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William Wegman, William A. Ewing
ID: 11601
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The ultimate collection of William Wegman’s Weimaraner photographs, in an accessibly priced format, with over 250 brilliant and witty images from across five decades.

All artists have a muse. Movie directors perfect their craft working again and again with the same actor, while choreographers find their inspiration for some of their greatest works when creating for a particular dancer. Sometimes a muse is a silent partner, the object of an artist's intense and obsessive gaze. At other times the relationship is a kind of performance, a deeply collaborative act. For William Wegman, whose muses have been all of these things and more over the years, inspiration arrived in 1970 when his dog, a Weimaraner named Man Ray, appeared in front of his camera.

William Wegman is a world-renowned American artist whose paintings, photographs, videos and drawings have been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally. Today he is perhaps best known for his collaborations with his longstanding muses, an ever-expanding cast of Weimaraners, for whom performing elaborate scenarios or merely posing demurely for their portraits comes as second nature. Curated in close collaboration with distinguished photography author William A. Ewing, William Wegman: Being Human is the most extensive collection of Wegman’s photographic work yet to be published. With over 300 images made over the last four decades, many published here for the first time, Being Human will delight and engage both those who are new to Wegman’s work and those who have admired his art for many years.

The book is organized thematically, presenting a wealth of exceptional work in such a way as to highlight the versatility of Wegman’s ever-inventive mind as he explores what it means to be human. From portraits of characters we so easily recognize – a suburban housewife, a famous actor, a nightclub singer, a golfer dressed in plaid – to imagery that toys with a wide range of visual languages, Wegman quotes freely from fashion photography, Cubism, colour theory, the tradition of the nude and the history of art itself.

With insightful essays by Ewing and Wegman, and an interview that explores the key concepts of the book, Wegman’s approach to his subjects and their life in the studio, Being Human celebrates a creative partnership - a relationship between an artist and his muses - that continues to this day.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Wolfgang Tillmans
ID: 13446
Видавництво: Taschen

Eyes of Our Time. Wolfgang Tillmans compiles 30 years of his work to draw a picture of where we are today

Wolfgang Tillmans has explored the medium of photo-imaging with greater range than any other artist of his generation. From early portraits of his friends to abstract images made in a darkroom without a camera or works made with a photocopier, he has pushed the photographic process to its outer limits in myriad ways. For this collection of photos, his fifth book with TASCHEN, Tillmans edited his previous four books into one stream of intersecting perspectives on life around the turn of the millenium. Keeping his original layouts intact, he added some new works, bringing the scope of the publication to the present day.

Like hardly any other artist of his generation, Wolfgang Tillmans has shaped our perception of the world. From early portraits of his friends to still lifes, travel shots, nudes, landscape and sky photographs, to his abstract work, Tillmans has created a multitude of iconic works in his unmistakable visual language, opening up new paths and possibilities for both photography and contemporary art. In 2000 he was the first photographer and the first non-British person to receive the renowned Turner Prize.

His first volume for TASCHEN (1995) shows the young generation of the 1990s, of which Tillmans himself was a member, in clubs, at Gay Pride, at fashion events, and in everyday life. His dense, realistic photographs conjure up tangible utopias of community and society and are important documents of their time as well. With the follow-up volume Burg (1998), Tillmans enriches his subject matter with another array of beautiful, now-iconic photographs. In truth study center (2005), his images condense into even more subtle compositions and now stand alongside completely abstract works. Finally, Neue Welt (2012) documents Wolfgang Tillmans’ travels around the globe: from London to Tierra del Fuego, India, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, and Central Africa, we follow his ever-inquisitive eye for the realities of our planet, for social situations with people and markets, technology and architecture, and last but not least, nature and astronomy. For this volume, the artist for the first time made use of the new possibilities of digital photography. This enabled a density of information and incisiveness hardly seen in photographs until then.

This 40th-anniversary publication from TASCHEN combines the best of the four books in one volume. Wolfgang Tillmans himself has compiled this edition, partly redesigned it, added some recent works, and written a new foreword.

Paging through this collection of images, which spans three decades, there are countless moments to delight in, moments that are held not only in our collective memory but in our individual ones too.

The photographer:

Wolfgang Tillmans was born in Remscheid, Germany, in 1968 and studied at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art and Design. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential artists of his generation. His work, whilst appearing to capture the immediacy of the moment and character of the subject, also examines the dynamics of photographic representation. From the outset he ignored the traditional separation of art exhibited in a gallery from images and ideas conveyed through other forms of publication, giving equal weight to both. His expansive floor to ceiling installations feature images of subcultures and political movements, as well as portraits, landscapes, still lifes and abstract imagery varying in scale from postcard- to wall-sized prints. His work is in the collections of numerous international museums including The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Centre Pompidou, Paris, the National Museum of Modern Art, Osaka, Nationalgalerie, Berlin, and Tate, London, and was included in the Venice Biennale 2009. He was awarded the Turner Prize in 2000, the Hasselblad Award in 2014 and the Kaiserring der Stadt Goslar in 2018.

About the series:

TASCHEN is 40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program — now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

Ціна: 1300 грн
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Charles Fréger
ID: 16995
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Rising star Charles Fréger brings his inimitable eye to unfamiliar Japanese folk rituals

In rural Japan the passage of the year is marked by festivals and rituals that have changed little for centuries. Elaborate outfits, crafted from textiles as well as branches, straw and elements sourced from the natural environment, are donned in agricultural and fishing communities throughout Japan to celebrate seasonal rites of fertility and abundance.

Yokainoshima (literally ‘island of monsters’) explores the extraordinary range of masks, costumes and characters that reappear with each returning season. Charles Fréger’s photographs combine acute documentary attentiveness with individual portraiture in an entirely fresh and distinctive style.

Toshiharu Ito and Akihiro Hatanaka, both specialists in Japanese folk culture and anthropology, analyse Fréger’s photographs, setting the huge variety of eclectic clothing in ethnographic context and describing the local festivals, dances and rituals. A final illustrated reference section describes individual costumes and masks.

About the Author:

Charles Fréger is a photographer based in Rouen, France. Internationally acclaimed for his subtle and poetic portraiture, he has devoted himself to the representation of social groups. Previous books include Wilder Mann and Portraits in Lace.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Ara Güler, Orhan Pamuk
ID: 17572
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A portrait in photographs and texts of Istanbul from the 1940s to the 1980s, captured by two greats of contemporary Turkish culture

Ara Güler's Istanbul is a vivid photographic record of daily life in the cultural capital of Turkey from the 1940s to the 1980s. Captured through the unerring lens of the award-winning Ara Güler, the 'Eye of Istanbul', the city's melancholy aesthetic oscillates between tradition and modernity. As the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Istanbul has lived through several empires and has a character that is as many-layered as its history - something that Güler's photographs convey with great sensitivity. These remarkable black-and-white images are accompanied by an evocative foreword by Orhan Pamuk, the first Turkish recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Both writer and photographer were born in Istanbul, and each in his youth held the ambition of becoming a painter. Here, each in his own way paints a brushless picture of his home town and captures, through the image and the word, its very soul.

About the Author:

Nicknamed ‘The Eye of Istanbul’, Ara Güler (1928–2018) chronicled the city with melancholic black-and-white pictures taken mostly with a Leica camera. He received countless awards, and photographed many luminaries, including Winston Churchill, Indira Gandhi, Bertrand Russell, Alfred Hitchcock, Maria Callas, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso.

Ціна: 1800 грн
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Mark Holborn, Daido Moriyama
ID: 12344
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

An exceptional selection of photographs from Record, Daido Moriyama’s self-curated journal, published in the early 1970s and from 2006 to the present day

Record is drawn from the first thirty issues of Daido Moriyama’s personal publication, dating back to its origins in the seventies. The magazine provided a diaristic platform for this extraordinary photographer. Beside the pictures taken on his familiar ground in Tokyo and Osaka, Moriyama photographed the streets of New York, Los Angeles, Florence, Paris and London as he would have recorded the lanes and alleys of his hometowns. Once regarded as the leading Japanese photographer of his generation, Moriyama has come to transcend such a description. He is an artist in constant motion and his subject matter is both stark and universal.

Daido Moriyama Wins Hasselblad Foundation Photography 2018

About the Author:

Mark Holborn is an internationally recognized editor and designer of illustrated books working with a diverse range of artists, from William Eggleston to Lucian Freud. He is also a curator, author and specialist on Japanese culture. His books as an editor with Thames & Hudson include Antony Gormley on Sculpture, Susan Meiselas: On the Frontline and Daido Moriyama.

Ціна: 3200 грн
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Joel Meyerowitz, Robert Shore
ID: 17384
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Joel Meyerowitz: A Question of Color traces the experiments in color and black-and-white photography of the young Meyerowitz, a pioneer in the history of color photography.

Traces a key turning point in the history of photography: the young Joel Meyerowitz's early experiments in colour photography.

An early advocate of colour photography, Joel Meyerowitz has impacted and influenced generations of artists. For fifty-eight years, the master photographer has documented the US's ever-changing social landscape.

For a while, during the late 1960s, Meyerowitz carried two cameras: one loaded with monochrome stock, the other with colour. Just how, when and why US fine-art photographers switched from black-and-white image-making, which was prized within the gallery system, to colour photography, once seen as the preserve of the holiday snapper, has been the cause of much debate.

In this book, Meyerowitz tells the story of his early days as a photographer when he was told that serious photographers took black & white pictures. 'But why?' he asked, 'when the world is in colour?' He proceed to buy a colour camera and various rolls of films and to read manuals and experiment with colour techniques: a passion he continued to pursue all his life...

About the Authors:

Joel Meyerowitz is an award-winning photographer whose work has appeared in over 350 exhibitions in museums and galleries around the world. In 2017 Meyerowitz was honoured with a place at the Leica Hall of Fame, and was described as a 'magician using colour' and being able to both 'capture and frame the decisive moment'.

Robert Shore is the author of several books about contemporary art and photography, including Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (2014), Beg, Steal and Borrow: Artists against Originality (2017), Andy Warhol (2020) and Yayoi Kusama (2021). He worked for many years as an arts reviewer and also as editor of Elephant magazine.


Ціна: 1250 грн
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Liam Wong, Evie Tarr
ID: 15047
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

An intimate, one-of-a-kind photographic journey that documents Liam Wong’s nocturnal wanderings through the world’s most captivating cities

Liam Wong’s world starts after dark and ends at first light. When the night draws in and the lights go down, his urban explorations and cinematic narratives truly begin.

In his previous career as a game designer, Wong learned that ‘real life is just as potent, bizarre and interesting as things we can imagine.’ In his début monograph, TO:KY:OO, he captured the beauty of the city at night. In this new publication, Wong widens his lens from the city that became his photographic muse to Osaka, Kyoto, London, Seoul, Paris and more.

The eerie emptiness of London’s Piccadilly Circus at 4:00 am, silhouettes in Seoul captured during monsoon season, a salaryman waiting on an empty subway platform in Tokyo’s Akihabara district in front of the world’s largest electronics store – mysterious ghosts representing lives lived in shadow, portrayed as intricate cinematic visions, all before the sun rises. In this evocative study of cities after midnight, Wong documents how people and places are altered when darkness falls. He weaves slivers of life, delicate and covert threads, into an insomniac’s journey through the solitude and uncertainty of the night.

Contents List:

1. Society
2. Alone Together
3. Solitude
4. Emptiness

About the Author:

Liam Wong is an award-winning freelance art director. Graphic designer, former game developer and now photographer, he is best known for defining, designing and directing visual identities. His first book, the bestselling TO:KY:OO, was published by Volume and Thames & Hudson in 2019.

Ціна: 2000 грн
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Mona Kuhn, Rebecca Morse, Simon Baker, Elizabeth Avedon, Chris Littlewood, Darius Himes
ID: 13786
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The first career retrospective of leading contemporary photographer Mona Kuhn

Mona Kuhn: Works is the first retrospective by one of the most respected and widely exhibited contemporary art photographers at work in the world today. Over a career spanning more than twenty years, Kuhn’s underlying theme has always been humanity’s longing for spiritual connection and solidarity. She is renowned for developing close relationships with her subjects, resulting in images of remarkable intimacy. Her use of playful visual strategies reveals glimpses into the psyche as it is expressed through the human form, ultimately reinterpreting the nude in the canon of contemporary art.

Featuring images from throughout Kuhn’s career, including previously unseen work, this book introduces her distinct aesthetic to a wide, popular audience. Texts by Rebecca Morse, Chris Littlewood, Darius Himes and Simon Baker, and an interview with Elizabeth Avedon, offer invaluable insights into Kuhn’s creative process and the ways in which she works with her subjects and settings, and achieves the visual signature of her imagery. Mona Kuhn: Works is an essential volume for anyone with an interest in the human form in contemporary art.

Contents List:

Introduction by Rebecca Morse • 1. Evidence 2000-2007 • 2. Native 2007-2009 • 3. Venezia 2009-2010 • In Conversation: Interview by Elizabeth Avedon • 5. Bordeaux Series 2009-2011 • Essay by Simon Baker • 6. Private 2012-2014 • 7. Bushes and Succulents 2017-2018 • 8. She Disappeared into Complete Silence 2014-2019

About the Author:

Mona Kuhn (b. 1969) is a Brazilian photographer of German descent. She has lived and worked in Los Angeles since 1989 and is currently an independent scholar at the Getty Research Institute. Her previous series-based monographs include Mona Kuhn: PhotographsMona Kuhn: Evidence and Mona Kuhn: Private. Rebecca Morse is the Curator of the Wallis Annenberg Photography Department at LACMA. Simon Baker is the Director of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP) in Paris. He was previously Curator of Photography and International Art at Tate. Elizabeth Avedon is a photography book and exhibition designer, independent curator and writer.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Henri Cartier-Bresson, Clément Chéroux
ID: 15701
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The coronation of George VI on 12 May 1937 was one of the biggest media events of the interwar period. While other photographers focused on the new King, his family and the ceremonial splendour of the day, Henri Cartier-Bresson turned his lens on the crowds that gathered in the streets of London to watch the pageantry.

In a witty reversal of the expected order of proceedings, he shows us ordinary people of all ages and walks of life, some climbing on monuments or each other's shoulders, others straining to get a better view with cardboard periscopes and mirrors on sticks. A few even slump on the ground, the festivities having proved too much. Presented alongside contemporary news clippings from around the world, these remarkable images reflect Cartier-Bresson's unmistakeable photographic eye and capture the British public at a unique historical moment.

About the Authors:

Henri Cartier-Bresson, born in 1908, began his career by studying painting before discovering photography in the early 1930s. In 1947 he founded the legendary cooperative agency Magnum Photos together with Robert Capa, David Seymour, William Vandivert and George Rodger. Cartier-Bresson left Magnum Photos in 1974 to devote himself to drawing and painting until his death in 2004. He is still considered one of the most important photographers of the twentieth century.

Clément Chéroux is director of the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation in Paris. He has also held senior curatorial positions at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Ціна: 2300 грн
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Amanda de Cadenet, Contributions by Lynsey Addario, Inez van Lamsweerde, Sam Taylor-Johnson
ID: 16215
Видавництво: Rizzoli

#girlgaze is on a mission to close the gender gap by creating visibility and tangible jobs for girls behind the lens and this timely book, from photographer and media entrepreneur Amanda de Cadenet's visionary focus, features a beautiful and powerful collection of images capturing how young women perceive the world.

This inspiring must-have for feminists and creatives alike showcases the work of a diverse collective of female-identifying photographers mixing candid and formal photos of females living their lives: moments of significance caught in a fraction of a second at home, on the streets, remote countrysides, and in war-torn countries. Spirited, elegant, and inspiring, #girlgaze promotes and highlights the work of Gen Z female photographers from all walks of life and is a stunningly beautiful representation of the female gaze.

About the Authors:

Amanda de Cadenet is a British photographer, actress, and talk-show host. Amber Valletta is a fashion model, actress, and founder of Master & Muse. Inez van Lamsweerde is a fashion and art photographer and one half of the photography duo Inez and Vinoodh. Sam Taylor-Johnson, OBE, is an English filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist. Lynsey Addario is a Pulitzer Prize–winning photojournalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, National Geographic and Time. Amy Astley is the editor-in-chief of Architectural Digest. Collier Schorr is an artist and photographer.


Пролистать книгу #girlgaze: How Girls See the World

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Marcelo Gleiser, Ian Chillag
ID: 16643
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

The Beauty of Machines

With the technological and digital revolution, an entire universe of machines and computers has developed alongside the human world. These machines tell the story of what it is to be human: our needs and desires, our hopes and follies, our visions for the future. Alastair Philip Wiper’s photographic eye sweeps across Adidas shoe factories, colossal shipyards, or laboratories such as the Swiss research center CERN, showing us spaces of incomprehensible complexity. Observers can experience through this a kind of visuality that no longer has a consistent point of view, but a diversity that overwhelms the process of seeing. These photos not only possess a unique beauty of their own, as well as a fascinating aesthetic, but also stimulate thought and the search for one’s own position in the world.

About the Autor:

The British photographer Alastair Philip Wiper (Hamburg, 1980) became known for his work for the magazines Wired, The Guardian, Scientific American, Wallpaper, and Vice. His series about Silicon Valley (Silicon Nights) and his book The Art of Impossible about Bang & Olufsen have been greatly admired. Wiper lives in Copenhagen.



Ціна: 2800 грн
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Daniele Sallenave
ID: 3897
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

André Kertész is one of the figures who shaped modern photography. From the First World War onwards, his independent spirit led him to practise an art based on spontaneity and sincerity, seeking out the chance moments that ‘capture the true nature of things.’ Tender, nostalgic, modest, he forged a new path for photography, a kind of poetic realism that was neither forced nor showy. ‘I never document,’ he said, ‘I give my own interpretation.’

PHOTOFILE brings together the best work of the world’s greatest photographers, in an attractive format and at an easily affordable price. Handsome and collectable, the books are produced to the highest standards. Each volume contains some sixty full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction and a full bibliography. The series has been awarded the first annual prize for distinguished photographic books by the International Center of Photography, New York.

Ціна: 520 грн
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Anja Niemi
ID: 12346
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The first retrospective monograph of one of the most fascinating talents in contemporary photography

Anja Niemi: In Character is the first career retrospective/monograph by the Norwegian photographer. Niemi’s work has emerged as a distinctive force within the venerable tradition of conceptual self-portraiture. She works alone and always in character. With her purposeful and elaborate stagings, Niemi is photographer, director and female lead, inserting herself into the lives of her fictional characters. Extending the genre of self-portraiture, Niemi is at heart a story-teller, a creator of fictions. Her images offer a multilayered, cinematic exploration of identity, gender roles and, crucially, our relationship with ourselves.

Anja Niemi is at the ‘breakout moment’ in her career, having had exhibitions in Amsterdam, London, New York, Oslo, Paris, San Francisco and Shanghai, and with her first museum retrospective show opening in February at Fotografiska in Stockholm. This book features over 170 photographs organized into the six series – Do Not Disturb, Starlets, Darlene & Me, Short Stories, The Woman Who Never Existed, and her latest series She Could Have Been A Cowboy – that have marked her career to date, supported by an essay and interview by Max Houghton, co-author of Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now. It is the perfect introduction for those encountering Niemi’s work for the first time, and a comprehensive retrospective of her career to date for her long-time followers.

About the Author:

Anja Niemi (b. 1976, Oslo) studied at the London College of Printing and Parsons School of Design in Paris and New York, and has exhibited in galleries worldwide. Three previous monographs of her work have been published, and her work appeared in Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now, also published by Thames & Hudson.

Contents List:

Introduction • Do Not Disturb • Starlets • Darlene & Me • Short Stories • The Woman Who Never Existed • She Could Have Been a Cowboy

Ціна: 1250 грн
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Annie Leibovitz
ID: 15299
Видавництво: Phaidon

Annie Leibovitz, our most celebrated living photographer, explains how her pictures are made

Leibovitz addresses young photographers and readers interested in what photographers do, but any reader interested in contemporary history will be fascinated by her account of one of the richest bodies of work in the photographic canon. The subjects include photojournalism, studio work, photographing dancers and athletes, working with writers, and making the transition from shooting with film to working with digital cameras. Originally published in 2008, this revised and updated edition brings Leibovitz's bestselling book back into print.

About the Author:

Annie Leibovitz is one of the most influential photographers of our time. For nearly five decades, her distinctive portraits have appeared on the covers of Rolling StoneVanity Fair, and Vogue. She is a Commandeur in the French government's Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and has been designated a Living Legend by the Library of Congress. Her work is exhibited in museums all over the world.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Ansel Adams
ID: 7997
Видавництво: Little, Brown Book Group

For many people images of the major national parks in the US exist in the mind's eye as Ansel Adams photographs.

A dedicated environmentalist as well as a renowned artist, he was one of the 20th century's most ardent champions of the parks system. Through his photos, essays and letter-writing campaigns, he helped create new parks and better protect existing ones. He worked in more than 40 national parks over 50 years - including Shenandoah, the Great Smoky Mountains and Acadia in the East - and his work in the California High Sierra resulted in some of the most indelible images of the natural world ever made with a camera. 50 of the images in this volume have not been published in any authorized Ansel Adams book previously; many more are rarely seen. A substantial essay by photographic critic and historian Richard B. Woodward lays out Adams' significant role in tracing the history of American conservation.

The selection of photographs was made by Andrea G. Stillman, Adams' assistant late in life and a foremost expert on his work. A group of thumbnail images with brief narratives, enlivened by quotations from Adams, appears at the back of the book.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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