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Книги видавництва SendPoints

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ID: 13054
Видавництво: SendPoints
Power up your packaging design with COLOURS! The red and yellow McDonald's, the Tiffany Blue, the blue and yellow IKEA, the Coca Cola Red, etc., a number of world-famous brands have successfully developed their own colour system for their bran...
Ціна: 1700 грн
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ID: 12591
Видавництво: SendPoints
Monument Valley, an indie puzzle game based on optical illusions and impossible objects, generated nearly $14.4 million of revenue in two years after its launch; An ordinary dress prompted an Internet discussion around the world of whether it was bla...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12458
Видавництво: SendPoints
The book aims to showcase the process of drawing fashion sketches in details, which enable readers to learn fashion sketching easily by themselves. This is a guidebook for beginners, including the step-by-step introduction of how to draw the stylized...
Ціна: 1700 грн
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ID: 12048
Видавництво: SendPoints
Flexible packaging is a subdivision of the packaging industry. A number of associations have been founded in Europe to facilitate the industry's advancement, which shows the importance of flexible packaging. Flexible packaging is defined as an...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12063
Видавництво: SendPoints
Layout — an often misunderstood aspect of design. So often, as layout designers, we hear people telling us that layout is easy, just putting text and images on a page and moving it around to make it “nice”. However, the reality is t...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12037
Видавництво: SendPoints
Tattoo is a human activity that lasted for thousands of years. The earliest recorded tattoo comes from the ice man that lived 3000 thousand years ago. With its long history, tattoo is always endowed with mysterious sense. With the development of tatt...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12047
Видавництво: SendPoints
In the field of graphic design, Japanese graphics has established its unique reputation around the world. This book sorts out the development of Japanese graphics into three stages: postwar 40 years, the golden 10 years and the 21st century to the cu...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12049
Видавництво: SendPoints
Layout design plays an active part in almost all forms of graphic design, covering newspaper, books, magazines, brochures, posters, web page and so on. This book breaks down layout basics and principles, with a stress on grids-based approaches. It al...
Ціна: 2500 грн
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ID: 12040
Видавництво: SendPoints
Colors are so universally used that every designer should consider when designing. They are so important that they to some degree decide the overall design. This book introduces two systems of printing colors — CMYK and PMS — in a plai...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12038
Видавництво: SendPoints
Since its emergence in the United States in the 1960s, the art movement Minimalism has gathered momentum in various creative fields worldwide. The product designers are particularly affected in terms of aesthetics and function. In this book we start ...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12051
Видавництво: SendPoints
The exquisite creations embody our best artistic endeavors, and offer a glimpse of the greatness of the civilizations that produced them. Their sheer beauty and charm are enough for us to marvel at, let alone the large sum of resources, efforts and t...
Ціна: 1200 грн
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ID: 12052
Видавництво: SendPoints
“Rough” could be naive, crude, intuitive, or raw. In art and design, “rough” approaches to creation tend to touch viewer’s heart with its naturalness, honest and boldness. Looking back at our rough art heritage and focus...
Ціна: 1200 грн
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ID: 12072
Видавництво: SendPoints
As the greatest visual invention, symbols are essential and universal in human communication. In modern graphic design, other than the prominent logos and the highly functional icons, additional graphic symbols are acquiring special attention as it s...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 12061
Видавництво: SendPoints
Printing may be the most frequently used way of turning a creative idea into an actual product. In this book, we dig deep into the world of print, exploring the four major printing methods including stencil printing, planographic printing, intaglio p...
Ціна: 2000 грн
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ID: 14841
Видавництво: SendPoints
The book features outstanding illustration design works from all over the world. The introduction of the application of the illustrations on the latest business design works is an important part of this publication. The special edition session of thi...
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