Darroch and Michael Putnam
ID: 13849
Видавництво: Phaidon

Провідні квіткові дизайнери Putnam & Putnam повернулися - тепер з кінцевим довідником квіткових композицій

Продовження відомого дебюту бестселера Дарроша та Майкла Патнема, Квіткова теорія кольору є єдиним керівництвом, яке використовує теорію кольору як натхнення для квіткових композицій. У книзі 175 композицій, які показують безліч способів поєднання квітів різних відтінків, всі побудовані навколо колірних схем, включаючи аналогові, комплементарні, монохромні, тріадичні, перехідні та акцентні кольори. Квіткова теорія кольорів є одночасно натхненням та керівництвом до створення пишних, романтичних та елегантних власних творінь.

Про авторів:

Даррок і Майкл Патнем заснували свою студію квіткового дизайну в 2014 році і швидко стали флористами для модних показів, редакційних зйомок, інсталяцій, вечірок і весіль. Вони співпрацювали з Бергдорфом Гудманом, Діором, Картьє, Гвінет Пелтроу, Грейс Коддінгтон і модельєром Брендоном Максвеллом. Їх роботи були представлені в VogueHarper's BazaarMartha Stewart LivingTown & CountryW Magazine та Elle Décor.

Ціна: 1700 грн
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ID: 9247
Видавництво: Chronicle Books

With a palette drawn from the systems of Pantone, each postcard in this set of 100 offers a different bold hue to brighten up the mail.

Ціна: 980 грн
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Lauren Wager
ID: 15112
Видавництво: Hoaki

Aimed to fashion students and designers, Palette Perfect is both a practical guide and an inspirational book that proposes a reflection on the universe of colour combinations, the moods and atmospheres they evoke and how we associate particular places and emotions with special colours. Each chapter explores a particular mood and describes the corresponding feelings and colour combinations, using as examples exquisite photographs of objects, still lives, landscapes, interiors and fashion. At the end of each chapter, a wide variety of palettes representing the chapter's particular mood or atmosphere is included.

Palette Perfect features hundreds of beautiful, suggestive photographs and illustrations, structured according to 15 different atmospheres and fragmented into colour combinations. The book offers more than 900 colour palettes with RGB and CMYK values, which makes it a very special inspirational source for artists, designers, and for anybody looking for a better understanding of the relationship between colour and emotions.

About the Author:

Lauren Wager is a young graphic designer living in Columbus, Ohio. She is the mastermind behind the exquisite blog Colour-Collective (https://www.color-collective.com), in which she gathers beautiful fashion, design, interiors, nature and still-life-related photographs and turns them into colour palettes, in a unique display of talent and aesthetic sensitivity. She works as a freelance web and graphic designer for a variety of media such as Bath and Bodyworks. Her site has been seen on top blogs such as Design*Sponge, Refinery29, Apartment Therapy, Design for Mankind, Smashing Magazine and The Huffington Post. Lauren's blog has also been featured in five issues of Lucky Magazine, and Joy Cho's first book, Blog, Inc.

Ціна: 1250 грн
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Mateo Kries
ID: 13115
Видавництво: Vitra Design Museum

The Vitra Design Museum’s "Atlas of Furniture Design" is a new and essential work on the history of modern furniture design. The monumental book examines themes ranging from the early days of industrialization to innovations of the digital era, which play an increasingly important role in furniture design today.

Based on more than twenty years of research and with more than 1,000 pages, the »Atlas« represents the most comprehensive book to ever shed light on this subject. It documents 1,740 objects by over 540 designers and contains more than 2,800 illustrations. The »Atlas« features over 550 detailed texts about key objects as well as in-depth essays that provide sociocultural and design-historical context to four historical epochs and the works themselves. Furthermore, the book includes a comprehensive annex with designer biographies, information graphics, and bibliographies, as well as a manufacturer and materials glossary.

These features make this publication an encyclopedic reference guide and indispensable resource for collectors, scholars, and experts, and without a doubt a book to be treasured by design lovers all over the world.


Посмотреть видео о книге The Atlas of Furniture Design

Ціна: 9500 грн
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Architectural Digest, Amy Astley
ID: 12677
Видавництво: Abrams

A rich visual history of Architectural Digest, published for the magazine’s 100th anniversary

Architectural Digest at 100 celebrates the best from the pages of the international design authority. The editors have delved into the archives and culled years of rich material covering a range of subjects. Ranging freely between present and past, the book features the personal spaces of dozens of private celebrities like Barack and Michelle Obama, David Bowie, Truman Capote, David Hockney, Michael Kors, and Diana Vreeland, and includes the work of top designers and architects like Frank Gehry, David Hicks, India Mahdavi, Peter Marino, John Fowler, Renzo Mongiardino, Oscar Niemeyer, Axel Vervoordt, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Elsie de Wolfe.

Also included are stunning images from the magazine’s history by photographers such as Bill Cunningham, Horst P. Horst, Simon Upton, Francois Dischinger, Francois Halard, Julius Shulman, and Oberto Gili.

About the Author

Amy Astley was named editor-in-chief of Architectural Digest in 2016. She previously worked at House & Garden and Vogue before becoming the founding editor of Teen Vogue, a position she held for 13 years. She resides in New York City. 

Ціна: 5000 грн
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Norm Architects
ID: 14974
Видавництво: Gestalten

Building spaces of equilibrium: Norm Architects’ sense of humane simplicity helps to shape environments that feel just as good as they look.

Guided by the purpose of wellbeing, the essence of Norm Architects’ style is balance: richness focused by restraint, simplicity imbued with warmth, complexity heightened by order. Be it architecture, interiors, or furniture, Norm’s unique brand of soft minimalism speaks to the mind as much as the body, creating and curating spaces for all.

The first self-curated monograph by Norm Architects, Soft Minimal showcases a range of works which facilitated their establishment as key figures within Nordic design. Presenting residential and commercial projects throughout Scandinavia, Italy and Japan, Norm reflects on Nordic traditions, modernist principles, and the importance of natural materials. Exploring a creative process that makes the visual speak to all senses, the book becomes insightful, inspirational, and deeply poetic.

Situated in one of Copenhagen’s oldest streets, Norm Architects are deeply embedded in their context and apply their principles in projects worldwide. Their expertise lies in finding that sweet spot between having nothing left to add, or to take away.

Ціна: 3000 грн
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Stephen Farthing, Richard Cork
ID: 8338
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

An accessible and hugely popular history of art explained through many of the world’s most famous masterpieces

This comprehensive, vibrant book leads you through the world’s iconic images – those that we encounter every time we open a newspaper, visit a gallery, or look at the front cover of a novel

Art: The Whole Story traces the development of art period by period, with the illustrated text covering every genre, from painting and sculpture to conceptual art and performance art. Cultural timelines are there too, to help the reader with historical context.

• The most accessible history of world art ever assembled
• More than 1,100 colour illustrations of iconic pieces
• Covers every genre of art, from painting and sculpture to conceptual art
• Designed in an easily navigable and user-friendly fashion

Written by an international team of artists, art historians and curators, this absorbing and beautiful book will give you insight into the world’s most iconic images.

Masterpieces that epitomize each period or movement are highlighted and analysed in detail. Everything from the use of colour and visual metaphors to technical innovations is explained, enabling you to interpret the meanings of world-famous masterpieces – Mughal miniatures; Japanese prints in the nineteenth century; the colour theories behind Seurat’s remarkable La Grande Jatte; and why Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon was so shocking in its day.

Ціна: 1500 грн
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Philip Kemp
ID: 7470
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

If you love cinema and would like to know more about it, look no further than Cinema: The Whole Story. This is an indispensable book for all those who love watching and reading about films, and who want to understand more about the international world of cinema.

• Places key works in the context of genre and social and cultural developments
• Historical timelines highlight key influences and events
• Inside the world of film-making – the glamour, the triumphs, the disappointments and the realities of stardom
• Written by an international team of film experts, led by Philip Kemp, film historian, lecturer and author

Illustrated, in-depth text covers every genre of cinema, from the first silent films to epic blockbusters, CGI graphics and ground-breaking special effects of the 21st century. Detailed timelines accompany the text and clarify cinematic history.

Everything from camera and lighting to acting styles, animation and the film’s social and cultural impact is explained, enabling you to interpret the full meaning of world-famous movies. Discover what makes a star, what makes a film a success – and why even the most promising of ideas can prove an expensive disaster. 


В этой книге тщательно исследуются основные периоды, жанры и кинопроизведения разных стран, помещая цветущий мир кино в контекст изменяющихся социальных и культурных условий. Построенная в хронологическом порядке, она прослеживает эволюцию кино от кинопроекторов до многоэкранных кинотеатров и современных супертехнологий. Иллюстрированный, углубленный текст охватывает все жанры кино — от первых немых фильмов до эпических блокбастеров, компьютерной графики и новаторских эффектов XXI века.

Ціна: 1500 грн
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Tom Ford, Bridget Foley
ID: 7979
Видавництво: Rizzoli

«… книга є ідеальним символом усього, чого досяг Форд… навіть більше
Колекційний і потужний, ніж будь-що, що коли-небудь було на злітно-посадковій смузі»
, – The Financial Times

«Читай та плач» – The Evening Standard

Передмова Анни Вінтур

Том Форд — геній дизайну, який десять років очолював Gucci.

Цей розкішний том є повним каталогом його дизайнерських робіт для Gucci та Yves Saint Laurent. Він розповідає не лише про дизайни одягу та аксесуарів Ford для обох будинків, але також досліджує грандіозне бачення Ford щодо повного дизайну бренду, включаючи архітектуру, дизайн магазинів і рекламу.

За останнє десятиліття він перетворив Gucci в один із найсексуальніших модних брендів у світі. Його дизайни збільшили продажі Gucci у десять разів і допомогли створити цей бренд у конгломераті предметів розкоші, яким він є сьогодні.

Tom Ford містить понад 200 фотографій Річарда Аведона, Маріо Тестіно, Стівена Мейзеля, Гельмута Ньютона, Герба Ріттса, Террі Річардсона, Крейга МакДіна, Тодда Еберла та багатьох інших фотографів, включаючи багато раніше непублікованих фотографій.

Цю книгу, опубліковану приурочено до його відходу з Gucci, було створено при повній співпраці з Фордом, і кожна сторінка відображає його винятковий смак. Це свідчення Форда про кар’єру виняткових моментів, що заново відкривають межі стилю та чуттєвості.

Ціна: 6500 грн
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Michael Bierut
ID: 13111
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A revised and expanded edition of Michael Bierut’s classic monograph, featuring six new projects and using examples from a portfolio spanning his full career to date

Logos, packages, signs, publications, websites: in the modern world we are surrounded by graphic design. Where does it come from? Why does it look that way? What is it supposed to do?

How to use graphic design to sell things, explain things, make things look better, make people laugh, make people cry, and (every once in a while) change the world is the career monograph from graphic designer Michael Bierut. Using examples from a portfolio spanning five decades, Bierut provides the answers, describing three dozen projects from start to finish, with insights into the creative process, his working life, his relationship with clients, and the challenges that any creative person faces in bringing innovative work into the world today.

About the Author:

Michael Bierut has practised every genre of graphic design, from books and posters to packaging and signage, for a broad range of clients. He has won hundreds of design awards and his work is represented in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Bierut is both a senior critic at Yale’s School of Art and a fellow of its School of Management.

The First Edition Contents List:

Introduction • 32 projects: 1. How to destroy the world with graphic design • 2. How to be a graphic designer in the middle of nowhere • 3. How to think with your hands • 4. How to put a big sign on a glass building without blocking the view • 5. How to have fun with a brown cardboard box • 6. How to disorient an architect • 7. How to shut up and listen • 8. How to fit eleven pounds of type in a ten-pound bag • 9. How to get where you want to be • 10. How to find out who you are • 11. How to write a picture book • 12. How to be fashionably timeless • 13. How to make a museum mad • 14. How to investigate a murder • 15. How to restore an organisation’s soul • 16. How to design two dozen logos at once • 17. How to set a table • 18. How to raise a billion dollars • 19. How to brand a fantasy • 20. How to win a football game • 21. How to cross cultures • 22. How to name the baby • 23. How to run a marathon • 24. How to transcend style • 25. How to make a mark • 26. How to avoid the obvious • 27. How to be grateful • 28. How to contemplate the infinite over scrambled eggs • 29. How to run your very own island • 30. How to officiate a marriage • 31. How to fly • 32. How to save the world with graphic design

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Naomi Pollock, Masaaki Kanai
ID: 13337
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

A major survey of the Japanese designers, artisans, manufacturers and technologies that have shaped the world of modern design

A dedication to craft and the finest production quality have been an integral part of culture and day-to-day life in Japan for centuries. For the Japanese, the concept of design is not limited to functionality or materiality, but wholly connected with ancient culture and rituals. In this sense, a chair is much more than what you sit on, a cup more than what you drink from: these objects are to be reflected upon, to be touched and cherished.

As mass manufacturing became widespread in the post-war period, fascinating cross-cultural exchanges began to take place between Japan and the West. These gave rise not only to timeless objects of great beauty and utility, but innovations in materials, form and technology. Far beyond the icons of Japanese design – the perfectly weighted Kikkoman soy sauce bottle, Yanagi’s butterfly stool, the Sony Walkman – the products and objects that have emerged from the country over the past seven decades, few of which have been widely exported, serve to delight and draw admiration. In recent years, a new generation of designers – Nendo, Yoshioka – have taken Japanese creativity into entirely new territory, reconceptualizing the very meaning of design.

No attempt has been made to present a complete overview of Japanese design, until now. Showcasing over eighty designers, hundreds of objects, and contributions from both Japanese and Western design experts, this volume will become the definitive work on the subject for many years to come.

Contents List:

Foreword by Maasaki Kanai • Introduction: The Craft of Japanese Design • The Design Titans • The Designers and Everyday Icons: Tables & Chairs • Essay by Naomi Pollock • Food & Drink • Essay by Makoto Shimazaki • On&Off • Essay by Shinji Hamada • Posters & Packaging • Warp & Weft • Essay by Matilda McQuaid • Lifestyle & Leisure • A–Z of Designers

About the Author:

Naomi Pollock is an American architect who writes about Japanese design and architecture. Her work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Pacific, including A+UDwellKinfolkWallpaper* and Architectural Record, for whom she is the Special International Correspondent. In addition, she is the author of several books, including Modern Japanese HouseMade in Japan: 100 New ProductsJutaku: Japanese Houses and Sou Fujimoto. In 2018, she was selected to join the College of Fellows of The American Institute of Architects. Masaaki Kanai is President of Ryohin Keikaku, the retailer and manufacturer of the leading Japanese brand Muji.

Ціна: 3000 грн
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René Redzepi, Mette Søberg, Junichi Takahashi
ID: 17424
Видавництво: Artisan

The world’s most influential chef shares the recipes that have defined the newest incarnation of Noma and set a new standard for how we think about food.

There's a reason Noma sits atop the list of the world's best restaurants. Every bite, every dish, every course surprises, delights, challenges, and deeply satisfies in a way that's unique in the world of dining. As the New York Times's Pete Wells wrote recently in praising Noma's flavours, "sauces are administered so subtly that you don't notice anything weird going on; you just think you've never tasted anything so extraordinary in your life."

In Noma 2.0, René Redzepi digs deep into the restaurant's magic through the creation of nearly 200 dishes, each photographed in spectacular beauty and detail. Noma 2.0-the title is a reference to the reinvention of Noma after it closed in 2018 to move to its new compound across the water-is about true seasonality, from wild game in the fall to just-picked peas in the summer.

It is about using only local ingredients, to build a cuisine that is profoundly situated in its place and culture. It is about transforming the ordinary-a mushroom, a chicken wing, often through fermentation-to develop haunting, memorable flavours. It is about composing a plate that delights the eye as much as the palate, whether through the trompe l'oeil of a "flowerpot" chocolate cake or a dazzling mandala of flowers and berries. It is about pushing the boundaries of what we think we want to eat-a baby pinecone, a pudding made of reindeer brain-to open our palates with a startling confidence. And it is about how to stay creative and challenge yourself over the course of a career.

For foodies, for chefs, for artists and art lovers, for thought-leaders and makers, and for the kind of reader who is compelled by the idea that sometimes one person can change everything, Noma 2.0 is the gift book of the season.

About the Authors:

René Redzepi is the chef and co-owner of Noma in Copenhagen, five times recognized as the world’s best restaurant. In 2021, Noma was awarded its third Michelin Star. Redzepi has been featured in publications from the New York Times to Wired and profiled in two feature-length documentaries and countless national and international media outlets. His first book, Noma: Time and Place in Nordic Cuisine, was an IACP and James Beard Award winner, and The Noma Guide to Fermentation was a New York Times bestseller. He lives in Copenhagen with his wife, Nadine Levy Redzepi, their three children, and their dog, Ponzu. Find him on Instagram at @reneredzepinoma and @nomacph.Mette Søberg has been cooking in restaurants since 2010, first in Copenhagen and then later in Sydney at Marque, under the mentorship of Mark Best. She returned to Copenhagen in 2013 and immediately joined Noma, where two years later she became a member of the test kitchen, developing dishes for Noma’s menus. In 2018, when Noma moved to its current location, she rose to the position of head of research and development. Mette lives with her fiancé, Bjørne, and their new baby, Mads. Find her on Instagram at @mette_soberg.Junichi Takahashi is a chef from Miyagi Prefecture in Japan who has been cooking for twenty years in restaurants around Japan and Europe. He has been an integral member of the Noma team since 2012 and has been developing dishes for Noma’s menus since 2016. Jun is not only known for his innovation and creativity but also for delivering satisfying dishes that are rich with umami and deeply rooted in tradition and craftsmanship. Find him on Instagram at @ryoriya.

Ціна: 3800 грн
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René Redzepi, David Zilber
ID: 15492
Видавництво: Artisan

At Noma — four times named the world’s best restaurant — every dish includes some form of fermentation, whether it’s a bright hit of vinegar, a deeply savory miso, an electrifying drop of garum, or the sweet intensity of black garlic. Fermentation is one of the foundations behind Noma’s extraordinary flavor profiles.

Now René Redzepi, chef and co-owner of Noma, and David Zilber, the chef who runs the restaurant’s acclaimed fermentation lab, share never-before-revealed techniques to creating Noma’s extensive pantry of ferments. And they do so with a book conceived specifically to share their knowledge and techniques with home cooks. With more than 500 step-by-step photographs and illustrations, and with every recipe approachably written and meticulously tested, The Noma Guide to Fermentation takes readers far beyond the typical kimchi and sauerkraut to include koji, kombuchas, shoyus, misos, lacto-ferments, vinegars, garums, and black fruits and vegetables. And — perhaps even more important — it shows how to use these game-changing pantry ingredients in more than 100 original recipes.

Fermentation is already building as the most significant new direction in food (and health). With The Noma Guide to Fermentation, it’s about to be taken to a whole new level.

New York Times Bestseller
Named one of the Best Cookbooks of the Year by the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Houston Chronicle, Esquire, GQ, Eater, and more
Named one of the Best Cookbooks to Give as Gifts by Food & Wine, Bon Appétit, Esquire, Field & Stream, New York Magazine’s The Strategist, The Daily Beast, Eater, Vogue, Business Insider, GQ, Epicurious, and more

“An indispensable manual for home cooks and pro chefs.”  — Wired

About the Authors:

René Redzepi is the chef and co-owner of noma in Copenhagen, four times recognized as the world's best by the World's 50 Best Restaurants. Redzepi has twice appeared on the cover of Time magazine (and been named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World); been featured in publications from the New York Times to Wired; and been profiled in two feature-length documentaries and countless national and international media outlets. His first book, Noma: Time and Place in Nordic Cuisine, an IACP and James Beard Award winner, has over 150,000 copies in print. He is also the author of A Work in Progress. He lives with his wife, Nadine Levy Redzepi, and their three children. Find him on Instagram @reneredzepinoma and @nomacph

David Zilber is a chef and photographer who hails from Toronto, Canada. He has cooked from coast to coast across North America, most notably as a sous-chef at Hawksworth Restaurant in Vancouver. He has worked at Noma since 2014 and has served as director of its fermentation lab since 2016. He enjoys Jamaican patties and quantum physics. Find him on Instagram @david_zilber.


Пролистать книгу The Noma Guide to Fermentation: Including Koji, Kombuchas, Shoyus, Misos, Vinegars, Garums, Lacto-Ferments, and Black Fruits and Vegetables на Google Books.


Ціна: 2500 грн
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Paul Bocuse
ID: 13135
Видавництво: Flammarion

The unequivocal reference tome on the full spectrum of twentieth-century French cooking, interpreted and revised by master chef Paul Bocuse for the home cook. Celebrated chef Paul Bocuse is the authority on classic French cuisine. In this volume, he shares 500 simple, traditional French recipes. Aimed at the beginner but with enough breadth to entice the confident chef, these recipes can be readily prepared at home and emphasize the use of the freshest and simplest ingredients. The book is divided into twenty-two chapters, fourteen covering savoury recipes and eight covering sweet recipes, with everything from soups to soufflés, by way of terrines, fish, meat, and vegetables. Practical appendixes include average cooking times for different types of meat, conversion tables, and a glossary of key French culinary terms.

About the Author:

Paul Bocuse was named Chef of the Century by the Culinary Institute of America in 2011 and has been a beacon for the culinary world for over forty-five years. With three Michelin stars and the Legion of Honor to his name, he is widely regarded as the father of modern French cuisine. His many cookbooks, including Paul Bocuse’s Regional French Cooking and Bocuse in Your Kitchen, are best sellers. Jean-Charles Vaillant’s photographs have appeared in Flavors of the Mediterranean and Olive Oil. Eric Trochon is a food stylist whose work also appears in Pierre Gagnaire: 175 Home Recipes with a Twist.

Ціна: 1980 грн
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Vincent Boué, Hubert Delorme, Photographies: Clay McLachlan, Préface: Paul Bocuse
ID: 16577
Видавництво: Flammarion

Legendary chef Paul Bocuse described this essential guide as “an invaluable kitchen companion” for novice and established cooks.

Traditional French cuisine can seem daunting, but it’s one of life’s great pleasures. This comprehensive, illustrated guide to classic French cooking techniques and recipes, with detailed explanations from culinary school instructors, is an essential reference for the home cook. The secret to success is demonstrated in two hundred step-by-step kitchen fundamentals: knife techniques (chopping, slicing, paring), cooking methods (braising, grilling, frying, steaming, poaching, roasting), sauces and stuffings, eggs, and dough.

One hundred sixty-five classic recipes ― onion soup, quiche Lorraine, boeuf bourguignon, tarte Tatin ― are graded with a three-star rating so the home chef can gauge its complexity and gradually expand their cooking ability. Nine recipes from Michelin three-star chefs and culinary artisans offer the ultimate challenge.

Cross references to techniques, culinary terms, and complementary recipes facilitate navigation and the volume is completed with practical resources: visual dictionaries of basic kitchen equipment; cuts of meat; types of herbs, grains, spices, pasta, dried beans; a glossary; conversion tables; and an index of recipes, main ingredients, and techniques.


Designed for use as a home cooking class, this essential guide to mastering French culinary techniques and recipes features:
•575 ILLUSTRATIONS, including 400 step-by-step photographs
•95 CULINARY TECHNIQUES AND KITCHEN SKILLS: cooking methods, cutting techniques, how to prepare vegetables, meat, and fish
•100 BUILDING-BLOCK RECIPES for doughs and batters, stuffings, sweet and savory sauces, cake bases and fillings, and more
•165 ICONIC FRENCH RECIPES for appetizers, fish and shellfish, poultry, meats, vegetables, cheese, and desserts, graded for complexity with a three-star rating, including: Bouillabaisse, Sea bass in a salt crust, Bœuf bourguignon, Salade Niçoise, Ratatouille, Tarte Tatin, Raspberry charlotte, Opéra
•PRACTICAL REFERENCES: illustrated guides to equipment, meat cuts, and French produce; conversion tables; extensive cross-references to techniques and recipes; glossary; detailed index
•SIGNATURE RECIPES by nine Michelin-star chefs and culinary artisans: Stéphane Augé, Régis Marcon, Alain Passard, Gérald Passédat, Anne-Sophie Pic, Jean-François Piège, Didier Stéphan, Xavier Thuret, Yves Thuriès.

HUBERT DELORME and VINCENT BOUÉ are professional chefs and instructors at a French culinary school.
PAUL BOCUSE was a legendary three Michelin-star chef.


Пролистать книгу The Complete Book of French Cooking: Classic Recipes and Techniques на сайте издательства.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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