Дизайн жилых интерьеров

Книги по дизайну интерьеров

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Cynthia Reschke
ID: 2074
Видавництво: teNeues

400 color photographs

Apart being a place where food is prepared and cooked today's kitchen is also used for meals and social occasions. The latest trends and decorative concepts are presented in this copiously illustrated 400 page source book: avant-garde or rustic kitchens, small or spacious kitchens, spaces that experiment with color and new materials or take advantage of technological innovations. This book investigates how the kitchen has evolved and changed over time by exploring the work of leading designers and architects. It covers which materials are most suitable and popular and which are going out of fashion; color and lighting schemes; which furniture works best in particular kinds of spaces; and the role electrical gadgets and kitchen utensils have played in making domestic tasks easier and improving the quality of life.

Editors: Sven Ehmann, Robert Klanten, Michelle Galindo
ID: 10828
Видавництво: Gestalten

Whether traditional, Nordic, or futuristic, the kitchen is the new living room — a place to cook, eat, and celebrate. This book showcases the latest interiors and kitchen concepts.

The kitchen is the new living room: a space for social gathering, collaborative cooking, event hosting, and communal dining. Undergoing immense transformation through time and continually adapting to current social and aesthetic trends, the room that used to be a service area relegated to the back of the house is now the multi-functional hub of the home.

Kitchen Kulture is an inspiring visual feast that shines a light on all that the twenty-first century kitchen can be. The kitchens presented in this book are testing grounds for environmentally-friendly innovation as well as lively spaces that inspire a higher quality of life by prompting better eating habits and bringing together family and friends. From a vast, open-plan kitchen in a London townhouse to a kitchenette inside a student studio in Berlin, the professionals behind these designs uncover the full potential of today’s kitchen through their creativity.

At home, the kitchen is where the best parties end, the wildest affairs begin, food trends are set, small culinary businesses are founded, and the perfect strangers of a supper-club are catered to. Whether large or small, modern or rustic, the kitchen has become the center of all the action. What was once a pragmatically designed place for food preparation has now become a stage on which the act of cooking and eating is celebrated as a social event. At the same time, the kitchen is being opened up to become a living space and pivotal meeting point in the home.

Kitchen Kulture is an insightful survey of new, established, and unconventional ideas in contemporary kitchen design. From small-scale multifunctional cupboard kitchens to expansive living and cooking environments, the book features kitchens that are as individual and charismatic as the personalities that use them. It includes high-tech innovations by well-known kitchen manufacturers, surprising approaches for everyday life, pop-up cooking sites for special events, and futuristic design concepts that let the kitchen dissolve entirely and become fully integrated into living spaces.

Details are an essential part of today’s culinary experience — not only when it comes to cooking but also when designing a kitchen interior. For this reason, Kitchen Kulture presents not only functional furnishings, but also an array of kitchen tools and appliances that meld practicality with aesthetics. And because a kitchen comes alive when it is used, the book includes several photo-based stories of people cooking and enjoying in their kitchens that truly capture their atmospheres.

It is precisely these rich details that make Kitchen Kulture such an inspiring reference for all of those facing the exciting yet challenging task of improving, extending, or rebuilding their kitchen. Or, of course, for those who would simply like to kick off their next dinner with friends by planning their dream kitchen!

Wim Pauwels
ID: 6754
Видавництво: Beta-Plus

This is now the seventh title in the series on kitchens from Beta-Plus. A brand new edition with inspiring kitchens from Belgian and Dutch designers; both in a contemporary and a more traditional, country look.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги  Kitchens  в pdf-формате.

Jean Martin
ID: 1596
Видавництво: Vial

Dessiner les plans d’un escalier en bois demande une solide technique de traçage, précise et efficace. L’étude de ce livre devrait permettre de l’acquérir en suivant des règles applicables d'une façon rationnelle. Il s'adresse à des personnes possédant plus ou moins les premiers principes de traçage, mais voudraient être à l’aise pour tracer un escalier, qu’il soit droit ou à courbes.
Le livre commence par un important glossaire spécialisé. Il  aborde ensuite le tracé des escaliers les plus simples, à limon droit, puis des escaliers à limon cintré, creux ou débillardé, balancés ou non. Après un chapitre dédié aux mains-courantes et à leurs raccords, l’auteur explique, sur un plan autant théorique que pratique, la réalisation des escaliers en bois lamellé-collé qui nécessite l’établissement d’un moule. Le livre continue par une étude du pas et de la hauteur des marches, en proposant des abaques et des tables pour calculer facilement leurs variations. Enfin, quelques réalisations de l’auteur sont présentées et analysées grâce à des photographies, des vues d’atelier, des plans et des commentaires techniques.

Sommaire :
Exposé sur le tracé  (21 planches)
Tracé des limons droits, des joints de limon, des limons cintrés, creux et ronds, des contre-limons, des crémaillères et fausses-crémaillères.
L’escalier à l'anglaise. Balancement des marches. 73 modèles d’escaliers balancés. Division des longueurs rampantes.
Les lignes courbes (31 planches)
Lignes courbes dans l'espace. Emploi de la boîte de traçage. Tracé des joints d’assemblage du limon. Modèles de limons courants. Limons à courbes remarquables.
Volutes et départs. Tracé des courbes débillardées et sciage à la scie à ruban. Main-courante : balustres et rampe débillardée.
Escalier à courbe à quatre centres
Exposé sur les raccords de main-courante
Réalisation des escaliers en bois lamellé-collé
Quel bois choisir ? Le moule. Mise en œuvre. Traçage. Analyse de la construction du contre-limon d’un escalier escargot et du limon d’un escalier circulaire.
Exposé sur le pas
Variations du pas et abaque. Tables fonctionnelles pour la détermination des hauteurs des marches.
Reflets de réalisations
Vingt-cinq escaliers construits sous la direction de l’auteur

Denise Van Der Kelen
ID: 7107
Видавництво: Vial

L'école Van der kelen est mondialement connue pour la qualité de son enseignement et de ses réalisations. Cet ouvrage apporte un témoignage sur un patrimoine unique et une tradition perpétuée aujourd'hui dans le souci de l'excellence, les multiples illustrations de cet ouvrage en témoignent.

Sommaire :
Première partie : l'histoire, les leçons de l'Antiquité, l'histoire de la peinture décorative, l'évolution des techniques.
Deuxième partie : les éléments décoratifs.
Troisième partie : les imitations des bois, l'univers du bois, le langage du bois, les techniques d'imitation des bois.
Quatrième partie : les imitations des marbres, l'univers du marbre, les techniques d'imitation des marbres.

Henrietta Heald
ID: 10546
Видавництво: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

This celebration and distillation of the spirit of France provides a privileged glimpse inside 18 ravishing French homes, from chateaux to farmhouses, as well as the regions in which they are set, including Normandy, Brittany, the Ile de Re, Paris, Provence, the Loire and Bordeaux.

The book also features insightful essays on many of the traditions and characteristics of French life, including pavement cafes, vineyards, classic French furniture and fabrics, regional food specialities and more. Interspersed throughout the book are recipes for authentic French dishes and quotations from great writers and philosophers, designed to immerse you in the delightful culture and ambience of the French way of life.

Jill Foulston
ID: 11922
Видавництво: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

This glorious celebration and distillation of the heart and soul of Italy provides a glimpse inside 15 ravishing Italian homes, from castles to farmhouses, as well as the regions in which they are set. La Vita è Bella also features insightful essays on many of the traditions and characteristics of Italian life, including festivals and customs, regional food and drink specialities, and more. Interspersed throughout the book are recipes for favorite and flavorful Italian dishes, including risotto, pizza, gnocchi, and sweet treats, as well as quotations from great writers and philosophers, designed to immerse you in the delightful culture and ambience of La Bella Italia!

About the author

Jill Foulston is an acclaimed writer, editor and translator with a passion for interiors, food and shopping. Originally from the US, Jill has a lifelong love for all things Italian. She is the proud owner of a home in Umbria and is a fluent Italian speaker.

Michael Hall
ID: 5765
Видавництво: Monacelli Press

The great English country house tradition reached its apotheosis in the nineteenth century. Designed by all the most eminent architects of the age, houses constructed during this period were larger, more elaborate, and more lavishly furnished than ever before, and they became famous throughout Europe and America for their luxury, technological innovation, and convenience of plan.

Michael Hall's survey draws on the vast archive of the great British magazine Country Life to present the fullest visual record yet published of the Victorian-era country house in England and Wales. It ranges from the High Gothic of Tyntes?eld to Ferdinand Rothschild's ?amboyantly French Waddesdon Manor and Philip Webb's Arts and Crafts interiors at Standen. These remarkable photographs are in many cases the only record of the great houses in their heyday; those such as Wrest Park, Thoresby Hall, and Hewell Grange were all sold in the twentieth century and their magni?cent furniture and priceless artwork and collections dispersed. Houses that have survived with their interiors intact but are little known or rarely accessible to the public also feature prominently, such as Flintham Hall and the Earl of Harrowby's Sandon Hall.

Spectacular color photographs provide a fascinating look at some of the most celebrated houses of the period, from A. W. N. Pugin's Scarisbrick Hall and William Burges's Cardiff Castle to J. F. Bentley's Carlton Towers and J. D. Crace's astonishing interiors at Longleat. This chronologically arranged survey of Victorian houses spans the decades from the 1830s to the 1890s and includes not only new houses, but also historic county seats that have been in families for generations and were given major renovations or additions in this era. With over 150 superb color and black-and-white photographs specially selected to highlight the century's most signi?cant houses and their architects and an authoritative commentary by Michael Hall, this book provides a thorough overview of a major period in British architectural history.

Anne Forray-Carlier
ID: 6150
Видавництво: Vial

C’est à la fin du XIXe siècle, alors que la création de boiseries neuves se raréfie, que commence l’intérêt pour les boiseries anciennes. Nées au Moyen-Âge, elles doivent leur succès à leurs excellentes qualités d’isolation thermique et phonique, mais aussi à la possibilité qu’elles offrent en matière de décoration que le XVIIIe siècle portera au plus haut degré. Le musée Carnavalet est devenu un des hauts lieux de la boiserie française puisqu’il présente des dizaines de salles couvertes de lambris récupérés dans des hôtels particuliers parisiens.

L’auteur commence par un bref rappel biographique qui rappelle l’évolution de l’intérêt du public pour les boiseries anciennes. Il précise ensuite son sujet à travers la définition de la boiserie, du lambris. Il précise le rôle de l’architecte, du menuisier, du sculpteur, du peintre et du doreur grâce aux nombreux documents qu’ils nous ont laissés : ouvrages techniques, études préparatoires, devis, épures et d’émouvants dessins sur les murs qui ont parfois été conservés sous les boiseries. Il retrace ensuite l’histoire et l’évolution de la boiserie en France depuis le haut Moyen-Âge au XIXe siècle en passant par la Renaissance et l’époque classique. Il en profite pour présenter les différents éléments d’une boiserie à la française et son évolution : plinthe, panneaux de soubassement, cimaise, grands panneaux, entablement et corniche sont rythmés verticalement par les ouvertures et des parecloses ou des pilastres.
Dès sa création en 1865, le musée Carnavalet se préoccupe de sauver des boiseries remarquables des XVII et XVIIIe siècles promises à la démolition : il les rachète, les remonte dans les salles de la rue de Sévigné, les étudie, les restaure dans leur splendeur initiale et ainsi les préserve. L’auteur les décrit en les replaçant dans leur contexte historique et technique, nous présente le résultat des recherches effectuées (genèse des oeuvres, documents d’époque, travaux de remontage), illustrées par de très nombreuses photographies qui nous montrent vues générales et détails.
C’est ainsi à une visite exceptionnelle du musée Carnavalet que ce livre nous convie, guidés par celle qui en fut le Conservateur pendant presque vingt ans.

Livre bilingue français - anglais

Sommaire :
L’art de la boiserie en France.
Le décor de boiserie
L’histoire de la boiserie en France
Naissance d’un engouement
Boiseries de l’hôtel Colbert de Villacerf.
Boiseries originales de l’hôtel Carnavalet
Cabinet de l’hôtel Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau.
Boiseries provenant de l’hôtel de Broglie.
Deux salons de l’hôtel Brûlart de Sillery.
Boiseries provenant de l’hôtel Stuart d’Aubigny.
Boiseries de la salle Liesville
Boiseries provenant d’un hôtel de la rue du Regard
Boiseries provenant d’un hôtel de la rue de Fleurus
Boiseries provenant de l’hôtel Lebas de Courmont
Un cabinet chinois.
Boiseries provenant d’un hôtel de la rue de Grenelle
Boiseries du Café militaire.
Le salon de compagnie de l’hôtel d’Uzès
Le boudoir, la rotonde, le petit et le grand salon de l'hôtel de Breteuil
Boiseries du château de Conflans.

Francoise-Claire Prodhon
ID: 13255
Видавництво: Rizzoli

Liaigre invites readers on a world tour of its newest generation of interiors exemplifying the renowned French brand's masterful savoir-faire, pared-back elegance, and renewed vigor.

In an exquisite volume, the illustrious French interiors house Liaigre takes us inside its latest cosmopolitan residences. For over thirty years Liaigre has solidified its signature excellent craftsmanship, precise aesthetic, and luxurious simplicity with a subtle eye for details; the house embodies elegant understatement, reminiscent of the most refined art de vivre. Following the departure of its visionary founder in 2016, Liaigre has been infused with new energy. Throughout the book's pages, readers will delve into character-filled interiors that speak to its vision for the future.

A Japanese house overlooking hot thermal springs; a modernist palace in New Delhi (Liaigre's first project in India); a delicate renovation of a traditional local villa in St. Moritz; an update to a glamorous Parisian villa from the early twentieth century; and a modern reinterpretation of a Bavarian-style mansion in Munich--all of these projects and more represent manifestos of the "Liaigre style." Furthermore, a visual immersion into Liaigre's Paris studio offers a behindthe-scenes glimpse into the house's creative know-how. Featuring exceptional images from specially commissioned photoshoots and an engaging essay by French art historian Françoise-Claire Prodhon, this tome will delight new and old fans of Liaigre's designs as well as interiors aficionados everywhere.

About the Author:

Françoise-Claire Prodhon is an art historian. She studied at the École du Louvre in Paris, and is a renowned art critic, author, and journalist, writing for such magazines as Flash Art InternationalIntramuros, and AD France.

Christian Liaigre
ID: 10766
Видавництво: Flammarion

Christian Liaigre, a visionary interior designer, unveils ten of his most recent projects from around the world in this exquisite large-format volume.

Over the past twenty-five years, Christian Liaigre has built his reputation on the refined quality of his furniture and interiors. With a keen sensibility for space and light, design inspiration drawn from local cultures and traditions, meticulous attention given to the sourcing of materials, and an affinity for artisanal work, the designer combines the art of understatement with great elegance.

According to Liaigre, interior architecture and design should not be a reflection of fashion and trends but rather embody timelessness, tranquil beauty, and subtle luxury. He believes that comfort does not lie in trivial affluence but in delicacy and rareness. Since his last book in 2008, he has been designing both private and public interiors around the world — from the United States to Greece, from the French island of Île de Ré to Switzerland, and beyond.

This new book takes the reader inside his rarefied world, highlighting his freshest creations and encompassing the full range of his talents in furniture and interior design, revealing his signature style.

The large-format volume with cloth-bound spine offers inspiration for both professional architects and interior designers as well.

About the Author:

Christian Liaigre is a celebrated French interior designer. He has conceived homes for Calvin Klein, Karl Lagerfeld, Bryan Adams, François Nars, Rupert Murdoch, and Kenzo. He also designed the Mercer Hotel in New York, the Hakkasan restaurant in London, the Hotel Montalembert and Market restaurant in Paris, and the Club Med in Bora Bora

Daryl Bennett
ID: 8376
Видавництво: Antique Collectors' Club

Liberty's Furniture 1875-1915 includes beautiful photography which showcases a wide selection of Liberty Furniture
Features photographs of original pieces

This book gives particular attention to the work of one of Britain's foremost Arts and Crafts furniture designers, Leonard Wyburd, whose name resonates internationally

Liberty's Furniture 1875 -1915 provides the clearest and most comprehensive account of early Liberty furniture to date. A definitive work of reference, the volume outlines the company's unique contribution to the British Arts and Crafts style.Throughout the history of the Arts and Crafts Movement, Liberty & Co. always enjoyed a prominent position. With imaginative design, high-quality construction, and state-of-the-art marketing, the company was responsible for some of the most beautiful and enduring pieces of furniture from that period.

Drawing on archive material and reviews in contemporary journals and magazines, Liberty's Furniture 1875-1915 examines the key features and different styles of Liberty's furniture design, as it evolved through a variety of genres including Oriental, Arts and Crafts and 'modern country cottage'. Illustrations from the Liberty catalogues enable readers to see how both the products and promotional styles of the company developed, whilst the many colour photographs show a wide selection of items - from the Athelstan suite and Culloden sideboard to the Thebes stools and Witlaf chairs. Giving particular attention to the work of Leonard Wyburd, the man responsible for some of the most important elements of the Liberty style, this volume represents an invaluable evidence base for collectors and auction houses alike.

Karen M. Smith, John A. Flannery
ID: 2451
Видавництво: teNeues
The repositories of human wisdom and experience through the ages, libraries are one of our most valuable cultural resources. This stimulating volume showcases some of the most interesting library design trends and developments from around the world. Covering both public and private libraries, as well as bookstores, you'll see a wide variety of ways to arrange and store books and other media. Also included are examples of the finest library fittings and furnishings available. What factors distinguish a truly great library? Browse this valuable reference to find out for yourself …
Malene Birger
ID: 10450
Видавництво: teNeues

Global fashion designer Malene Birger expands the focus of her design empire from exquisite clothing to equally enticing living spaces. This stunning photo exposé displays her talent for transforming homes into inspirational works of art. Ms Birger’s interior designs combine diverse international elements with the utmost sophistication. Striking silhouettes and clever contrasts appear in bold patterns and beautiful objects of desire, along with an intriguing intermingling of accents. It’s all part of her distinctive approach to style. An impressive composition reflecting her sublime sense of aesthetics and obsession with perfection. The result? An array of delicious dwellings for either high-end entertaining or curling up with a good book.

Known for a style that’s exclusive and accessible, Ms Birger’s designs resonate with anyone who appreciates a contemporary take on classics, high quality and a hint of the unexpected. A favourite of international fashion editors, her designs are sold in over 950 venues worldwide. Ms Birger divides her time between Spain and Scandinavia

- A distinctive sourcebook for living well with inspirational ideas for a memorable interior design
- This stunning volume embodies the knack of internationally well-known fashion designer Malene Birger for transforming homes into fascinating works of art

ID: 13947
Видавництво: Gestalten

Coolly coast into the homes and retreats by the sea and discover a serene style spurred by the calming oceanic blue

With the sound of the waves crashing against the coastline and the beautifully salty air that dominates the climate, the sea has a majestic and relaxing hold on the mind. This lifestyle of respite also transcends into local architecture and interior design. Life’s A Beach takes readers into beach homes around the world, from the coasts of Australia to the shores of Brazil to the remote islands of the Aegean Sea.

Explore the many ways to decorate a cozy home by the sea, including handmade touches, natural materials, and elegant interiors each imbuing a sense of well-being. From humble little beach cottages to extraordinary modern bungalows, these spaces are designed for rest and relaxation, and for enjoying the beachy surrounds.