter and photographic approach have established her preeminence in the world of the visual arts. Her gift for rendering strange those things we consider most familiar, and uncovering the familiar within the exotic, enlarges our understanding of ourselves.

Diane Arbus: Revelations affords the first opportunity to explore the origins, scope, and aspirations of what is a wholly original force in photography. Arbus’s frank treatment of her subjects and her faith in the intrinsic power of the medium have produced a body of work that is often shocking in its purity, in its steadfast celebration of things as they are. Presenting many of her lesser-known or previously unpublished photographs in the context of the iconic images reveals a subtle yet persistent view of the world.

The book reproduces two hundred full-page duotones of Diane Arbus photographs spanning her entire career, many of them never before seen. It also includes an essay, “The Question of Belief,” by Sandra S. Phillips, senior curator of photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and “In the Darkroom,” a discussion of Arbus’s printing techniques by Neil Selkirk, the only person authorized to print her photographs since her death. A 104-page Chronology by Elisabeth Sussman, guest curator of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art show, and Doon Arbus, the artist’s eldest daughter, illustrated by more than three hundred additional images and composed mainly of previously unpublished excerpts from the artist’s letters, notebooks, and other writings, amounts to a kind of autobiography. An Afterword by Doon Arbus precedes biographical entries on the photographer’s friends and colleagues by Jeff L. Rosenheim, associate curator of photographs at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. These texts help illuminate the meaning of Diane Arbus’s controversial and astonishing vision.

About the Author:

I want to photograph the considerable ceremonies of our present because we tend while living here and now to perceive only what is random and barren and formless about it. While we regret that the present is not like the past and despair of its ever becoming the future, its innumerable inscrutable habits lie in wait for their meaning...These are our symptoms and our monuments. I want simply to save them, for what is ceremonious and curious and commonplace will be legendary. Diane Arbus–born Diane Nemerov in New York City in 1923–first began taking pictures in the early 1940s following her marriage to Allan Arbus. She studied photography with Berenice Abbott, Alexey Brodovitch, and Lisette Model. Her first published photographs appeared in Esquire in 1960. Over the next ten years, her work continued to appear in Esquire, Harper’s Bazaar, and other magazines.

In 1963 and 1966 she was awarded John Simon Guggenheim Fellowships. She was one of three photographers whose work was the focus of New Documents, a 1967 exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art. In 1970 Arbus made a portfolio of prints entitled A box of ten photographs, which was to be the first of a series of similar limited editions of her work. She taught photography in the late sixties at Parsons School of Design, Rhode Island School of Design, and Cooper Union, and, in 1971, gave a private master class at the artists’ cooperative where she lived.

A year after her death in 1971, her work was selected for inclusion at the Venice Biennale–the first work of an American photographer to be so honoured. The Museum of Modern Art hosted a major retrospective that travelled throughout the United States and Canada from 1972 to 1975. The three books of her work, Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph (1972), Diane Arbus: Magazine Work (1984), and Untitled: Diane Arbus (1995), were published posthumously and have remained continuously in print. Diane Arbus: Revelations, in conjunction with the first major international retrospective of her work in thirty years, is the only comprehensive and intimate study of this singularly daring photographic artist.


Другие альбомы Diane Arbus

Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph (Hardcover)

Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph (Paperback)

Diane Arbus: Magazine Work

Цена: 4000 грн
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ID: 14799
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

Master the Art of Photography in As Little As 20 Weeks

Digital Photography Complete Course 2nd Edition will teach you how to take professional-looking pictures you'll be proud to display. The programme is completely customisable to your schedule, so you can work through the modules at your own pace. It's also the ideal photography gift for aspiring creatives and hobby photographers.

This digital photography book will guide you through every aspect of digital photography:

- The new edition includes the latest technological and creative developments in digital photography and image manipulation
- Follows a guided learning approach with 20 interactive and user-friendly modules
- Technical concepts are explained in simple, easy-to-understand language
- Innovative graphics illustrate key theories
- Combines practical demonstrations, step-by-step tutorials, and creative assignments

Go from photography novice to pro in no time! This modular photography course is the ultimate master class in digital photography.

This updated edition of DK Book's complete course-based guide to digital photography will help you use your digital camera to its full potential in just 20 weeks. Discover everything you need to know about photography step-by-step, week-by-week.

Now fully updated throughout to include the latest camera kit, this is the perfect one-on-one learning programme for budding photographers. Using a combination of easy-to-understand tutorials, step-by-step demonstrations, practical assignments, and fun Q&As, this book encourages you to put your new learning into practice straight away.

From conveying movement and using natural light, to understanding how to master macro, wide-angle and panoramic photography, this one-on-one learning programme is a great "foundation course" for people who want to take photography more seriously. Learn about the different modes on bridge and system cameras (DSLR or mirrorless), and demystify digital photography jargon such as aperture, exposure, shutter speed, and depth-of-field.

This photography book for beginners will show you how to control and understand every element of your camera. With the aid of simple text and innovative graphics, you'll explore a wide variety of photography skills and genres. Find out how to create landscapes, portraits, still life, and action shots as you discover the full range of your camera.


Пролисать книгу Digital Photography Complete Course: Everything You Need to Know in 20 Weeks на Google Books.

Цена: 1200 грн
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Text by Ingrid Sischy, Photographed by Patrick Demarchelier
ID: 7510
Издательство: Rizzoli

Dior is one of the most revered names in fashion, the archetype of the Parisian couture house. Famous for launching the “New Look,” Christian Dior’s landmark first collection that marked a sea change in women’s dress after the Second World War, Dior is known today for its exquisite couture line of dramatic dresses. 

This book comprises a portfolio of portraits of over one hundred incredible gowns from the entire era of Christian Dior haute couture, including dresses designed by Dior himself. All of the images were shot by Patrick Demarchelier, known for his exquisite fashion portraits that grace the pages of Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamour, and many other magazines. 

About the Authors:

Dior was started in Paris by designer Christian Dior in 1946. In addition to haute couture, Dior also produces ready-to-wear, men’s couture, accessories, and perfume. Patrick Demarchelier is one of the best-known fashion photographers in the world. His work appears in top fashion magazines, including Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamour, and Marie Claire. He also shoots advertising campaigns for couture houses, including Dior, Chanel, YSL, Ralph Lauren, and Calvin Klein. Ingrid Sischy is the former editor-in-chief of Interview magazine and the international editor for Vanity Fair’s European editions.


Благодаря творческому тандему Dior и Патрика Демаршелье увидел свет художественных альбом, который знакомит читателя с историей одного из самых знаменитых модных домов. На страницах издания – знаковые модели, которые в свое время стали прорывом в мире дизайнерской одежды.

Кристиан Диор создал свою империю благодаря таланту и интуиции. Он сумел разгадать, чего хочет женщина в суровые послевоенные годы, и признал за ней право оставаться воздушной, утонченной и прекрасной. Концепция New Look принесла успех начинающему дизайнеру и вернула женственность в Париж.

Двести сорок страниц альбома представляют историю одной модной революции. Здесь снимки нарядов коллекции 1947 г., с которой началось триумфальное шествие Кристиана Диора, работы Ив Сен Лорана, платья Марка Боана и, конечно же, шедевры Джона Гальяно, который принял эстафету. Эпоха следует за эпохой в фасонах и образах, переданных через объектив одного из самых известных фотохудожников нашего времени.

В книге представлены снимки, сделанные автором по всему миру. В кадре более ста кутюрных нарядов, вдохновенные образы и самые прекрасные женщины современности: Наталья Водянова, Жизель Бундхен, Шарлиз Терон и др.

Патрик Демаршелье родился в Гавре в 1943 г. и с юных лет увлекся искусством фотографии. Художник пережил немало на пути к успеху, однако талант и сильная натура позволили ему получить признание и успех. Полное отсутствие образования не помешало мастеру создавать культовые календари для Pirelli, выпускать популярные альбомы, появляться на страницах авторитетных изданий, таких как Elle, Rolling Stone, Harpers Bazaar, Vogue, а также сотрудничать с мировыми домами моды.


Пролистать книгу Dior Couture by Demarchelier

Цена: 5500 грн
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Muriel Teodori
ID: 12769
Издательство: Flammarion

This elegant volume — featuring silver gilded pages and an open spine binding so that it lays flat to show off the photographs to their best advantage — explores Dior's long history of creativity, beauty, and success through a celebration of one of our most profound emotions.

"Women, with their ever-sharp instincts, understood that I not only wanted to make them more beautiful but happier too." — Christian Dior

Since 1947, through its haute couture and fragrance collections, the House of Dior has enhanced the lives of women by bringing them moments of resplendent beauty. On the radiant faces of Dior's models and muses, and through the exuberance of its creative studios and runway shows, joy shines like a bouquet of fireworks and luminous smiles. Through this emblematic selection of iconic illustrations and behind-the-scenes images from fashion shows and workshops, this beautifully crafted volume traces Dior's recurring themes of creativity, the inspiration of nature, friendship, and success. Drawing from Dior's own archives and from those of fashion's greatest photographers, the book presents privileged moments graced by the women and men of Dior who express the house's eternal joie de vivre.

An inspiring text drawing from literature, philosophy, and Dior's creative history, celebrates the many facets of an exalted state of being, providing the unique perspective that resides at the heart of this beautiful book.

About the Author:

Muriel Teodori studied philosophy and holds a Ph.D. in psychoanalysis. Writer for Elle, Air France Magazine, Femmes, and La Lettre du Cinema, she also writes scenarios, opera and lyrics, and has taught the art of scriptwriting at the Femis at Paris University 3, and the CEENA in France.

Цена: 3000 грн
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Vincent Lagrange
ID: 13654
Издательство: teNeues

Vincent Lagrange's masterful portraits show dogs as real personalities.

What makes dogs so unique? They are the only species that favour the company of humans over their own kind. How similar are animals and humans? Are animals really soulmates to humans or do we just tend to humanize other species? These questions arise when we look at Vincent Lagrange's The Human Animals Project series of images. A dog looks at us with a deep understanding and empathy perhaps greater than our own. In this charming book of dog photography, Vincent Lagrange records this treasured intimacy with our four-legged friends.

Taken in front of neutral, mostly dark backgrounds, the dogs radiate dignity and wisdom like in the portraits of old masters. Applying the techniques of portrait photography, which he learned in his youth at his father and mentor Marc Lagrange's studio, he captures our canine counterparts in crisp, perfectly illuminated pictures that allow their own soulful personalities to shine through. With his portraits, Lagrange wants to give these individuals a voice and let them tell their own story. This volume is the first to bring together Vincent Lagrange's dog pictures, which make up the core of his animal portraits. Pictures that you can't get enough of.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Chris Knight
ID: 13331
Издательство: Rocky Nook

Without light, there is no photograph. As almost every photographer knows, the word “photograph” has its roots in two Greek words that, together, mean “drawing with light.” But what is less commonly acknowledged and understood is the role that shadow plays in creating striking, expressive imagery, especially in portraiture. It is through deft, nuanced use of both light and shadow that you can move beyond shooting simply ordinary, competent headshots into the realm of creating dramatic portraiture that can so powerfully convey a subject’s inner essence, communicate a personal narrative, and express your photographic vision.

In The Dramatic Portrait: The Art of Crafting Light and Shadow, Chris Knight addresses portraiture with a unique approach to both light and shadow that allows you to improve and elevate your own portraiture. He begins with the history of portraiture, from the early work of Egyptians and Greeks to the sublime treatment of light and subject by artists such as Caravaggio, Rembrandt, and Vermeer. Chris then dives into a deep, hands-on exploration of light, shadow, and portraiture, offering numerous lessons and takeaways.

He covers:

• The qualities of light: hard, soft, and the spectrum in between
• The relationships between light, subject, and background, and how to control them
• Lighting patterns such as Paramount, Rembrandt, loop, and split
• Lighting ratios and how they affect contrast in your image
• Equipment: from big and small modifiers to grids, snoots, barn doors, flags, and gels
• Multiple setups for portrait shoots, including those that utilize one, two, and three lights
• How color contributes to drama and mood, eliciting an emotional response from the viewer
• How to approach styling your portrait, from wardrobe to background
• The post-processing workflow, including developing the RAW file, maximizing contrast, color grading, retouching, and dodging and burning for heightened drama and effect
• How all of these elements culminate to help you define your personal style and create your own narrative


Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: A History of Portraiture: More Fun Than It Sounds
Chapter 2: Technical Lighting: The Tools to Control Light
Chapter 3: Taking Shape: Shaping the Light, Mood, and Face
Chapter 4: How Many Lights: Using One, Two, and Three Lights to Further the Purpose
Chapter 5: Color: Directing the Eye and Influencing People
Chapter 6: Styling: Making Good Visual Choices
Chapter 7: Post-Production: Adding the Polish
Chapter 8: Personal Style: You Do You
Final Thoughts

Цена: 1700 грн
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gestalten & Courier
ID: 16958
Издательство: Gestalten

Discover some of the most inspiring business, shops, and hospitality ideas changing the face of entrepreneurship.

Discover outstanding businesses and the unique entrepreneurs who have brought them to life, from local Mescal producers to global food influencers. Dream Businesses showcases a diverse range of innovative entrepreneurs through photo-led features, providing readers with a glimpse into the extraordinary world of these businesses and the individuals who conceived them. In collaboration with Courier Media, this book takes you on a global journey, introducing a new generation that is changing the face of entrepreneurship.

About the Author:

Courier Media is the defining media brand for a new generation who want to live and work on their own terms. Based in London, Courier has been telling insightful and inspiring stories of modern business through print, podcasts, events and more since launching in 2013. This is their third book with gestalten, following up to The World's Best Shops and Work Better. Live Smarter. Be Happier.

Цена: 2300 грн
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Floria Sigismondi & gestalten
ID: 12792
Издательство: Gestalten

Influential director and photographer Floria Sigismondi showcases new images of the biggest names in music and in Hollywood. Eat the Sun is a star-studded overview of Sigismondi’s photographic and film work.

Floria Sigismondi’s compelling visual narratives have defined a profound aesthetic elements over the course of her career as a director and photographer. "A home away from home — a Floria set is one that always feels like a supernatural dream state. A place you wish to permanently exist in.” — Lawrence Rothman in his preface to Eat the Sun. Her coveted eye incorporates the ethereal and the mysterious, the whimsical and the grotesque, always illuminating a story. She has worked with numerous celebrities and is also behind surreal, career-defining music videos for Marilyn Manson among others. She has directed episodes of American Gods, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Daredevil for TV, and her Hollywood film credits include The Runaways, and The Turning (due to release in 2020).

Eat the Sun is a star-studded kaleidoscope of Floria Sigismondi’s top achievements, a provocative portfolio that highlights the powerful imagery that has made her one of the best in the industry. There are many never before seen photographs in Eat The Sun.

About the Author

Floria Sigismondi was born in Italy and raised in Canada. She now lives between Los Angeles, Toronto, and New York City. Sigismondi has distinguished herself as one of the preeminent directors working today, with a surrealist, gothic aesthetic that defines her feature films, TV shows, and music videos.

Цена: 1700 грн
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Joachim Schmeisser
ID: 12208
Издательство: teNeues

Because elephants are pachyderms, a combination of two Greek roots meaning “thick skin,” one might think that nothing bothers them and that they lead quiet, safe lives. Nothing could be further from the truth: elephants have been hunted and killed for their ivory tusks since antiquity. And people often ignore the calves left behind, who must now live out their lives as traumatized and fearful orphans. Wildlife photographer Joachim Schmeisser made it his mission to document the story of these abandoned baby elephants. Through his sponsorship of elephants, he came into contact with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, the world’s largest and most successful rescue and rehabilitation operation for orphaned elephants, headquartered in Nairobi.

Professional veterinary technicians bottle feed the elephant calves until they are old enough to locate their own food. By living together with older elephant calves, they also learn the social rules governing elephant herds. After this phase is complete, the elephants are taken to one of the Trust’s rehabilitation stockades before they are released back into the wild. Joachim Schmeisser followed numerous elephants through the entire process and captured fascinating pictures from their arrival at the nursery all the way to their release back into the wild.

Elephants in Heaven provides a visual record of how these traumatized elephants are raised in a place that is truly heavenly for them, offering a compelling behind-the-scenes look inside an elephant nursery. The touching animal portraits also convey the devastating consequences of poaching, because for Joachim Schmeisser, it’s about “beauty, fragility, transience, mindfulness, and about dignity and the equal standing of each individual.”

About the Author:

Joachim Schmeisser began his professional career as an advertising photographer. But in addition to his paid work, he always pursued side projects that had personal meaning to him, particularly those relating to humanity and topics relevant to society. He has won many international awards for his work, including the 2012 Hasselblad Masters Award. His work is exhibited around the world.

Цена: 2500 грн
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gestalten & Monisha Rajesh
ID: 14141
Издательство: Gestalten

We’ve got a ticket to ride! When the journey is as important as the destination, travelling by train makes perfect sense. Take your seat and enjoy the view

Epic Train Journeys compiles the world’s most memorable rail routes, from luxurious locomotives to budget-friendly local rides, into an essential guide. Train travel has always been more than just getting from A to B. It is one of the only modes of transport that allows you to unwind in style, get lost in the breathtaking scenery whizzing outside, and dine on a rolling culinary adventure. A new generation of explorers are on board with the boundless possibilities of rail travel, with many favouring it as a more sustainable alternative to flying.

Train expert Monisha Rajesh presents 50 legendary routes inspired by her extensive voyages. This wondrous journey winds through mountainous terrains, tropical jungles, and occasionally places one wouldn't dare to venture. From local day-trips to cross-country connections that last for days on end, this is a showcase of everything from cheap seats to luxury locomotives. More than just route suggestions, Epic Train Journeys is your ticket to make the most of travelling by train. All aboard!

About the Author

Monisha Rajesh is an author and journalist who has worked for the likes of TimeVanity FairThe New York Times, and The Guardian. She was also a train travel columnist for The Sunday Telegraph. Her first book, Around India in 80 Trains (2012) was featured in The Independent’s top ten books on India. Her second book, Around the World in 80 Trains (2019) won the National Geographic Travel Book of The Year prize and was shortlisted for the Stanford Dolman Award.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Tim Flach, Corita Kent
ID: 13886
Издательство: Abrams

No animal has captured the human imagination quite like the horse, depicted in cave drawings thousands of years ago through countless rendering in paint, clay, ink, even film. In his first book, award-winning photographer Tim Flach’s quest to document the horse has resulted in Equus, an intensely moving look at an animal — as a solitary subject and en masse, from the air and from underwater — whose history is so powerfully linked to our own. This highly successful book, originally published in 2008, is now available in a new, more affordable format.

From exquisite Arabians in the Royal Yards of the United Arab Emirates to the purebred Icelandic horses in their glacial habitat; from the soulful gaze of a single horse’s lash-lined eye, to the thundering majesty of thousands of mustangs racing across the plains of Utah, Equus provides an amazing and unique insight into the physical dynamics and spirit of the horse.

About the Author:

Tim Flach is a graduate of Central Saint Martins in London, where he studied photography. He spent 20 years as a successful advertising photographer before turning to more personal work, garnering much press and many awards along the way.

Цена: 980 грн
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Erik Johansson
ID: 13083
Издательство: Max Strom

The photographer and visual artist Erik Johansson creates surreal worlds through his own unique method. It often takes him months just to create one image, in a process where his photographs are combined so that an original place emerges. The result is often humorous, sometimes even scary, but always mind-blowing. Erik Johansson has become world-famous through his captivating and detailed images. Places Beyond is his second and biggest book so far, presenting his best images in large format. He also reveals the secrets of his method in an inspirational chapter where he explains his creative process.

About the Author:

Erik Johansson was born in Sweden and started taking pictures when his parents gave him a digital camera for his 15th birthday. He has lived in Berlin and currently lives in Prague. His pictures have been exhibited all over the world and his latest major exhibition is opening at Fotografiska in Stockholm in December 2019.

Цена: 1700 грн
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Phillip Prodger
ID: 15078
Издательство: Prestel

The first book on master photographer Ernst Haas’s work dedicated to both his classic and newly discovered New York City colour photographs of the 1950s and 60s.

Ernst Haas’s colour works reveal the photographer’s remarkable genius and remind us on every page why we love New York. When Ernst Haas moved from Vienna to New York City in 1951, he left behind a war-torn continent and a career producing black-and-white images. For Haas, the new medium of colour photography was the only way to capture a city pulsing with energy and humanity. These images demonstrate Haas’s tremendous virtuosity and confidence with Kodachrome film and the technical challenges of colour printing. Unparalleled in their depth and richness of colour, brimming with lyricism and dramatic tension, these images reveal a photographer at the height of his career.

About the Author:

Phillip Prodger is a curator, author and art historian. Previously Head of Photographs at the National Portrait Gallery in London, and the founding Curator of Photography at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, he is currently Executive Director of Curatorial Exhibitions in Los Angeles. His previous books include "William Eggleston Portraits" and |Only Human: Photographs by Martin Parr".


Пролистать книгу Ernst Haas: New York in Colour, 1952-1962: New York in Color, 1952-1962

Цена: 2500 грн
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Erwin Olaf
ID: 15392
Издательство: Silvana Editoriale

Photographer of excellence, and among the most appreciated in the contemporary art scene, the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (1959) is to be considered one of the greatest interpreters of modern portrait photography: he is known all over the world for a photographic style dominated by mysterious and contemplative atmospheres, for his mise en scène and theatrical compositions.

In his shots Olaf weaves complex and dramatic narratives. His works are striking in their strangeness, their will to provoke, their sense of solitude and restlessness: they catch glimpses of truth, which reveal the imperfection and the fictitious nature of an apparently perfect world.

This rich catalogue represents a journey through the artist's entire production, offering a complete overview of his work: from the beginning with Chessmen, the series that made him internationally famous, awarded at the Young European Photographer competition in 1988, up to the recent Palm Springs project (2018). The volume includes a critical text by Walter Guadagnini and a conversation with the artist.

About the Authors:

Erwin Olaf (born in Hilversum, the Netherlands, 1959) is a Dutch photographer known for his highly stylized, daring, and often provocative work addressing social issues and taboos. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Johannes Vermeer Award (2011), a Lucie Award (2008), and Photographer of the Year in the International Color Awards (2006). Among other accolades, Olaf received the commission to design the new national side of the Dutch Euro, launched in 2013. In 2008 and 2014 Aperture published volumes one and two of Olaf’s self-titled monographs.

Mattie Boom is curator of photography at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, specializing in international nineteenth- and twentieth-century photography. She is cofounder of the Nederlands Fotogenootschap.

Francis Hodgson is professor in the culture of photography at the University of Brighton, UK, and cofounder of the Prix Pictet. He was previously the photography critic of the Financial Times and head of the photographs department at Sotheby’s.

W. M. Hunt is a longtime photography collector and former art dealer who represented Erwin Olaf in the United States for many years. He is also a writer and teacher based in New York.

Laura Stamps is curator of modern and contemporary art at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague. She is an art history graduate of the University of Amsterdam and, amongst others, a member of the Work Field Commission at the Master Artistic Research program, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.

Wim van Sinderen is a founding member and senior curator of the Fotomuseum Den Haag, The Hague, as well as keeper of the photography collection of Gemeente-museum Den Haag. He is, amongst others, guest curator for the Rencontres d’Arles and nominator for the Prix Pictet.

Цена: 1200 грн
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