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Barbara Hess
ID: 3011
Издательство: Taschen

The leader of the abstract expressionists

"If you pick up some paint with your brush and make somebody's nose with it, this is rather ridiculous... It's really absurd to make an image, like a human image, with paint, today." — Willem de Kooning

Dutch-born American painter Willem de Kooning (1904-1997) was a leader of the abstract expressionist movement. Inspired by Arshile Gorky to abandon the realist style that had dominated his work in the 1930s, he began experimenting with abstraction in the 1940s and quickly gained critical success. His monumental Woman series of the 1950s — characterized by wild colour and aggressive overtones— was received with both controversy and acclaim. He continued to paint until the late 1980s, leaving behind a vast and impressive body of work.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Art Series features:

* a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
* approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions
* a concise biography

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Sally Yard
ID: 7696
Издательство: Poligrafa

A leasing figure in the emergence of abstract expressionist painting in New York, Willem de Kooning arrived in the United States in 1926 as a twenty two years old stowaway from Holland. During the Depression years, he was a dedicated visitor to the museums and galleries of Manhattan, and did a brief stint as a WPA painter, which was curtailed because he was not a citizen. With resolute determination, de Kooning ventured beyond the radical departures of cubism toward the visceral physicality of the abstractions that comprised his first one person exhibition, in 1948. Five years later, an exhibition of women painted in agressive, lashing gestures stunned contemporaries not only for the vehemence of the artist s attack but also for the evident reversal of direction . Yet across six decades, the alternation and intertwining of abstraction and figuration remained fundamental to de Kooning's work.

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Bernhard Mendes
ID: 8001
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

The first comprehensive overview of the most significant paintings by de Kooning, the celebrated master of post-war American modernism.

Willem de Kooning (1904-1997) is regarded as a leading exponent of Abstract Expressionism and celebrated in the U.S. as one of the most significant figures in twentieth-century painting. Yet in Europe, the artist has yet to be fully recognized as the important figure he was. That applies in particular to his work of the sixties and seventies, his years of retreat from urban life to live and work on Long Island. This part of his oeuvre bears the imprint of a fundamental experience of landscape, and it is here that he developed a style of figuration (which de Kooning never really abandoned) characterized by a new sense of color and energetic gesture.
This period of vigorous, pioneering creativity in the art of Willem de Kooning is explicitly illuminated for the first time in this book. Featuring a concentrated selection of painting in large formats, it shows how his works - although recognizable as landscapes - grew abstract under the influence of his intense experience of nature while his brushwork literally liberated itself from all bonds.

Erster prägnanter Überblick über die zentralen Gemälde der 1960er und 1970er Jahre de Koonings, des gefeierten Meisters der amerikanischen Nachkriegsmoderne.

Willem de Kooning gilt als führender Vertreter des Abstrakten Expressionismus und wird in den USA als zentrale Figur der Malerei des 20. Jahrhunderts gefeiert. In Europa hingegen ist der 1904 in Rotterdam geborene, 1997 in New York verstorbene Künstler noch immer in seiner vollen Bedeutung zu entdecken. Dies gilt insbesondere für sein Werk der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, in denen er - zurückgezogen vom Großstadtleben - auf Long Island lebt und arbeitet. Hier wird sein Werk durch die elementare Erfahrung der Landschaft geprägt, hier entwickelt sich die Figuration, die de Kooning nie wirklich verlässt, zu neuer Farbigkeit und durchpulster Gestik.
Erstmals wird diese fulminante und wegweisende Werkperiode Willem de Koonings im vorliegenden Band explizit beleuchtet. Anhand einer konzentrierten Auswahl von großformatigen Gemälden wird veranschaulicht, wie de Koonings Werke sich - obwohl Landschaftsbilder - aufgrund des intensiven Naturerlebnisses abstrahieren und die Pinselhandschrift sich geradezu entfesselt. Dabei werden auch die berühmten »Women«-Bilder des niederländisch-amerikanischen Künstlers einbezogen.

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Osbert Burdett
ID: 5319
Издательство: Parkstone

A major figure of the Romantic Movement, the British artist William Blake (1757-1827) was at once a painter, designer, engraver and poet. He devoted himself to the illustration of his literary works, and his texts developed following the lines of his engravings and fantastic drawings, becoming veritable illuminated manuscripts. Inspired by biblical and prophetical themes (Proverbs of Hell, The Everlasting Gospel and The Gates of Paradise), Blake’s art subtly combines the modernity of his time and of the Romantic Revolution with the classicism of the themes that he explored.

Gifted with unequalled imagination and originality, the artist played with the diversity of his media in order to better externalise the demons that haunted him, as well as to plunge the viewer or reader into a profound melancholy.
In this monograph, Osbert Burdett sheds light on the art and life of this extraordinary artist.

About the author:

The art critic Osbert Burdett is a specialist in British art of the end of the nineteenth century, in particular that of William Blake. His writings such as The Beardsley Period: an Essay in Perspective and William Blake offers the reader the chance to rediscover the remarkable creations of these artists and the huge impact of their audacity and modernity on English art.

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Michael Kerrigan
ID: 12451
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Rich and delicate, ethereal and muscular, the art of William Blake is as fascinating as the philosophies threading through his poetry and prophetic works. 

Presented here in this magnificent new collection, his vivid paintings and gently weaving illustrations are imprinted in the consciousness of Romantic art, but their impact on Gothic literature remains as strong and quixotic as the artist himself.

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Joachim E. Berendt
ID: 3519
Издательство: Taschen

The sights and sounds of American jazz. Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians

"Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we’ll ever see." - Newsweek, New York

In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians.

The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material — along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it.

The photographer:

William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.

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Joachim E. Berendt
ID: 9835
Издательство: Taschen

In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians.

The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector’s item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material— along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it.

Featuring photographs of Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Muddy Waters, Gabor Szabo, Dave Brubeck, Stan Getz, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, and many more.

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William Claxton, Joachim E. Berendt
ID: 11365
Издательство: Taschen

Bands and Blues. The ultimate evocative jazz trip through time

In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz. Through music halls and marching bands, side streets and subways, they sought to document this living, breathing, beating musical phenomenon that enraptured America across social, economic, and racial lines.

The result of Claxton and Berendt’s collaboration was Jazzlife, much sought after by collectors and now revived in this fresh TASCHEN volume. From coast to coast, from unknown street performers to legends of the genre, this defining jazz journey explores just what made up this most original of American art forms. In New Orleans and New York, in St. Louis, Biloxi, Jackson, and beyond, Claxton’s rapturous yet tender images and accompanying texts examine jazz’s regional diversity as much as its pervasive vitality and soul. They show the music makers and the many spaces and people this music touched, from funeral parades to concert stages, from an elderly trumpet player to kids who hung from windows to catch a glimpse of a passing band.

With images of Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Muddy Waters, Gabor Szabo, Dave Brubeck, Stan Getz, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, and many more, this is as much a compelling slice of history as it is a loving personal tribute.

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Tina Oldknow, James Yood
ID: 1976
Издательство: Abbeville Press

Internationally acclaimed for his compelling work in glass, William Morris approaches the demands of glassblowing and glass sculpting with an experimental eye and an innovative hand. Morris, who lives and works near Seattle, has collaborated with master glass blowers as well as renowned painters and sculptors in making art that is widely admired by artists, sought by collectors, and praised by critics. For him, glass is an endlessly intriguing material-fragile yet timeless, preserving the spontaneity of the creative moment unlike any other medium. In this strikingly handsome volume of recent work, Morris explores themes related to archaeology, animals, and the hunt. His Crows, Ravens, and Rhytons embody his intellectual interest in myth and ancient history, as well as his keenly intuitive understanding of the natural world.

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Arthur Clutton-Brock
ID: 3420
Издательство: Parkstone

Considered one of the most prominent actors of the Victorian era, William Morris (1843-1896) was a poet, artist, designer, and editor, and did not hesitate to express his socialist political views, which at the time were frowned upon by the establishment.
His encounters with Rossetti and Burne-Jones, as well as his religious studies, made him a man of manifold talents. From this mixture of genres, William Morris would go on to construct a remarkable career, applying his ideas through various enterprises he established under the name of the “William Morris Companies", revolutionizing both interior decorating and architecture. He quickly understood the advantage of industrial production techniques, which he used to design his creations. Together with John Ruskin, he also became a co-founder of the “Arts and Crafts" movement. Despite his admiration for Ruskin, he did not hesitate to publish his own poems in 1858 in his publishing house, Kelmscott Press.

His fascination with the pre-Raphaelite painters lead him to push aside the canons of English art, and, under the influence of Ruskin, to launch the rediscovery of the medieval style of decoration.

While drawing tapestries, carpets, glasswork, and other fine elements of interior decor, he became a fervent defender of socialism and participated actively in the Socialist Democratic Federation, which later became known as the Socialist League.

William Morris transformed his dreams and ideals into the deeds that still inspire our admiration today.

Through a series of illustrations, this work examines the scope of Morris’s talent, which continues to have a major influence on our daily lives today.

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Nicolai Cikovsky
ID: 4629
Издательство: Rizzoli

From the beautiful mountains and streams of Canada and the Adirondacks to the sandy beaches of New England, from the picturesque coasts of English villages to the sunny shores of the Bahamas, Winslow Homer captured in his paintings the true magnificence of nature.

For more than thirty years between 1873 and 1905, Winslow Homer turned to watercolours during his working vacations, concentrating on capturing the spirit of each place he visited with both spontaneity and intensity. Many of Homer’s most beautiful paintings focus on the interaction between humans and nature - a hunter carrying a deer on his shoulders, a man fishing from a small canoe, a girl lounging and reading in the grass, a young man driving cattle, a fisherman’s family anxiously watching for his return.

It is Homer’s understanding of this important relationship between humans and nature that makes his paintings so intriguing. Winslow Homer Watercolors reproduces the best of these paintings. Large colour plates allow these reproductions to be appreciated almost as much as the originals. Accompanying the more than 100 color plates is an eloquent introduction and detailed chronology of Homer’s life and artistic development.

This stunning volume allows one to experience nature through the eyes of one of America’s greatest painters. It is a vision of nature from a century ago that is still appreciated today.

About the Author

Nicolai Cikovsky, Jr., is senior curator emeritus, American and British Painting, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. He has written numerous books, articles, and exhibition catalogues on Winslow Homer.

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Uta Grosenick (Editor)
ID: 3578
Издательство: Taschen
Taschen 25th Anniversary Series
Many of the century's greatest artistic talents grace the pages of this tome, each artist represented by six pages of illustrations and photographs covering the various phases of her life and work, including biographical portraits and text. The media covered range from the standard painting, sculpture, and photography to concept art, performance, body art, video, feminist actions, installations, and interactive projects. Presented in alphabetical order by artist, Women Artists is an indispensable reference guide and a joy to flip through.

Featured artists: Marina Abramovic, Laurie Anderson, Janine Antoni, Vanessa Beecroft, Louise Bourgeois, Hanne Darboven, Sonia Delaunay, Rineke Dijkstra, Marlene Dumas, Tracey Emin, Valie Export, Sylvie Fleury, Katharina Fritsch, Ellen Gallagher, Isa Genzken, Nan Goldin, Natalia Goncharova, Barbara Hepworth, Eva Hesse, Hannah Höch, Candida Höfer, Nancy Holt, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Magdalena Jetelová, Frida Kahlo, Toba Khedoori, Lee Krasner, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Tamara de Lempicka, Sherrie Levine, Agnes Martin, Tracey Moffatt, Mariko Mori, Shirin Neshat, Louise Nevelson, Cady Noland, Georgia O´Keeffe, Yoko Ono, Meret Oppenheim, Elizabeth Peyton, Germaine Richier, Bridget Riley, Pipilotti Rist, Susan Rothenberg, Niki de Saint Phalle, Carolee Schneemann, Cindy Sherman, Kiki Smith, Elaine Sturtevant, Rosemarie Trockel, Adriana Varejão, Kara Walker, Pae White, Rachel Whiteread
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Jean-Paul Bouillon
ID: 2740
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Impressionism is feminine!

There is a widespread interest in Impressionist painting, and exhibitions on this accessible movement often draw a large and diverse audience. Unfortunately, most of these events display remarkable few works by the female contemporaries of Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, and Pissarro.

Yet there were quite a number of professional female artists in the second half of the nineteenth century, and the exceptional, attractive oil paintings, pastels, watercolors, drawings, and etchings in this volume are by four of the most significant. The works by these French and American artists — Berthe Morisot, a central figure in the Impressionist movement; Mary Cassatt, a very independent artist and a respected colleague of Degas’s; Eva Gonzalès, one of Manet’s most talented pupils; and Marie Bracquemond, whose small oeuvre is of the highest quality — reflect their various lives and experiences as women. Until now, they have never been exhibited together, and this publication contains many unfamiliar and surprising images, waiting to be discovered by both fans of and newcomers to Impressionism.

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Maria da Granda, Maaike van Neck
ID: 3311
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book is an extraordinary pictorial dictionary of musical instruments from around the world, containing over 1500 drawings. Each instrument has been selected to provide a balanced historical overview of musical development: aerophones, idiophones, membranophones, chordophones, mechanical and electrical instruments are all equally represented.

All of the drawings have been created specifically for the details of features such as strings, frets and keys, together with characteristic decorative patterns, have been painstakingly reproduced.

World Musical Instruments will serve both as a source of information and as an object of fascination for: scholars, musicians, artists and designers. The accompanying CD-ROM with high-resolution jpeg illustrations of all the instruments provides the reader with an invaluable resource.

Agile Rabbit Editions contain stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge.

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Chris Metzen, Matt Burns, Robert Brooks
ID: 13478
Издательство: Dark Horse Comics

Blizzard Entertainment and Dark Horse Books are thrilled to present the next instalment of the wildly popular World of Warcraft Chronicle series. Volume 2 will reveal more sought-after details about the game universe's history and mythology. Showcasing lush, all-new artwork from fan favourites such as Peter Lee, Joseph Lacroix, and Alex Horley, this tome is sure to please all fanscasual and collector alike.

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