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Michael Ochs
ID: 3546
Видавництво: Taschen

Taschen 25th Anniversary Series

Record covers are a sign of our life and times. Like the music on the discs, they address such issues as love, life, death, fashion, and rebellion. For music fans the covers are the expression of a period, of a particular time in their lives. Many are works of art and have become as famous as the music they stand for - Andy Warhol's covers, for example, including the banana he designed for The Velvet Underground.

This special edition of Record Covers presents a selection of the best 60s to 90s rock album covers from music archivist, disc jockey, journalist, and ex-record publicity executive Michael Ochs`s enormous private collection. Both a trip down memory lane and a study in the evolution of cover art, this is a sweeping look at an under-appreciated art form.

Michael Ochs
ID: 10631
Видавництво: Taschen

Jacket madness. A splendid collection of album art from the 1960s to the 90s

Record covers are a sign of our life and times. Like the music on the discs, they address such issues as love, life, death, fashion, and rebellion. For music fans the covers are the expression of a period, of a particular time in their lives. Many are works of art and have become as famous as the music they stand for — Andy Warhol's covers, for example, including the banana he designed for The Velvet Underground.

This edition of Record Covers presents a selection of the best rock album covers of the 60s to 90s from music archivist, disc jockey, journalist, and former record-publicity executive Michael Ochs’s enormous private collection. Both a trip down memory lane and a study in the evolution of cover art, this is a sweeping look at an underappreciated art form.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

Patrick Bade, Joseph Manca, Sarah Costello, Victoria Charles
ID: 5309
Видавництво: Parkstone

1000 illustrations

After the 1000 Paintings of Genius, the 1000 Sculptures of Genius offers a large panorama of artistic creation between the High Antiquity and the twentieth century. Along with numerous references, comments on masterworks and biographies, this work enables the reader to rediscover the Western world heritage and is the perfect guide for students and statuary art lovers.

Dr. Grymm
ID: 8311
Видавництво: Rockport

Steampunk is a burgeoning counter-cultural movement; a genre, community, and artform. The Steampunk movement seeks to recapture the spirit of invention, adventure, and craftsmanship reminiscent of early-nineteenth-century industrialization, in part to restore a sense of wonder to a technology-jaded world.

Packed with 1,000 full-color photographs, 1,000 Steampunk Creations features a stunning and mind-boggling showcase of modified technology, art and sculpture, home décor, fashion and haberdashery, jewelry and accessories, and curious weapons, vehicles, and contraptions.

Rowena Shepherd, Rupert Shepherd
ID: 13976
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Traces the significance of 1,000 commonly recognized symbols and places them in historical and cultural context

Symbols are often identified as an international language and, to some extent, they are. But that language is far from universal. Different symbols can mean radically different things in different contexts - a cross, a crane or a swastika could each have a distinct meaning for a Buddhist, an art historian or a student of the occult, for example, and none of those meanings would be quite the same.

1000 Symbols offers you a full explanation: an introductory alphabetical index is followed by groupings of related symbols, every one with an extended definition of its history and its cross-cultural meanings. Whether you are baffled by the relevance of the winged staff held by Mercury in a classical painting, or wonder why the Hebrew menorah has seven branches, this comprehensive reference dictionary will give you the information you're looking for, and place the explanation in both its historical and cultural contexts.

About the Authors:

Rupert Shepherd is a freelance writer specialising in art history.
Rowena Shepherd is an art historian currently working for English Heritage.

List of Contributors:

Michael Beechey, Linda Carter, Patricia Friedman, Rachel Kennedy, Rebecca Naylor, Julie North, Kate Newnham, Shashi Sen, Andrew Spira, Russell Stephenson, Kate Warren, Helene Watson

Burkhard Riemschneider, Henk Schiffmacher
ID: 10466
Видавництво: Taschen

Wearable art. An exploration of tattoos past and present

Whether you’re thinking of getting a tattoo or just want to see to what lengths others have gone in decorating their bodies, this is the book to check out. This edition of 1000 Tattoos explores the history of the art worldwide via designs and photos — from 19th-century engravings to tribal body art, from circus ladies of the ‘20s to classic biker designs — giving a fascinating insight into the art of tattooing.

The editors:

Art historian Burkhard Riemschneider runs an art gallery in Berlin and has published several monographs on contemporary artists.

For years, Henk Schiffmacher has been recognised as one of the stars of the tattoo scene. His Amsterdam studio attracts countless tattoo pilgrims, and he also runs the Amsterdam Tattoo Museum, which exhibits material from Schiffmacher’s own vast historical and contemporary collection.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

Henk Schiffmacher
ID: 465
Видавництво: Taschen

Whether you're thinking of getting a tattoo or just want to see to what lengths others have gone in decorating their bodies, this is the book to check out. This special 25th-anniversary edition of Tattoos explores the history of the art worldwide via designs and photos - from 19th-century engravings to tribal body art, from circus ladies of the 20s to classic biker designs - giving a fascinating insight into the art of tattooing.

The editors:

Art historian Burkhard Riemschneider runs an art gallery in Berlin and has published several monographs on contemporary artists.

For years, Henk Schiffmacher has been recognized as one of the stars of the tattoo scene. His Amsterdam studio attracts countless tattoo pilgrims, and he also runs the Amsterdam Tattoo Museum, which exhibits material from Schiffmacher`s own vast historical and contemporary collection.

Gordon Lang (Editor)
ID: 1942
Видавництво: A&C Black

This book will be a companion volume to the successful 1000 Patterns book which we previously bought-in from the Ivy Press.

Like the previous book, it will be an historical/geographical survey of the subject, jam-packed with beautiful, full colour illustrations, covering 1000 different styles of tiles, providing collectors, designers (and interior designers), students and general readers with and invaluable reference/sourcebook.

Виктория Чарльз, Джозеф Манке, Меган Макшейн, Дональд Уигал
ID: 2959
Видавництво: БММ
Эта коллекция из 1000 всемирно признанных картин охватывает историю искусства от XIII века до наших дней, от зарождения итальянского ренессанса до раздвигающих границы экспериментов американских абстрактных экспрессионистов после Второй мировой войны. Культурные сокровища представлены в историческом контексте, вместе с подробными описаниями и биографиями сотни наиболее выдающихся художников. Каждая глава начинается с рассказа о главных событиях, повлиявших на мир искусства, значимых научных и других сопутствующих изобретениях. Будучи художественным, культурным и образовательным источником, эта книга приглашает нас поразмышлять о взаимосвязях истории и искусства, о влиянии, которое на протяжении веков художники оказывали друг на друга, а также о будущем живописи.
Традиционные и противоречивые, мифические и недооцененные, ниспровергающие и умышленно бросающие вызов - все эти картины заставляют задумываться уже одним фактом своей нетленности, а все вместе являются свидетельством прогресса западной истории, каким его видели самые творческие современники.
Ребекка Хинд
ID: 4533
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Бог в каждой религии – явление настолько масштабное и великое, что мы не можем ожидать точного соответствия Его изображений ограниченным человеческим представлениям о Нем. Мир религиозного искусства обширен и глубок. Задача этой книги – предложить вниманию читателя обзор того, что мы понимаем под ликами Бога, расположив изобилующий по данному предмету материал в разумной и удобной для исследователя форме.

Охватить Божественные ипостаси в одной книге – не в наших силах. Мы можем познакомиться лишь с частью того богатейшего художественного наследия, которое создавалось на протяжении тысячелетней истории культуры и отражает различные вероучения.

Эта уникальная книга – бесценный справочник для всех интересующихся искусством и полезный путеводитель для желающих исследовать миры различных конфессий и вероучений.

Патрик Бейд, Сара Костелло, Джозеф Манке
ID: 2960
Видавництво: БММ

Охватывая период от античности до двадцатого века, эта коллекция скульптуры представляет собой действительно оригинальный обзор западного искусства, предлагая самые разнообразные работы - от мифологических и религиозных до минималистических и провокационных. Роднит их одно - все они творения великих мастеров.

Шедевры, помещенные на страницах книги, - зеркало эпохи, художника и его времени. Читатель совершает экскурс не только в историю искусства, но и в саму историю. Обширный справочный материал - хронология важнейших событий от древних времен до наших дней, глоссарий и справки-биографии самых выдающихся скульпторов - помогут открыть для себя наследие западного мира не только изучающим искусство, но и просто любителям скульптуры.

Венди Беккет
ID: 4181
Видавництво: БММ

Антология мировой живописи.
1000 шедевров, превосходно воспроизведенных на цветных иллюстрациях, с описаниями и комментариями.
Рассказы о более чем 500 художниках: от Рафаэля до Рубенса и от Пуссена до Пикассо.
Глубокое проникновение в великие полотна.
Раскрыты ключевые моменты истории живописи от средневекового религиозного искусства до абстрактного экспрессионизма.

Эта потрясающая книга – настоящий музей, собранный под одной обложкой и способный с легкостью разместиться на книжной полке. В этом «музее» вы найдете более полутысячи полотен величайших художников, наглядно иллюстрирующих историю мировой живописи от времен сурового раннего средневековья до наших дней, раскрывающих перед истинным ценителем все разнообразие жанров, стилей и художественных школ. Высококачественные репродукции, пояснения и комментарии к картинам, краткие сведения о художниках – все это максимально приблизит изучение данной книги к увлекательной экскурсии по художественному музею в сопровождении опытного экскурсовода.

Robert Dimery
ID: 12412
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

If you thought you knew your music, then think again. 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, is totally revised and fully updated for 2021, and is the definitive guide to accompany your interest in music.

Written by top UK and US music journalists, and including a preface by Michael Lydon, the founding editor of Rolling Stone magazine, this book celebrates the great and ground-breaking albums throughout the eras - from the genesis of Fifties rock 'n' roll to the technological and electronic innovations of the 21st century.

Each entry includes key tracks and explains exactly why each of these albums deserved to be included in the list, offering an insight into the process of their creation, development, and success.

With albums from Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Miles Davis, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, The Sex Pistols, ACDC, the Beach Boys, Sonic Youth, Jack White, Green Day, and the latest from David Bowie, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and The War On Drugs, 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die is the single most comprehensive list of music that changed the world.

Illustrated with more than 900 iconic images of album covers, bands and artists, as well as photographs from many legendary gigs, this is an absolute must-have for the musically inspired.

Biographical Notes 

Robert Dimery is a freelance writer and editor who has worked on Tony Wilson's 24 Hour Party People, Pump Up the Volume: A History of House, and 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, plus countless other popular music publications. He has also contributed to books on classic albums and classic singles, and has worked for a variety of magazines, including Time Out London and Vogue. He lives in London.

Michael Lydon was the founding editor of Rolling Stone. He is now a pop music writer and a "talking head" on radio and television. He has worked with music legends such as John Lennon, the Rolling Stones and Johnny Cash.

Matthew Rye
ID: 5367
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

Written by leading music journalists from around the world, this book offers colourful insights into, and detailed information about, more than 700 years of musical endeavor. It covers the Gregorian chants of the Medieval age (pre-1400), the madrigals and more secular music of the Renaissance (1400-1600), and the ornamentation of the Baroque era.

"1001 Classical Recordings" is a guide concerned with excellence in every field of classical music. The reader becomes familiar with the Gregorian chants of the Medieval age (pre-1400), the madrigals and more secular music of the Renaissance (1400-1600), the intricate ornamentation of the Baroque era (1600-1750), the structured pieces of the Classic period (1750-1820), and the emotionally charged Romantic works (1820-1900), right through to the innovative and sometimes challenging composers of the 20th and 21st centuries. From the great and inspiring Masses, choral works, symphonies, concertos, and operas, to the intimacies and subtleties of chamber music and pieces written for small ensembles and soloists, the reader builds up a full understanding of the variety of music in the classical genre, and is guided to the most outstanding recordings of each masterpiece. Each entry is potentially a gateway to exciting new territories of music for the reader to explore.

Terry Burrows
ID: 12411
Видавництво: Cassell Illustrated

The essential guide to guitars from throughout history, beautifully illustrated with a colour photograph of each guitar profiled.

Never before have so many guitars been profiled within a single illustrated volume. 1001 Guitars To Dream Of Playing Before You Die showcases the greatest instruments from across the globe: some are of historical or cultural significance and some were made famous by well-known musicians; others are included as examples of technological breakthroughs, innovative design or extraordinary sound quality.

From the earliest models produced by Belchior Dias in the sixteenth century to the latest Gibson "Robot" series of guitars with computer-controlled self-tuning capabilities and onboard sound-processing features, 1001 Guitars To Dream Of Playing Before You Die tells the fascinating stories behind the creation of each one. A striking colour photograph of each guitar is accompanied by specification details and illuminating text that traces the guitar's history and reveals which famous musicians like to play the instrument and on what albums it can be heard.

Chronologically structured, this visually stunning reference will enable you to trace the evolution of the guitar in sound and design and observe how and why it has altered over time. It is certain to be essential reading for guitar aficionados, guitar players and all those with an affection for this influential, beautiful and diverse instrument.

Biographical Notes 

Writer, musician and university lecturer Terry Burrows is among the world's bestselling authors on the subject of the guitar and music tuition. Author of Guitar Family Trees (2011), he has sold in excess of four million books in at least a dozen different languages - not only on music but also on subjects as diverse as history, technology and popular psychology. As a musician, he has recorded more than forty albums under a variety of pseudonyms and has appeared at prestigious festivals worldwide including the Aldeburgh classical festival.

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