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Rainer Zerbst
ID: 13177
Видавництво: Taschen

The Complete Gaudí. Freedom of form with the “Dante of architecture”

Antoni Gaudí merged Orientalism, natural forms, and new materials into a unique Modernista aesthetic that put Barcelona on the global architecture map. With brand-new photography, plans and drawings by Gaudí himself, as well as an extensive appendix of all his works including furniture and unfinished projects, this XL book takes us through the Catalonian’s fantastical universe like never before.

The life of Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man, he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life, he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single spectacular church, La Sagrada Familia. In his youth, he courted a glamorous social life and the demeanor of a dandy. By the time of his death in a tram accident on the streets of Barcelona his clothes were so shabby passersby assumed he was a beggar.

Gaudí’s incomparable architecture channels much of this multifaceted intricacy. From the shimmering textures and skeletal forms of Casa Batlló to the Hispano-Arabic matrix of Casa Vicens, his work merged the influences of Orientalism, natural forms, new materials, and religious faith into a unique Modernista aesthetic. Today, his unique aesthetic enjoys global popularity and acclaim. His magnum opus, the Sagrada Familia, is the most-visited monument in Spain, and seven of his works are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Through brand-new photography, plans and drawings by Gaudí himself, historical photos, as well as an appendix detailing all his works — from buildings to furniture, decor to unfinished projects —t his book presents Gaudí’s universe like never before. Like a personal tour through Barcelona, we discover how the “Dante of architecture” was a builder in the truest sense of the word, crafting extraordinary constructions out of minute and mesmerizing details, and transforming fantastical visions into realities on the city streets.

The author:

Rainer Zerbst studied modern languages at the University of Tübingen and in Wales from 1969 to 1975. From 1976 to 1982 he worked as a research assistant in the Department of English at the University of Tübingen. Since completing his doctorate in 1982, Zerbst has been active as a critic in the fields of art, literature, and theater.

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Rainer Zerbst
ID: 13296
Видавництво: Taschen

The Complete Gaudí. Freedom of form with the “Dante of architecture”

Antoni Gaudí merged Orientalism, natural forms, and new materials into a unique Modernista aesthetic that put Barcelona on the global architecture map. With brand-new photography, plans and drawings by Gaudí himself, as well as an extensive appendix of all his works including furniture and unfinished projects, this book takes us through the Catalonian’s fantastical universe like never before.

The life of Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man, he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life, he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single spectacular church, La Sagrada Família. In his youth, he courted a glamorous social life and the demeanour of a dandy. By the time of his death in a tram accident on the streets of Barcelona, his clothes were so shabby that passersby assumed he was a beggar.

Gaudí’s incomparable architecture channels much of this multifaceted intricacy. From the shimmering surface textures and skeletal forms of Casa Batlló to the Hispano-Arabic matrix of Casa Vicens, his work merged the influences of Orientalism, natural forms, new materials, and religious faith into a unique Modernista aesthetic. Today, his buildings enjoy global popularity and acclaim; his magnum opus, the Sagrada Família, is the most-visited monument in Spain and seven of his works are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Packed full of expert texts and hundreds of full-colour illustrations, including new photography, this book presents Gaudí’s complete oeuvre. Like a personal tour through Barcelona, we explore his residential, religious, and public projects. We see how the “Dante of architecture” was a builder in the truest sense of the word, crafting extraordinary constructions out of minute and mesmerizing details, transforming fantastical visions into realities on the city streets.

The author:

Rainer Zerbst studied modern languages at the University of Tübingen and in Wales from 1969 to 1975. From 1976 to 1982 he worked as a research assistant in the Department of English at the University of Tübingen. Since completing his doctorate in 1982, Zerbst has been active as a critic in the fields of art, literature, and theatre.

About the series:

TASCHEN is 40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program — now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

Maria Antonietta Crippa
ID: 12970
Видавництво: Taschen

From the towering Sagrada Família to the shimmering, textured façade of Casa Batlló and the enchanting landscape of Park Güell, it’s easy to see why Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) gained the epithet “God’s architect.” With fluid forms and mathematical precision, his work extols the wonder of natural creation: columns soar like tree trunks, window frames curve like flowering branches, and ceramic tiling shimmers like scaly, reptilian skin.

With this outstanding attention to natural detail, his inspirations from both neo-Gothic and Orientalist aesthetics, and a lifelong commitment to Catalan identity, Gaudí created a unique brand of the Modernista movement which transformed, and defines, Barcelona’s cityscape.

With seven of Gaudí’s projects listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, this book introduces the architect’s extraordinary vision and unique legacy, exploring the influences and the details which allow his buildings to impress, inspire, and amaze, one century after their construction.

About the series:

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Architecture series features:

- an introduction to the life and work of the architect 
- the major works in chronological order
- information about the clients, architectural preconditions as well as construction problems and resolutions
- a list of all the selected works and a map indicating the locations of the best and most famous buildings
- approximately 120 illustrations (photographs, sketches, drafts, and plans)

Jeremy Roe
ID: 4614
Видавництво: Parkstone

Spanish architect and designer Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) is an important and influential figure in the history of contemporary Spanish art. His use of colour, application of different materials and introduction of movement in his constructions were an innovation in the realm of architecture. In his journal, Gaudí freely expressed his own feelings on art, “the colours used in architecture have to be intense, logical and fertile.”

The author, Jeremy Roe, is interested in a wide range of photography and architectural detail. This interest drives the author and enables him to reveal the context of the art of Barcelona while he guides us through an introduction to Antoni Gaudí, master of some of the most famous constructions, design objects and greatest works in Spanish architecture. This book offers a great insight into Gaudí’s work.

ID: 4530
Видавництво: Taschen

В лице Гауди родился выдающийся художественный гений, который с самых первых шагов своей профессиональной деятельности обладал неповторимым стилем. Многие считали его сначала интересным, а позднее - просто невероятным. Недостаточно сказать, что Гауди внес свой вклад в развитие архитектуры. Он пошел намного дальше и коренным образом изменил ее стиль и структуру. Он работал, не думая об оригинальности или о ниспровержении существующих эстетических норм, а лишь подчиняясь безудержному порыву своей творческой одаренности. Воинствующие мастера-авангардисты XX века, например Аполлинер, Бретон, Дали, Мэн Рей, Элюар, преклонялись перед творчеством Гауди и после его смерти провозгласили архитектора сюрреалистом.

Антонио Гауди, всю жизнь проповедовавший свободу в своей профессии и никогда не принадлежавший ни к одному из художественных сообществ, так и не удостоился почестей и наград от какой-либо академии и в отличие от многих своих коллег никогда не примыкал к какой-либо политической организации. Он был выдающимся самобытным художником, который работал с невероятной четкостью, даже если она, казалось бы, порождалась безудержным воображением. Плоды этого воображения и через 80 лет после смерти архитектора продолжают оставаться главными достопримечательностями Барселоны, где сосредоточены наиболее значительные и самые прекрасные творения удивительного и всеобъемлющего таланта Гауди.

Появление такого феномена, как Антонио Гауди, положило начало беспрецедентному этапу в развитии не только искусства Каталонии, но и всего мира. Подлинное значение творчества архитектора было осознано лишь несколько десятилетий спустя.

Лебедев С.Л.
ID: 2963
Видавництво: БММ

Текст этой книги, которую с полным правом можно назвать маленьким исследованием, начинается со слов, что биографию Антонио Гауди лучше анализировать, "внимательно изучая его работы". Это справедливо. И такую возможность читатели получают, так как повествование сопровождается прекрасными фотографиями.

Мария Антониетта Криппа
ID: 678
Видавництво: Taschen

Это издание посвящено гению испанской архитектуры Антонио Гауди (1852–1926), создавшему своеобразный вариант стиля модерн.

Мало заботясь о чистоте стиля, Гауди добивался впечатления фантастичности будто вылепленных архитектурных форм. Его творчество повлияло на всю архитектуру ХХ века. Он отличался от своих коллег-архитекторов особой чуткостью к формам проявления природы и тем, какое значение он придавал геометрии как средству познания и инструменту для создания задуманной конструкции. В период между 1890 и 1914 годами талант архитектора нашел воплощение в строениях и парках, которые, безусловно, принадлежат к числу мировых шедевров.

Его проекты всегда начинались с трехмерной модели из гипса, дерева или веревочек с грузом, холсты служили для имитации поверхностей. Хотя он придавал очень большое значение черчению, модели являлись самым важным инструментом для отработки его идей, как он объяснял своим ученикам, поскольку можно обдумывать форму в пространстве.

Его творения обретали все более сложные формы, не в последнюю очередь по той причине, что он находил способы их реализации в соответствии с традиционными недорогими и не требующими особых затрат строительными технологиями. Кроме того, он отказался от использования при строительстве необычных материалов, отдавая предпочтение кирпичу. Из традиционных технологий, которые возродил Гауди, особо знаменитой стала сводчатая крыша, образуемая рядами кладки из особо прочных, скрепленных известковым раствором плит.

Книга состоит из введения, шестнадцати частей с подробными описаниями самых знаменитых построек, иллюстрированной хронологии жизни и творчества, карт с указанием мест построек Гауди в Испании, и более подробно - в Барселоне, а также избранной библиографии трудов о Гауди.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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