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Frederico Poletti
ID: 16675
Видавництво: Prestel

This generously illustrated volume on the work of Botticelli makes the world’s greatest art accessible to readers of every level of appreciation

The Florentine painter Botticelli personifies the Golden Age of the early Renaissance. Best known for The Birth of Venus and Primavera, Botticelli painted with an expressive poeticism that eschewed formal realism. He used line and colour to gorgeous effect, creating some of the most beloved and familiar images of all time. Overflowing with impeccably reproduced images, this book offers full-page spreads of masterpieces as well as highlights of smaller details-allowing the viewer to appreciate every aspect of the artist's technique and oeuvre. Chronologically arranged, the book covers important biographical and historic events that reflect the latest scholarship. Additional information includes a list of works, timeline and suggestions for further reading.



Ціна: 700 грн
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Frank Zöllner
ID: 13281
Видавництво: Prestel

Now available in a new edition, this celebration of the life and art of the Renaissance genius presents Sandro Botticelli’s complete paintings and offers a comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date study of his work.

Botticelli is one of the most admired artists of the Renaissance period and his seductive Venus and graceful Primavera are among the world’s most recognizable works of art. This catalogue raisonné of Botticelli’s paintings offers more than two hundred full color illustrations and meticulous scholarship by the distinguished Renaissance art historian Frank Zöllner, described by The Financial Times, when reviewing this book’s previous edition, as “a fabulous, accessible scholar; his book has luscious reproductions and exquisite detail.” Presented in chronological order, the facts of Botticelli’s life and career are insightfully discussed against the background of the artistic upheaval that marked the Renaissance period. The artist’s reinterpretations of ancient myths as well as his religious paintings are thoughtfully explored in this sumptuously illustrated volume, which will please scholars and delight lovers of fine art books everywhere.


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Ціна: 2500 грн
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Lionello Venturi
ID: 12044
Видавництво: Phaidon

Celebrates one of the greatest and most beloved painters of the Early Renaissance with luxurious, large-format images

Sandro Botticelli, one of the greatest painters of the Italian High Renaissance, enjoyed the patronage of the greatest Florentine families. He spent most of his career in the humanist circle of the Medici, for whom he painted such masterpieces as Primavera and Venus and Mars, works that combine a decorative use of line with Classical elements in harmonious and supple compositions.

This sumptuously produced volume features an updated, full-colour selection of the artist's works made for the original 1937 edition by Ludwig Goldscheider, co-founder of Phaidon Press. The original essay by Lionello Venturi is accompanied by a new introduction from Renaissance specialist Alessandro Cecchi, putting Botticelli and his school into a contemporary context. Elegant design, fine papers and tipped-on image plates make this a true collector's edition.

About the Author:

Lionello Venturi (1885-1961) was a renowned Italian art historian, critic and Professor of Art History at the University of Turin and, later, at the University of Rome.

Ціна: 6000 грн
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Barbara Deimling
ID: 12778
Видавництво: Taschen

Florence s golden child. The Early Renaissance master

During Sandro Botticelli's lifetime (1444/45-1510), the influence of his art scarcely reached beyond his native Florence, and following his death, he was soon forgotten, to be rediscovered only in the 19th century by the Pre-Raphaelites. Since then, Botticelli has ranked among the greatest Renaissance artists. In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, paintings such as Primavera and The Birth of Venus are among the foremost attractions for tourists and art lovers. Botticelli s captivating figures of women, his intimate portrayals of the Madonna and Child, and the angelic beauty of his adolescents are famous the world over today. The artist s life and work are explored in this thoughtful and beautifully illustrated study.

About the series:

Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Art series features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

Barbara Deimling
ID: 10632
Видавництво: Taschen

Florence’s golden child. The Early Renaissance master

During Sandro Botticelli’s lifetime (1444/45-1510), the influence of his art scarcely reached beyond his native Florence, and following his death he was soon forgotten, to be rediscovered only in the 19th century by the Pre-Raphaelites. Since then, Botticelli has ranked among the greatest of the Renaissance artists. In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, paintings such as Primavera and The Birth of Venus are among the foremost attractions for tourists and art lovers. Botticelli's captivating figures of women, his intimate portrayals of the Madonna and Child, and the angelic beauty of his adolescents are famous the world over today. The artist's life and work are explored in this thoughtful and beautifully illustrated study.

About the Series:

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art series features:
- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

Barbara Deimling
ID: 9930
Видавництво: Taschen

Rediscovered genius of the Early Renaissance

During Sandro Botticelli’s lifetime (1444/45-1510), the influence of his art scarcely reached beyond his native Florence, and following his death he was soon forgotten, to be rediscovered only in the 19th century, by the Pre-Raphaelites. Since then, Botticelli has ranked among the greatest of the Renaissance artists.

In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, paintings such as ’Primavera’ and ’The Birth of Venus’ belong to the foremost attractions for tourists and art lovers. His captivating figures of women, his intimate portrayals of the Madonna and Child, and the angel-like beauty of his adolescents are famous the world over today.

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги Botticelli Боттичелли

About the Series:
Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
  • a concise biography
  • approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions
Франк Цельнер
ID: 9482
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Сандро Боттичелли считается одним из самых выдающихся художников эпохи Возрождения. Выступив новатором в области мифологической живописи, а также впервые изобразив обнаженную натуру в полный рост, Боттичелли создал огромное количество портретов своих современников, относящихся к элите флорентийского общества, и, кроме того, стал свидетелем зарождения фанатичного религиозного движения, отразив основные моменты его развития в своем творчестве. Наше представление об искусстве эпохи Возрождения сформировано под влиянием его главных картин - "Весна" и "Рождение Венеры". Его полотна стали эталоном стиля и красоты.

В книгу включен наиболее полный систематический каталог произведений Боттичелли, существующий на данный момент. 

Книга искусствоведа Франка Цёльнера рассказываето всех этапах творчества Боттичелли, анализирует его полотна и содержит наиболее полный систематический каталог произведений, существующий на данный момент.

Frank Zollner
ID: 8288
Видавництво: Prestel

Botticelli is one of the most beloved figures of the Renaissance period and his seductive "Venus" and graceful "Primavera" are among the world's most recognizable works of art. Now available in an attractive and accessibly priced hardcover edition, this catalogue raisonné of Botticelli's paintings offers meticulous scholarship by the distinguished Renaissance art historian Frank Zöllner and more than two hundred full-color illustrations. As "The Financial Times" praised the previous edition of the book, "Zöllner is a fabulous, accessible scholar; his book has luscious reproductions and exquisite detail." Presented in chronological order, the facts of Botticelli's life and career are insightfully discussed against the background of the artistic upheaval that marked the Renaissance period. The artist's reinterpretations of ancient myths as well as his religious paintings are thoughtfully explored in this sumptuously illustrated volume, which will please scholars and delight lovers of fine art books everywhere.

Emile Gebhart, Victoria Charles
ID: 6208
Видавництво: Parkstone

The Medici court painter Botticelli is one of the unequivocal artists of the Italian Renaissance alongside Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Favouring feminine portraits, Botticelli stands apart through the finesse of his lines and the unbridled sensuality of his paintings. With his religious and private commissions, this Florentine artist introduced the profane into art through works of complex mythological subjects, such as the incontrovertibly masterful Primavera and The Birth of Venus, and knew how to delight the erudite patrons of art. The Madonna of the Magnificat remains one of the most beautiful examples of the Virgin ever achieved. Between the delicacy of the Renaissance and the exuberance of Mannerism, the richness and refinement of the works of Botticelli are a magnificent delight.

Andreas Schumacher (Editor)
ID: 4915
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

The official catalogue of the major exhibition at the Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main

The graceful beauty of his female figures, the humanist influence, and the courtly solemnity of his painting make the works of Sandro Botticelli (ca. 1445–1510) the epitome of Florentine art during the golden age of the reign of Lorenzo Medici, known as il Magnifico. This splendid volume takes the reader on a journey through the artistic world of one of the most famous Renaissance painters. One focus is Botticelli’s masterful portraits, which bring to life those in his circle of patrons, for whose palaces he created grand mythological paintings and precious memorials to rival those of antiquity. This publication provides the reader with impressive insight into Botticelli’s important contributions to Florentine art, and also traces the ideals of feminine beauty, embodied not only by his enchanting goddesses and Madonnas, but also in the idealized portrait of an unknown lady.

Барбара Деймлинг
ID: 681
Видавництво: Taschen

Книга об итальянском художнике эпохи Возрождения Сандро Боттичелли (1444/45–1510). Он использовал правила линейной перспективы и изучал античные статуи; отразившийся в них идеал человека выразился, прежде всего, в его обнаженных фигурах. Вместе с тем полные грации и очарования женские образы Боттичелли близки идеалам поздней готики. Однако искусство художника было далеким от того, чтобы изображать в мифологических и религиозных композициях одно лишь очарование и красоту фигур, его картины несут в себе философское, политическое и религиозное содержание, которое дает им право быть также ключом для понимания культуры и политической жизни Флоренции второй половины XV века. Но по мере того как философские идеи, положенные в основу картин художника, сменялись другими представлениями, изменялась политическая и религиозная ситуация, живопись Боттичелли все более отходила на задний план, интерес к ней падал. Он вновь возродился на короткое время в эпоху маньеризма в середине XVI века. И только пробудившийся в XIX веке интерес к искусству Возрождения заставил вновь открыть его картины, они обрели известность, которую сохраняют вплоть до наших дней. Книга состоит из восьми глав, подробно рассказывающих о жизни художника и об истории написания каждой картины, представленной в издании. В конце книги приводится хронология жизни и творчества мастера.

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