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Кафе, бары, рестораны

Кафе, бары, рестораны

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ID: 3841
Видавництво: Ca Press

Кол-во фотографий: более 300
Кол-во схем и рисунков: более 50
Книга Indoor Landscape представляет варианты дизайнов внутреннего озеленения.

Реальные проекты, созданные профессиональными дизайнерами по ландшафту, распределены по следующим рубрикам : Малые сады для публичных мест (рестораны, кафе, зоны отдыха и др.), Открытые балконы и террасы, Современные задние дворики, Офисы и бизнесс-центры, Озеленение отелей и Озеленение курортов.
Рекомендации: Для ландшафтных дизайнеров, занимающихся внутренним озеленением офисов, ресторанов, отелей, созданием зимних садов, городских садов и садов на крыше.

It is a compilation of all of the trends for Eco-landscape gathering more interest recently together with environmentally friendly architecture. A variety of the latest cases were suggested according to their use from large-scale natural green facility to residential facility, public facility, convenient facility, neighbouring facility, etc. In addition, it included details by the case so that the readers can use them for various purposes. On reading 'Landscape Architecture' published by CA Press, you will realize the value of landscape as well as the developed landscape in charge of a new axis of architecture, not a mere auxiliary facility.

ID: 346
Видавництво: RotoVision

Designing Bars and restaurants is an art that can make the difference between success and failure. From Michelin star to no-star, from a three-month waiting list to the all-you-can-eat salad bar, Industrial Interiors: Bars and Restaurants shows you the dish of the day, the most exciting new eateries of Asia-Pacific, the world’s stage for cutting-edge interior design. All too often, interior design is conceptual and divorced from reality – it forgets that spaces are designed to be occupied by human beings with ideas and designs of their own. The new ‘Industrial Interiors’ series breaks the mould of the interior design book to reveal a very different perspective. Bars and Restaurants offers a truer insider view of spaces, both public and private, showcasing real-world interior designs.

ID: 387
Видавництво: Archiworld

The foutth volume for restaurant includes 6 overseas pieces and 19 local ones

ID: 1801
Видавництво: Archiworld

As lifestyle of modern people changes in fast beat, increasing number of researches are conducted on various concentrations, such as function, efficiency and aesthetics of architectural and interior space. Amongst the subjects of academic attention, stands out the analysis approach, based on spatial division and type. This series provides an overview of a particular space and serves as a practical reference not only to the professionals but also to the general public.

ID: 2718
Видавництво: Archiworld

Interior World is designed to serve as one-stop design guide to interior professionals, providing hands-on information on beautifully scaped modern interior spaces as well as design trend, style suggestion, and other useful information. Immerse yourself into the world of sensuous and exquisite interior projects, embellished with extensive details and project analysis every month with Interior World.

Virginia Martino, Joseph M. Vassallo, Mary Vail
ID: 9259
Видавництво: Schiffer
‘Experience the explosiveness of water jets streaming skyward or the stillness of an infinity edge through 48 award-winning pool, spa, and water environments, and meet the cosmopolitan visionaries who captured the essence each was attempting to create. GAVA: Global AquaTekture Visionary Award presents Edition II, showcasing the latest winners of the water-inspired design competition that celebrates AquaTekture, the discipline of designing, engineering, and erecting water environments and ancillary components with consideration to functionality, space, and aesthetics. Architects, landscapers, artists, designers, inventors, and contractors from around the world masterfully incorporated fountains, fire, mosaic designs and acrylic panels, including Cameron Leth of Polar Pools, South Wales, Australia, who captured the coveted cover. Hosted by Three V Enterprises, the 2nd annual GAVA Awards was sponsored by Structure Studios, Zodiac Pool Products, Brand, Ltd., Paramount Pool and Spa Systems and Pebble Technology, Inc.’
Virginia Martino, Joseph M. Vassallo, Mary Vail
ID: 9258
Видавництво: Schiffer
Revel in the extraordinary expressions of water-inspired architecture known as AquaTekture! Discover the vision and construction challenges imaginative designers faced to craft the inspirational designs shown here. Unconventional, daring, and creative are only some of the words used to describe these pools, spas, and water environments. Now in its third year, the Global AquaTekture Visionary Awards (GAVA) features 59 exceptional installations. View magnificent visions of artisans who garnered these coveted awards. Over 190 color photos take you on a private tour around the globe to view awe-inspiring, prized design applications. Enjoy projects that exemplify AquaTekture, including water-inspired architecture from exclusive residences in Australia, Acapulco, and Austin, to the Swarovski Crystal Sparkling Hill Resort holistic spa in Canada and Francis Ford Coppola s Winery in California.
Virginia Martino, Joseph M. Vassallo, Mary Vail
ID: 9260
Видавництво: Schiffer
Showcases the most innovative designs of water-inspired applications from around the globe. Presents winners of the Global AquaTekture Visionary Award, a prestigious distinction that honors the finest pool visionaries, inventors, and builders from Australia, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Venezuela, and the United States.
The 39 projects shown masterfully blend the natural landscapes, elevations, and vistas with native and man-made materials. Includes exceptional commercial and residential environments, and provides information on the visionaries who created them.
R. Klanten, A. Sinofzik
ID: 8449
Видавництво: Gestalten

Introducing: Visual Identities for Small Businesses is a compilation of intelligent corporate designs for small, creative companies. The diverse work—such as a small run of stationery for a specialized consultant, the hand-set business cards of a typographer, or wrapping paper and chalk-boards for a local flower shop—is thematically united by a fresh attitude and personal approach that captures the imagination with which the founders pursue and communicate their business concepts.

Reflecting the full spectrum of today’s most important design trends, the featured examples make clear that intriguing visual concepts do not depend on large budget. Rather, the work included in Introducing: Visual Identities for Small Businesses is a testament to the fact that certain limitations can be beneficial to coming up with original and effectively executed creative ideas.

Jinling Qu
ID: 7446
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

Storefront design in Japan is part of Japanese culture and reflects the traditional concern for aesthetics, symmetry, discretion and simplicity. The commercial culture from brand identity to consumer psychcology calls for distinctive, innovative design statements consistent with widely diverse and high quality goods and services. This book presents the best of contemporary storefront design taking account of layout, colour, lighting, advertisement drawing, logo design, display cases and materials. It also shows the critical importance of the store window space to both the brand owner and the storefront designer.


004/ Preface
006/ Brand Store
108/ Bags, Shoes and Hats
128/ Jewelry Shop
154/ Watch and Spectacles
170/ Cosmetics
184/ General Category
206/ Japanese Restaurants
214/ Chinese Restaurants
228/ The Restaurants Inside
236/ Cafés and Bakery

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