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Joachim Penzel
ID: 12015
Видавництво: Prestel

A prominent member of both the New Leipzig and Tacheles schools, Andreas Schiller is celebrated for ambitious work that explores symbolism and mass production in the computer age. His most recent book, Global Backup II, distills the essence of the two series that brought him wide acclaim: “Big Apple,” a collection of thousands of paintings of a single apple, and "Curiosities of the West,” which consists of iconic images presented in a repetitive pattern that renders them both absurd and banal.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Edited with text by Tanya Sheehan. Foreword by Jacqueline Terrassa. Text by Karen Baumgartner, Rachael Z. DeLue, Alexander Nemerov
ID: 15944
Видавництво: Delmonico Books

Представляючи нещодавно знову відкриті малюнки, «Життя і смерть» досліджує, що означає для художника зображувати власну смерть як у контексті пізньої кар’єри Ваєта, так і в контексті сучасного американського мистецтва.

У цьому томі вперше представлено нещодавно віднайдену серію олівцевих малюнків початку 1990-х років, за допомогою яких Andrew Wyeth уявив свій власний похорон. У розділах, написаних провідними істориками мистецтва, досліджується значення зображення власної смерті як у контексті пізньої кар’єри Ваєта, так і в контексті сучасного американського мистецтва. Книга пов’язує похоронну серію з багаторічною залученістю Вайєта до смерті як художньої теми в живописі, його стосунків із зображеними моделями та використання малюнка як виразного та дослідницького засобу. Він додатково вставляє роботу Вайєта в ширшу розмову про смертність і автопортрети, які розвивалися в американському мистецтві з 1960-х років, і включає роботи Дуейна Міхалса, Енді Ворхола, Девіда Войнаровича, Джорджа Тукера, Джанайни Чепе та Маріо Мура. У той час як його сучасники ставили різноманітні екзистенційні питання, зображуючи власну смерть, ті, які сумніваються в універсальності смерті як людського досвіду, стали особливо актуальними після пандемії коронавірусу та національного розрахунку з расовою нерівністю, що виникла в 2020 році. Ендрю Вайет: Життя та смерть таким чином розглядає ідеї про втрату, горе, вразливість і (без)смертя, які пронизують поточний момент.

Ціна: 1980 грн
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Text by James H. Duff, Foreword by Thomas Padon
ID: 15125
Видавництво: Rizzoli

Багатий контекст однієї з найулюбленіших і найзагадковіших пізніх картин Ендрю Ваєта.

Можливо, ніде більше унікальний стиль Ендрю Ваєта не є таким відчутним або зворушливим, як у Snow Hill. Його майстерний темперний живопис 1989 року надає візуальне та поетичне резюме мешканців Чаддс-Форда, штат Пенсільванія, які надихнули мистецьке натхнення в ключові моменти кар’єри Ваєта. Завдяки фігурам, зображеним у засніженому пейзажі високо над фермою Куернер, що має велике особисте значення для художника, ця загадкова композиція резонує з елегічним виглядом. Серед найпопулярніших робіт Вайєта Snow Hill певним чином втілює в собі дух усієї його кар’єри. Джеймс Х. Дафф, близький знайомий митця понад три десятиліття, запрошує до детального прочитання твору, включаючи широкий історичний вплив мистецтва на цього унікального американського художника.

Опубліковано спільно з Музеєм мистецтв Брендівайн-Рівер, Чаддс-Форд, Пенсильванія

Про авторів:

Томас Падон – Джеймс Х. Дафф, директор Музею мистецтв Брендівайн-Рівер, Чаддс-Форд, Пенсильванія.

Джеймс Х. Дафф є колишнім виконавчим директором Brandywine Conservancy and Museum of Art

Ціна: 1700 грн
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Phaidon Editors, with an introduction by Dave Hickey
ID: 17547
Видавництво: Phaidon

The bestselling visual biography of one of the twentieth century's most innovative, influential artists

Andy Warhol "Giant" Size is the definitive document of this remarkable creative force, and a telling look at late twentieth-century pop culture. A must-have for Warhol fans and pop culture enthusiasts, this in-depth and comprehensive overview of Warhol's extraordinary career is packed with more than 2,000 illustrations culled from rarely-seen archival material, documentary photography, and artwork.

Dave Hickey's compelling essay on Warhol's geek-to-guru evolution combines with chapter openers by Warhol friends and insiders to give special insight into the way the enigmatic artist led his life and made his art. It also provides a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the New York art world of the 1950s to the 1980s.

From the publisher of The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonné, Volumes 1 - 5.

About the Author:

Dave Hickey is a distinguished American art and cultural critic. He was Professor of English at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, and Distinguished Professor of Criticism for the MFA Program in the Department of Art & Art History at the University of New Mexico. He has written widely, including for Rolling StoneArt NewsArt in AmericaArtforumInterviewHarper's MagazineVanity FairNestNew York Times, and Los Angeles Times.

Ціна: 1980 грн
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Nathalie Bittinger
ID: 18408
Видавництво: Prestel

The magic and mastery of anime springs to life in this gorgeous celebration of the genre

A uniquely powerful form of artistic expression, anime has embraced complex and provocative ideas since its inception in the mid twentieth century.

This dynamic and wide-ranging book explores eighty key themes of the genre, from wars to natural disasters, nature to ecology, childhood to magic, dystopias to fables. It looks at more than one hundred masterpieces of Japanese animation, including Akira, Ghost in the Shell, One Piece, Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies and Howl’s Moving Castle, to show how practitioners consistently balance tradition with modernity and how anime’s distinct style has influenced other forms of media such as video games, comic books and live-action films.

Covering an enormous range of talent — from Isao Takahata, Katsuhiro Ôtomo, and Makoto Shinkai to Studio Ghibli and Mamoru Oshii — it demonstrates how anime makes room for limitless creativity. Unfettered by the physical constraints of nature’s laws, these artists realize our deepest emotions and our wildest dreams.

About the Author:

Nathalie Bittinger is a senior lecturer in film studies at the University of Strasbourg, France. She has published several books on Asian cinema.


Пролистать книгу   Anime Through the Looking Glass: Treasures of Japanese Animation  на сайте издательства.

Ціна: 1800 грн
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Victoire de Castellane, Geoffray Riondet, Valérie Goupil, Anne Laurent, Loïc Lescuyer, Gérard Panczer, Brigitte Serre-Bourt
ID: 17158
Видавництво: Flammarion

This comprehensive overview, organized by material and period, allows the reader to distinguish, appraise, and date French jewelry from 1800‒1950.

This highly accessible guide offers a detailed panorama charting the evolution of French jewelry created between the Consulate period in the 1800s through to the 1950s. Iconic examples include Onyx cameos, “dormeuses” earrings in rose gold, an Art Deco solitaire, a sapphire “you and me” ring, a diamond “shaker” brooch, and an emerald “negligee” necklace.

Entries are organized by period, and include primary sources of inspiration and characteristics, designers, materials, gemstones, and types of jewelry. Completed with an overview of the key design houses and artists who have left their mark on the jewelry industry since 1800, along with detailed advice for buying and maintaining pieces, this practical reference — richly illustrated with photographs and archival documents — provides everything you need to know to appreciate antique jewelry in all its facets.


This indispensable reference to antique French jewelry gives amateur and professional jewelry enthusiasts the knowledge and confidence to:
• recognize and date a piece of antique jewelry
• identify the principal gemstones
• distinguish the major French jewelry designers
• buy and sell antique pieces
• have works appraised

Charting the evolution of French jewelry created between the Consulate period (established by general Napoleon Bonaparte on the cusp of the nineteenth century) and the 1950s, this practical guide defines each era by identifying its hallmark trends, materials, gemstones, main types of jewelry, and historic jewelry houses. Richly illustrated with photographs, drawings, and archival documents, and featuring iconic designs such as the “tank” bracelet, “you-and-me” ring, “négligé” pendant, and Zip necklace, this essential book covers antique French jewelry in all of its scintillating facets.

About the Author:

Victoire de Castellane is artistic director of Dior Jewelry. Geoffray Riondet runs the Riondet design house, and is an antique jewelry specialist, legal expert, and gemologist. Riondet drew upon the expertise of Valérie Goupil, Anne Laurent, Loïc Lescuyer, Gérard Panczer, and Brigitte Serre-Bourt, professors at the French National Institute of Gemology (ING, Paris-Lyon).


Пролистать книгу  Antique French Jewelry: 1800-1950 на сайте издательства.

Ціна: 1200 грн
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Jean-Marc Castera, Francoise Peuriot, Philippe Ploquin
ID: 10452
Видавництво: ACR Edition

This volume throws light upon an art expression to be found clad in the garments of Moroccan architecture. This work provides keys to the understanding of geometrical arabesques. This art of a rare and precious mastery was elaborated through the determined efforts of generations of anonymous artists. A brief historical survey defines the specificity of Islamic art in Morocco.

Three principal styles of decorative architecture are studied: calligraphy, floral arabesque, and geometrical arabesque. Illustrations and photographs of some of the most beautiful sites of Morocco (monuments, royal palaces and cities) are a pleasure for the eye.


Посмотреть оригинальное издание на французском языке Arabesques. Art decoratif au Maroc

Ціна: 7800 грн
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Ed. Markus Jandl, Gerfried Stocker, graphic design by Lunart
ID: 15268
Видавництво: Hatje Cantz

Plan B instead of Planet B

Neither naïve escapism into virtual worlds, nor the technological utopia of space colonization will save us from facing the big, uncomfortable questions. With this year’s theme Welcome to Planet B, Ars Electronica is an invitation to take part in an exciting thought experiment: What if we had already mastered the great challenges of the 21st century? How would we live (together)? And most importantly: What would our path there have looked like?

We will need every bit of technology, but the biggest innovation project has to be ourselves, our ability to rise to the challenge as a global community — a reinvention of humanity! Planet B is not the second chance for another place where we can continue as before, it is the cipher for the indispensable, new, and in many forms completely different life and action on this only planet that exists for us.

Ціна: 1800 грн
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Rolf Toman
ID: 5947
Видавництво: Ullmann

Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world.

ARS SACRA pays the due tribute to its art and architecture; a comprehensive compendium presenting just under 2000 years of Christian art, from early Christianity to the present day, with an abundance of illustrations.

These include high-quality photographs in XXL-format, making this an opulent feast for the senses.

This glorious tome impresses with the detail views specifically fitted for the format, which allows the viewer to come within grasp of the displayed objects, often even closer than in reality, and to leisurely indulge in the details.

Excellently researched texts take the reader on a tour through the epochs and highlight the specific changes in the sacral art, architecture, and culture over the centuries.

ARS SACRA as the standard work is all in one: fascinating glorious tome, comprehensive compendium, and substantial textbook.

Ціна: 6000 грн
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James Oles
ID: 17461
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A survey of the full breadth and complexity of Mexican art history, ranging widely across genres and offering new interpretations of painting, sculpture, architecture, prints and photographs

This new interpretive history of Mexican art and architecture from the Spanish Conquest to the early decades of the twenty-first century is the most comprehensive introduction to the subject in fifty years.

The author ranges widely across media and genres, offering new readings of paintings, murals, sculptures, buildings, prints and photographs. He interprets major works by such famous artists as Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, but also discusses less familiar figures who were equally important in the construction of national identity.

The story of Mexican art is set in its rich historical context by the book’s treatment of political and social change. The author draws on recent scholarship to examine crucial issues of race, class and gender, including an exploration of the work of indigenous artists during the colonial period, and of women artists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Throughout, Oles shows how artists in Mexico participated in local and international developments, and highlights the important role played by Mexicans in the art world of the last five centuries.

Contents List:

Introduction • Chapter 1: Conquest and Negotiation 1520–1600 • Chapter 2: Art for the New Cities 1550–1700 • Chapter 3: Baroque Splendor under the Bourbons 1700–1810 • Chapter 4: From Neoclassicism to Romanticism 1750–1850 • Chapter 5: National Identity: History, Landscape, Citizens 1840–80 • Chapter 6: From the Porfiriato to the Revolution 1880–1920 • Chapter 7: From Revolution to Renaissance 1920–34 • Chapter 8: Political and Personal Dreams 1934–46 • Chapter 9: Construction and Rebellion 1946–72 • Chapter 10: From the Olympics to Neo-Mexicanism 1968–94 • Chapter 11: Contemporary Art

About the Author:

James Oles is Senior Lecturer in Art at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, and adjunct curator of Latin American art at the college’s Davis Museum and Cultural Center.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Alain Botton, John Armstrong
ID: 17566
Видавництво: Phaidon

Two authorities on popular culture reveal the ways in which art can enhance mood and enrich lives - now available in paperback

This passionate, thought-provoking, often funny, and always-accessible book proposes a new way of looking at art, suggesting that it can be useful, relevant, and therapeutic. Through practical examples, the world-renowned authors argue that certain great works of art have clues as to how to manage the tensions and confusions of modern life. Chapters on love, nature, money, and politics show how art can help with many common difficulties, from forging good relationships to coming to terms with mortality.

About the Authors:

Alain de Botton is the author of bestselling books, including The Consolations of Philosophy, How Proust Can Change Your Life, Status Anxiety, and Religion for Atheists. He founded The School of Life in 2008, an organization which - from branches around the world - supplies good ideas for everyday life in the form of books, workshops, and talks. In 2009 he founded Living Architecture, which makes high-quality architecture accessible to everyone.

John Armstrong is a philosopher and art theorist based at Melbourne University in Australia. He is the author of several well-received books, including The Intimate Philosophy of Art, and Conditions of Love.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Norbert Wolf
ID: 10265
Видавництво: Prestel

Now available in a new format, this lavishly illustrated volume explores Art Deco art and design from its origin to its present day influences.

The Art Deco style is so recognizable and widespread that its original influence on the culture in which it emerged has been all but lost in the clutter of imitation. This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco — a period between two devastating world wars when industrialization was flourishing, interest in archaeology was peaking, and movements such as Cubism, Constructivism, Futurism, and Modernism were turning the art world on its head. Brilliantly designed to reflect the style it celebrates, Art Deco is filled with hundreds of examples of painting, architecture, interiors, jewellery, crafts, furniture, and fashion.

Author Norbert Wolf traces the chronology of the Art Deco style by looking at the politics and culture of Europe in the 1920s and early 1930s, and the artistic movements that paralleled its popularity. He follows Art Deco’s influence in Europe and its immigration to the Americas and Asia. Most importantly, this wide-ranging volume looks beyond the era of Art Deco’s origination to the present day. Pointing to the numerous revivals and contemporary echoes in painting and even literature, this beautiful volume demonstrates that Art Deco is alive and well today — often in forms where we least expect it.


Пролистать книгу Art Deco

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Rodney and Diana Capstick-Dale
ID: 11459
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The very first, beautifully illustrated guide to some of the most sought-after portable Art Deco design

In the 1920s and ’30s Art Deco-influenced everything from art and architecture, interiors and furnishings, automobiles and boats, to the small personal objects that are part of everyday life. The items in this thematically structured book demonstrate Deco style at its most alluring. They were then the height of fashion, and are highly prized collectibles today. They demonstrate an era of close cooperation between designers and manufacturers, who aimed to produce goods that were not only fit for purpose but also well made and beautiful.

This informative showcase of portable classics of avant-garde modern design from Britain, Europe (particularly France) and the United States will appeal both to collectors and to anyone with an interest in Deco style and the history of fashion, taste and design. It is the first book to bring together the small collectibles – from cigarette cases and lighters to powder compacts and cosmetics accessories, watches, jewellery, even cameras – that demonstrate the style, glamour and sophistication of the Jazz Age.

Ціна: 1980 грн
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David Jones, Daisy Seal
ID: 16920
Видавництво: Flame Tree Publishing

Featuring the stylish and delightful designs of Barbier and the artists of Harpers' Bazaar, this beautiful new book will give you many hours of pleasure, and calm. Printed on high-quality paper, this new book features 45 powerful art deco fashion designs for you to colour, offering a suggestion of how the original looked as well as key information such as title and date. Barbier's famous illustrations of high culture still provide a powerful influence on modern design, and this wonderful book will take you on an enjoyable journey where the satisfaction of creating stunning artworks is mixed with rediscovering the joy of colouring. You can use a wide variety of pens: from gel and pencil, to pigment and crayons, from ballpoint and rollerball to highlighters, although it’s best to avoid the heavy felt pens. Each page is perforated near the spine of the book, so you can tear out and frame, or simply place your wonderful creation on the walls of your home, perhaps even send them as a gift to your loved ones. Bring the Ink to life!

About the Author:

Daisy Seal is a talented, thoughtful writer of gift, celebration and puzzle books. She has long observed the intimate connections between the natural world around us and our search for the enduring spirit of humankind. Previous publications include "Inspirations", "Reflections", "Be Calm," and "Friendship".

Ціна: 700 грн
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Tobias G. Natter, Max Hollein, Klaus Albrecht Schröder
ID: 13004
Видавництво: Taschen

Cutting Edge. A revealing trend in turn-of-the-century Vienna

Discover a moment when traditional craft met burgeoning modernism. This revelatory catalogue sheds light on the understudied Vienna woodblock revival of the early 20th century, a uniquely influential artistic current which not only sought to democratize art through mass media but also sowed key stylistic seeds for Die Brücke, Der Blaue Reiter, and beyond.

At the turn of the 20th century, amid the domed grandeur of Vienna, a group of Secession artists reclaimed the humble woodblock. The gesture, though short-lived, and long overlooked by established art histories, may be seen as a decisive social, as well as aesthetic, moment. Elevating a primarily illustrative, mass-production medium to the status of fine art, the woodblock revival set a formal precedent for Expressionism while democratizing art for all.

Coinciding with the travelling exhibition through the Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt and Albertina, Vienna, this TASCHEN edition brings together leading examples of the Viennese woodblock renaissance to give a long-overdue exploration of its achievements and influence. Through prints, publications, calendars and pages from Ver Sacrum, the official magazine of the Vienna Secession, it gathers works remarkable for their graphic and chromatic intensity, and vital with the traces of japonisme as much as the stylistic seeds of Die Brücke, Der Blaue Reiter and later Expressionist movements.

Through figure studies, landscapes, patterns, and typographical treasures, the featured works are accompanied by detailed captions, as well as essays exploring their aesthetic and ideological implications, and biographies for the more than 40 artists. Examining their stark contours, stylization of the surface per se, and tendency towards contained colour areas we evaluate the Viennese woodblocks as essential harbingers, and benchmarks, of the 20th-century modernism to come. At the same time, we assess how the dissemination of the woodblocksubstantiated the Seccessionist claim for a democratized, all-encompassing art, while adding to their reappraisal of originality, and authenticity, and convention.

The editors:

Tobias G. Natter is an internationally acknowledged expert on art in “Vienna around 1900.” For many years he worked at the Austrian Belvedere Gallery in Vienna, latterly as head curator. He also worked as guest curator at the Tate Liverpool, the Neue Galerie New York, the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Schirn in Frankfurt am Main, and the Jewish Museum in Vienna. From 2006 to 2011, he directed the Vorarlberg Museum in Bregenz, and from 2011 to 2013 was director of the Leopold Museum in Vienna. In 2014 he founded Natter Fine Arts, which specializes in assessing works of art and developing exhibition concepts. He is the author of TASCHEN’s Gustav Klimt. Complete Paintings, Art for All. The Colour Woodcut in Vienna around 1900 and Egon Schiele. The Complete Paintings 1909–1918.

Max Hollein studied business administration and art history in Vienna. From 1995 to 2000 he had a leading function at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Max Hollein is curator of numerous exhibitions and editor of more than one hundred exhibition catalogues. He has published on modern and contemporary art and on museums in general. From October 2001 to May 2016 he was director of the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt, and as of January 2006 also of the Städel Museum and the Liebieghaus with its sculpture collection. He has been director of the Fine Arts Museums in San Francisco since June 2016.

Klaus Albrecht Schröder studied art history and history at Vienna University. From 1988 to 2000, he was director of the Kunstforum Wien and established it as an exhibition venue with trailblazing presentations. From 1996 to 2000 Schröder was a board member and commercial director of the newly-founded private Leopold Foundation, and in 1999 he was appointed designated managing director of the Albertina in Vienna. Since January 2000 he has headed the Albertina as managing director and director. After it reopened in 2003, within the shortest space of time the Albertina was ranked as the most visited museum in Austria.

Ціна: 2800 грн
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